A rearch center in China reached into its arnal to deliver a power play of cuteness — 14panda cubs lined up for what might just be the animal kingdom’s sweetest class photo.
The tiny black and white Giant Pandas squeaked and cuddled with each other under the watchful gaze of veral cameras last week at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding and Rearch Ba in China’s Sichuan province.
The artificially bred cubs are the center’s latest crop of the endangered species. They were all born between July and September this year.
tongue tied上周,在中国四川省成都大熊猫繁育研究基地里,数只照相机镜头对准了熊猫宝宝,记录下这些小小的、黑白相间的可爱生物一边哇哇叫一边互相玩闹的照片。
japan tgp
文中的“panda cub”就是“熊猫宝宝”的意思。cub指狮子、狼、熊等的幼仔。在英语中,不同动物的幼崽用不同的词汇表达。小狗 puppy;小猫 kitten;小猪 piglet;小马 colt;小鹿 fawn;小兔 bunny;小牛(象) calf;小鹅 gosling;小鸭 duckling等等。
另外,文中出现了短语power play,这原本是体育用语,指以多打少(队员被罚下场造成一队的队员人数比另一对多)。政治上指高压攻势,文中是指熊猫宝宝的可爱攻势让人挡不住。mto
>quite a few