America-The Story Of Us E07-E08

更新时间:2023-06-18 08:24:34 阅读: 评论:0

[00:04.64]新的一代 A new generation.
[00:10.33]开拓一片全新的领域 On a wild new frontier.网络课堂
[00:14.53]直上云霄 Rising into the sky.
[00:19.47]钢筋铁塔 Leaning towers of steels.
[00:22.64]全新的城市面貌 A bold new urban landscape.
[00:25.25]及可能是美国最伟大发明的: And maybe America's greatest invention:
[00:28.88]现代立体城市 The modern vertical city.
[00:33.97]我们是前锋 We are pioneers
[00:35.41]也是先驱 and trailblazers.
[00:37.32]我们为自由而战 We fight for freedom.
[00:40.50]我们将梦想付诸现实 We transform our dreams into the truth.
[00:45.16]我们的奋斗将换来一个国家的新生 Our struggles will become a nation.
[00:48.30]  美国: 我们的故事
[00:51.22] 本字幕由 YYeTs人人影视 原创翻译制作 仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为  更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YYeTs 
[00:55.51] 第七集  城市
[00:57.60]美国  创新之地 America: Land of invention.
[01:01.78]热狗  爵士乐  电梯  摩天大楼俯拾皆是 Hot dogs, jazz, the elevator, skyscrapers.
[01:06.78]本集讲述的是其中最伟大的创新 This is the story of the greatest innovation of all:
[01:10.25]现代立体城市 the modern vertical city.
[01:13.78]有个世界闻名的标志  业已成为它的象征 One world-famous icon has come to symbolize it.
[01:18.78]令人惊讶的是  当初我们差点与它失之交臂 Amazingly, we very nearly didn't have it.
[01:26.51]1885年  纽约面临一个大问题 It's 1885 and New York City has a big problem.
[01:34.22]收到一份豪礼  但需自己组装 A magnificent gift, but with some asmbly required.
[01:40.43]这礼物散放在纽约港 Scattered across Bedloe's Island
[01:42.81]贝德罗岛的214个板条箱中 in New York Harbor in 214 crates.
[01:47.98]箱中装的是西方世界有史以来最大的雕像 They contain the largest statue in the Western world.
[01:53.08]这是法国人民捐赠给美国的礼物 It's been donated by the people of France
[01:55.59]以此庆祝美国 to celebrate the centenary
价格用英语怎么说[01:57.07]独立宣言发表100周年 of the Declaration of Independence.
[02:00.23]这座雕像建于巴黎 Built in Paris,
[02:01.46]为了便于运送到美国 broken down into 350 massive pieces
[02:04.78]它被拆成了350个巨大的组件 for the journey to America.
[02:07.40]这就是问题所在 That's the problem.
[02:10.08]把它重新组装起来将耗资巨大 The cost of reasmbling it would be astronomical--
[02:13.53]纽约承受不起 money New York does not have.
得把它弄到手 At least six other US cities are jockeying to give it a home.
[02:24.74]纽约很有可能失去自由女神像 New York City is in danger of losing the Statue of Liberty.
[02:32.12]但这个人不会坐视不管 Not if this man can help it.
[02:34.72]约瑟夫·普利策  坚韧不拔的报业大亨 Joph Pulitzer, tenacious newspaper magnate,
[02:38.26]白手起家的移民 immigrant, lf-made man.
[02:40.64]他拥有美国最大的报纸  He owns the biggest paper in the US,
[02:43.31]《纽约世界报》 "The New York World."
[02:46.01]他下定决心  要把自由女神像留在纽约港 And he's determined to keep Liberty in New York Harbor.
[02:50.59]通过他的报业集团 Through his chain of newspapers,
[02:52.48]普利策发起了北美有史以来 Pulitzer launches the biggest fund-raising campaign
[02:55.32]最大的募捐活动 ever en in North America.
[02:59.53]这对纽约市和美国公众都将是 It would be an irrevocable disgrace
[03:01.97]难以磨灭的耻辱 to New York City and the American republic
[03:04.98]法国送给我们这样一份豪礼 to have France nd us this splendid gift blackjack
[03:07.41]而我们却连区区容身之所 without our having provided even
[03:09.97]都没法为它提供 so much as a landing place for it.
[03:13.04]我们必须筹钱 We must rai the money!
[03:17.73]每天有一百多万人 More than a million people read
[03:19.76]阅读普利策的报纸 Pulitzer's papers every day.
[03:21.80]里面的25分钱是我给雕像的捐款 "Enclod, plea find 25 cents, is my "
[03:24.69]这些是我微薄的积蓄 "It contains my "
[03:29.84]我决定把我首次中彩的彩票钱捐出来 "... I resolved to nd you the contents of the first jackpot.
[03:33.03]里面是4美元 You will find enclod $4."
[03:34.89]这钱本来是我们存起来看马戏用的 "The money we saved to go to the circus with."
