Diagnostic Messages 9 u: p$ O+ ?8 C7 u" n1 w& s 3 e! s+ O- ?2 M2 O In addition to the output, the LCD meter displays abbreviated operation, error, 7 M9 C C! m1 I/ c0 @! nand warning messages for troubleshooting the transmitter. Messages appear # {; u$ `' r9 c) U% O3 ^& k3 `according to their priority, with normal operating messages appearing last. To# W/ j6 ^" j! K) q5 w( @2 j determine the cau of a message, u a Model 275 HART Communicator to 1 {- d- n" f9 ~3 U, Y, r9 {, O/ mfurther interrogate the transmitter. A description of each LCD diagnostic 4 X( l2 k& p- q- p! Rmessage follows.# w' b; u8 e2 y. c0 a. [: r5 F" @ . ]0 x! G" ^1 c2 z Error / u' z: i; P# Z* b5 I; t! U! u+ G further是什么意思Error messages appear on the LCD meter display to inform you of rious/ n6 X9 k: W+ F1 Y1 P problems effecting the operation of the transmitter. The meter displays an! ~0 L# ~( x7 z% I( z error message until the error condition is corrected, and the analog output isconstitute 0 K* O P9 e6 y9 E& x; Vdriven to the specified alarm level. No other transmitter information is4 T' U4 N. `2 B. Z; s displayed during an alarm condition. 6 r! u* k, a+ q: \8 p& Y! s ) l; R5 `, |# E6 J& k+ D1、FAIL1 W$ X; X) ~% `- X0 S6 ? The transmitter CPU board and the nsor module are incompatible. If you ! {8 f3 Z5 U! o: b2 `: Y. Bencounter this message, contact Romount Customer Central at: X$ [9 d! V1 C: b% L2 P 800-999-9307 if you need assistance. 新标准小学英语教案+ v3 C: u$ G1 X2、Fail Module- b/ ]% J& J& d- J The nsor module is disconnected or is malfunctioning. Verify that the. p) X% \- B# r; p5 { nsor module ribbon cable is connected to the back of the electronics! S$ J+ m# u# c; A' @ board. If the ribbon cable is properly connected, there is a problem within, M; _ P% r8 Y3 X the nsor module. Possible sources of problems include:# h4 |; q5 L+ t+ D2 N2 @ • Pressure or temperature updates are not being received in the nsor3 p1 w3 |3 h7 B. d1 Q module. . L" _) X7 H% t3 M4 Y• A non-volatile memory fault that will effect transmitter 9 [- M, J% {* ?, q5 i1 c8 y p+ goperation has been detected in the module by the memory verification , z, C h7 C" Lroutine.$ G f- {; g& V7 N& U. r0 i Some non-volatile memory faults are ur-repairable. U a Model 2752 D0 s3 o( q( d) w4 n/ \( p2 g HART Communicator to diagno the error and determine if it is # t2 J' I' [) ]; a3 K, [repairable. Any error message that ends in “FACTORY” is not repairable. % R7 X& V& Y8 J! j: s( r L6 XIn cas of non ur-repairable errors, you must replace the nsor 0 l5 v* |) D6 C9 T6 V8 M% @module. See “Disasmbly Procedures” on page 5-3 or contact+ N" Q4 t% s' j5 l Romount Customer Central at 800-999-9307 if you need assistance. ) z9 N! A7 F; V/ {$ R5 b& a34747、Fail Elect ; h7 ?# i% X- ~! SThe transmitter electronics board is malfunctioning due to an internal fault. ; n2 O& E) H" `+ xSome of the FAIL ELECT errors are ur-repairable. U a Model 275/ f& T9 @% {7 [1 l HART Communicator to diagno the error and determine if it is ; _7 L+ B) C6 M) a" {& }/ Prepairable. Any error message that ends in “FACTORY” is not repairable.7 E% j7 ~& z0 T In cas of non ur-repairable errors, you must replace the electronics5 a9 ^: J2 K& t% a {8 Q1 c* o, {7 q0 M board. See “Disasmbly Procedures” on page 5-3 or contact Romount h" \: L) P) i# GCustomer Central at 800-999-9307 if you" i3 P* S$ |0 I7 r0 c4 m& w need assistance.4 }% ^, }0 I- b' B$ a! R/ D 4、Fail Config# S3 I T9 j' F C: t8 K1 Q, B hopuA memory fault has been detected in a location that could effect / e7 t9 X( [7 W7 c5 M$ ]transmitter operation, and is ur-accessible. To correct this problem, u9 x6 Q/ [! _8 P4 f$ T2 u6 { a Model 275 HART Communicator to interrogate and reconfigure the / x) b' L! P4 Q. F; C+ A' Rappropriate portion of the transmitter memory. Contact Romount 2 n1 R# [; v: TCustomer Central at 800-999-9307 if you need assistance. |
, t' c- q K* s3 U" k
) e% \& S$ x3 g _3 u! qWarnings appear on the LCD display to alert you of ur-repairable problems
0 w7 g" b" w- m4 fwith the transmitter, or current transmitter operations. Warnings appear
0 L2 y) ]% l' x/ m1 F+ `alternately with other transmitter information until the warning condition is, O: `) C; a. S, A3 K
corrected or the transmitter completes the operation that warrants the warning0 a+ \3 [, X) {6 P
! S3 ~- Z3 u+ `, q* `% S: v( M7 _4 E$ d; V1 a$ ` w/ B
1、Press Limit
( Z3 [& t9 s( b2 J* j, HThe process variable read by the transmitter is outside of the transmitter’s C9 d! Z1 k+ R3 n& d6 l( Z. c
* a9 N8 K' `$ O3 \) l8 T2、Temp Limit5 }: b, b5 e3 e
The condary temperature variable read by the transmitter is outside oftianlong
) ]# l' g4 L: n7 G2 ?3 o- pthe transmitter’s range. j0 o! q0 p; S2 z5 H+ r, X3 T( n! r
3、Curr Fixed
! k& f4 B# a* Q( b+ V2 _6 A$ p% PThe transmitter is in multidrop mode. The analog output is not tracking$ E! V0 H5 g; O4 x8 R2 x( Z
pressure changes.
