
更新时间:2023-06-18 08:04:03 阅读: 评论:0

Students will asmble a t of eds from a variety of plants for u in other activities.
1.This activity is best for late spring and early fall.  Look for
eds two to four weeks after periods in which many plants
英文字母发音have flowered.  If there is a park or a weedy lot near your
school, the class may do this as a group.  Take a small
paper bag for each child.
2.Before you go, t guidelines to protect the plants you will
e: Any ed on the ground or in a puddle may be col
lected.  Seeds from plants which are still flowering should
be left behind.  Leave some eds on each plant.  Ask for
help if the eds are too high to reach without climbing.
3.If students know the name of the plant from which the
eds are taken, have them write it on a note sheet to keep
with their ed.  If not, have them sketch the plant or write
a few notes on how the plant looks (tall grass, tree with big
杭州服装培训徘徊的意思leaves with many parts, bush with skinny long leaves).
This may help identify the eds later.
4.If there is no appropriate place to look together, encourage
your students to collect eds near their home over a
period of ten to fourteen days.  Remind them that there
may be eds in weedy lots or cracks in the sidewalk as远播教育
well as in yards.  Encourage them to make notes on where
they find the eds.
5.Set up a display in the classroom of all the eds.  U
them for the later activities.
7.Towels or washcloths
8.Basin of water T HE  S EED  S ORT
Students will examine eds and predict the means of dispersal ud by them.  Students will test some of their predictions.
Procedure:1.Set up a display of the eds.  Divide them into ts which contain some from each dispersal method.  Number each ed sample.2.With the class, make a list of the ways in which eds disper.3.Have students work in groups to examine a t of eds.Ask each groupto record a description of the ed (flat,winged, hairy, heavy, thorny, etc.) and their prediction of the way it trav
els from one place to another (wind, water,sticks, eaten, other).4.Ask the students how they could find our which of the methods the eds actually u.  Conduct the tests they suggest.  Some possible tests:5.For tho which do not behave as predicted, students may
try a cond test.
Students investigate which ed structures give eds the ability to soar the furthest.
1.Remind the students taht many eds travel on the wind.
Explain that you will have a ed cha today.  Each student
may lect one ed to test against all the others.
Encourage students to pick the ed they think will travel
the furthest.
2.Select an open traffic-free area to hold your cha.  Clearly
mark the starting line.
3.Have students work in pairs.  Have one student toss a ed
into the air.  Have the partner follow the ed and put a
label with the child’s name on it on the ground where the
感觉的英文ed falls.  Collect the ed to u in discussion later.
Repeat until all students have participated.
4.Older children:  Measure the distance from the starting
point to the landing point.  Compare distances.
Younger children:  Walk together to the three or four labels
that are furthest from the starting line.
5.Compare the eds which travelled furthest to tho which
travelled the shortest distance.  Are they similar?  What
shapes and parts help eds travel on the wind?
四级 答案
Students will apply what they have learned about ed dispersal to create eds with structures that suit them for dispersal in veral ways.
1.List 8–10 imaginary or real means of dispersal for eds.
Write each on a card.  Make duplicate ts of cards as
needed.  You might include eds that:
tumble over the ground
pop out of a hole in the plant
dig themlves into the ground
are carried by cars or bicycles
keep the new plant dry
are carried by fish
cousin2.Talk with students about the ways we can tell how a ed
moves from place to place.  U pictures or actual eds to
remind them that wind-borne eds are light and stream
lined or parachute-like; eds that animals eat usually have
a fleshy fruit around them.
3.Then challenge them to make their own ed.  Give each
child a card describing the way their ed travels.  Encour-nickname
age them to u any of the materials which have been t
out.  Allow 30–45 minutes for ed-making.
10. Magnets, beads
11. 5” x 8” cards
12. Markers

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