[03:37.69]捐款从全国各地源源不断地涌来 Donations flood in from all across the country,
[03:40.62]捐款者不论贫富  不分地域 rich and poor, East and West.
[03:43.64]捐款少则一美分  五美分 Pennies and nickels,
[03:45.01]多则五美元  十美元  甚至几千美元 fives and tens,even thousands of dollars.
[03:49.43]汇成了一个惊人的数字  十二万一千美元 In all, a staggering 121,
[03:56.14]把这座雕像留在纽约绰绰有余 more than enough to keep this iconic statue in New York.
[04:00.63]我认为  雕像不仅仅是雕像 I think a statue is not just a statue.
[04:00.63]梅丽尔·斯特里普 [著名演员]
[04:03.63]其象征意义才是最重要的 I think symbols really matter.
I think they signify, in a big way.
[04:09.94]事实上  其影响可能要超过 In fact, maybe they do more than
[04:13.43]成堆成堆的法律条文  报纸和出版物 reams and reams and reams of legislation and paper and print.
[04:19.29]现在  真正的工作开始了 Now the real work begins.
[04:22.52]要支撑一座高达150英尺的雕像 To hold a statue 150 feet high,
[04:26.01]其基座势必要做成 the pedestal will be the
[04:28.16]世上最大的混凝土结构 biggest concrete structure in the world.
[04:31.39]200多人奋战了一个冬天 Over 200 men work through a grueling winter
[04:33.89]才建成这个基座 to complete it.
[04:39.08]在最后一块水泥干透之前 As the last of the cement dries,
[04:41.03]工人们把银币丢进去祈福 workers toss in their own silver dollars for good luck.
[04:55.79]下一步  搭起女神像巨大的铁架 Next, Liberty's enormous iron skeleton.
[05:08.40]由古斯塔夫·埃菲尔设计 It's designed by Gustave Eiffel,
[05:10.78]他后来还设计建造了著名的巴黎埃菲尔铁塔 who will build the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.
[05:14.25]这个铁架有151英尺高  加上基座 The skeleton is 151 feet tall and with the pedestal,
[05:18.61]高度不亚于一座30层高的办公大楼 it's the height of a 30-story office block.
[05:23.87] 翻译:小坏  remembertoi  Jo  ww艾  取子小Q
[05:34.30] 校对:安小七      精校:小坏  Joanna
[05:44.72] 时间轴:Angelica    后期:鱼骨头    总监:小坏
[05:55.15]然后是女神像的外层 Now for the outer layer.
[05:58.29]环绕着铁架 Wrapping around the skeleton
[06:00.03]需组装起6万磅手工雕凿的铜片 are 60,000 pounds of hand-sculpted copper.
[06:04.57]她脚上的鞋子大小是人脚的32倍 This sandal is 32 times bigger than a human foot,
[06:08.39]相当于879码的鞋 equivalent of the size of 879 shoes.
[06:13.35]通常需要把铜片吊上去 It's on the job trailing, often
[06:15.17]高度有300英尺 and 300 feet in erect.
[06:17.86]这项任务困难重重  危险万分 It's as difficult as it is dangerous.
[06:39.27]他们得把300块铜片 They need to fix 300 pieces of copper shell
[06:42.01]安装到铁架上 to the framework.
[06:43.15]足足用了30多万个铆钉 with more than 300,000 rivets.
[06:47.67]女神像的外袍有4000平方码之大 Her robes have over 4000 square yards to cover her.
[06:52.61]她伸展出去的手臂长42英尺 Her outstretched arm is 42 feet long.
[06:56.15]一个指甲就有3磅半重 A finger nail weighes 3 and a half pounds.
[07:00.13]自由女神像的规模之大  超乎想象 The scale of Liberty is unimaginable.
[07:21.35]经过长达6个月充满危险的工作 Afte
r six months of hazardous construction,
[07:24.10]总算有惊无险 there's no fatalities,
[07:26.06]女神像长达17英尺的脸 the Liberty's 17-foot face
[07:28.37]终于通过绞盘安装到位 is finally winched to position
[07:34.97]比拉什莫尔山上林肯雕像的脸还大 It's bigger than Lincoln's on Mount Rushmore
[07:41.87]据说雕刻者弗雷德里克·奥古斯特·巴托尔迪 It's said the sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
[07:45.55]是按照他自己母亲的样子来雕刻的 modeled the face on his own mother.
[08:39.49]经过了25年的风吹雨打 It takes 25 years
[08:41.23]自由女神像酸化并变成了绿色 for Liberty to acidize and turn green.
[08:45.04]1902年之前  它被用作灯塔 A functioning lighthou until 1902.
[08:47.77]这座雕像的正式名字是  自由照耀世界 The statue's official name is: Liberty Enlightening the World.
