Electric automobile air conditioning system trend of
1.electric automobile air con diti oning system
Global warm ing, air polluti on and higher en ergy costs and other problems have become more vere, as en vir onmen tal polluti on and en ergy con sumpti on is one of the major sources of en ergy sav ing and emissi on reductio n, the problem is more and more exte nsive atte nti on, gover nments and automobile en terpris will
be en ergy sav ing and en vir onmen tal protectio n as the future of automotive tech no logy developme nt
directi on of en ergy sav ing and en vir onmen tal protecti on, such as the electric emerge as the times require. Electric vehicle is t car tech no logy, electr onic and computer tech no logy, electrochemical tech no logy, en ergy and new materials tech no logy in one of the high-tech products, and com mon internal combusti on engine vehicles, has the adva ntages of no polluti on, low no i and save petrole
um resource仁爱英语七年级下册
Bad on the above electric vehicle characteristics, it is very likely to becomethe human a new generation of clean environmentally friendly transportation, its popularizati on has the in estimable sig nifica nee.
Electric vehicle emerged for electric automobile air-c on diti oning rearch and developme nt offerred new task and challe nge. Automotive air con diti oning fun cti on is put in side the temperature, humidity, air clea nli ness and air flow is mai ntai ned in a comfortable state. In various climate con diti ons, electric car should maintain
the comfortable state, to provide a comfortable driving and riding environment. In addition, a t of energy-saving and efficient air conditioning system on electric vehicle market also plays an important role. Therefore, in the development of electric vehicles at the same time, necessary to support the air
conditioning system
developme nt and rearch.
For the traditional fuel automobile air-conditioning systems, refrigeration mainly us the engine driven steam compression refrigeration system for cooling and heating, using waste heat from fuel engine. But for the electric automobile in the pure electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, no air conditioning compressor engine
as power source, also cannot provide as automotive air con diti oning heat ing using heat source in win ter, so it cannot be directly using conven ti onal automotive air conditioning system solutions; for hybrid cars, the engine control means diversity,
reputation什么意思so the air conditioning compressor also cannot u the engine directly driving scheme.
In tegrated the above reas ons, the electric vehicle developme nt process, must study for electric vehicle using a new type of air con diti oning system. For electric car,
the car has a high voltage DCpower supply, therefore, the u of electric heat pump type air con diti oning system, compressor with motor direct drive electric vehicle, become feasible soluti on.
2.the characteristics of electric vehicle air con diti oning
Electric automobile air conditioner and commonair conditioning device, electric vehicle air con diti oning
device and car en vir onment has the follow ingcabletie
①automotive air con diti oning system moun ted on a movi ng vehicle, to withsta nd the vere and freque nt vibrati on and shock, requireme nts of electric vehicle air
conditioning device structure in the various components should have sufficient
resista nee to vibrati on and impact stre ngth and good ali ng performa nee of the system;
②electric car mostly short distanee walking, riding in a relatively short time,
plus electric car occupa nt space ratio, the heat gen erated is relatively high,
relatively large heat load of air conditioning, refrigeration, heating and has the adva ntages of fast sp
eed ability;
③electric automobile air conditioning is the u of the car battery to provide
DC power, the working efficiency of the compressor is high, control of high reliability, convenient maintenan ce;
④automobile body heat in sulati on layer is thin, and doors and win dows, large
glass area, insulation performanee is poor, electric car is no exception, resulting in rious car heat leakage;
⑤in side the facilities is rugged and at, air distributi on orga ni zati on is difficult, difficult to achieve uniform airflow distributio n.
3.domestic and intern atio nal curre nt situati on of the developme nt of electric vehicle air con diti oning
①domestic electric car air-c on diti oning developme nt status
The early domestic electric car due to battery capacity con stra in ts, in order not to affect electric vehicle mileage, most electric cars are not equipped with air con diti oning system.
With the domestic electric car gradually industrialization, marketization, electric vehicles must be equipped with air conditioning system. Due to the unique effects of electric vehicles to electric vehicles, the pure electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, no air conditioning compressor engine as power source, also cannot
provide as automotive air con diti oning heat ing using heat source in win ter, domestic
car manu facturers from the traditi onal fuel automobile air con diti oner bad on word文档可自由复制编辑
partial replacement of design, will fuel the engine to drive the the compressor is replaced by a DC motor direct drive compressors, con trol corresp onding cha nge, to complete the refrigerati on fun cti on, the replaceme nt desig n effect to resolve the basic problem of electric automobile air-conditioning refrigeration, but the cooling efficie ncy to be improved. Due to the lack of fuel to the engine waste heat gen erated by heating, domestic manufacturers mainly u PTCheating and electric heating pipe, the heati ng mode can meet the heati ng effect, but the heati ng mode is har
d on the consumption of electric vehicle battery power, the heating efficiency is relatively姐姐的守护者 电影
low, affect electric vehicle mileage.
Air conditioning in the lection of the main parts, the current domestic electric
car in additi on to the compressor and con trol mode, the other main parts or the u of fuel automotive air conditioning parts, condensing equipment is mainly ud to parallel flow conden r, evaporator is mai nly ud to lam in ated evaporator, throttle device is still a thermostatic expansion valve, a refrigerant is still
Accordi ng to the in complete un dersta nding, the domestic in develop ing electric
vehicle manufacturers such as Chery, BYD,FAWSAIC, JAC.the current electric vehicle air conditioning facilities basically similar, is in the development prent situati on.
