Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
MatE 195 Fall 2000 W. Richard Chung Engr.-385E
Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Objectives: The cour is designed to help materials engineering niors understand the basic mechanical respons of engineering materials. Emphasis will be
placed on how to perform various mechanical tests, how to apply statistical
methods to the analysis of mechanical properties data, and how mechanical
behavior influences the load-bearing limit for a lected material in a given
Prerequisites: CE 99, MatE 115 and MatE 141.
Class Hours: Lecture on Mondays from 0830 to 1020, in IS113
Laboratory on Wednesdays from 0830 to 1120, in E-225
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays: 1300-1500, other times by appointment only. Office Room: E-385E
Office Phone: (408) 924-3927
E-mail address:
Textbook: Norman E. Dowling, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jery, 2nd Edition, 1999. (ISBN0-13-905720-X) References: S.D. Antolovich, R.O. Ritchie, and W.W. Gerberich (editors), Mechanical Properties and Pha Transformations in Engineering Materials, A
Publication of the Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1986.
(ISBN 0-87339-012-1) TA 401.3 M4155
Craig R. Barrett, William D. Nix, and Alan S. Tetelman, The Principles of
Engineering Materials, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jery,
1973. (ISBN 0-13-709394-2) TA403.B24.
David Broek, Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Martinus
Nijhoff Publishers, Hingham, Massachutts, 3rd Edition, 1984. (ISBN 90-
Thomas H. Courtney, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, McGraw Hill,
New York, 2nd Edition, 2000. (ISBN0-07-028594-2) TA405.C859
George E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill, New York, 3rd
Edition, 1986. (ISBN 0-07-016853-8) TA405.D53
W.A. Green and M. Micunovic (editors), Mechanical Behavior of
Composites and Laminates, Elvier Applied Science Publishing, New
alter tableYork, 1986. (ISBN 1-85166-144-1) TA418.9C6 E976
James M. Gere and Steven P. Timoshenko, Mechanics of Materials,
PWS-KENT Publishing, Boston, Massachutts, 3rd Edition, 1990. (ISBN
0-534-92174-4) TA405.G44考文垂大学
Richard W. Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of
Engineering Materials, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 3 Edition, 1989.
(ISBN 0-471-63589-8) TA417.6H46
Donald Peckner (editor) The Strengthening of Metals, Reinhold
Publishing,New York, 2nd Edition, 1967.
Grading Basis: There will be two midterm examinations and one final examination.
Examinations are comprehensive; including subjects from all assigned
readings, lectures, laboratory activities, and classroom demonstrations.
Homework assignments will consist of essay questions and problem
solving cas. The laboratory component affects 25% of the cour grade.
A term project must be completed and submitted by November 29th. The
details will follow.
Homework assignments………………………………………………….15%
Two midterm exams at 15% each………………..……………..…….….30%
Laboratory activities.….…………………………………………………25%
Term project with oral prentation……………………………………...15%
Final Examination………………………………………………………..15%
Total: 100% For all graded work, cour letter grades will be assigned according to the
corresponding ranges of cumulative averages listed below.
A+ 97 -- 100 A 94 -- 96 A- 90 -- 93
B+ 87 -- 89 B 84 -- 86 B- 80 -- 83
C+ 77 -- 79 C 74 -- 76 C- 70 -- 73
D+ 67 -- 69 D 64 -- 66 D- 60 -- 63
F below 60
Add/Drop Policy:Students wanting to enroll in the class must sign the roster and receive an enrollment code, provided space is available. Students may drop this class
from now until September 15 without “W” grade assigned.
Important Dates:
Midterm examination dates: October 11 and November 15
Final exam date: Tuesday, December 19, 0715-0930
神奇动物在哪里2彩蛋Term project report submission date: Nov. 29
Rerve Desk:The Rerve Desk is located by the book checkout area in the Clark
Library. To help your study in the cour material, the instructor has
rerved some reference books, technical articles, and supplemental lecture
初一英语日记Homework: Work the homework problems on one side of a sheet of paper only. You
need to number all the pages if more than one page is submitted. On top of
each page write down your name, the cour number, the mester, and the
submission date. List the problem numbers in the Dowling textbook and
restate the statement of the problem including simple sketches, if
applicable. Show your working steps and circle the numeric solutions. It is
very important to have one or two ntences describing your conclusions.
历届奥运会主题曲This is a brief statement ud to state the physical significance or
implication of your answer. Underline them and don’t forget units! The
instructor will pay additional attention to this requirement. The homework
女人英文名字assignments are collected in class on Sept. 25, Oct. 23, and Nov. 20. No
late assignments will be accepted, as the problem solutions will be posted
immediately after the class due date.
