Chapter 01
The History of Oceanography True / Fal Questions
1. Oceanography may be described as a collection of basic sciences that are applied to the a.
1. 海洋学是应用于海洋研究的基础科学的综合学科。词海
TRUEunbreak my heart
2. The first information about the oceans was gathered by sailors on extended a voyages. 2. 关于海洋的最初知识源自从事远距离航海的水手。
3. The Phoenicians engaged in extensive trading voyages in the Mediterranean Sea and even circumnavigated Africa.
3. 腓尼基人在地中海从事广泛的贸易航行甚至进行了非洲环航。
4. The Polynesians ud many navigational aides to accomplish long open ocean voyages. 4. 波利尼西亚人利用很多助航设备来完成远洋航行。
5. Eratosthenes' estimate of Earth's circumference wasn't even clo to being correct.
5. 埃拉托色尼估算了地球的周长,但是和正确的地球周长相差较大。
6. Early Arab sailors understood the monsoon winds of the Indian Ocean and ud them in their trading voyages.
6. 早期阿拉伯人水手对印度洋季风有了了解,并且将此运用到他们的航海贸易中。TRUE
hung up
7. Viking voyages to North America are believed to predate Columbus' voyage to the new world.
7. 维京海盗早于哥伦布发现美洲大陆。
8. A portolano is a harbor finding chart.
8. 航海图是港口航行图。
9. Compass bearings are indicated on portolano charts.
9. 在航海指南图中用指南针方位表示。
10. The first person to circumnavigate Earth was Amerigo Vespucci.
10. 完成环球航行的第一人是韦斯普奇。
11. Ferdinand Magellan's ship was the first vesl to circumnavigate Earth.
11. 麦哲伦的船是第一艘完成环球航行的船。
12. Sailors were able to find longitude at a before they could measure latitude.
12. 水手们在能够测量经纬度之前就意识到经纬度的存在了。
13. John Harrison solved the problem of accurate time-keeping at a.
13. 约翰·哈里森解决了海上航行的时间问题。
14. Sir Isaac Newton was the first to explain the process governing the tides.
14. 艾萨克·牛顿爵士是第一个解释潮汐过程的人。
15. Captain James Cook made ten famous voyages of discovery.
15. 詹姆斯·库克船长创造了十个有名的航海探险之旅。
16. Benjamin Franklin measured the salt content of awater to map the position of the Gulf Stream.
16. 本杰明·富兰克林通过测量海水盐度来绘制墨西哥湾流的海图。
17. Matthew F· Maury produced the first published atlas of a conditions and sailing directions.
17. 马修·莫里中尉制作并出版了第一本关于海况与航向的地图册。
18. Matthew F· Maury's systematic collection of wind and current data and the resulting current charts of the North Atlantic shortened sailing times.
18. 马修·莫里中尉系统化收集风和流的数据,由此得出的北大西洋洋流图缩短了航行时间。
19. The modern science of Oceanography is dated from the Challenger Expedition.
19. 现代海洋科学可以追溯到挑战者号科学考察。
20. The Scandinavian oceanographer, Fridtjof Nann, studied the Arctic Ocean on board the specially designed vesl, Fram.
20. 斯堪的纳维亚海洋科学家弗里德约夫·南森乘坐专门设计的“弗拉姆号”调查船进行了北冰洋探险。
21. The Challenger Expedition circumnavigated the world.
21. 挑战者号探险队进行了环球航行。
22. The Glomar Challenger was a ship built to duplicate the original Challenger crui.
22. “格罗玛∙挑战者号”是以“挑战者号”为原型建造的。
23. Satellites allow measurement of world wide oceanic surface features.
23. 卫星可以观测全球海表面特征。
24. The main purpo of the Challenger Expedition was to find new fishing areas for England.
24. “挑战者号”的主要目的是为英格兰找到新的渔场。
25. John Harrison became famous as the clock maker who sailed with the Challenger Expedition.
25. 跟随“挑战者号”航行的约翰∙哈里森因制作钟表而闻名。
26. Oceanography is considered an interdisciplinary science.
26. 海洋学被认为是一门交叉学科。
27. The primary advancement of the Middle Ages was knowledge of navigation.
27. 中世纪的主要进步以航行著称。
28. Expeditions led by Prin ce Henry, of the 15th Century, moved slowly becau Mariners believed that waters at the equator were at the boiling point and contained a monsters that could engulf ships.
28. 十五世纪亨利王子的探险队缓慢航行,因为水手们相信赤道水域处于沸腾状态、且海怪会吞没船只。
29. English Biologist, Thomas Henry Huxley discovered, in samples of deep a diments, a primordial ooze from which all other life forms evolved.
