西班牙公主Elena 在教育部大臣的陪同下来到中国教育展区,一位来自
,Elena 公主走上前去,和小姑娘亲切地贴面问候。随后Elena 公主又观看了少林功夫表演和书法作品,并给予了高度的赞扬。
bricks就在人们为精彩的演出一次次鼓掌的时候,展台外侧的桌边却一派安静。这里人们在观看书法表演,一位年过半百的老人展开宣纸挥毫泼墨,在他右侧,两个西班牙人正专心致志地写着书法,虽然笔法显得很稚嫩,但那全神贯注的模样,让人动容。问他们为什么喜欢中国书法,他们说,他们接触中文的时间并不算久,正是源于对书法的浓厚兴趣,才决心开始学习这门“世fathers day
ibs。 (刘兵供稿)O n March 2, 2011, the Spanish International Education Exhi-bition opened in Madrid. 242 universities and institutions from 13 countries joined the event. Hanban and the Chine Service Center for Scholarly Exchange of the Ministry of Edu-cation worked together to prent a characteris-tic Chine education exhibition.Her Royal Highness Spanish Princess Elena visited the Chine education exhibition in the company of the education minister, as a Spanish girl from the Confucius Institute was singing a Chine song “You and Me”. The princess went up and had a cheek-to-cheek greeting with the girl. Thereafter, Princess Elena watched a Shao-lin Kung Fu show, viewed calligraphy works and gave them high prai.With various performances, the Chine education exhibition attracted a a of visitors. In the center, dresd in Chine traditional clothes, students from five Spanish Confucius Institutes gave rotating performances—graceful Spanish girls danced exquisite folk dances, with Chine folding fans in hand; Spanish boys in “Shaolin” clothes performed Chine Kong Fu, highlighting Chine ancient culture; singing the melodious Liuyang River , a Spanish girl’s sweet voice brought the audience to the beauti-ful banks of the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province,China. When people were applauding the wonder-ful shows, others, to one side, stood near a desk very quietly watching
minimizea calligraphy performance. An over-fifty gentleman was demonstrating “wielding a brush to splash’-ink”; beside him were two Spanish youths concentrating on their handwriting; though not very skillful, their ab-sorption moved others. When asked why they are so keen on Chine calligraphy, their answer was that they had studied Chine for a short time but decided to learn “the most difficult language in the world” becau of their strong interest in Chine calligraphy. (Liu Bing)西班牙公主参观西班牙国际教育展中国教育展区SPANISH PRINCESS VISITS THE CHINESE EDUCATION SECTION AT THE SPANISH INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION EXHIBITIONelites
马德里孔子学院的学生向Elena 公主赠送她的书法作品。
A student of the Confucius Institute in Madrid prents Chine calligraphy work to the Princess Elena.
总第14期 2011年 5月 第3期Photo by Education ction at Chine Embassy to Spain
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