Laboratory: A Laboratory Activity Logbook will be purchad and kept by each
student. It must be brought to be checked and initialed by the instructor
before beginning the first lab exerci. The logbook must be 8 1/2 x 11
inches, NOT spiral bound. You will u it to record a detailed log of all lab
activities, data, sketches of experimental tups and results, and records of
references ud for class projects. Mark it clearly on the cover with your
name, group number, class and ction, instructor, and mester. Each
page should be numbered and dated and each lab activity labeled.
Record your partners’ names, phone numbers, and schedules inside the
Term Project: A Term Project must be completed. The term project will involve a
material's testing activity, which you design, initiate, and conduct in a
group (not more than three members) and must be supported by cost
analysis, technical drawings, and related references. A few topics will be
discusd in class at a later date. Completed term project reports will be
from 10 pages in length, double spaced not including illustrations or
appendices, and will follow the class format. A writing format will be
provided at a later date. An oral prentation on the term project must be
conducted in the end of class (November 27).
A group's oral prentation on the term project is expected to last at least
20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion period. All members of a
group project must prent together, but are graded parately. The
prentation should be technical and include view graphs or visual aids
related to the chon subject area. Transparencies, films, LCD projector,
and/or VCR recordings (VHS) can be ud, but may not replace spoken
reporting. A guideline with tips of prentation requirements will be
distributed at a later date.
Mat E 195 Cour Activity Outline
Final Examination on Tuesday, December 19th from 0715 to 0930 hours
Week Starting
Date Reading: Chapter #
Homework Assignments
1 Aug. 28 Ch.1 Introduction
Prob. 1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 Lab Tour/Safety 2 Sept. 4 Labor Day --No Class on Sept. 4 Prob. 5.2, 5.5, 5.10
Types of Material Failure
Sept. 11
Ch.5 Stress-Strain Relationships Prob. 5.20, 5.22, 5.23 Tension Tests 4 Sept. 18
Ch.5 Stress-Strain Relationships
Ch. 4 Mechanical Testing (Tension Test)
Prob. 5.26, 5.30, 5.32 Mechanical Tests
(Impact, Izod,
Hardness, etc.) 5 Sept. 25 Ch. 4 Mechanical Testing (Tension Test)
Prob. 4.4, 4.5, 4.7
Problem Solving
6 Oct. 2 Ch. 4 Mechanical Testing (Other Tests)
Prob. 4.16, 4.18, 4.28 DMA 7 Oct. 9 Ch. 4 Mechanical Testing (Other Tests)
Prob. 4.31, 4. 34, 4.37, 4.38 Exam 1 – Oct.11 8 Oct. 16 Ch.6 Complex and Principal States of Stress and Strain
Prob. 6.1, 6.7, 6.10
Mohr’s Circles/ Term project
9 Oct. 23 Ch.6 Complex and Principal States of Stress and Strain Prob. 6.14, 6.16, 6.28 SEM Fractography 10 Oct. 30 Ch. 8 Fracture of Cracked Members
Prob. 8.3, 8.4, 8.7 2024-TT6 Aluminum 11 Nov. 6 Ch. 9 Fatigue of Materials Prob. 9.6, 9.7, 9.14 Fatigue Test 12 Nov. 13 Ch. 9 Fatigue of Materials Prob. 9.16, 9.20 Exam 2 –Nov. 15 13 Nov. 20 Ch. 11 Fatigue Crack Growth Prob. 11.4, 11.8, 11.13
Polymers/Composites 14 Nov. 27 Ch. 12 Plastic Deformation
Behavior and Models for Materials Prob. 12.1, 12.13 Term Paper Due (Nov. 29) 15 Dec. 4 Ch. 15 Time-Dependent Behavior: Creep and Damping Prob. 15.2, 15.6, 15.16 Problem Solving 16
Dec. 11
Review of the Cour
Last Day of Instruction
MatE 195 Cour Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this cour, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the basic test methods to characterize the mechanical behavior of engineering materials: tension, compression, hardness, impact, fatigue, and creep.
2. Apply the basic theory of elasticity and plasticity and the importance of brittle-ductile transformation and elastic and plastic behavior of materials to industrial applications.
3. Learn the concept of fracture mechanics and its application to product design, manufacturing method, and rvice reliability.
4. Perform the mathematical calculation of a multi-axial or complex stress state and relate it to the uni-axial stress state and the yielding condition.
5. Describe and predict the mechanical behavior of crystalline solids using the concepts of dislocation theory and a micro-mechanical approach.
6. Improve fracture toughness and deflect a crack’s propagation through the understanding of the microstructural alignment and the associated mechanical anisotropy.