一、定义题 (20)4小题
1.Concepts of culture, individualism, and collectivism
1) culture
Culture is the way of life of a group of people.
Tylor conceived culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”.
msde2) individualism,
An individualist culture tends to emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist
3) collectivism
A collectivist is one in which people tend to view themlves as members of groups and consider the needs of the group to be more important. Most Asian cultures, including China’s, tend to be collectivist
2.Confucianism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam, and social effects of religions
1) Confucianism,
Confucianism takes the teachings of Confucius as its core of thought and regards the words and deeds of Confucius as its highest code (准则) of behavior.
It advocates the benevolence、 justice and rituals, allegiance and forbearance (仁、义、礼、忠、恕), the doctrine of the golden mean (中庸) and values the ethical relations of men.
Ren (仁) and li (礼) are the two core concepts of Confucius礼物英语’ doctrine about people
高考英语口试2) Christianity
Christianity is the world's largest religion, with approximately 2.2 billion adherents, known as Christians.dunga
Christianity is a monotheistic religion bad on the life and oral teachings of Jesus as prented in the New Testament (《新约全书》).
3) Buddhism
Buddhism originated in India in the 6th century B.C. Sakyamuni is said to be the founder of Buddhism
Buddhism was first introduced into China in the first century. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Buddhism entered its golden age. During its development in China, it has a profound influence on traditional Chine culture and thoughts, and has become one of the most important religions in China.
The theory of Buddhism is bad on the theory of samsara (轮回),meaning that living beings orbit around the six spheres of heaven, hell and earth, just like an ever-turning wh
4) Islam
Islam was founded by the Arabic prophet (先知) Mohammed with a history of more than 1000 years and in the venth century it was introduced into China.
For people of Islamic faith, there is only one God, Allah(阿拉真主). (monotheistic religion)
gravatarThe Arabic word "Islam“ means “submission and obedience”. Alternatively, it can mean peace, which signifies that one can achieve real peace of body and mind only through submission and obedience to Allah. Such a life of obedience brings peace of the heart and establishes real peace in society at large.
5) social effects of religions
The development of religion has taken different forms in different cultures. Some religions place an emphasis on belief, while others emphasize practice. Some religions focus on th
e subjective experience of the religious individual, while others consider the activities of the religious community to be most important. Some religions claim to be universal, believing their laws and cosmology to be binding for everyone, while others are intended to be practiced only by a cloly defined or localized group. In many places religion has been associated with public institutions such as education, hospitals, the family, government, and political hierarchies.
二、翻译题 (10分) 10个中国文化符号翻译
猜灯谜Guessing Riddles
qtp节日Spring Festival ; Lantern Festival ; Qingming Festival ; Dragon Boat Festival ; Mid-Autumn Festival ; Double Ninth Festival.
阴历 lunar calendar
阳历 solar calendar
闰月 intercalary month
刺绣 embroider
书法 calligraphy
武术a martial art
功夫kung futurn over
舞狮 Lion Dance
中国结Chine knot
春联 spring couplets
剪纸 paper-cut
红包 lucky money in red envelops
压岁钱 money given to children as a lunar New Year gift
灯谜 lantern riddles
重阳节 double ninth festival
赏菊 enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum
太极 Tai Chi
《易经》 the book of changes
《论语》 The Analects of Confucius
《孙子兵法》Sun Zi Warcraft
《史记》 Shih Chi
川菜 Sichuan cuisine
粽子 glutinous rice dumplingsqt是什么
蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg;
二、简答/论述题 (70分)7小题,每题10分。
3.Features of one Chine festival, Lantern festival, Qingming festival, Dragon boat festival, OR mid-autumn festival
The Qingming Festival is a day for mourning the dead. It is one of the 24 asonal division points in the lunar calendar, falling on April 4th-6th each year. After the festival, the temperature ris and rainfall increas in readiness for spring plowing and sowing. So people like to go outside and enjoy the greenery of springtime on that day.
4.Major differences between Chine education and Western education OR suggestions for China higher education reform
Education is culture, and different educations show different societies’ culture. In a word, western education is guiding while Chine education is teaching. Western education focus on improve students' assuredness, lf-determination and independence, and Chine education focus on strictness and preciness. The assuredness can improve creation; it also can develop student’s thinking. The preciness can improve comprehensive thinking; it also could be an enemy to thinking.