Sample Question 12 (★★★★★)
Is the age of book over and will
books be replaced by electronic devices?
■ Some people say that the age of book is over and all information will be prented by video, computer, television, film, etc.However,others think that books and the written words will still be necessary for spreading information and completing education.What is your opinion about this issue ?
penceEssay layout (布局谋篇)
第一段(引言段) 虽然在信息时代中许多信息都被以电子媒体来传播,但书本和书面文字的地位是无法被取代的。
第二段(主体段一) 阐述电子设备(比如电脑)传播信息的缺点:错误率高,未经编辑和审核,不便于携带以及对眼睛及身体造成伤害。
第三段(主体段二) 阐述书本和书面文字的优点。其中书本是一种传授知识和完成学业的重要媒介,而书面文字(比如中国书法)的优美和艺术性是电子器材所无法给予的。
第四段(大学英语六级考试网结尾段) 得出结论:书本和书面文字的时代根本没有结束。相反,它们永远也不会被电脑的高科技产物所取代,因为它们具有非凡的实用和艺术价值。
Excel lent Vocabulary (spacebar经典语汇)
with the advent of the Internet technologysomin
田厦国际中心the information age
electronic devices/media
an irreversible trend
play an esntial role in spreading information and completing education
fast speed,vast memory and easy retrieval
lo sight of their obvious disadvantages
make readers puzzled at its intended meanings
the unedited and uncensored contents on most websites
show x and violence flagrantly in an explicit way
reach a record high
steadily declining public morality
be not easily portable
require the access to electricity,phone lines and many auxiliary devices
be not eye-friendly
cau radiation-related dias in the urscountdown
be obsolete
be widely employed as…
cleverestdisminate knowledge
achieve educational degrees
natural substances
create-an affinity with human readers
mark and underline significant words and ntences
write down their opinions and feelings in the margin
be inconceivable
have a value beyond their prices
be appropriately classified and carefully arranged on the shelves
remble an array of “gold bullions” of human knowledge
the peerless beauty of Chine calligraphy
the appreciation of the artistic handwritings
standardized letters or characters produced by electronic devices
match the fantastic works of calligraphic art
in spite of all the social and scientific changes
be eclipd by electronic innovations
the practical and artistic values that are innate in them
Complex Sentences (精彩长句)
1.尽管这是一种不可逆转的趋势摩登家庭第5季, 但我认为那些电子媒体将不会取代书本和书面文字,因为后者无论是现在还是将来,都会在传播信息和完成学业等方面扮演一个至关重要的角色。