[08:53.42]首先  它象征了独立战争期间 At first, the symbol of the alliance and friendships between
[08:55.89]法国和美国13个殖民地之间的盟约和友谊 France and the 13 colonies in the American Revolution.
[08:59.96]它的象征意义渐渐不止于此 It will come to reprent much more.
[09:02.93]矗立在纽约港的入口处 At the entries to New York Harbor,
[09:05.16]自由女神像俨然成了全世界的灯塔 the Statue of Liberty becomes a beacon to the world,
[09:08.99]迎接了几百万人的到来 and a welcome to millions.
[09:11.44]后来  她的基座上刻了一首爱玛·拉扎露丝的诗 Later, a poem by Emma Lazarus in her ba,
[09:15.23]庆祝美国成为了逃难者的乐土 celebrates America as a land of refugees:
[09:19.97]欢迎你  那些疲乏的和贫困的 "Give me your tired, your poor,
[09:23.66]聚在一起  渴望自由呼吸的大众 your huddled mass, yearning to breath free,
[09:26.93]那熙熙攘攘的  被遗弃了的可怜的人们 The wretched refu of your teeming shore.
[09:30.45]把这些无家可归的  饱受颠沛的人们一起交给我 Send the, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
[09:35.16]我在金门旁高擎自由的灯火 I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
[09:41.65]此后的20年间 Over the next two decades,
[09:43.41]超过1200万移民经过自由女神像 more than 12 million immigrants pass the Statue of Liberty
[09:46.64]前往埃利斯岛 on their way to Ellis Island,
[09:48.59]那里是大多数新美国人的第一站 the first stop for most new Americans.
[09:52.15]想象一下  这需要多大的勇气 Imagine what it took for someone
[09:55.15]丹尼尔·席尔瓦 [著名作家]
[09:55.15]离开波兰东部或者立陶宛 to leave Eastern Poland or Lithuania
[10:00.05]或是意大利北部的小村庄 or some village in the mountains of Northern Italy
[10:03.72]背井离乡  身无一物 
来到这片陌生的土地 and come all the way to this strange place with nothing.
[10:11.07]今天  超过1亿的美国人 Today, more than 100 million Americans
[10:14.30]他们的祖先都是 can trace their roots back
[10:15.65]从埃利斯岛来到美国的 to ancestors who came through Ellis Island.
[10:20.07]回顾一下 If you go back
[10:21.77]在我们将近250年的历史中  有150年 only 150 years in our 200-and-almost-50-year history,
[10:24.27]迈克尔·道格拉斯 [著名演员]
[10:29.06]95%的人  还没来到这里 95% of were not here.
[10:34.84]没有祖籍可循 There are no roots.
[10:35.91]他们都来自异国他乡 They all came from someplace el.
[10:38.97]所以  对我来说  美国代表了 So, to me,
[10:43.58]人类精神的最高体现 the best of the human spirit.
[10:47.39]一本指南书这样教初来者迎接新世界的新生活 A guidebook prepares arrivals for a new life in a new world.
[10:52.91]忘掉成规  抛弃幻想 Forget your customs and ideals.
[10:54.96]选定目标  全力以赴 Select a goal and pursue it with all your might.
[10:58.29]也许过程曲折 You will experience a bad time,
[11:00.36]但你终有一日能如愿以偿 but sooner or later, you will achieve your goal.
[11:04.39]坚持不懈 Don't take a moment's rest.
postpone[11:06.39]勇往直前 Run.
[11:11.23]从埃利斯岛开始  他们向整个大陆扩散 And from Ellis Island, they spread out across the continent.
[11:14.69]就绝大部分而言 For the most part,
[11:15.98]爱尔兰人  俄国人  意大利人去往大城市 Irish, Russians and Italians to big cities,
[11:19.30]德国人奔向中西部  斯堪的纳维亚人则来到农场 Germans to the Midwest, Scandinavians to farmland.
[11:24.35]最后  到了20世纪初 At the dawn of the 20th century, eventually,
[11:27.92]纽约的意大利人比罗马还多 there will be more Italians in New York than in Rome.
[11:32.10]从1880到1930年 From 1880 to 1930,
[11:34.58]共有约2400万新移民来到美国 nearly 24 million new immigrants arrive in the US.
[11:38.93]美国历史的新纪元即将展开 A new era in US history is about to begin.
[11:46.77]20世纪初 By the early 20th century,
[11:48.56]美国的各大新城市 new urban megacities around America
[11:51.08]已经拥挤不堪 are bursting to the ams
[11:52.72]城市寄望于向新的方向发展 and look to expand in a new direction
[11:56.40]向上 ... up.
[11:59.16]但修建这些巨大的高楼 But building the great towers
[12:01.03]离不开一种非常昂贵的关键原料 demands a critical ingredient that's much too expensive.
[12:06.29]钢 Steel.
[12:09.15]有个人将改变这一切 One man will change al

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