Mold highly effective processing method and technological process
英语培训机构排名In in modern mold formed manufacture, becau the mold shape surface design is day by day complex, the free curved surface accounts for the proportion unceasingly toincrea, therefore t a higher request to the mold processing technology, namely not only should guarantee the high manufacture precision andthe surface quality, moreover must pursue the processing surfaceartistic. Along with is unceasingly thorough to the high speed processingengineering rearch, especially in correlation technology and so onengine bed processing, numerical control system, cutting tool system,CAD/CAM software unceasingly develops under the impetus, high speedprocess the technology more and more many to apply to the moldmanufacture processing. The high speed processing technology has had the huge influence to themold processing craft, changed the traditional mold processing to u"anneal -> mill the processing -> heat treatment -> to rubtruncates" or "the electric spark machining -> manually polishes,polishes"and so on the complex long technical process.
But, in practice in order to enhance the mold the processing efficiency,cannot pursue the high speed processing constantly, sometimes in orderto save the production cost and the enhancement production
efficiency,must u the highly effective processing method, caus part ofprocessings working procedures to be possible the high efficiency tocomplete on the ordinary engine bed. Like this requests the designer to establish the reasonable moldprocessing craft, in order to enhances the mold the processingefficiency, reduces the mold the production cost, reduces mold themanufacture cycle.
Second, mold spare part machining methodadore
With machine-finishing method processing mold spare part when mustfully consider aspect the and so on components material, structureshape, size, precision and rvice life different request, us thereasonable processing method and the craft route. Through the processing equipment guaranteed as far as possible themold spare part the processing quality, reduces the fitter to makerepairs the work load, enhances the production efficiency and reducesthe cost.
Third, mold highly effective processing technological process andstrategy formulation
1. Technological process formulation
The technological process must aim at the processing object, unifiesthis enterpri actual working cofolks
ndition to carry on the formulation,in the technology must be advanced, in the economy must be reasonable.
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2. Numerical control processing craft strategy
1) rough machining
The mold rough machining esntial target is pursues in the unit timematerial removeing rate, and is half precision work preparation workpiece geometry outline. Has been constant in the rough machiningprocess through the u overas advanced CAD/CAM software passablebelow measure maintenance cutting condition, thus obtains the goodprocessing quality.
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(1) constant cutting load; Obtains the constant cutting Level area and material removeing ratethrough the computation, caus the cutting load and cutting toolattrition speed maintenance equilibrium, enhances the cutting toollife and the processing quality;
(2) avoids suddenly changing the cutting tool to enter for thedirection;
newstart(3) avoids the cutting tool burying the work piece.
When process the mold cavity, should avoid the cutting tool verticalinrtion work piece under, but should u inclines the knife way, best us the screw typeunder knife to reduce the cutting tool load; When
process the moldcore, should as far as possible first under the knife then level cutinto the work piece from the work piece;
(4) the cutting tool cuts into, cuts when the work piece should u asfar as possible inclines the type cuts into, cuts,vertically avoids cutting into, cutting;
(5) us climbs up the type cutting (Climb cutting) to be possible toreduce the cutting heat, reduces the cutting tool stress and the workhardening degree, improves the processing quality.
2) half precision work
The mold half precision work esntial target is caus the work pieceoutline shape smoothly, surface finish remainder even, this especiallyis important regarding the tool steel mold, becau it will affecttime the precision work cutting tool cutting Level area change and cuttingtool load change, thus influence cutting process stability andprecision work surface quality.
The rough machining is bad on the volume model (Volume model), theprecision work is bad on the face mold (Su rface model). But beforedevelops the CAD/CAM system to the components geometry description isnot continual, after becau has not described in front of the roughmachining, the precision work process the model the averageinformation, therefore the rough machining surface surplus processingremainder distribution and the great surplus processing remainder isunknown.
Therefore should fifty-fifty the precision work strategy carry on theoptimization after to guarantee half precision work the work piecesurface has the even surplus processing remainder. The optimizedprocess includes: After the rough machining the outline computation,the great surplus processing remainder computation, the biggestpermission processing remainder determination, is bigger than thebiggest permission processing remainder the district (forexample transition radius and so on scoop channel, corner is smallerthan rough machining cutting tool radius region) as well as when halfprecision work the knife heart path computation to the surplusprocessing remainder and so on.
The existing mold process CAD/CAM software mostly to have thesurplus processing remainder analysis function, and can act accordingto the surplus processing remainder the size and the distribu
tionsituation us the reasonable half precision work strategy. AfterCIMATRON software provides the square corner processing (CLEAN UP) toeliminate the rough machining a surplus processing remainder biggerquoin to guarantee the following working procedure even processingremainder. The Pro/Engineer software part mill (Local milling) hasthe similar function, if the partial mill working procedure surplusprocessing remainder value and the rough machining are equal, thisworking procedure only us a minor diameter milling cutter toeliminate the quoin which the rough machining has not cut, thencarries on half precision work again; If takes the partial mill working procedure surplus to process -odd size to take half precisionwork the surplus processing remainder, then this working procedure notonly may eliminate the quoin which the rough machining has not cut,but also may complete half precision work.
3) precision work
The mold precision work strategy is decided by the cutting tool andthe work piece contact point, but the cutting tool and the work piececontact point changes along with the processing surface curved surfaceslope and the cutting tool effective radius change. Regarding complexcurved surface processing which becomes by many curved surfacecombination, should carry on the continuous treating as far aspossible in a working procedure, but is not parately carries on theprocessing to e
ach curved surface, reduces lifts the knife, under theknife number of times. However becau process the superficial slopechange, if only defines the processing the side to eat the knifequantity (Step over), possibly creates on the slope different surfacethe actual step of distance non-uniformity, thus influence processingquality. The CIMATRON software solution above question method is eatsthe knife quantity during the definition side, us Clean Between Pass(to eliminate between knife residual area highly) to adjust thedistance. The Pro/Engineer software solution above question method iats the knife quantity during the definition side, again defines
theprocessing surface residual area highly (Scallop machine). In theordinary circumstances, the precision work curved surface radius ofcurvature should be bigger than the cutting tool radius 1.5 times,evades gives the direction the suddenly transformation. In themold precision work, when each time cuts into, cuts the work piece,enters for the direction change should as far as possible u thecircular arc or the curve switches over, avoids using the straightline to switch over, maintains the cutting process the stability.
Fourth, highly effective processing example
In the modernized mold production, along with to the product functionrequest enhancement, the prod
uct internal structure also changes moreand more complex, the corresponding mold structure also must alongwith it complication.check是什么意思
Under elaborated us the new design manufacture technique route inthe electric appliance box plastic mold manufacture: First and so onadvanced CAD/CAM software carries on the product using Pro/ENGINEER orCIMATRON the 3D graph design; Then the basis product characteristicdesign mold structure, produces the mold cavity entity chart and theengineering plat; Again draws up the CNC numerical control processingcraft chart in CIMATRON according to the mold cavity characteristic,draws up the numerical control processing craft route, the inputprocessing parameter, produces the cutting tool way; Finally carrieson the three dimensional processing dynamic simulation, the productionprocessing procedure, and transports to the numerical control enginebed carries on the automatic processing.
When actual processing must fix with in hexagon bolt four sides ironslabs to on, then fixes again the four sides iron slab on theplaten then.