Susan Bouillon
Legal Advisor: City Council of Pretoria
Franklin D. Roovelt once said that …Every person who invests in land near a growing city, adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for land is the basis of wealth.’
The purpo of this paper is to discuss the rural and urban land development and land tenure systems of South Africa and Botswana, and to explain their contributions to urban sustainability.
Botswana is located at the centre of the South African plateau, and is bordered by South Africa on the south and southeast, Zimbabwe on the northeast and Namibia on the west and northwest. Approximately 23% of the population is in urban areas and 77% in rural areas. Botswana has a rich tribal culture, and therefore it is not surprising that the Botswana legal system consists of local tribal courts, which adjudicate traditional matters and Tribal Land Boards, which rule on land u matters in tribal lands and traditional villages. Town Councils rule on land u matters in urban areas.
The government of Botswana has adopted a system of development planning which has coped relatively well compared with other African countries. Development planning involves the preparation of land u plans for both urban and rural areas. The practice in Botswana is that the public is made aware of the implications of land u plans before land is zoned for various us. Public awareness and participation is ensured by giving land urs an opportunity to lect preferred land u options from a range of options determined through the evaluation of physical and economic suitability of land resources (bottom-up approach).
PROPERTY RIGHTS AND LAND TENURE IN BOTSWANA It is the policy of the Government that all
citizens should have easy and equal access to land. In order to realize this, three land tenure systems have been put in place. Tribal land covers 71% of the total land area of the country. It is allocated to citizens free of charge for all types of us. State land is owned by the state and compris 23% of the total area. Most of this land is ud as National Parks, or Forest and Game Rerves within which no ttlements are permitted. However, a small percentage of this land is allocated for residential purpos, particularly in urban centers. Freehold land compris only 6% of the total area and is privately owned. Most of the government policies to date are therefore directed at tribal land.
中文名字翻译英文RURAL LAND
Prior to independence, Botswana had established traditional ways of allocating and managing tribal land and its resources through chiefs and communities. Soon after independence, the authority to allocate tribal land was shifted from the chiefs to the Tribal Land Boards which were established by the Tribal Land Act,but the management of the resources remains the responsibility of the urs and their communities. According to this act, almost 71% of the available land is administered as tribal land according to an integrated system of customary land tenure. Although the tenurial rules for tribal land have been changed considerably by this act, it is considered a very innovative way to combine i
ndividual land tenure curity with tribal land-u.
The Land Boards were established for a specified tribal territory, and took over the administrative functions from chiefs and other tribal authorities. Title of the land vested in the Land Boards. The Land Boards were initially entitled to make customary and common law grants, for residential, grazing or cultivation purpos, to members of the different tribes living in thelook out
风筝英语specified territories only, but since 1993 any citizen of Botswana is entitled to apply for the rights. Land Boards maintain their own record or registration system and rights are not registered in the central deeds registration system of Botswana, apparently to keep them more affordable. The Land Boards are entitled to issue certificates of customary grants or certificates of occupation. Provision has been made for the conversion of the certificates into titles registrable in the deeds registry once demand aris to deal with the certificates in the commercial lending market. Any change in right-holder must be reported to the land board in order to maintain the accuracy of the record system of the land board. Shelter provision in rural areas has been on individuals initiatives. The most important prerequisite for housing development, which is access to land, has not really been a disturbing issue due to the fact that all male and female citizens are allocated tribal land for free, but in an effort to facilitate shelter provision in rural areas, the government intends to introduce a rural ho
using programme.
Land u planning is not a new phenomenon in Botswana. Past experiences and records indicate that the traditional chiefs who had authority on land have always done some form of land u planning. Formal land u planning in Botswana started with the implementation of the Tribal Grazing Land Policy in 1975, when some areas were zoned for wildlife u, others became rerved areas, while other areas continued to be for communal u. This policy enabled individuals or groups to have exclusive u of land in areas zoned for such u. The rights are permanent, exclusionary and inheritable. They may only be revoked by the land board in circumstances where the right-holder fails to utilize the land on terms specified by the land board, or fails to develop the land according to the specified purpos within five years or where the land was not distributed fairly. In the instances, the land does not revert to the government but is reallocated by the land board to other applicants. This policy was therefore a major programme through which rural development was to be achieved.