, H# _6 n% F) g4、Curr Saturd
, d) }- s1 F' `: O) Y$ r( ?The pressure read by the module is outside of the specified range, and the
$ ^/ _. l" H1 Q大象的英文analog output has been driven to saturation levels. i7 D1 ~+ K8 R2 A/ T
5、Loop Test. k6 N) d" w4 J' l
A loop test is in progress. During a loop test or 4–20 mA trim, the analog
( J* Q O7 ]8 f( O8 Uoutput is t to a fixed value. The meter display alternates between the
4 ?' ^0 [% H- l9 Pcurrent lected in milliamps and “LOOP TEST.”
7 u& n8 b4 c9 f, `. v( S$ H& h- V6、Xmtr Info
# o* B- d3 V7 k7 |: n* @* mA non-volatile memory fault has been detected in the transmitter memory
' m. x, @- r8 t v: Avote是什么意思
by the memory verification routine. The memory fault is in a location
- ?6 M/ _& C. C, \. Z/ Hcontaining transmitter information. To correct this problem, u a Model8 t& u( ^& g+ Y9 Q
275 HART Communicator to interrogate and reconfigure the appropriate
5 i$ w }; W9 a* w' M1 C* \7 K2 Xportion of the transmitter memory. This warning does not effect the, ]- t9 `& l% A% [8 u# y' o
transmitter operation. Contact Romount Customer Central at) w( {# @0 k2 J. o* _" `
800-999-9307 if you need assistance.
; Y/ w8 `$ l: z& h( D2 c" d3 y$ C7 o
Normal operation messages appear on the LCD meter to confirm actions or+ b% A" Q+ z# P+ @4 f) Z; D
inform you of transmitter status. Operation messages are displayed with other
u C. B# i- C+ Jtransmitter information, and warrant no action to correct or alter the4 M/ P5 l) H; h& l \: D& z, O
transmitter ttings.
9 w% a5 x, m P! s
3 R/ o! [/ b [! d, m9 }1、Zero Pass
- e* q4 y" y) Z% K5 n' n; F+ MThe zero value, t with the local zero adjustment button, has been' y! Z1 k8 s- a
accepted by the transmitter, and the output should change to 4 mA.
+ U* Z" g0 m3 m2、Zero Fail
2 V5 W) x( x' e/ j* m5 v3 VThe zero value, t with the local zero adjustment button, exceeds the
$ S$ g8 s. o# m8 d; f- [% g8 bmaximum rangedown allowed for a particular range, or the pressure
1 J5 l9 N0 q) ~) |% and by the transmitter exceeds the nsor limits.5 h0 P8 j: V- M2 k5 S
3、Span Pass Z) ` ^! v! Y1 E, y* y% L4 Q$ T
The span value, t with the local span adjustment button, has been; z1 R% c/ q& A/ F9 @" t
accepted by the transmitter, and the output should change to 20 mA.
& {: W: U" c7 n& Q; M. o' h4、Span Fail, c" Y Y" e9 J- k1 w7 t
The span value, t with the local span adjustment button, exceeds the8 O% c: J R8 I
maximum rangedown allowed for a particular range, or the pressure
: k3 Z, v" {1 M( n2 Hnd by the transmitter exceeds the nsor limits.) n+ ]- {. x' v0 ^) J" k6 z
/ ?: x" M3 P1 m* T1 |' K5 PThis message appears during reranging with the integral zero and span: t% c/ M; |9 y1 c
人教版高一英语必修一buttons and indicates that the transmitter local zero and span adjustments
$ B7 _% L4 `9 E7 {$ z% v& J {have been disabled. The adjustments may have been disabled by the* @( k; k: @" R
transmitter curity jumper on the transmitter circuit board or through5 L% z1 ? P- ~5 G7 C
software commands from the Model 275. See “Security (Write Protect)” on
9 ^- g% e M9 O1 ^page 2-14 for information on the position of the curity jumper and6 z5 S$ s- x6 y& K% H- }7 t
information on software lockout.
# x% `' Z' l' f7 x6、Write Protect
: A/ N% H- m; ?, W/ m5 o7 fThis message appears if you attempt to change the transmitter' Y) U- [1 q7 c% B
configuration data while the curity jumper is in the ON position. See y# A$ ]7 o6 R# I! i
“Security (Write Protect)” on page 2-14 for more information about the
2 y9 l$ F8 O( o! c$ [6 H: j2 Jcurity jumper.