acid rain 酸雨 pollution 污染 interaction of systems 系统的交互作用 environmental problem 环境问题 environmental disturbance 环境破坏 biotic habitat 生物环境 sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫 nitrogen oxide 氧化氮 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 automobile exhaust 汽车尾气 infectious dias 有传染性的疾病 primary air pollutant 一次大气污染物 condary air pollutant 二次大气污染物 monoxide 一氧化物 dioxide 二氧化物 trioxide 三氧化物 carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫 sulfur trioxide 三氧化硫 nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮 nitric oxide 一氧化氮 contaminant 污染物 strength 强度 foreign matter 杂质 domestic wage 生活污水 municipal wastewater 城市废水 microbe 微生物 bacteria 细菌 microorganism 微生物 total solids 总固体 inorganic constituents 无机要素 suspended solids (SS)固体悬浮物 recontamination 再污染 contamination 污染 groundwater 地下水 surface water 地表水 colloid 胶体 restriction 限制 screening 隔栅 coagulation 凝聚 flocculation 絮凝 dimentation 沉淀 filtration 过滤 disinfection 消毒 microbial degradation 微生物降解 biological degradation 生化降解 biofilm process 生物膜法 activated sludge process 活性污泥法 attached-growth 吸着生长 suspended-growth 悬浮生长 shock loading 冲击负荷 organic loading 有机负荷 mixed liquor suspended solids 混合液悬浮固体 metabolize 使代谢
化 metabolism 新陈代谢 dissolved oxygen 溶解氧 agricultural 农业的 solid waste 固体废物 municipal 城市化 hazardous 危险的 industrial 工业的 residential 住宅的 waterborne dias 水传染的疾病 agrarian society 农业社会 industrial society 工业社会 industrial revolution产业革命 urbanization 城市化 industrialization 工业化 developed country 发达国家 developing country 发展中国家 undeveloped country 落后国家 nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮 carbon oxides 碳氮化物 sulfur oxides 硫氧化物 nitrogen oxides 氮氧化物 hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物 photochemical oxidants 光化学氧化物 particulates 颗粒物 inorganic compound 无机化合物 organic compound 有机化合物 radioactive substance 放射性物质 heat 热 noi 噪声 volatile suspended solids (VSS)挥发性悬浮固体颗粒 organic matter 有机物质 total organic carbon, TOC 总有机碳 chemical oxygen demand, COD 化学需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand, BOD 生化需氧量 biodegradable 可微生物分解的 chlorination 氯化消毒 ozonation 臭氧消毒 softening 软化 adsorption 吸附 desalination 脱盐处理 预加氯 prechlorination 预加 aeration 曝气 activated carbon 活性炭 rever osmosis 反渗透 pretreatment process 预处理工艺 primary clarifier 初沉池 equalization basin 均质池 biological treatment process 生物处理工艺 aeration basin 曝气池 condary
clarifier 二沉池 biomass 生物质 heterotrophic bacteria 异养菌 autotrophic bacteria 自养菌 hydraulic retention time (HRT) 水力停留时间 sludge residence time (SRT) 污泥停留时间 commercial 商业的 putrescible 易腐烂的 combustible 易燃的 flammable 可燃的 explosive 易爆的 radioactive 放射性的 汽车尾气 automobile exhaust compaction: 压实, Landfilling 土地填埋 incineration: 焚烧 composting: 堆肥 compaction: 压实,紧凑 sanitary landfill 卫生填埋 balance 剩下的,余额,结余 batch-fed 分批投料 refu 垃圾 municipal waste 城市垃圾 perform: 执行 shut down: 关闭 energy recovery 能量回收 incomplete combustion 不完全燃烧 combustion 燃烧 volume reduction 体积缩小 anaerobic 厌氧硝化 中英互译短语 Biological degradation 生化降解 equalization basin 调节池 aeration basin 曝气池 sludge blocs 污泥絮体 ttling tank 沉淀池 dissolved oxygen 溶解氧 suspended-growth 悬浮生长 pulverized refu 垃圾破碎 biofilm 生物膜 well-compacted landfill 压实填埋场 nutrient source 营养源 mass-burning 大量燃烧 fluidized fed incarceration 硫化床燃烧法 soil conditioners 土壤改良剂 carbon 温室效应 greenhou effect 由 CO2 引起的 caust by CO2 世界碳预算 the world carbon budget 天气自然波动 natural fluctuations 全球变暖 global warming 厌氧的 anaerobic 腐烂 Putrefied 甲烷 methane 臭氧层 ozone layer 气候
模型 climatic model 正常浓度:normal concentration 严重污染物:heavily polluted 决定因素:determining factor 光化学氧化物:photochemical oxidants 液体微滴:liquid particulates 含硫的:sulfur-containing 放射性物质:radioactiue substance 汽车尾气:automobile exhaust wet oxidation 湿式氧化
1、 Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us; that which we can e, hear, touch, smell, and taste. 环境是我们周围的物理和生物环境,我们可以看到、听到、接触到、闻到和品尝到的。
2、 Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the air, water, or land that can harmfully affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms 污染可以定义为大气、水或者土壤在物理、化学或者生物方面的 特征所产生的不愉快的变化,它对人类的健康、生存和活动或者其他的有机体都产生了有害的影响。
3、 Two examples of interaction between systems that cau major environmental disturbances are prented-the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a global problem,