The districts up to now continue to prepare and update their respective integrated land u plans. In the preparation of such plans the communities have major inputs with regard to the various land us. This is in realization of the fact that to have an implementable and sustainable land u plan, t
he communities should be the ones who decide the us on a particular type of land. It should be noted, however, that not all districts have such plans.中秋节快乐 英文
An urban centre in Botswana is defined as All ttlements on state land and ttlements on tribal land with a population of 5000 or more persons with at least 75% of the labor force in non-agricultural occupations. Generally, an urban centre should be en to provide its population with infra-structural and environmental rvices similar to that which exists in a modern city. Rural-urban migration has played an important role in the growth of urban areas. Several urban development policies have been evolved over the years to guide the growth and development of the urban areas. Due to the fact that a large part of the people of Botswana are living in rural areas, most of the development is aimed at the rural areas, but a few programmes were introduced in order to better the circumstances of tho living in urban areas. The Self Help Housing Programme was introduced to assist the low income urban houholds to develop their own hous. Under this scheme, the Government provides basic rvices such as roads, water stand pipes, and a pit-latrine to each plot. Plot holders were given tenurial curity through a Certificate of Rights. This programme has also been ud in upgrading the squatter ttlements which existed prior to its inception.
Shortage of rviced land has been identified as one of the major constraints to urban housing development. Therefore a major land rvicing programme, the Accelerated Land Servicing Programme, was introduced. The objective of the programme was to rvice land for all us, such as residential, commercial and industrial, in all urban areas. A Housing Department has been established, which is charged with the responsibility of promoting housing development and improvement through policy initiatives that create an enabling environment for shelter provision.
The Town and Country Planning Act, which is the main legislation guiding physical planning in Botswana, makes provisions for an orderly and progressive development and control of land in both urban and rural areas. The Urban Development Standards and the Development Control Code also facilitate the orderly planning of ttlements. Sustainable urban development depends on the availability of clean water supply and provision of infrastructure for sanitation and waste management. An integrated approach in the provision of environmentally sound infrastructures in human ttlements is en as an investment that fosters sustainable development
and that can improve the quality of life, increa productivity, improve health, and reduce poverty.
Although the concept of sustainable development gained prominence on the international scene only
this picturea few years back, it has been one of the objectives of development planning in Botswana since independence in 1966. The term has appeared as an objective in all the subquent development plans, but its meaning has been expanded to reflect the changing development realities over the years.
The shape and form of the cities in South Africa are the result of conscious apartheid planning in the past. When South Africa‟s first democratically elected government came into power in 1994, it inherited the fragmented, unequal and incoherent planning systems which developed under apartheid. During apartheid, land development planning in the then four provinces, ten homelands and the …group area‟ racial zones, fell under many different laws, ordinances, procedures and regulations. There was a lack of coordination, an unequal distribution of resources and a lot of …red tape‟ which slowed down development projects.
A National Development and Planning Commission were appointed to advi the Minister of Land Affairs and the Minister of Housing on planning and development. Among other things, the Commission was requested to prepare a Green Paper on planning which would review and recomm
end changes to the apartheid legislation and process of land development in South Africa. The Commission decided to focus on the spatial planning system for urban and rural development.
A land development policy, the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), a comprehensive and ctorally-bad socio-economic policy framework that established the developmental foundations for the removal of apartheid and the building of a democratic, non-racial and non-xist future, was adopted. This policy is bad upon integrated development planning, a process which aims to maximize the impact of scarce resources and limited capacity. The prime purpo of this policy was to establish procedures to facilitate the relea of appropriate public land for affordable housing, public rvices and productive as well as recreational purpos. In ttlements which have been established in remote locations, without formal planning, land development involves upgrading rvices and infrastructure in situ.