Artwork and mirror - defect classification list(1) (20090320))

更新时间:2023-06-17 01:55:10 阅读: 评论:0

此份标准将家具里面常见的缺陷及其不良状况分为四个等级——H,A,B, C
H (危險)H (Critical)
A (嚴重) A (Major)
appearance defects affecting the stability of the product
B (輕微)B (Minor)
defect beyond the defined quality standard
C (注意)C (Advisory)
improvement in the production to prevent becoming bad.
a 在500~1000勒克斯(LUX)之照度下
Inspection perform under 500~1000 Lux condition b 受检面与检验者成45 +/-10度角接受检查  .45 +/-10degree angle to perform the inspection
c 检验距离为:500mm +/-50mm Perform the inspection with 500mm +/-50mm distance
d 检验时间大概10秒.
10c deviation for inspect each face of product e 检验时不可在反光下检验而强化表面之瑕疵Cannot perform inspection with light reflection effect f 不得以放大镜检验外观.III)檢验, 判定用具:
尺寸 直尺/卷尺/卡尺Dimension 干湿度 干湿度仪
Humidity 外观, 颜色 目视, 樣板, 色板Cosmetic, color 印刷字体 Drawing, 樣板
Printing 內外結構Drawing, 樣板, 試用Construction 功能, 組裝試用, 試組裝Functional, asmble
1.1印有供应商公司资料Supplier contact √
1.2印刷字体不清晰Printing quality √1.3单词拼写错误Incorrect spell √
1.4工程项目错误漏写Incorrect Project √1.5定单号码错误漏写Incorrect PO #√1.6款号错误/漏写Incorrect Model √1.7描述错误/漏写
Incorrect describe
Demonstration, asmble
World Sourcing Services Limited (WSSL)
Apply to all type of Artwork and Mirror <;對應所有工艺品和镜子成品>
Classification criteria (分級條件)
Defect classification list <;不良狀況判定(分級標準)>
Sampling plan: Mil. Std. 105E, Level II, Single, Normal, AQL 0 (Critical) / 0 (Major) / 1.5 (Minor), unless specified.
Visual Inspection criteria:barista
A defect that does not reduce the usability of the product but nevertheless a workmanship A defect that is result in failure reducing the usability of the product and obvious 定義為該不良不構成客戶退貨,但需持續改善,以防止該不良狀況惡化,請生產商多加注意Visual inspection Drawing & sign-off sample Cannot u magnifier to perform the inspection
Humidity meter Drawing & sign-off sample A defect that is likely to result in a hazardous or unsafe condition for an individual using the product or that is contravening against mandatory regulations
定義為該缺陷導致成品的可用性或功能穩定性受到影响, 或明顯影響成品外觀
Ruler, soft ruler & calipers A defect that does not render the product returned by customer, but need constant Tools and judgement method
1.8包装数量及箱号Quantity & Series#√1.9原产地Made in statement √1.10产品使用区域Ud in statement √1.11收件人名字错误Receiver name √1.12側嘜及安檢標示Safety mark √1.13纸箱破烂撞痕压痕Carton damage √√
Depend on the damage level. E.g. Broken carton (A) or minor press mark(B)
1.14纸箱被水浸湿Wet carton √
1.15纸箱上有污渍Dirty carton √
Depend on the dirty level
2.1包装不能承托產品Cannot support √
2.2包装不穩產品移位Loo packing √
2.3包裝損壞成品外露Packaging damage √2.4安全的包装排列Packing method √2.5缺配件Accessary missing √2.6缺包装清单Missing Packing list √2.7缺說明書Missing Ur manual √2.8缺安装指引Miss asmble manual √2.9边,角沒有保护材料No Corner/Edge protect √
2.10包装前沒有清洁Clean-up before pack √√Depend on the dirty level 2.11包裝直接接觸地面Carton
