plan b是什么意思 1. 手舞足蹈 (Dancing with Hands and Feet)
2. 一字千金 (One Word Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold)
3. 神采奕奕 (Glowing with Vitality and Energy)
4. 画龙点睛 (Adding the Finishing Touches by Drawing a Dragon's Eye)
一分钟趣味学习法 5. 三思而后行 (Think Three Times Before Acting)
6. 画蛇添足 (Drawing Legs on a Snake)syndrome
7. 水落石出 (The Truth Will Come Out Like Water Flowing and Stones Revealing)
8. 自由自在 (Free and Easy)
9. 纸上谈兵 (Talking Strategy on Paper)
10. 意气风发 (Full of Ambition and Enthusiasm)
11. 炉火纯青 (The Fire of the Kiln has Turned the Pottery White)
2013考研英语二答案>achievement 12. 心旷神怡 (Heart is Broad and Mind is Serene)
13. 三言两语 (Three or Four Words)
14. 一丝不苟 (Meticulous and Preci)
15. 以退为进 (Retreat as Advancement)uac是什么
itemize 16. 津津有味 (Enjoying it with relish)
17. 略有所闻 (Slightly Knowledgable)
18. 众所周知 (As Everyone Knows)复仇者联盟台词
19. 莫名其妙 (Inexplicable and Puzzling)
20. 画饼充饥 (Painting a Cake to Satisfy Hunger)。