Revid January 2002
Superdes 1-7
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Table of Contents
1.0SCOPE (3)
1.1Changes (3)
2.1Introduction (3)托福雅思培训
2.1.1Roof Design Loads (4)
绯闻少女第一季2.1.1.1Basic Wind Speed (4) Roughness Exposure (31) Uplift Design Pressure (31) Factor (K ZT ) (36) Tunnel Testing to Determine Wind Design Pressures (36) Overhangs (36)tdp Wind Rating for Approved Roof System (37)
2.1.2Wall Design Loads (39) Wall Pressure for Enclod Building (39)
少年派的奇幻漂流 下载 Wall Pressure for Enclod and Partially Enclod Buildings (39) Wall Pressure for Partially Enclod Buildings (39)
2.1.3Other Wind Related Items (51)
3.1Background (51)
3.1.1Wind Uplift (51)
3.1.2Wind Damage (51)
3.1.3Tornadoes (52)
3.1.4Examples of Design Pressure Determinations (in psf)For Propod Construction (52)
3.2Loss History (53)
4.1FM Global (54)
4.2Other (54)
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY .....................................................................................57List of Figures
1.Basic wind speeds -Western United States (8/2001)......................................................................5Fig.
1.(part 2)Basic wind speeds -Central and Eastern United States (8/2001)......................................6Fig.
1.(part 3)Basic wind speeds -Western Gulf of Mexico Coastline of United States (8/2001)............7Fig.1.(part 4)Basic wind speeds -Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Southern Atlantic Coastline of
United States (8/2001).......................................................................................................................8Fig.1.(part 5)Basic wind speeds -Mid-Atlantic and Northern Atlantic Coastline of United
States (8/2001) (9)
Fig.2.Basic wind speeds -Alaska (8/2001) (10)
Fig.3.Basic wind speeds –Western Mexico,3-c gust in miles per hour (8/2001) (11)
Fig.3.(part 2)Basic wind speeds -Eastern Mexico,3-c gust in miles per hour (8/2001) (12)
低碳生活的英语作文Fig.4.Basic wind speeds -Australia,3-c gust in miles per hour (8/2001)...........................................13Fig.5.
Basic wind speeds -New Zealand,3-c gust in miles per hour (8/2001)....................................14FM Global
Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 1-28
©2002Factory Mutual Insurance Company.All rights rerved.No part of this document may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted,in whole or in part,in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,
photocopying,recording,or otherwi,without written permission of Factory Mutual Insurance Company.
Fig.6.Basic wind speeds-Western China,3-c gust in miles per hour(8/2001) (15)
Fig.6.(part2)Basic wind speeds-Eastern China,3-c gust in miles per hour(8/2001) (16)
Fig.6.(part3)Basic wind speed for lected cities-China (17)
Fig.7.Basic wind speeds-Taiwan,3-c gust in miles per hour(8/2001) (18)
lockinFig.8.Basic Wind Speeds–Brazil,3-c gust in miles per hour(m/s)(8/2001) (19)
Fig.9.Basic Wind Speeds for Selected Cities-Canada,3-c gust in miles per hour(m/s)(8/2001) (20)
Fig.10.Average number of tornadoes per year per10,000square miles(25,900square kilometers) in the United States,1953-1980(7/2001) (30)
Fig.11.Building2is more than3ft(0.9m)higher than Building1 (36)
Fig.12.Height of buildings1and2are within3ft(0.9m)of each other (37)
Flow Chart A Enclod building vs.partially enclod building (55)
List of Tables
Table1.Roof Field Area(Zone1)Uplift Design Pressure,p,for Exposure B,Flat or Gable Roof,Θ≤10°(For60ft(18m)<h<90ft(27m),limited to h/w≤1);Enclod Building (32)
Table2.Roof Field Area(Zone1)Uplift Design Pressure,p,for Exposure C,Flat or Gable Roof,Θ≤10°(For60ft(18m)<h<90ft(27m),limited to h/w≤1);Enclod Building (33)
Table3.Roof Field Area(Zone1)Uplift Design Pressure,p,for Exposure D,Flat or Gable Roof,Θ≤10°slope(For60ft(18m)<h<90ft(27m),limited to h/w≤1);Enclod Building (34)constant是什么意思
bowl是什么意思Table4.Roof Design Outward Pressure Multipliers for Roof Zones1,2and3 (35)
Table5.Roof Overhang Factors[Apply on overhang areas only and for h≤60ft(18m)] (37)
Table6.Recommended Rating of Field,Perimeter and Corner areas(Zones1,2and3) (38)
Table7.Wall Design Outward Pressure,p,for Exposure B,Θ≤10˚,Enclod Building,Area Zone4 (40)
Table8.Wall Design Outward Pressure,p,for Exposure C,Θ≤10˚,Enclod Building,Area Zone4 (41)
Table9.Wall Design Outward Pressure,p,for Exposure D,Θ≤10˚,Enclod Building,Area Zone4 (42)
Table10.Wall Design Outward Pressure Multipliers for Wall Zones4and5,Enclod Buildings (43)
Table11.Wall Design Inward Pressure,p,for Exposure B,Θ≤10°,Enclod Building (44)
Table12.Wall Design Inward Pressure,p,for Exposure C,Θ≤10˚,Enclod Building, (45)
Table13.Wall Design Inward Pressure,p,for Exposure D,Θ≤10˚Enclod Building, (46)
Table14.Wall Design Inward Pressure Multipliers for Wall Zones4and5,Enclod and Partially Enclod Buildings (47)
Table15.Wall Design Outward Pressure p,Zone4,of Partially Enclod Buildings for Exposure B,Θ≤45˚ (48)
Table16.Wall Design Outward Pressure p,Zone4,of Partially Enclod Buildings for Exposure C,Θ≤45˚.(3) (49)
Table17.Wall Design Outward Pressure p,Zone4,of Partially Enclod Buildings for Exposure D,Θ≤45˚.(3) (50)
Table18.Wall Design Outward External Pressure Multipliers for Partially Enclod Buildings, Wall Zone5 (51)
Table19.Height of Ground Level Debris Exposure (57)
This data sheet is intended to provide guidance to building designers in determining wind load require-ments on:
1.Building components and cladding and their immediate ,siding,roof asmblies,etc.)