place on floor √√Depend on the dirty level 2.12沒有包裝下存放Product storage issue √√广州平面设计培训
Depend on the dirty level
2.13存放使包裝变形Packaging deform √
Wrong material
3.2木材湿度不在6-12%Wood Humidity 6-8%
WIP Level = 6-8%, Product Level = 10-12%3.3沒做防虫處理Anti-bug treatment √3.4木材的開裂Wood crack/ split √3.5朽木,朽迹Wood rotten √√If the size: >/= 10mmx10mm (A), < 10mmx10mm (B)3.6木材死结Wood knot √√If the size: >/= 5mm x 5mm (A), < 5mm x 5mm (B)3.7木材發霉
Molded √√If the size: >/= 5mm x 5mm (A), < 5mm x 5mm (B)3.8木材缺塊, 破损Damage, crash √√If the size: >/= 5mm x 5mm (A), < 5mm x 5mm (B)3.9密集小孔Concentrate Pin hole √√If holes area: >/= 10mmx10mm (A), < 10mmx10mm (B)3.10砂眼Sand hole √√If holes area: >/= 10mmx10mm (A), < 10mmx10mm (B)3.11生鏽Rust √3.12电镀不良
Poor electroplate √3.13金属件焊接不良Poor metal Welding √4.1正面,顶部,侧面疵点Front Top Side flaw √
4.2底部,背面疵点Ba Back flaw √
carton bigger/ less crowded √4.5顏色與樣(色)板不符Mismatch color
√√Depend on the corol deviation range 4.6顏色不平均
Uneven surface color √√
Depend on the corol deviation range疯狂农庄
elispot4.7型狀與樣板不符Mismatch shape
√4.8尺寸與樣板圖紙不符Incorrect dimension
√4.9不平衡 不对称Unbalance Unsymmetrical √4.10
Scratch mark
4.11切割痕跡Cutting mark√
4.13表面有污穢Burnt/ dirt mark√√Depend on the dirty level
4.14表面有油污膠漬Glue/ grea mark√√Depend on the dirty level
4.15结合处有缝隙Joint slit√√Depend on the slit level
4.16凹痕,破洞Dent and crack√√
4.17釘,螺絲外露Nail screw exposure√
4.18返修痕跡Repair, mending mark√
4.19油漆龟裂,剥落Painting peel off√√Depend on the painting deviation range 4.20油漆厚薄不一致Uneven paint thickness√
4.21油漆有氣泡Bubble under paint√
4.22油漆有異物Dust under paint√
4.23上漆工藝不良Painting issue√
回首20124.24貼箔不良Uneven laminate√√Depend on the uneven level
4.25表面脫落Surface peel off√
4.26彫刻花纹不对称Pattern not match√
4.27彫刻花纹不良Defect pattern √
4.28紋理不一致Texture not match√
4.29紋理方向不一致Direction not match√
4.30镜片厚度不足thickness insufficient√
4.31镜片有气泡Bubble on glass√
4.32镜片破裂Glass breakage√√Product could fall down (H)
4.33镜片有哈哈镜效果fun-hou mirror effect√
Depend on the surface deviation range 5.2邊角手感不良Rough corner, edge√√Depend on the rough level
商誉是什么意思5.3內部手感粗糙Rough internal√√Depend on the rough level
5.4部件組裝不良Defect asmble√
公斤的英文5.5部件不能組裝Cannot asmble√√
5.6部件組裝錯誤Wrong asmble√
5.7部件接合後不穩Parts Wobble√
5.8裝配後部件变形Asmble deform√
5.9使用時產生不良Defect after u√
5.10使用時容易鬆脫Loo when u√√Product could fall down (H)
5.11不能正常使用Cannot function√
6.1部件规格與訂單不符Incorrect material√
6.2缺部件Missing part√
6.3缺螺絲或釘Missing screw or nail√
6.4部件变形Parts deform√
6.5部件脫落Parts peel off√√Product could fall down (H)魔法灰姑娘 电影
6.6部件鬆動Loo parts√
6.7裝飾品脱落Ornament peel off√√Ornament could fall down (H)
6.8裝飾品鬆脱Ornament loo√
6.9裝飾品外觀不良Defect Ornament√√Depend on the ornament deviation range

本文发布于:2023-06-17 01:55:10,感谢您对本站的认可!



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