1.The City of London
2.King Harold
3.The Vikings
4.King Arthur
2013年春晚节目单5.King Alfred
6.The Anglo-Saxons
7.General election
8.Prime minister
9.Divine right of the king
11.The Bill of Rights of 1689
12.The function of the parliament
13.Different class of Great Britain
14.Elizabethan Drama
15.Wuthering Heights
16.Grammar schools
17.tertiary industries
18.The open university
20.Football hooligans
21.The invasion of the Romans
22.The Great Charter/Magna Carta
23.The Glorious Revolution
24.the Battle of Hastings
1.The Canterbury Tales
2.William Shakespeare
3.relative decline of the UK economy
4.Robert Burns
5.Wimbledon International Tennis Championship
7.the Easter Rising
8.Robert the Bruce
9.Boxing Day
11.Robin Hood
12.Union Jack
13.Hereditary peers
14.Easter uprisings
15.The full name of the UK and the capital of each part
16.The Romantic poets
17.The Industrial Revolutionfwt
18.Public schools
19.One Hundred Years’ War
20.General election
21.the “Three Circles” foreign policy
1.The relation between the Queen and the government
2.The establishment of the colonies of the UK
3.The class of the UK
4.The relative decline of Great Britain
2.The Declaration of Independence
3.George Washington
4.Benjamin Franklin
5.California Gold Rush
6.The Bill of Rights
7.Eli Whitney
8.Wall Street
9.an indentured rvant
/doc/d316531671.html,pulsory education of the USA
11.Segregation Law
12.Melting pot
13.Michael Jordan
14.The purcha of Alaska
1.The establishment of Virginia
2.The Articles of Confederation
恭喜发财 英文3.The three branches of the American government
4.The American Industrial Revolution
5.James Fenimore Cooper
6.Mark Twain
7.American Civil War
8.The New Deal
9.The Lost Generation
10.Ernest Hemingway
11.Different kinds of American schools
12.The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act
13.The American Dream
14.The purcha of Louisiana
1.Why the USA is called a nation of immigrants?
2.The democratic system of the USA
3.The American Civil War
4.Why do the Americans consider sports very important in their life?
5.The success of Franklin Roovelt’s New Deal
Multiple Choice:respect
1. Which of the following CANNOT be found in London?
A. Teahous
B. Galleries
C. Muums
D. Theatres
2. The Tower of London, a historical sight, was built by _____.
A. King Harold
B. Robin Hood自费出国留学费用
C. Oliver Cromwell
D. William the Conqueror
3. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?
A. The Anglo-Saxons
B. the Normans
C. the Vikings
D. the Romans
4. The United Kingdom is made up of _____ parts.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
5. The capital of the Scotland is _____.
A. London
B. Belfast
C. Edinburgh
D. Cardiff
6. The first inhabitants in England are the _____.
A. Celts
B. Romans
C. Normans
D. Danes
7. The first invaders to England in 43AD were the _____.
A. Normans
B. Vikings
C. Germans
D. Romans
8. King Arthur is a well-known king from the legends of the _____.
A. Jutes
B. Anglo-Saxons
C. Danes
D. Normans
9. “William the Conqueror” defeated and killed the English king in the Battle of _____.
A. London
B. Calais
C. Hastings
D. Canterbury
10. The king who was executed in the 17th century was _____.
A. William I
B. Henry I
C. Charles I
D. George I
11. The Scottish king _____ defeated the English army in the Battle of Bannockburn, leading to