assistant是什么意思直流 direct current
交流 alternating current
正极 positive polarity
负极 negative polarity
中线 neutal
中间线 mid-wire
接地、地一般符号 earthsociety是什么意思
三根导线 three connections
柔性连接 flexible connections
屏蔽导体 screened conductor
绞合导线 twisted connection
五根导线,其中箭头所指的两根导线在同一根电缆内 five conductors,two of which marked by arrowheads are in one cable
端子 terminal
端子板 terminal strip
导线的双重连接 double junction of conductors
若设计认为需要可用形式2 form 2 shall only be ud if required by layout considerations
相序变更 change of pha quence
阴接触件(连接器的)、插座 femal contact(of a socket or plug),socket
阳接触件(连接器的)、插头 male contact(of a socket or plug),plug
插头和插座 plug and socket
接通的连接片 connecting link,clod
断开的连接片 connecting link,open
电阻器,一般符号 resistor,general symbol
压敏电阻器 voltage dependent resistor 变阻器 varistor
英语口语考试对话分路器 shunt
带分流和分压端子的电阻器 resistor with parate current and voltage terminals
电热元件 heating element
电容器,一般符号 capacitor,general symbol
极性电容器,例如电解电容 polarized capacitor,for example eletrolytic
电感器 inductor 线圈 coil 绕组 winding 扼流圈 choke
budgeted若表示带磁芯的电感器可以在该符号上加一条平行线。若磁芯有间隙,这条线可断开画。if it is desired to show that the inductor has magnetic core,a single line may be added parallel to the symbol.the line may be annotated to indicate non-magnetic materials;it may be interrupted to indicate a gap in the core.
半导体二极管一般符号 miconductor diode,general symbol
电压调整二极管 voltage regulator diode 齐纳二极管 zener diode
单向击穿二极管 breakdown diode,unidirectional
双向击穿二极管 breakdown diode,bidirectional
无指定形式的三极晶体闸流管 triode thyristor,type unspecified
双向三极晶体闸流管 bidirectional triode thyristor
PNP半导体管 PNP transistor
集电极接管壳的PNP半导体管 NPN transistor with collector connected to the envelope
电机的一般符号 machine,general symbol
发电机 generator
同步发电机 synchronous generator
电动机 motor
同步电动机 synchronous motor
look over三相鼠笼式感应电动机 induction motor,three-pha,squirrel-cage
单相鼠笼式有分相绕组引出端的感应电动机 induction motor,single-pha,squirrel-cage,ends of split-pha winding brought out
瞬时电压的极性可以在形式2中表示 the instaneous voltage polarities may be indicated in form 2 of the symbol
绕组间有屏蔽的双绕组单相变压器 single-pha transformer with two windings and screen
在一个绕组上有中心点抽头的变压器 transformer with center tapping on
one winding
具有由内装的测量继电器或脱扣器触发的自动释放功能的负荷开关 switch-disconnector with automatic tripping initiated by a built-in measuring relay or relea
断路器 circuit breaker
接触器的主动合触点 main make contact of a contactor
接触器的主动断触点 main break contact of a contactor
静态开头,一般符号 static switch,general symbol
静态(半导体)接触器 static(miconductor) contactor
熔断器烧断后仍可使用,一端用粗线表示的熔迷器 fu with the side,that remains live after blowing,indicated by a thick line
带机械连杆的熔断器(撞击式熔断器)fu with mechanical linkage(strikler fu)
火花间隙 spark gap
避雷器 surge diverter lightning arrester
当操作器件被吸合时延时闭合的动合触点 make contact,delayed when the device containing the contact is being de-activated
当操作器件被吸合时延时闭合,释放时延时断开的动合触点 make contact,delayed both when the device containing the contact is being activated and when it is being de-activated.
一个手动三极开关 one switch,triple pole,manually operated
三个手动单极开关 three switchs,single pole,manually operated
具有动合触点且自动复位的按钮开关 push-button switch make contact and automatic return
具有两个独立绕组的操作器件的组合表示法 operating device with two parate windings attached reprentation
具有两个独立绕组的操作器件的分立表示法 operating device with two parate windings;detached reprentation
特性量和其变化方式 characteristic quantity and its mode of variation
具有中性线和保护线的三根配线 three pha wiring with neutral conductor and protective conductor
可逆式电动机直接在线接触器式走动器 direct-on-line starter with contactor for reversing the rotation of a motor
穿焊接管敷设 run in welded steel conduit SCthe fray
穿电线管敷设 run in electrical metallic tubing MT
穿硬塑料管敷设 run in rigid PVC conduit PC
穿阻燃半硬聚氯乙烯管敷设 run in flame retardant miflexible PVC conduit FPC
电缆桥架敷设 installed in cable tray CT
lounger金属线槽敷设 installed in metallic raceway MR
塑料线槽敷设 installed in PVC raceway PR
用钢索敷设 supported by mesnger wire M
穿聚氯乙烯塑料波纹电线管敷设 run in corrugated PVC conduit KPC
穿金属软管敷设 run in flexible metal conduit CP
直接埋设 direct burying DB
电缆沟敷设 installed in cable trough TC
混凝土排管敷设 installed in conerete encament CE
沿或跨梁(屋架)敷设 along or across beam AB
暗敷在梁内 concealed in beam BC
沿或跨柱敷设 along or across column AC
暗敷设在柱内 concealed in column CLC
沿墙面敷设 on wall surface WS/WE
暗敷设在墙内 concealed in wall
沿天棚或顶板面敷设 along ceiling or slab surface CE
暗敷设在屋面或顶板内 concealed in ceiling or slab CC
吊顶内敷设 recesd in ceiling SCE
地板或地面下敷设 in floor or ground F
线吊式自在器线吊式 wire suspension trpe SW
链吊式 catenary suspension type CS
管吊式 conduit suspension type DS
壁装式 wall mounted type W
吸顶式 ceiling mounted type C
嵌入式 flush type R
顶棚内安装 recesd in ceiling CR
墙壁内安装 recesd in wall WR
支架上安装 mounted on support S
柱子安装 mounted on column CL
座装 holder mounting HM
支架上安装 mounted on support