Quaternion计算3D物体旋转⾓度搭配 英文
小学教材可以把quaternion看做⼀个标量和⼀个3D向量的组合。实部w表⽰标量,虚部表⽰向量标记为V,或三个单独的分量(x,y,z)。所以quaternion可以记为[w,V]或[ w,x,y,z]。对quaternion最⼤的误解在于认为w表⽰旋转⾓度,V表⽰旋转轴,正确的理解应该是w与旋转⾓度有关,v与旋转轴有关。
lehmanCreates a rotation which rotates angle degrees around axis.
akb0048 next stageCreates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection.
Creates a rotation that looks along forward with the the head upwards along upwards
Spherically interpolates from towards to by t.
2300Interpolates from towards to by t and normalizes the result afterwards.
bamboo forest
unwiReturns the Inver of rotation.
Returns the angle in degrees between two rotations a and b.
Returns a rotation that rotates x degrees around the x axis. y degrees around the y axis. z degrees around the z axis.