摘 要
关键词 企业危机;公共关系;危机处理;reasoning公关策略
brutallyThe McDonald's corporation crisis public relations strategy rearch
Mismanagement, peer competition or other special events, often can make the enterpri be immerd in crisis. The McDonald's Corporation of crisis public relations strategies rearch. First of all, from Macdonald's development prent situation, for example the u of the methods of demonstration, Macdonald disinfectant events and expired food events as examples, introduces the crisis incident, the measures taken and results, and propos the Macdonald did not do a good job in crisis early warning system, on their own products supervision and inspection mechanism is not in place, and the lack of consumers need communication and other places that need to be improved. Finally, the article draws inspiration, in the face of the enterpri crisis, should be held responsible, sincere communication, authority confirmed, the speed of the first principle, and to achieve the pre-crisis, active prevention, to avoid as far as possible, after the end of the crisis, attention to after-care, turning crisis into opportunity.
Keywords Enterpri crisis; Public relations ;Crisis management ;Public relations strategy
结 论 菜谱翻译 成人网址推荐17现场直播英文
致 谢 18
参 考 文 献 19
riz附录A 译文 20
forgotten附录B 《Brand Strategy Rearch》 haste24element td
1 麦当劳典型公关事件及其产生原因分析
1.1 麦当劳公司简介
麦当劳餐厅(McDonald's Corporation)是大型的连锁快餐集团,在世界上大约拥有三万间分店,主要售卖汉堡包、薯条、炸鸡、汽水、冰品、沙拉、水果。麦当劳餐厅遍布在全世界六大洲百余个国家。伴随着中国经济的发展,在中国内地的麦当劳市场也有着迅速的扩张。现在,麦当劳的670家餐厅遍布在跨越中国25个省市和直辖市的108个次级行政区域。麦当劳十分重视中国市场,并会在投资回报最大的基础之上,继续扩展麦当劳的连锁餐厅。目前,麦当劳的员工人数超过5万人,其中99.97%是中国员工。麦当劳在中国的供应商系统亦拥有超过1.5万名的员工,总投资达5亿美元。
1.2 麦当劳的食品危机
1.2.1 麦当劳广州“消毒水”事件危机