性的英语 【内容提要】 | 现象学家常讲到“事情本身”。胡塞尔说,“回到事情本身”;海德格尔说,要“从事情本身出发处理前有、前见和前把握”;伽达默尔说,“理解的经常任务就是作出正确的符合于事情的筹划,这种筹划作为筹划就是预期,而预期应当是‘骄阳翻译由事情本身’才得到证明”dozen。实际上,在维特根斯坦之后,现象学走了另一条关于interviews“事情本身”的理解之路:胡塞尔以客观对象与原本的主观的被给予方式之间的先天相关性,指明了“事情本身”与意向意识的关联性;海德格尔以此在替代了胡塞尔的先验意识或先验自我,从而以此在诠释学阐明了“学会感恩演讲稿事情本身”与此在的生存性相关;伽达默尔把“事情本身”理解为在存在中和通过存在展现自身的东西——存在是语言,所以“small事情本身”就是展现自身于语言中和作为“观”(Ansicht)的东西,从而为“事情本身”的语言性和历史性理解铺平了道路,奠定了哲学诠释学的根本基础。简言之,“greenbrower事情本身”对于胡塞尔来说就是意向性,对于海德格尔来说就是生存性,而对于伽达默尔来说就是历史性。 "Things themlves"(Sache lbst)is a terminology that phenomenogists often put in u. Husrl came upon it by saying "aufdie Sache lbst zurueckgehen". Heidegger asrted that the first and last task of interpretation(Auslegung)is, "sich jeweils Vorhabe, Vorsicht und Vorgriff nicht durch Einfaelle und Volksbegriffe vorgeben zulasn, sondern in deren Ausarbeitung aus den Sachen lbst her das wisnscha ftliche Thema zu sichern." And Gadamer said, "Die Ausarbeitung der rechteh, sachangemesnen Entwuerfe, die als Entwuerfe Vorwegnahmen sind, die sich 'an den Sachen' erst bestaetigen sollen, ist die staendig Aufgable des Verstehens." Nonetheless, phenomology had new approaches to the elucidations of "things themlves" after Wittgenstein. Husrl explicated the relation between "things themlves" and intentional consciousness(noesis)in terms of "korrelationsapriori" between objective things and their original and subjective modes of givenness. Heidegger substituted Husrl's transcendental consciousness or transcendental ego with Dains or "being-in-the-world". That allowed one to reveal the relation between things themlves and "Existenziale des Dains" in his Hermeneutik des Dains. Gadamer saw things themlves as things manifested in their Being and throught their Being-Being is language. That means, he saw things themlves as things that manifested themlves in language and had "Ansicht". It paved the way to understand the linguisticality and historicity of "things themlves" and thereby laid the foundation of philosophical hermeneutics. In a word, for Husrl, "things themlves" is "intentionality", for Heidegger "Existenziale" and for Gadamer "historicity". |
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