and the acid rain problem, normally of regional nature 目前大气中二氧化碳的增多,是一个全球性的问题,还有酸雨问题,一般来说它都具有一 定的区域特性,这就是两个关于系统之间的相互联系而产生重大环境问题的例子。 adver
4、 With the improvements, however, have come disturbing side effects, such as lost arable land, disappearing forests, environmental pollution, and new organisms resistant to controls.肖恩克的救赎 经过这些进步,尽管还是有一些破坏性的影响,例如耕地、森林的消失,环境的污染和新的生物反抗的控制
5、 Both phenomena, urbanization and industrialization, were and are fundamental caus of water and air pollution which the cities of that time were unable to handle.城市化和工业化两者的现象,是 过去和现在水污染和大气污染的根本原因,在过去这些城市是处理不了的
6、 Rapid advances in technology for the treatment of water and the partial treatment of wastewater took place in the developed countries over the next few decades.在接下来的几十年理发达国家,在水治 理和部分废水治理技术方面都取得了快速的进展。
1、 What Is Air Pollution? Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans, other animals, vegetation or materials. There are two major types of air pollutants .A primary air pollutant is a chemical added directly to the air that occurs in a harmful concentration. It can be a natural air component, such as carbon dioxide, that ris above its normal concentration, or something not usually found in the air, such as a lead compound emitted by cars burning leaded gasoline. A condary air pollutant is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components. Serious air pollution usually results over a city or other area that is emitting high levels of pollutants during a period of air stagnation. The geographic location of some heavily populated cities, such as Los Angeles and Mexico City, makes them particularly susceptible to frequent air stagnation and pollution buildup 什么是大气污染?大气污染一般定义为含有一种或多种浓度足够高得而且对人类、其他动物、植 2 物或者物质产生有害影响的物质,有两种主要类型的大气污染,一次大气污染是一种化学物质直接排放到大气中并达到一定的 有害浓度,他可以是空气仲的自然组分,例如二氧化碳,当它的浓度升高到超过它的正常值时,或者
一些平常在大气中找不到 的组分,例如汽车燃烧含铅汽油而导致大气中散发出一些化合物。二次大气污染物是指在大气中通入现有组分间发生的化学反 应而产生的一种有害化学物质。 严重的大气污染通常是在静风条件下经过一段时间后结果一个城市或其他地区的大气中有高浓 度的污染物。一些人口非常稠密的城市的地理位置,例如洛杉矶和墨西哥的地理位置,使得它们经常特别易受空气流动停滞和 污积物的增加的影响。
1、 The most vere conquence of CO2 induced global warming would be melting of the polar ice caps and he subquent ri of ocean levels and inundation of coastal plains. 二氧化碳导致全球变暖最严 重的后果将会是两极冰块的融化和海平面的上升以及沿海地区洪水的泛滥。
2、 Although global warming from the already elevate levels of atmospheric CO2 has been predicted by most climatic models, such a warming has not been empirically obrved.初二历史复习提纲虽然全球气候变暖已经是通过 大气仲 CO2 的浓度升高而被许多气候模型而预测得到,如此的一种变暖还没有以经验为主地观察
3、 Although they indicate trends in average surface temperatures and climate, they unfo
rtunately coincide with incread industrialization and pollution 虽然他们指出表面温度和气候的平均趋势,但是他 们不幸地与工业化增加和污染相一致
4、 High biomass systems: Many current approaches to high biomass system employ a combination of fixed film suspended biomass in the process全家死光. High biomass systems have gained a certain popularity in Europe. During the past few years, a number of investigations undertaken in the Federal Republic of Germany have been reported. Among the advantages attributed to such systems have been improvements in nitrification performance, sludge ttleability, and effluent quality.高生物质系 统:现在很多应用在高生物质系统的方法是生物质固定膜上的组合工艺法。高生物质系统在欧洲得到了广泛的普及,在过去的 几年里,由德国联邦政府着手的大量调查研究都被报道,在这样的优势归因于系统已经改善了硝化性能,污泥的沉降性和出水 水质
popularscience5、 Reasons for lecting high biomass systems over construction of additional aeration tanks and clarifiers(or other condary treatment process) include reduced space requirements, incread process stability, and capital/operating cost savings.选择高生物
质系统的原因是在传统的曝气池和澄清池 或者其他二次处理工艺的构筑物中都有减少空间的需要,增加工艺的稳定性能和节省操作费用
6、 High biomass systems call for installation of supplemental equipment over that contained in a conventional activated sludge plant, More installed equipment generally implies more maintenance, and, to some extent, this is true for some of the systems后备箱英文>all round. 托福经典加试In addition, the prence of both suspended and fixed biomass forms and higher biomass concentrations may require a certain level of additional operator time to achieve optimum system performance.高生物质系统需要安装辅助设备在那些常规的活性污泥 厂里面,很多安装的设备一般需要较多的维修费用,在某些程度上,对于一些系统来说这是真的,除此之外,现场的悬浮和固 定的生物质的形式和高生物质浓度都需要一个合适程度的额外操作时间来达到最佳的系统性能。