29. 英国生物学家托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎在深海沉积物样本中发现一种所有其他生命进化的原始软泥。
Multiple Choice Questions
30. The earliest recorded explorations of the a took place in the
A. Arctic Ocean.
B. Western Atlantic Ocean.
C. Mediterranean Sea.
D. South Pacific Ocean.
E. Indian Ocean.
30. 最早记载的海洋探索是发生在
A. 北冰洋
B. 西大西洋.
C. 地中海.
D. 南太平洋
E. 印度洋
31. The first world atlas was produced by
A. the Vikings.
B. the Greek, Ptolemy.
C. Christopher Columbus.
D. Ferdinand Magellan.
E. Captain James Cook.
31. 第一本世界地图集是由谁制作的:
A. 维京人
B. 希腊人,托勒密
D. 南太平洋
E. 印度洋
32. The Venerable Bede (671–715) illustrated his account of tides with data from
A. the Phoenicians.
B. the Vikings.
C. along the British coast.
D. Arab translations of Greek studies.
E. Dutch charts.
32. 可敬的圣比德(671–715)利用来自的数据阐述了潮汐的成因。
A. 腓尼基人
B. 维京人
C. 英国沿岸argument
D. 希腊研究的阿拉伯语翻译著作
E. 荷兰海图
33. Prince Henry the Navigator (1394–1460) was most famous for
A. his voyage around Africa.
B. providing charts for Christopher Columbus.
C. sailing around the world with Magellan.
D. founding and teaching navigation, astronomy and cartography.
E. None of the are correct.
F. Scrambling Locked
33. 航海家亨利王子因而闻名。
A. 绕非洲大陆航行
B. 为克里斯多弗·哥伦布提供海图
C. 和麦哲伦完成世界航行
D. 创立并教授航海学、天文学及制图学
E. 均错
F. 不能确定
34. The voyages of Christopher Columbus were an effort to
A. find a westward route to the East Indies.
B. explore the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
C. map the coastline of Africa.
D. arch for gold and other treasure.
E. None of the are correct.
F. Scrambling Locked
34. 克里斯多弗·哥伦布的航行致力于:
A. 寻找一个通往印度东部的西向路线
B. 探索太平洋和印度洋
C. 绘制非洲海岸线
D. 搜寻黄金和珍宝
E. 均错
F. 不能确定
35. Ferdinand Magellan's expedition (1519–1522) was the first to
A. circumnavigate the world.
B. visit Australia.
C. sail around Africa.
D. visit Australia and sail around Africa.
E. circumnavigate the world, visit Australia, and sail around Africa.
35. 斐迪南·麦哲伦的探险队(1519–1522)首次:
A. 环绕世界航行
B. 访问澳大利亚
C. 绕非洲航行
D. 访问澳大利亚和绕非洲航行
E. 环绕世界航行,访问澳大利亚,绕非洲航行
威海会计学校36. In the years 1577–80 Francis Drake (1540–96)
A. circumnavigated the world.
B. visited the west coast of the U.S.
C. attacked and plundered Spanish ships.
英文报纸D. circumnavigated the world and visited the west coast of the U.S.
E. circumnavigated the world, visited the west coast of the U.S, and attacked and plundered Spanish ships.
36. 在1577–80期间弗朗西斯·德瑞克(1540–96):
A. 环绕世界航行
B. 访问了美国西海岸
C. 攻击并抢劫西班牙船只
D. 环绕世界航行并访问了美国西海岸
E. 环绕世界航行,访问了美国西海岸,攻击并抢劫西班牙船只
37. Captain James Cook (1728–79)
A. made three voyages to chart the Pacific Ocean and its islands.
B. ud John Harrison's chronometer to produce accurate charts.
C. circumnavigated the globe.
D. was killed on the island of Hawaii.
E. All of the are correct.
F. Scrambling Locked
37. 詹姆斯·库克船长 (1728–79)
A. 进行了3次航海以绘制太平洋及其岛屿海图
B. 利用约翰·哈里森的航海经线仪绘制精确的海图
C. 环地球航行
D. 在夏威夷群岛被杀害
E. 均对
F. 不能确定
38. Keeping accurate time at a is necessary to make
A. measurements of latitude.
B. measurements of longitude.
C. measurements of latitude and measurements of longitude.
D. accurate maps.
感激不尽E. measurements of longitude and accurate maps.
深圳日语38. 在海上必须保持精确的时间,以便: