bin是什么Official Daily Report Form
儒森教育钻井日报表Daily drilling report
2.报表号 Report No.
3.图例(说明) Legend
4.公制度量标准 Metric expressions
All lengths expresd in metres to two decimal places
6.泥浆密度——kg/m3 Mud density = kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3)
7.泥浆泵冲程 mm pump-stroke length=millimetre(mm)
8.悬重——十牛顿Weight of string=decanewton(daN)
9.单位长度质量——kg/m Linear mass=kilogram per meter(kg/m)
10.粘度——秒/升Viscosity=cond per litre(s/L)
11.排量——m3/min Flow rate=cubic metre per min.(m3/min)
12.压力梯度——千帕/米Pressure gradient=kilopascal per metre(kPa/m)
13.屈服点——帕Yield point=pascal(pa),(y. p.)
14.塑性粘度——毫帕*秒Plastic viscosity=millipascal cond(mPa .s), .)
good job>wife的中文是什么15.切力—帕Gel strength=pascal(pa)
16.大绳完成的功——兆*焦尔Work completed by wire line=megajoule(MJ)
17内径和外径——毫米 Inside diameter and outside diameter=millimetre(mm)
18.泵压——千帕Pump pressure=kilopascal(kpa)
19.钻压:指重表以十牛顿记录Weight on bit ; Indicator will record decanewton
20.租地 Lea
21.井号 Well No
22.井段 Well number
23.日期 Date
24.年Yr. 月MO. 日Day
27.钻机编号 Rig No.
28.施工单位代表签名 Signature of operator’s reprentative
29.承包单位队长(技师)签名Signature of contractor’s toolpusher
30.钻杆尺寸(规范) D. P. size
31.每米重 kg/m
32.钢级 Grade
33.接头外径 Tool .
34.扣型 Type thread网上打字赚钱网站
35.钻柱号 String No.tls
36.泵编号 Pump No.
37.泵生产厂家 Pump manufacturer
38.驱动方式 Type of drive
39.冲程Stroke length
40.时效分析—小时 Time distribution=hours
41.序号 Code No.
42.工作内容 Operation
43.早班、Morn.=morning tour 中班、Day=day tour 晚班Eve.=evening tour
44.安装与拆卸 Rig up and tear down
45.纯钻 Drill actualbog>w e
46.扩眼 Reaming
47.取心 Coring
48.循环与处理泥浆 Condition mud & circulate
49.起下钻 Trips
找碴50.保养钻机 Lubricate rig
51.检修钻机 Repair rig
52.倒大绳与滑大绳 Cut off drilling line and slip drilling line