②current situation of the development of foreign electric vehicle air
con diti oning
Foreign electric automobile air conditioner development relative to domestic
abroad is relatively mature, there is no lack of electric automobile air conditioner with domestic similar
patter ns, but in the heat pump electric automobile air conditioning already had certain foundation, Japan Honda pure electric cars u electric driven heat pumptype air conditioning system, system has a built-in Rever Conv erter Con trol compressi on pump. In additi on, in very cold areas, some type of customers can be optio nal a fuel heater heati ng system.
Japa n electric ( DENSO ) compa ny a few years earlier developed using R134a refrigerant electric car
air-conditioning heat pumpsystem, the heat pumpsystem ud
gonyin the car in side air conden r and evaporator structure. Electric ( DENSO Compa ny in 2003also developed as a result of n atural refrigera nt CO 2good thermal physical properties, Denso Japa n compa ny for electric car develops a t of CO 2 heat pump air conditioning system, also ud in the air duct system is arranged in the2heat exchanger, and R134a system is different when the system for refrigeration modewhen
the refrigera nt flows through the conden r, and internal and exter nal conden r.
In order to reduce the air conditioning on battery power consumption, the United word文档可自由复制编辑
States of America Amerig on compa ny developed air-c on diti oning at, the chair is provided with a thermoelectric heat pump, heat pump action is through the n eed to regulate the temperature in space outside the water tank to tran sfer heat, thereby realizi ng the n eed to regulate the temperature of space refrigerati on or heati ng. This kind of air conditioning at in addition to energy saving but also can improve the driv in g, rid ing comfort, in electric vehicle support ing the u of suitable.
Therefore, the foreign electric automobile air conditioner from energy efficient and practical breakthrough, domestic electric car air-conditioning industry should actively to study overas adva need tech no logy, draw less ons from, and on the basis of inno vati on breakthrough.
4.the development trend of electric vehicle air conditioning
Electric automobile driving energy from the battery, which is different from the traditional fuel automobile, made it to the air conditioning system also differed from the fuel of automobile
air conditioner, as a drive source of energy for the limited battery capacity, the en ergy con sumpti on of air con diti oning system on
electric vehicle mileage has bigger effect. Comparedwith cars, car air conditioning system energy saving and high efficiency raid taller requirement. At the sametime,
the electric car air-c on diti oning refrigerati on, heat ing to solve two problems.
According to the electric car special properties, the electric automobile air conditioner using thermoelectric ( I ) air conditioning system and electric heat pump
type air con diti oning system.
1).a thermoelectric ( I ) electric vehicle air con diti oning system
The tech no logy has many suitable for electric vehicles u characteristics, and with the traditi onal mecha ni cal compressi on type air con diti oning system compared, thermoelectric air conditioning has the following characteristics:
①thermoelectric eleme nts work to DC power supply;
②cha nge the direct ion of the curre nt to gen erate refrigeratio n, heat ing the conv er effect;
③thermoelectric refrigeration piece of thermal inertia is small, cooling time is very short, the hot end heat well cold end load cas, en ergized in less tha n a mi nute, the refrigerati on sheet can achieve the maximum temperature differe nee;
④comp onent for regulati ng curre nt size can adjust refrigerati on speed and
temperature, the temperature control precision can reach 0.001 °C , and can easily
realize the con ti nu ous regulati ng en ergy;
⑤in the correct design and application conditions, the refrigeration
efficie ncy can reach above 90%, and the heati ng efficie ncy is greater tha n 1;
⑥has the advantages of small volume, light weight, compact structure, reduces the electric vehicle kerb mass; high reliability, long rvice life and convenient maintenan ce; no movi ng comp onen ts, therefore, no vibrati on, no fricti on, no no i and impact resista nee.
2).the heat pump type air con diti oning system for electric automobile
The heat pumptype air conditioning system on the original fuel car to be improved, the compressor is compod of perma nent magnet brushless DC motor for direct drive, the system and the ordinary heat pump air con diti oning system have no es ntial differe nee, as in electric vehicles, compressor and other major comp onents has its particularity. And foreig n heat pump tech no logy has had certa in foun datio n, the biggest adva ntage is that the refrigerati on, heati ng efficie ncy is high, releva nt en terpri developme nt of full clod electric scroll compressor, is compod of a DCbrushless motor drive, through the refrigerant return
air cooling, with low noi,
small vibration, compact structure, light weight etc.. In the test conditions for the en vir onmen tal temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, the temperature in side the car
is27 °C ,50% relative humidity conditions, when the system is stable it tolkW
badminton怎么读energy2.9kW refrigeration quantity; whenthe environmental temperature is - l0C, the
temperature in side the car to25 DEGC,1kWca n get the 2.3kW heati ng en ergy con sumpti on. In the - l0 C to 40 C under ambient temperature, both with high efficiency for electric vehicles to provide
a comfortable driv ing en vir onmen t. If the comp onent tech no logy is improved, the corresp onding efficie ncy can also be improved.
Bad on the above men tio ned, from air con diti oning tech no logy is mature and the sources of en ergy to u efficie ncy comparis on, for thermoelectric ( I ) electric vehicle air conditioning system, the existence of thermoelectric materials, figure of merit is low, performa nce is not ideal, and the thermopile output by con stitute a thermoelectric element element yield limit hoof. Does not have the electric automobile air-conditioning energy efficiency requirements. This makes the electric
automobile air con diti oner are more in cli ned to u en ergy efficie nt heat pump type air con diti oner, the tech ni cal scheme for differe nt types of motor vehicle has good commonality, and the vehicle structural change is small, is the future development trend of electric vehicle air conditioning.
The heat pump type electric automobile air con diti oner biggest weak ness is the
low temperature heat ing problems, especially in the n ortheast regi on, which is also the future of the in dustry rearch problem .In order to make the heat pump type electric automobile air con diti oner more en ergy efficie nt, can from the followi ng