機密等級: 機密
USI Controlled Document Confidential Level: Confidential
Document Title(文件名稱) :
Green Product Specification
Document Number(文件編號): AT-0801-R300
Revision(文件版本): A4
Revi Date: 06/12/2007
Prepared by(撰寫者): Edwin Huang 黃基泉
Create by which Unit(制定單位) : GOE/CQM/QED/GM
AG-0801-M006-F2 Rev.:A1
Amendment Records
Item: Date: Revision: Page: Change Description: Changed by:
1 10/27/2004 A
2 29 Defined Recycled Materials Cherry Chien
2 04/14/2005 A
3 23 1. Change banned substances from 1
4 to 6 (RoHS
2. Bad on RoHS directive to modify the
Allowable Concentrations
Cherry Chien
3 10/26/2005 A
4 2, 3, 6, 9,
16, 17 1. added adopted timing items for exemption
2. added definitions
3. added the exemption items for Lead and PBDE
4. added testing request and modified chemicalbeijing language and culture university
testing methods
Cherry Chien
512护士节文章4 12/20/200
5 A1 All Document coding change from AT-0801-R001 to
Cherry Chien
5 03/31/200
6 A2 All 1. delete the GP schedule on adopted timing
2. delete the exemption of PBDE
3. modified the format for additional rules for
batteries and accumulators
4. added controlled substances in applicable laws
and regulations
Cherry Chien
6 10/11/2006 A3 10 Omit the concentration in a plastic (including rubber)
part, paints and inks should follow the rule of A01
cadmium and A02 lead for packaging materials
Cherry Chien
7 06/05/2007 A4 9
18 1.Add Elimination and Schedule of Restricted
2.Targets & Allowable Concentrations=> 0.002 wt%
3.Analysis Method : Metallic, IEC TC111 Sec.9, IEC
TC111 Sec.10
Edwin Huang
AG-0801-M006-F3 Rev.:A1
peachyOriginal Effective Date:
05/31/2004 (綠色環保產品規格)
1. 適用時機及範圍Adopted Timing & Scope (2)currentpassword
2. 定義Definitions (2)
3. 指定對象Assigned Targets (4)
1. A01鎘及其化合物 (Cd) (4)
2. A02鉛及其化合物 (Pb) (5)
nv3. A03汞及其化合物 (Hg) (7)
4. A04六價鉻及其化合物 (Cr+6) (8)
5. A05多溴聯苯 (PBB) (8)
6. A06多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) (9)
3.1 禁用物質削減計畫 Elimination and Schedule of Restricted Substances (9)
4. 其他指定對象Other Assigned Targets (10)
1. 包裝材料管理事項Additional rules for packaging materials (10)
2. 電池及蓄電池管理事項Additional rules for batteries and accumulators (10)
5. 未指定對象Non-assigned targets (12)
6. 檢測報告要求Test report request (17)
哧哧英语7. 檢測方法Test Methods (18)
8. 附則Appendix (19)
1. 物質限用規定之相關國際法源Controlled substances in applicable laws
and regulations (19)
2. 環境危害物質之詳細資料Supplemental information for environmental
hazardous substances (20)
Original Effective Date:
05/31/2004 (綠色環保產品規格)check it out
1.適用時機及範圍Adopted Timing & Scope 1.為因應國際法令規章的要求(除非客戶有明確要求其產品不須符合產品環保法規),特制定USI綠色環保產品規格。
USI hereby releas “Green product Specification” to comply with the requirements of multinational laws and regulations (except customers demands non-RoHS-compliant product).
2.定義Definitions 1.管理標準:按照以下二種管理標準進行管制。
Management Standards: To manage the above-mentioned substances, the following are ud.
Banned Substance: The substances and purpos classified at this level are
tho who u must be banned immediately.
Exemption: The substance applications classified as Exemption are tho not regulated by the law or excluded from the ‘Banned
Substances’ due to the unavailability of adequate alternative
parts and materials on the market that satisfies the intended
括在加工過程中混入或黏附於產品中的環境危害物質)。Intentionally added: It is a situation in which a substance is intentionally
added to, fills up, mingles with, or adheres to the parts or
devices employed in products, or the materials ud for
pestlethe parts or materials ought to be reduced.
去除的環境危害物質(Natural Impurity),或者合成反應過程中產生,而在
Impurity: An “Impurity” is a substance that satisfies either or both of the following conditions: (1) A substance contained in a natural material,
which cannot technically be removed in a refining process totally
(i.e. natural impurities); and (2) A substance generated in a
synthesis process, the total removal of which is technically
Original Effective Date:
05/31/2004 (綠色環保產品規格)
Recycled Materials: The products, such as parts, materials, mi-finished
products, accessories, are designed, manufactured, or
sold by USI can not u any recycled materials (oil ba)
except injected molding plastic products under the
following conditions. Injected molding plastic products
are allowed to get the reud materials if they will be
ud in the same type materials. In addition, the
concentration of reud materials cannot over 20%.
5.均質材料:均勻混和且無法以機械力將其分離成兩種不同材料。Homogeneous Materials: A unit that cannot be mechanically disjointed in
single materials.
Allowable Concentrations: The allowable maximum concentration by weight in a
homogeneous material.