PS:消费者分析Sub AdjustPartsPropsLocation()
'MACRODESCRIPTION Auto adjust Location of Part's display properties
'SelectObject -52.32, -20.83, FALSE
'SelectObject -14.22, -1.02, FALSE
Const MB_OKCANCEL = 1 ' Define buttons.
Const vbOKOnly = 0
Const IDCANCEL = 2
Const MaxNumOfParts = 500
Dim DgDef, Msg, Respon, Title ' Declare variables.
Title = "注意:"
Msg = "1. 该宏将自动调整原理图页面中元件的Part Refrence和Value的位置;" & (Chr(13)) & _
"2. 该宏将自动创建C:\文件,如果该文件存在,其内容将被覆盖;" & (Chr(13)) & _
"3. 该程序正常情况下首先弹出一个对话框 begin,如果在该begin出现之前orcad弹出" & (Chr(13)) & _
" Select filter 请手动选择:parts(只选择parts,其他一概不要选);" & (Chr(13)) & _
"4. 如果在begin对话框之后还出现lect filter,请手动选择2013年广东高考display properties;" & (Chr(13)) & _
"5. 该宏在orcad capture 10.3除此之外翻译及winxp下测试通过,其他情况未测试" & (Chr(13)) & _
"6. 请确保您使用的电阻电容形状和大小类似Capture库中的相应元件,并注意它们在库中的" & (Chr(13)) & _
" 原始图形是垂直放置的,即印脚在上下位置,而不是左右位置" & (Chr(13)) & _
"7. 本程序假设R*,r*,L*,l*,C*,c*与Caputre的Discrete.olb中的R,C外形大致相似;" & (Chr(13)) & _
" 其他字母开头的统一当作矩形行状的元件处理,其Part Refrence和Value置上。 " & (Chr(13)) & _
"8. 为防止出错死循环establish,本宏中设置了页面最大元件数为500;" & (Chr(13)) & _
"9. 请在Option->preference->lect下设置选择方式为interlect,并确定;" & (Chr(13)) & _
"10.请在Option->schematic Page Properties->page size下选择inch," & (Chr(13)) & _
" 并确保您的原理图尺寸小于43X33" & (Chr(13)) & _ucb
"11.程序运行期间,请不要动键盘和鼠标,以免程序出错产生数据破坏;" & (Chr(13)) & _
"12.请确保您在运行该程序之前做好了备份,如有数据丢失或损坏,概不负责" & (Chr(13))
Msg = Msg & (Chr(13)) & " 您确认要继续吗?"
DgDef = MB_OKCANCEL ' Describe dialog.
Respon = MsgBox(Msg, DgDef, Title) ' Get ur respon.
6、你购买DIY手工艺制品的目的有那些?If Respon = IDCANCEL Then
MsgBox "退出程序!"
Exit Sub
El ' action.
End If
Dim ExitLoop As Integer
ExitLoop = 0
Dim partName As String
Dim TxtFileName As String
TxtFileName = "c:\"
Dim PartLocX As String
Dim PartLocY As String
Dim ReturnValue As Integer
'sometimes the following is ok,sometimes is unvalid :(
SendKeys "%vfa{TAB 2} {enter}", True 'popup a lect filter dialo and t parts filter
Msg = "如果您刚才看到了lect filter对话框,而您没有只选择Parts," & (Chr(13)) & _
Respon = MsgBox(Msg, DgDef, "您要继续吗?") ' Get ur respon.
If Respon = IDCANCEL Then
MsgBox ("退出程序!")
Exit Sub
El ' action.
End If
但这些困难并非能够否定我们创业项目的可行性。盖茨是由一个普通退学学生变成了世界首富,李嘉诚是由一个穷人变成了华人富豪第一人,他们的成功表述一个简单的道理:如果你有能力,你可以从身无分文变成超级富豪;如果你无能,你也可以从超级富豪变成穷光蛋。'SendKeys "%vfa{UP 12} {enter}",True 'popup a lect filter dialo and t parts filter
GoToAbsolute 0#, 0#
SelectBlock 0#, 0#, 43#, 33#, Fal
RemoveDisplayProperty "Part Reference"
RemoveDisplayProperty "Value"
'Open Property Editor and then Select,copy to clipboard and clo Property Editor
SendKeys "{LEFT}+{DOWN}^c%-{DOWN 5}{ENTER}"
'creat a empty text: c:\
Open TxtFileName For Output As #1
Clokiss my ass
在上海, 随着轨道交通的发展,地铁商铺应运而生,并且在重要商圈已经形成一定的气候,投资经营地铁商铺逐渐为一大热门。在人民广场地下的迪美购物中心,有一家DIY自制饰品店--“碧芝自制饰品店”ReturnValue = Shell("notepad.EXE c:\", 1) ' Run Notepad
AppActivate " - 记事本"
SendKeys "^a^v%fs%fx", True ' Paste from clipboard and save on the disk c:\.
300-400元 16 32%
ExitLoop = 0
Dim FileData As String
Dim PartRotation As String
Dim PartRef As String
Dim displayPro As String
Dim K As Integer
displayPro = ""
Dim aa As String
unbreak my heartDim nTabNameBegin As Integer
Dim nTabNum As Integer
Dim nPreTab As Integer
Dim nEndTab As Integer
nTabNum = 0
Dim TmpCnt As Integer
'popup a lect filter dialog and t display property filter
Msg = "1:请使用鼠标点击确定按钮,不要直接使" & (Chr(13)) & _
" 用ENTER,因为此时焦点可能不再该窗口上" & (Chr(13)) & (Chr(13)) & _
"2:确定后开始调整Part ref和value的位置,这" & (Chr(13)) & _
" 可能要花费较长的时间,请耐心等候..."
Respon = MsgBox(Msg, 48, "警告")
'MsgBox("开始调整Part ref和value的位置,这可能要花费较长的时间,请耐心等候")
'SendKeys "%vfa{TAB 8}",True
SendKeys "%vfa{UP 8} {ENTER}", True
Open TxtFileName For Input As #1
'Get File header information
If (Not EOF(1)) Then
Line Input #1, FileData
FileData = LCa(FileData)
verizon是什么意思 'MsgBox(FileData)
If (Not (Len(FileData) > 0)) Then
MsgBox ("1:文件格式错误或文件不存在")
Exit Sub
End If
nTabNameBegin = InStr(1, FileData, Chr$(9) & "name" & Chr$(9), 1)
If nTabNameBegin = 0 Then
MsgBox ("2:文件格式错误或文件不存在lj什么意思网络用语")
Exit Sub
End If
FileData = Left(FileData, nTabNameBegin - 1)
TmpCnt = InStr(1, FileData, Chr$(9), 1)
Do While (TmpCnt > 0 And TmpCnt < Len(FileData))
nTabNum = nTabNum + 1
TmpCnt = InStr(TmpCnt + 1, FileData, Chr$(9), 1)
End If
Do While Not EOF(1)
TmpCnt = 1
K = nTabNum + 1
Line Input #1, FileData
Do While (K)
nPreTab = InStr(TmpCnt, FileData, Chr$(9), 1)
TmpCnt = nPreTab + 1
'MsgBox(Str$(NTabNum)&":" & Str$(nPreTab))
K = K - 1
nEndTab = InStr(TmpCnt, FileData, Chr$(9), 1)
finish的用法 partName = Mid(FileData, nPreTab + 1, Abs(nEndTab - nPreTab - 1))
'MsgBox(Str$(nPreTab)&":" & Str$(nEndTab) & ":" & partName )
Findparts partName, Fal
GetProperty "Rotation", PartRotation
GetProperty "Part Reference", PartRef
'The following for Resistor
If ((Left$(PartRef, 1) = "R") Or (Left$(PartRef, 1) = "r") Or (Left$(PartRef, 1) = "L") Or (Left$(PartRef, 1) = "l")) Then
DisplayProperty "Value", "Arial", 9, Fal, Fal, 48, 0
SelectBlock 0#, 0#, 0.1, 0.1, Fal
'GetProperty "Rotation" , PartRotation
If (Left$(PartRotation, 3) = " 0" Or Left$(PartRotation, 3) = "180") Then
Drag 0.12, 0.3, Fal
Drag 0.3, 0#, Fal
End If
Setfont "Arial", 1, Fal, Fal
Findparts partName, Fal
DisplayProperty "Part Reference", "Arial", 9, Fal, Fal, 48, 0
SelectBlock 0#, 0#, 0.1, 0.1, Fal
'GetProperty "Rotation" , PartRotation
If (Left$(PartRotation, 3) = " 0" Or Left$(PartRotation, 3) = "180") Then
Drag 0.12, -0.1, Fal
Drag -0.1, 0#, Fal
End If
Setfont "Arial", 1, Fal, Fal
Beadwrks公司还组织各国的“芝自制饰品店”定期进行作品交流,体现东方女性聪慧的作品曾在其他国家大受欢迎;同样,自各国作品也曾无数次启发过中国姑娘们的灵感,这里更是创作的源泉。 'The following for Capacity
ElIf ((Left$(PartRef, 1) = "C") Or (Left$(PartRef, 1) = "c")) Then
DisplayProperty "Value", "Arial", 9, Fal, Fal, 48, 0
SelectBlock 0#, 0#, 0.1, 0.1, Fal
'GetProperty "Rotation" , PartRotation
If (Left$(PartRotation, 3) = " 0" Or Left$(PartRotation, 3) = "180") Then
Drag 0.12, 0.1, Fal
Drag 0.12, 0#, Fal
End If
Setfont "Arial", 1, Fal, Fal
Findparts partName, Fal
DisplayProperty "Part Reference", "Arial", 9, Fal, Fal, 48, 0
SelectBlock 0#, 0#, 0.1, 0.1, Fal
'GetProperty "Rotation" , PartRotation
If (Left$(PartRotation, 3) = " 0" Or Left$(PartRotation, 3) = "180") Then
Drag 0.12, -0.1, Fal
Drag -0.2, 0#, Fal
End If
Setfont "Arial", 1, Fal, Fal
'The following for other
DisplayProperty "Value", "Arial", 9, Fal, Fal, 48, 0
SelectBlock 0#, 0#, 0.1, 0.1, Fal
Drag 0.4, -0.1, Fal
Setfont "Arial", 1, Fal, Fal
Findparts partName, Fal
DisplayProperty "Part Reference", "Arial", 9, Fal, Fal, 48, 0
SelectBlock 0#, 0#, 0.1, 0.1, Fal
Drag 0#, -0.1, Fal
Setfont "Arial", 1, Fal, Fal