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Argo and synthesis products developed and rved at the Asia-Pacific Data-Rearch Center
P. Hacker, N. Maximenko, J. Potemra, K. Lebedev, S. DeCarlo, Y. Shen Correspondingauthor:P.Hacker,******************.
University of Hawaii, International Pacific Rearch Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
teenagerThe Argo Program, which has developed over the past decade, is now providing some 10,000 vertical profiles of temperature and salinity every month. Since the Argo floats are globally distributed, the float data are now providing unprecedented information on the space/time evolution of the temperature and salinity fields in the upper 2000 meters of the global ocean. To help demonstrate the utility of the Argo data and to encourage its u for rearch and applications, many data centers and rearch activities have contributed to the distribution and utilization of Argo data (Freeland et al., 2009 and Pouliquen et al., 2009; OceanObs’09 White Papers).
As a contribution to this effort, in 2006 the Asia-Pacific Data-Rearch Center (APDRC) within the International Pacific Rearch Center (IPRC) at the University of Hawaii relead its first technical repo
rt (Yoshinari, et al., 2006) and databa (YoMaHa’05) of velocity estimates at the parking depth and at the a surface for the global ocean determined from trajectories of the Argo floats. The databa was updated and re-relead in 2007 (Lebedev et al., 2007). Since May 2008, the APDRC has been releasing monthly updated versions of this databa as part of the activities of the Pacific
Argo Regional Center (PARC) and the CLIVAR/GSP Velocity Panel of the CLIVAR/ Global Synthesis and Obrvations Panel. As an example, the utility of the Argo float trajectory data for rearch purpos has been demonstrated in the Kuroshio Extension region (Chen et al., 2007; Qiu et al. 2008). The APDRC has continued to develop and rve this and other Argo-bad and related synthesis products, and plans to continue the rearch and applications-bad activities into the next decade. A primary motivation for this effort is to produce uful, near real-time products for a broad range of urs, before all the quality control issues have been fully resolved, in order to both identify problems in the data t and provide early utility to urs. This paper provides information on prent product development and rving activities as well as some plans and suggestions for future efforts.
As overview, the APDRC is a climate data center that offers a web-bad data and product rver system, which provides access to a range of in situ, model-bad and satellite-bad products. Initia
ted in 2001, a primary motivation has been to provide easy access for the broad ur community to the wide range of climate data and products, often underutilized due to lack of easy access. Working cloly with our NOAA/PMEL partners, the center has implemented a data rver system bad on OPeNDAP (Hankin et al. 2009, OceanObs’09 White Paper), a format-neutral data transport protocol, in order to provide binary access to atmospheric, oceanic, and air/a flux products via client-bad software such as GrADS, Matlab, Ferret, and FORTRAN code. The system also includes a range of web-browsing rvers including the Live Access Server (LAS), primarily for gridded products, and DAPPER/DChart for both gridded and in situ data.
Argo products, synthesis products and rvers
With a robust data rver system in place, the APDRC is shifting focus from rver infrastructure to the production of value-added products using the new obrving-system data such as tho collected by Argo and satellite-bad programs. To date, the APDRC has developed, and is currently rving, the following global data products bad on Argo data from 2001 to the prent:
1.surface and deep velocities from float trajectories;
2.profile data interpolated onto standard depth levels and isopycnals;
4.statistics, climatologies, monthly, asonal and annual averages of all variables. Products 1-3 are downloadable in ASCII format from the APDRC (Home Page, Projects, Argo Products links) at Product 4 includes velocity parameters (zonal, meridional, and magnitude), profile parameters (potential temperature, salinity, depth, density anomalies, dynamic depth and spiciness), and mixed/barrier layer parameters. Global maps (Figure 1) are available as spatially bin-averaged products (both 1x1 and 3x3 degree bins) and include maps of the number of obrvations and the standard deviation for each bin. Regions without data are obvious. In addition, gridded/interpolated map products are available for temperature, salinity and absolute dynamic depth on standard levels; similar map products on isopycnals are under development and should be available in the coming year. Product 4 output is available as global maps (pictures), and ASCII and netCDF format files. It can also be accesd via the APDRC Home Page (Data and Server links) for urs desiring OPeNDAP, LAS, and DAPPER/DChart access (Figure 2).
presidentsA major synthesis product under development is an estimate of the four-dimensional absolute dynamic topography, from which the geostrophic velocity field can be estimated. Absolute dynamic t
opography is computed using data from Argo floats, drifters, satellite wind and altimetry.  The product is bad on different ancillary products that could also be uful to some urs.  The process of developing the absolute dynamic topography involves the following:
∙mean surface dynamic topography, computed from drifter, wind and altimetry data; ∙instantaneous surface dynamic topography, obtained from Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography (MDOT) and AVISO a level anomaly;
∙ absolute dynamic topography at depth, calculated from Argo T/S profiles by integrating surface topography downward; and
∙horizontal gradient of absolute dynamic topography at Argo float parking depths, assd from float velocities and geostrophy.
progresd>气缸耗气量The AVISO and MDOT products are now available via the APDRC rvers. When ready, the above products will also be available on rvers. Absolute dynamic topography at 1000-meter depth from 2003-2007 is already available as images (.png files) and in ASCII format via the APDRC Argo Products page.
missing operation system
The above ADPRC activities were motivated in part from ur feedback, which indicated that Argo data were underutilized to some degree becau of difficulties in obtaining specific time/space subts of the data from the Argo data asmbly centers (GDACS). Becau of the way Argo data are stored at the GDACS, it is neither easy nor straight forward for a general ur to obtain, for example, T and S in a specific region (covered by veral floats) or at a location over a specific time range. The APDRC efforts
help urs by creating binned T/S data, which are further interpolated onto a vertical and horizontal grid. Since some urs prefer to do their own interpolation, we prepare two different products: one gridded vertically at standard depths and the other gridded horizontally. Argo-derived in situ temperature is ud along with salinity to compute potential temperature and potential density. T/S/ρ is then interpolated to standard depth levels (Levitus, 1982). This product is designed for modelers, who typically want a vertically gridded product to validate their model or to u for assimilation. Another product includes an interpolation in the horizontal , nominally of 1x1 degree resolution. The products are bad on 10-daily downloads of the profile and trajectory files from the US GDAC. Mixed layer depth, and barrier layer thickness are produced from the above T/S/ρ data. The absolute dynamic height and absolute geostrophic velocity products are under development.  Additio
marketplacenal technical information, including a description of the variational analysis ud in the three-dimensional interpolation, and documentation are available at
Future activities and suggestions
The APDRC plans to continue to support Argo product development and PARC activities in the coming decade. A quasi-automated system is now in place that enables 10-daily, near-realtime updates of all products. Any problems in the original data, detected during this project and/or reported by the urs of our products, are documented and forwarded to the specific DACs hosting the problematic data. Climatologies and other products will be recomputed when/if the original data are significantly improved by

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