Resolution 3 nm (SEI) and 4 nm (BSI)
Variable Pressure
Oxford Instruments Energy+ (EDS), resolution ≤ 136 eV at MnKα FWHM Oxford Instruments INCAWave (WDS), resolution ≤ 10 eV Samples up to 20 cm in diameter by 11 cm high and weighing up to 3 kg
Power failure
The microscope will shut down safely. When power is restored, it is necessary for BSCMC staff to restart the microscope manually.
Cooling Water Suspension
The microscope does not u cooling water of any kind.
Emergency Stop
In ca of fire or vere flood, shut off power using the key in the main unit below the column and/or 英文火星文转换器
the lever on the safety switch located behind the SEM. Do NOT remove the key! Avoid the methods of shutdown unless absolutely necessary.
eleanor roovelt
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Start-Up Procedure
Make sure the SEM and computer are ON.
If the SEM Manager software (PC_SEM) is not already running, double-click to load it. Urname: S-3400
Password: <leave this space blank>
Ensure that the SEM vacuum is ready (EVAC green light in main unit). If not, wait for it. Ensure that both green and blue LEDs are lit on the EDS detector.
productAlways u gloves when handling samples, stubs, and mounts.
Always clean stubs thoroughly before mounting samples.
Minimize the u of double-sided tape and non-conductive adhesives for sample mounting in order to avoid outgassing.
If analyzing powders disperd directly on a stub, ensure that the stub is well-polished first, as machined lines and scratches will detract from the powder images.
Check the amount and quality of oil in the rotary pump.
Make sure that the rubber tubes in the evacuation system are not loo or disconnected.
Clo the drain cock of the compressor.
Is the compressor stop valve open?
Is the breaker on the safety switch turned on?
Are all breakers on the system power distribution board (back of main unit) turned on? In the event of any problems or unexpected conditions, contact BSCMC staff and do not attempt to u the microscope.
Loading a Sample
Mount your sample on an appropriately-sized round aluminum disc.爱沙尼亚语
Screw the aluminum disc into a brass stub.
Slide the stub into the sample mount, which has a dovetail ba.
Make sure the sample stage is at the home position
(a blue marker next to the Home Z65 box in the upper-right corner of the screen). Make sure that the
high voltage is OFF and emission current = 0.0 µA.
(a blue marker next to the OFF button in the top-left corner of the screen).
Air the chamber
(AIR button in upper-right corner of screen OR AIR button on main unit)
Wait for the chamber to reach ambient atmospheric pressure (~ 1 minute). A beep will sound at the end of the venting cycle.
Measure the height of your sample with the plastic measuring tool.
Slide the sample-holder asmbly onto the stage.
Enter the height (above standard) and width (largest diameter) of your sample into the sample information window.
知足常乐英语Clo the chamber and evacuate it (EVAC button in upper-right corner of screen OR EVAC button on main unit). Green light will flash until vacuum is ready (~ 1 minute). Setup
Click on the Setup icon in the lower part of the control panel and lect the Optics tab. Select the desired voltage and beam current.
A high voltage will generally increa resolution but reduce the surface lectivity of the signal.
A low beam current will generally increa resolution but decrea the signal-to-noi ratio.
Ensure that the filament range is t to Mid and the Auto Gun Bias option is lected. Turn the high voltage ON (top-left corner of the screen).
Select an appropriate aperture (2 or 3 for low- to medium-magnification) by turning in the correct aperture on the column. Available aperture diameters are:
1. 150 µm
2. 80 µm
3. 50 µm
4. 30 µm
A small aperture increas the depth of field but may reduce resolution.
Click on the ABS button to perform automatic filament saturation, beam alignment, brightness & contrast, and focus. You can always manually adjust brightness, contrast, and focus with the knobt. You may need to focus manually on samples with low contrast.
Select an appropriate working distance (focal length). If you change WD, remember to enter the new position in the Z control box, which is in the Stage tab of the control panel, and that the magnification will change!
A small WD increas resolution but decreas the depth of field.
For chemical analysis, a WD of 10 mm should always be ud.mers怎么读
补充协议英文Click the DeGauss button to remove residual magnetic fields from the objective lens. It is recommended that you degauss whenever focus is changed substantially.