奶牛繁殖障碍 Reproductive Failure in the Dairy Cow
Prepared by: Dr. Terry Hunt
Contributing Factors to Reproductive Failure
奶牛营养 Nutrition
产后感染 Post-partum infections
传染性疾病 Contagious Dia
乏情 Anestrus/Cyclic Irregularities
久配不孕 Repeat Breeders
冻精质量低下 Poor Semen Quality or Storage
营养 Nutrition
What happens now affects how the cow performs during the next lactation
BCS should increa to 3.75
泌乳期 Lactation
能量(1 kg 精料/3 kg牛奶) Energy (1 kg of concentrate/3 kg milk)
磷—P Phosphorus
微量元素 Trace minerals
营养性疾病 Nutritional Dia
产后瘫痪 Milk Fever
临床性 Clinical
隐性 Sub-clinical
真胃移位 Left Displaced Abomasum
消化不良 Digestive upts
酸中毒 Acidosis
酮病 Ketosis
原发性 Primary
继发性 Secondary
产后感染 Post-Partum Infections
难产 Dystocia
胎衣不下 Retained Placenta
子宫炎 Metritis
子宫脓 Pyometra
难产 Dystocia
Dystocia –1st or 2nd stages of parturition are prolonged or abnt
第一阶段 –正常情况下6小时文静的英文 Stage1 – normal under 6 hrs
奶牛烦燥不安 Cow is restless
子宫开始开张 Cervix beginning to dilate
第二阶段 –正常情况下student的音标2小时 Stage 2 – normal under 2 hours
产犊 Delivery of calf
第三阶段 –正常情况下8北瓶鼻鲸小时 Stage 3 – normal under 8 hrs
排出胎衣 Expulsion of fetal membranes
Indication to examine is if Stage 1 or 2 is prolonged
阴户清洗消毒 Clean and disinfect perineum
带上手套 Wear plastic sleeves
误会英语使用润滑剂水性杨花同义词 U lots of lubrication
确定姿势及是否还活着 Determine prentation, position and viability of fetus
采取措施进行校正 Take steps to correct situation
胎衣不下/子宫炎 Retained Placenta/Metritis
产后18 小时胎衣仍然不下
Placenta remained for at least 18 hours post calving
胎衣不下但不发生子宫炎 RP with no Metritis
稍微处理一下 Minimal treatment
胎衣不下并发生子宫炎 RP with Metritis
冲洗并注射抗生素 Infu and systemic antibiotics
胎衣不下但并发生脓毒性子宫炎 RP with Metritis and Septicemia
Lavage uterus, systemic antibiotics, fluids and anti inflammatory drugs
子宫脓 Pyometra
没有怀孕征状 No positive signs of pregnancy
子宫脓液积累 Accumulation of pus in the uterus
奶牛没有其它疾病 Cow is not sick
持久黄体 Persistent corpus luteum
注射PG Treat with prostaglandin injection
30天以后再配种 Wait 30 days for breeding
乏情原因 Caus of Anestrus
没有发情 Lack of Estrus
怀孕 Pregnancy
发情观察不准 Poor heat detection
On rectal exam, functional structures on ovary
子宫脓 Pyometra
Vaginal discharge, fluid in uterus and corpus luteum on ovary
注射PG Treat prostaglandin常用英语培训
胎儿木乃伊 Fetal Mummification
Cow fails to calve and on rectal palpation, feel bones and no fluid
注射PG Treat prostaglandin
异性双胞母犊的性缺陷 Freemartin
黄体囊肿 Luteal cysts
On rectal exam, single enlarged structure on ovary
注射PG Treat with prostaglandin
卵泡囊肿 Follicular cyst
On rectal exam, thin walled and may be multiple
促性腺释放激素 Treat GnRH followed by Prostaglandin in 9 days
真乏情 True anestrus
On rectal exam, no functional ovarian structures
奶牛营养不良 Malnutrition - BCS
热应激 Heat stress
Chronic dia – feet, Johne's Dia
久配不孕 Repeat Breeders
Bred during 3 or more successive heats without Pregnancy
非感染因素引起的 Non-Infectious
发情观察不准/人工授精时间不当 Heat detection/Timing of AI
人工授精技术差 Poor AI technique
奶牛营养不良 Malnutrition
热应激 Heat stress
卵泡囊肿 Follicular cysts
传染性 Infectious
卵巢疾病 Ovarobursal Dia
输卵管炎 Salpingitis汉语翻译英语转换器
子宫内膜炎 Endometritis – inflammation of lining of uterus
Treat Prostaglandin and xually rest for 30 days
流产 Abortion
弯曲杆菌病 Campylobacteriosis
阴道滴虫病 Trichomoniasis
布氏杆菌病大小写 Brucellosis
钩端螺旋体 Leptospirosis
牛传染性鼻气管炎 IBR
牛病毒性腹泻 BVD
原虫性流产 Neospora
Poor Reproductive Performance can be caud by a combination of many factors
营养不良 Poor Nutrition
卫生不良 Unsanitary Conditions
代谢性疾病 Concurrent Metabolic Dias
Poor AI Technique/Semen Quality/Storage
传染性疾病 Infectious Dias
乏情/卵巢疾病 Anestrus/Ovarian Dias