作者简介:Karmanova Ekaterina,1980年9月28日生于哈萨克斯坦的Oskemen。2000-2005年就读圣彼得堡州立大学文化与艺术系,并担任文化人类学与博物馆学系教职人员。2005年4月起,作为初级助理研究员就职俄罗斯科学院东方研究院圣彼得堡分所的写本部。2006年11月起,为俄罗斯科学院东方研究院圣彼得堡分所研究生,博士论文为《亚洲博物馆(1818-1930)征集、管理、教育工作史》,学术研究兴趣为东方学史、科学哲学、佛教史以及佛教艺术、佛教学史。
苏州考研辅导班内容提要:本报告拟概述俄罗斯佛教研究起始的几个阶段。俄罗斯的佛教研究始于十八世纪,主要是搜集资料以便为将来国家需要进行的学术研究做准备。在所搜集的文献资料中,佛教文献成为1818年所建亚洲博物馆的基础。十九世纪,佛教研究逐渐兴起。佛教现象成为俄罗斯东正教传教士研究的问题,来解释政府在何以在俄罗斯历史文化进程中不断接收新移民(如Kalmyks(卡尔梅克?), Buryats)。学术性的佛教研究由施密德(I. Schmidt)发起,并得到推进。俄罗斯(彼得堡)佛教研究的黄金时代是在十九世纪后半期,尤其是二十世纪初。如波兹德涅耶夫(A.M. Pozdneev)、巴拉迪因(B.B. Baradiin),柴比科夫( G.Ts. Tsybikov)等学者,探讨了俄罗斯佛教徒区域及临近区域的纯粹佛教传统。在二十世纪初的大规模探险中,发现了为数众多的佛教文献。瓦西里耶夫(V.P. Vasiliev), 米纳耶夫(I.P. Minae
四级分值>马云纽约演讲v), 奥登堡(S.F. Oldenburg), 谢尔巴茨基(F.I. Sherbatskoy), 奥伯尔米勒(E.E. Obermiller), 罗森博格(O.O. Ronberg)等人研究、出版了佛经原文,而且还仔细考察了佛教的哲学体系。其作品的重要意义在于巩固了佛教研究的新范例,这种范例赋以拒绝欧洲中心论、对佛教文化现象包容而无偏见的特点。由于卫国战争的爆发,加上1942年谢尔巴茨基(F.I. Sherbatskoy)逝世后圣彼德堡学院佛学所的停办,导致佛教研究至少停滞了15年之久。上世纪60年代,佛教研究重新开始,并一直在发展。俄罗斯学者出版、研究佛经原文、编制大量的圣彼德堡分会东方研究所藏佛教文献的目录,并学习佛教文化。
Buddhist studies in Russia
Biography:Karmanova Ekaterina,Born on November 28, 1980 in Oskemen, Kazakhstan. In 2000-2005 a student of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, Faculty of Culturology, Muology Department; since April, 2005 a junior rearch assistant of Manuscript Department of the StP BIOS, RAS; since November, 2006 a post-graduate student in the StP BIOS, RAS; working on PhD-paper entitled “The History of Collections, curatorial and educational work of the Asiatic Muum (1818 – 1930)”. Scientific interests: history of oriental studies, philosophy of science, history of Buddhism and Buddhist art, history of Buddhist Studies.
Abstract:The report is destined for survey of primary phas in Buddhist studies in Russia. It started in XVIII century with the preliminary work on collecting of the resources for the future academic rearch in the context of national undertakings. The collection of documents among
bowenthem Buddhist ones was a basis of the Asiatic Muum founded in 1818. XIX century was a time of gradual ri of Buddhist studies. Buddhist phenomena were rearch issue for Russian Orthodox missionaries in order to explain the intention of the government to adopt the newcomers (Kalmyks, Buryats) with Russian historical and cultural process. Academic Buddhist studies aro starting with I. Schmidt and then improved. The Golden age of Russian (Petersburg) Buddhist studies was in the cond half of XIX and especially in the beginning of XX century.
Such scientists as A.M. Pozdneev, B.B. Baradiin, G.Ts. Tsybikov explored pure Buddhist tradition in Buddhist regions of Russia and neibouring regions. A number of Buddhist documents were found during numerous expeditions in the beginning of XX century. V.P. Vasiliev, I.P. Minaev, S.F. Oldenburg, F.I. Sherbatskoy, E.E. Obermiller, O.O. Ronberg investigated and publish Buddhist texts, scrutinized Buddhist philosophy. The significance of their works was in consolidation of new paradigm in Buddhist studies which was characterized by rejection of Europocentrism and comprehensive unprejudiced analysis of phenomena of Buddhism culture. Owing to historical events
Buddhist studies dwindled for at list(least)15 years after F.I. Sherbatskoy death in 1942 and continuity of Saint-Petersburg School of Buddhist studies was interrupted. Rebirth started in the sixties of the last century and now is keeping on. Russian scholars publish and investigate Buddhist texts, compile catalogues of numerous Buddhist documents of Saint-Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, study Buddhist culture.傻瓜用英文怎么说