复韵母是哪些⏹ The functions of government were simple, becau life itlf was simple.(那时的)政府功能是简单的,因为生活本身也是简单的
⏹ It is getting to be harder to run a constitution than to frame one.运行一部宪法比制定宪法变得更加困难。
⏹ Becau the same man cannot be at two places at the same time因为同一个人不能同时身处两地;
⏹ Becau one man cannot do two things at the same time因为同一个人不能同时做两件事情;
⏹ The introduction of machinery accentuates the division of work.
⏹ 机器(机械)的引入强化了劳动分工。
⏹ Coordination of work - complements the division of work 协作是分工的补充。
⏹ The Span of Control 控制幅度
⏹ Technical Efficiency –homogeneity技术效率(同质性)
⏹ Caveamus expertum - beware the expert(警惕专家的适用条件或局限性)
⏹ New Public Administration adds social equity to the classic objectives and rationale.新公共行政在传统目标和原理中增加了社会公正(的因素)。
⏹ 2. Devising Operational Plans to achieve the objectives. 设计操作性计划以实现这些目标
⏹ The length of rvice of politically appointed top government managers is relatively short, 高级政治任命政府管理人员服务期限是相对短的,
. Public process versus private process. 公共过程对私人过程
⏹ 7. Role of press and media. 出版传媒的角色
⏹ 8. Persuasion and direction. 说服与指挥
⏹ 爱词霸英语9. Legislative and judicial impact. 立法和司法影响
⏹ 10. Bottom line. 底线
⏹ 2.improved channels of communication between governments and their citizens政府和公民间改善的沟通渠道
⏹ 感叹句结构3.creation of a hospitable business environment“亲商”的环境
⏹ 1.关注谁的需要。A bureaucratic agency is focud on its own needs and perspectives. A customer-driven agency is focud on customer needs and perspectives.
⏹ 2.部分还是整体。A bureaucratic agency is focud on the roles and responsibilities of its parts. A customer-driven agency is focud on enabling the whole organization to function as a team.
⏹ 3.手段还是结果。A bureaucratic agency defines itlf both by the amount of resources it controls and by the tasks it performs. A customer-driven agency defines itlf by the results it achieves for its customers.
⏹ 4.成本还是价值。A bureaucratic agency controls costs. A customer-driven agency creates value net of cost.
⏹ 5.例行公事还是相机服务。A bureaucratic agency sticks to routine. A customer-driven agency modifies its operations in respon to changing demands for its rvices.
⏹ 6.地盘争夺还是业务竞争。A bureaucratic agency fights for turf. A customer-driven agency competes for business.
⏹ 7.标准程序还是允许选择。A bureaucratic agency insists on following standard procedures. A customer-driven agency builds choice into its operating systems when doing so rves a purpo.
⏹ 8.单向宣布还是双向互动。A bureaucratic agency announces policies and plans. A customer-driven agency engages in two-way communication with its customers in order to asss and revi its operating strategy.
⏹ 1. from the public interest to results citizens value从公共利益到实现公民价值
⏹ 2.from efficiency to quality and value从效率到质量和价值
⏹ 3.from administration to production从行政到生产
新西兰出国⏹ 4.from control to winning adherence to norms从控制到赢得对规范的坚守
⏹ 5.beyond functions, authority and structure从界定职能、权威、结构(到识别使命、服务、顾客、结果)
⏹ 6.from enforcing responsibility to building accountability从执行职责到建立责任(及加强工作关系)
⏹ 7.from justifying costs to delivering value从为成本辩护到传递价值
⏹ 8.beyond rules and procedures从规则和程序(到理解和运用规范、识别和解决问题、持续的提升过程)
2006年高考9.beyond operating administrative systemsbigbreast从运作行政体系
⏹ 1. extreme care must be taken early on to spell out the respective roles and responsibilities in a partnership。非常小心,必须采取早期,阐明各自的角色和责任的伙伴关系
⏹ 3. both the formal and informal aspects of the partnership need to be carefully considered. 需要仔细考虑的合作伙伴关系的正式和非正式的方面。
⏹ 5. special issues affecting partnerships will often ari as by-products of contracting out and privatization. 影响伙伴关系的特殊问题往往会产生的副产品外判和私有化。
⏹ while private managers have a longer tenure both in the same position and in the same enterpri. 而私人管理者在同一企业的同一职位具有更长的任期。
⏹ administration行政
⏹ civil rvice reform公务员制度改革
⏹ personnel 人事
⏹ utmost最大限度的
⏹ science of politics (chips=political science 政治学)
⏹ operative起作用的
学英语口语⏹ political writers 政治学家
⏹ monarchy君主政体
⏹ democracy民主制
⏹ oligarchy寡头制
⏹ practical detail实务的细节
⏹ engross占据了,使全神贯注
⏹ culminating达到极点的
⏹ 腐蚀英文studiously谨慎地
⏹ (satrap总督 )
⏹ (per diem每日)
⏹ underwent 承受
⏹ conscience 良心,责任心
⏹ science of administration 行政学
⏹ crooked 欺诈的
⏹ sinecurismellen show清闲
⏹ as yet到现在为止
⏹ do away with废除
⏹ Prussia 普鲁士
⏹ imperatively迫切(地) necessary需要的
⏹ saddle 马鞍;配备
⏹ public opinion 公共舆论
⏹ manipulate 操控,操纵
⏹ arbitrariness 武断
⏹ management of "initiative and incentive "
⏹ (提倡、主张)主动性和积极性的管理(思想)
⏹ ingenuity 创造性,才能
⏹ spasmodically 断续地
⏹ tabulate 列表
⏹ formulae公式(formula 的复数)
⏹ rule-of -thumb经验法则
⏹ knack 诀窍
⏹ intimate 亲密的
⏹ assume 承担,取得,假定
⏹ progressively 逐步的,日益增多的