•provide to EPA, on an annual basis, an updated list of ENERGY STAR qualifying geothermal heat pump models. Once the Partner submits its first list of ENERGY STAR qualified geothermal heat pumps, the Partner will be listed as an ENERGY STAR Partner. Partner must provide annual updates in order to remain on the list of participating product manufacturers;
•provide to EPA, on an annual basis, unit shipment data or other market indicators to assist in determining the market penetration of ENERGY STAR. Specifically, Partner must submit the total number of ENERGY STAR qualified geothermal heat pumps shipped (in units by model) or an
drugequivalent measurement as agreed to in advance by EPA and Partner. Partner is also encouraged to provide ENERGY STAR qualified unit shipment data gmented by meaningful product
characteristics (e.g., capacity, size, speed, or other as relevant), total unit shipments for each model in its product line, and percent of total unit shipments that qualify as ENERGY STAR. The data for each calendar year should be submitted to EPA, preferably in electronic format, no later than the following March and may be provided directly from the Partner or through a third party. The data will be ud by EPA only for program evaluation purpos and will be cloly controlled. Any information ud will be
masked by EPA so as to protect the confidentiality of the Partner; and
•notify EPA of a change in the designated responsible party or contacts for geothermal heat pumps within 30 days.
Performance for Special Distinction
In order to receive additional recognition and/or support from EPA for its efforts within the Partnership, the ENERGY STAR Partner may consider the following voluntary measures and should keep EPA informed on the progress of the efforts:中学英语论文
•consider energy efficiency improvements in company facilities and pursue the ENERGY STAR mark for buildings;
hoop• purcha ENERGY STAR qualified products. Revi the company purchasing or procurement specifications to include ENERGY STAR.Provide procurement officials’ contact information to EPA for periodic updates and coordination. Circulate general ENERGY STAR qualified product information to employees for u when purchasing products for their homes;
不确定英文•ensure the power management feature is enabled on all ENERGY STAR qualified displays and com
puters in u in company facilities, particularly upon installation and after rvice is performed;
•provide general information about the ENERGY STAR program to employees who jobs are relevant to the development, marketing, sales, and rvice of current ENERGY STAR qualified product models;
•feature the ENERGY STAR mark(s) on Partner Web site and in other promotional materials. If information concerning ENERGY STAR is provided on the Partner Web site as specified by the
ENERGY STAR Web Linking Policy (this document can be found in the Partner Resources ction on the ENERGY STAR Web site v), EPA may provide links where appropriate to the Partner Web site;
•provide a simple plan to EPA outlining specific measures Partner plans to undertake beyond the program requirements listed above. By doing so, EPA may be able to coordinate, communicate, and/or promote Partner’s activities, provide an EPA reprentative, or include news about the event in the ENERGY STAR newsletter, on the ENERGY STAR Web pages, etc. The plan may be as simple as providing a list of planned activities or planned milestones that Partner would like EPA to be aware of. For example, activities may include: (1) increa the availability of ENERGY STAR labe
products by converting the entire product line within two years to meet ENERGY STAR guidelines; (2) demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of energy efficiency through special in-store displays twice a year; (3) provide information to urs (via the Web site and ur’s manual) about energy-saving features and operating characteristics of ENERGY STAR qualified products, and (4)
圣诞快乐翻译build awareness of the ENERGY STAR Partnership and brand identity by collaborating with EPA on one print advertorial and one live press event;
•provide quarterly, written updates to EPA as to the efforts undertaken by Partner to increa availability of ENERGY STAR qualified products, and to promote awareness of ENERGY STAR and its message;
•join EPA's SmartWay Transport Partnership to improve the environmental performance of the company's shipping operations. SmartWay Transport works with freight carriers, shippers, and other stakeholders in the goods movement industry to reduce fuel consumption, greenhou gas, and air pollution. For more information on SmartWay, visit v/smartway;
•join EPA's Climate Leaders Partnership to inventory and reduce greenhou gas emissions. Through participation companies create a credible record of their accomplishments and receive EPA
recognition as corporate environmental leaders. For more information on Climate Leaders, visit
v/climateleaders; and
•join EPA’s Green Power partnership. EPA's Green Power Partnership encourages organizations to buy green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with traditional fossil fuel-bad electricity u. The partnership includes a diver t of organizations including Fortune 500 companies,small and medium business, government institutions as well as a growing number of colleges and universities, visit v/grnpower.
Below is the Version 3.0 product specification for ENERGY情人节的英语
I. Direct Geoexchange (DGX): A geothermal heat pump model in which the refrigerant is circulated in
斯皮尔伯格经典电影pipes buried in the ground or submerged in water that exchanges heat with the ground, rather than using a condary heat transfer fluid, such as water or antifreeze solution in a parate clod loop.
J. Desuperheater: A partial heat recovery system that captures heat from the hot refrigerant gas as it leaves the heat pump compressor and transfers it to the domestic hot water. Desuperheaters provide hot water only while the heat pump is providing space conditioning.
K. Demand Water Heating: Demand geothermal heat pump water heating models provides for all, or nearly all, of the domestic hot water needs even when space conditioning is not required. This may be accomplished by either stand-alone domestic water heating models or integrated models that u the same compressor for both space conditioning and domestic water heating. This product type is sometimes referred to as a dedicated or full-time water heater.
L. Coefficient of Performance (COP): A measure of efficiency in the heating mode that reprents the ratio of total heating capacity to electrical energy input. For the purpo of this specification, COP will be calculated for clod loop and open loop systems in accordance with the International Standards Organization (ISO) Test Standard 13256-1 or 13256-2 as stated in Section 5 below. For DGX
systems, COP will be calculated in accordance with the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) 870 conditions.
M. Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER): A measure of efficiency in the cooling mode that reprents the ratio of total cooling capacity to electrical energy input. For the purpo of this specification, EER will be calculated for clod loop and open loop systems in accordance with ISO 13256-1 or 13256-2 as stated in Section 5 below. For DGX systems, EER will be calculated in accordance with AHRI 870 conditions.
N. Manual J Calculation: A calculation performed to determine the heating load for a residence or small commercial building. The calculation shall include site-specific characteristics such as regional weather data, building framing materials, building insulation levels, building air infiltration levels, and window area. The calculation follows procedures and protocols developed by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA).1
内定是什么意思O. Manufacturer Limited Warranty: Manufacturer limited warranty is an assurance by the Partner that purchad equipment is warranted for a certain required amount of time. The exact terms of the limited warranty, given the minimum specifications, shall be determined by the Partner.
2) Qualifying Products: For purpos of ENERGY STAR qualification, geothermal heat pumps include
the following: open loop, clod loop, and DGX that are powered by single pha current. The
specifications in Section 3 apply to single stage models. Multi-stage models may be qualified bad onstreer
¾EER = (highest rated capacity EER + lowest rated capacity EER) / 2 and
¾COP = (highest rated capacity COP + lowest rated capacity COP) / 2.
Note: Commercial (i.e., 3-pha) units are not eligible for qualification under the ENERGY STAR specification at this time.
1Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), 2800 Shirlington Road, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22206.