磁浮列车原理 principle of maglev
1. 磁浮列车是一个系统。在该系统中,车辆利用车载超导磁铁和地面线圈之间产生的电磁吸力或斥力从导轨(相当于传统铁路的轨道)上浮升起来。
Maglev is a system in which the vehicle runs levitated from the guideway (corresponding to the rail tracks of conventional railways) by using electromagnetic forces between superconducting magnets on board the vehicle and coils on the ground.
2. 与传统的轮轨铁路不同,磁浮列车主要是依靠无接触的电磁力、而非机械力来实现支承、导向、加速和制动功能。
Different from conventional wheel-on-rail system, the Transrapid accomplishes the functions of support, guidance, acceleration and braking by using non-contact electromagnetic instead of mechanical force.
3. 由于列车运行中几乎没有机械接触,因而运行起来噪声较小,时速却可高达500公里。
Becau there is almost no mechanical contact Transrapid can run with lower noi, but relatively higher speed up to 500 km/h.
4. 磁悬浮系统依靠列车上的电磁铁和导轨中的磁铁定子之间的吸力工作。
The magnetic levitation system is bad on the power of attraction between the electromagnets in the vehicle and the ferromagnetic stator packs in the guideway.
5. 跟传统列车不同,磁浮列车的驱动系统不安装在车辆上,而是在导向轨中。
In contrast to the conventional trains, the propulsion system for the Transrapid is not mounted in the vehicle but in the guideway.
6. 导轨上的长定子线性电机被分成区段,各区段均有独立开关,只有列车通过该区段时才有电力供应。
The long-stator linear motor in the guideway is divided into gments which are individually switched on and off, with power only being supplied to the given gments as the train pass.
7. 电子控制的磁浮磁铁贯穿车辆的两侧,这些磁铁使车辆被吸往安装在导轨下放的磁铁定子元件。
Electronically controlled support magnets located on both sides along the entire length of the vehicle pull up to the ferromagnetic stator packs mounted to the underside of the guideway.
8. 贯穿车辆两侧的导轨磁铁使车辆水平悬浮在轨道上。
彩排英文Guidance magnets located on both sides along the entire length of the vehicle keep the vehicle laterally on the track.
9. 电子系统可确保空隙恒定(即10毫米)。
Electronic systems guarantee that the clearance remains constant (nominally 10 mm).
10. 列车浮升所需功量低于车辆空调设施所需。
To hover, the maglev requires less power than its air conditioning equipment.
11. 悬浮系统由车载电池馈电,因而与驱动系统无关。
The levitation system is supplied from on-board batteries and thus independent of the propulsion system.
12. 在没有外部能量输入的情况下,车辆也能悬浮达30分钟之久。而在运行过程中,车载电池可由配备于悬浮磁铁中的线性发电机充电。
The vehicle is capable of hovering up to 30 minutes without external energy. While travelling, the on-board batteries are recharged by linear generators integrated into the support magnets.
13. 磁浮列车可采用单轨或双轨运行。导轨既可水平铺设于地面,也可用细柱加以升高。导轨由钢或混凝土组成,每节导轨可长达62米。
The maglev hovers over a single or double track guideway. It can be mounted either at-grade or elevated on slim columns and consists of individual steel or concrete beams up to 62 meters in length.
14. 若要改道,可采用曲性道岔。这些曲性道岔由无缝钢条组成,通过机电制导装置,使其柔性弯曲。
To change tracks, bendable switches are ud which consist of a continuous steel beam which is elastically bent by means of electro-mechanical tting drives.
不客气 英文15. 低速道岔(长约78米),用于列车临近站时改道。列车可沿道岔方向以100公里每小时的速度驶过(在直线方向不减速运行)。
Low speed switches, approx.78 meters long, are ud to change tracks near stations and can be pasd over in the turnout direction at 200 km/h (in the straight direction at full operating speed).
16. 高速道岔(长约150米),用在哪些需要列车快速通过道岔区段的地方(道岔处时速为200公里,直线方向则不减速运行)。
High speed switches, approx.150 meters long, are ud where higher turnout speeds are required (200km/h turnout speed and in the straight direction at full operating speed).可操作性
17. 磁浮列车由非接触式长定子线性电机驱动,线性电机装在导轨内,作业类似于一个定子切开后展开装在导轨下方的旋转电机。
格林奇偷走圣诞节The maglev is propelled by a non-contact, long-stator linear motor which is installed in the guideway and functions like a rotating electric motor with the stator cut open and stretched out below the guideway.
18. 通电螺线管里的电流产生了一个移动磁场,以非接触的方式驱动车辆。
Electric current in the cable windings generates a travelling magnetic field which pulls the vehicle along without contact.
19. 悬浮磁铁作业相当于励磁元件(即转子)。
The support magnets form the exciter (i.e. the rotor).
20. 通过调节电流频率可控制速度,而改变行波磁场方向可以非接触的方式对车辆进行制动,因为这时已将电动机转换成了发电机,制动产生的能量则以电能形式馈入电网中。travelling
The speed is variable by controlling the frequency of the current. Changing the direction of the filed of the travelling wave results in non-contact braking of the vehicle becau the motor is converted into a generator. The braking energy can then be fed back into the power grid in the form of electric energy.
21. 磁浮列车至少有两节车厢。每节车厢平均设座位约90个。根据实际情况及交通流量,列车可由多达十节车厢组成(前后两节类似于传统列车的机车和守车,中间还有八节)。
Maglev vehicles compri a minimum of two ctions, each with approx.90 ats on average. According to application and traffic volume, trains may be compod of up to ten ctions (two end and eight middle ctions).
22. 事实上,磁浮列车也适宜从事货物运输。对于高速货物运输来说,可将货物专用车厢编入旅客列车,或编组成货物专列(每节运货可达18吨)。因为驱动系统置于导轨中,所以车辆长度和有效载荷都不会影响加速力。