2.Opening protection(doors,windows,etc.)
3.Other structures such as chimneys,tanks,signs and open frameworks.
Wind load requirements are not included for tornado-resistant design.They are also not provided for main wind-force resisting systems of buildings except for the basic wind speeds.
Included is the appropriate FM Global Rearch minimum roof system wind uplift rating.
Both enclod buildings and partially enclod buildings are considered.Open buildings are not covered by this data sheet.However,a conrvative approach for the roof pressures can be achieved by follow-ing the guidelines in this data sheet for enclod buildings.Multi-gable and mono-slope roofs are not cov-ered in this data sheet.Plea refer to ASCE Standard7-98,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,for additional information regarding this.
Guidance in determining proper construction to resist the loads is included in the FM Global Rearch Approval Guide and the following FM Global Data Sheets:
Data Sheet1-0,Safeguards During Construction,Alteration and Demolition.
Data Sheet1-8,Antenna Towers and Signs.
Data Sheet1-9,Roof Anchorage.
Data Sheet1-29,Roof Asmblies(Deck And Above Deck).
Data Sheet1-31,Metal Roof Systems.
Data Sheet1-49,Perimeter Flashing.
Data Sheet1-52,Field Uplift Testing.
January2002.This revision includes a complete reformatting of wind design guidance.Wind loading require-ments from the previous Data Sheet1-7and1-28have been combined into this single wind load data sheet. Load resistance issues are provided in the other data sheets listed above.Also,roof deck curement issues are now in Data Sheet1-29.
This revision of the document includes a‘‘3-c gust averaged time’’unit of wind speed,rather than the former ‘‘fastest-mile’’unit of wind speed.Also,design pressures are now derived directly from the American Soci-ety of Civil Engineers(ASCE)Standard7-98,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
Other Structures.This encompass some of the latest available technology for determining wind design pressures.
Inward and outward wall design pressures can be determined,as well as roof outward design pressures. The are a combination of internal and external pressures.Outward wall design pressures are uniform for the full wall height.Inward wall design pressures vary with height of the wall.
The term‘‘partially enclod’’was previously addresd by the term‘‘large openings’’.The adjustments to pressure are somewhat different than the previous adjustments.
The following ctions provide parate calculation methods for wind loads on roofs and walls.Roof design loads cannot be considered in isolation from the walls.Failure of walls from wind overloading or failure of windows from missiles leads to internal pressurization effects and can increa roof design loads.
2.1.1Roof Design Loads
The following provides an overview of the methodology to determine roof design pressure and minimum FM Approved wind classification ratings:
•Determine basic wind speed(Section2.1.1.1Figures)
•Determine Ground Roughness(Section2.1.1.2and Glossary of Terms)
•Determine building roof height and slope(Building or Plans)
•Establish basic outward pressure for roof Zone1(Section2.1.1.3and Tables1,2or3)and then apply appropriate pressure multipliers for the roof slope,zone and enclod or partially enclod buildings (Table4).(See Glossary of Terms and Flow Chart A for definition of enclod and partially enclod build-ings.)For significant roof overhangs,e Section2.1.1.6and Table5.
•If building is adjacent to an escarpment or ridge,modify with topographic factor.(Section2.1.1.4)•Determine minimum FM Global Rearch Approval Rating requirements for field,perimeter and corners. As an alternative for perimeters and corners,apply relevant Data Sheet.(Section2.1.1.8and Table6)
The guidelines in this data sheet are derived from the basis provided in ASCE Standard7-98.The follow-ing exceptions to ASCE7-98have been adopted:
a)Utilize an importance factor of1.15for all buildings and other structures.
b)When Ground Roughness Exposure A is encountered,utilize pressures appropriate for Ground Rough-
ness Exposure B.This is due to the possible channeling effects or incread velocity pressures which are sometimes prent in the wake of adjacent buildings in a Ground Roughness Exposure A.
c)Utilize Ground Roughness Exposure C for hurricane coastal areas where basic wind speed≥120mph.
d)Wind borne debris regions are as defined in this data sheet in Appendix A.
e)Roof design pressures are bad on a maximum10ft2(0.9m2)effective area,regardless of the actual
effective area of components and cladding. Wind Speed
抱怨的英语Determine the basic wind speed from Figures1through10,interpolating from wind speed maps,when possible.
Basic wind speeds are bad on3-cond gusts,33ft above ground in a Ground Roughness Exposure C. Basic wind speed for Puerto Rico is145mph(65m/s),for Hawaii is135mph(60m/s)and Guam is170 mph(76m/s).Other sources are also referenced in the Appendix C.
Note:The wind speed prented in the maps are derived from limited statistics and computer modeling. They are not necessarily the worst ca that can happen at your facility.Often history tells us a good deal more.For example,if the code tells us to design for a wind speed of90mph(145kph),and three storms with winds exceeding that speed have pasd within100miles(60km)in the past20years,your facility should probably be designed to withstand a higher wind speed.A quest for accuracy should not get in the way of good n.The added cost is most times minimal.
Fig.1.Basic wind speeds-Western United States(8/2001).