- Historical introduction and general characteristics
The name of Victorian Age comes from Queen Victoria (1819-1901). She became queen of England and Ireland and the Empress of India when she was very young. She married with Prince Albert who was her cousin. They had 9 children and they married with other European royal families.
最新大片推荐In 1861 Prince Albert died and Edward, his son, became king when he was 60. Q. Victoria was admired and loved by British people becau she introduced a period of stability to Britain, industrialisation and Imperialism.
The way of life changed completely: A way bad on the ownership of land to a modern urban economy bad on trade and manufacturing. This was a time of progress: the telegraph, rail ways, photography, the wing machine, great manufacturing cities (Manchester, the industrial north cities of England).
The imperialism: this is a country of traders, new dominios appeared. More than a quarter of the world was British. Britain also had a very important fleet, which carry the goods to the metropolitan.
当你离开时- Periods:
full monty1.- Early Victorian (1832-1848):
Technological development and the opening of the reform parliament.
The Reform Bill: it was a respon to the demands of middle class, who were taking control of England's economy. It extended the right to vote to all males owning property worth £ 10 or more in annual rent.
The State had a system of economic liberalism in which the State doesn't participate in the rules of economy, industry work. There were many abus from industrialists and manufactures.
Gradually there was a great conscious in the society of children's work. The state told that children between 9-14 years could only work no more than 12 hours a day. The working class lived in Slums (neighbourhood very poor).
The abolition of the Corn Laws becau there were high tariffs established to protect English farm products from having to compete with low prized products imported from abroad. This is the end of protectionism.
There were also a group of reforms who were called the Chartists, they wrote “the people's charter” (1838). It was a kind of people rights. They asked for a Universal Manhood suffrage.
雅思培训上海哪家好2.- Mid Victorian (1848-70):
Becau of the new inventions this is a period of prosperity (agriculture, ). in 1851 was “The Great Exhibition” in the Chrystal Palace, London. It shows the new inventions and congratulations of English empire.
In this period there were a confrontation of ideas:
Utilitarianism: it is a theory bad on the idea that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by whether its conquences are conductive to general utility. The main thinker was Jeremy Bentham (Wrote about social happiness. He believed that individuals acted by lf-interest). The utilitarians applied this idea for all the institutions, for everything.osx
catOppod to the utilitarianism: Thomas Carlyle, he thought that intellect had limitations and couldn't explain everything and he turned to the humanism soul, a sort of religious belief was necessary to explain things.
It was a group of writers who were shocked for the condition of living in some parts of England and they wrote a ries of novels, “condition of England Novels” they were about living in the slums and they critiqued the oppression of working class.
Elisabeth Gaskell´s “North and South” and Benjamin Disraelis “Sybil of the two nations”
own goal
3.- Late Victorian: (1870-1900):
sanmanThe U.K. had more competitors in trade, e.g. The United States and Germany which was becoming an empire.
It is a period in which workers began to join in associations, which are called trade unions. The first workers who went together were miners and textile workers. A very important association until today is called The Trade Union Congress (1868), which is the asmbly of all the associations. From here we have an order of workers and a political party, Labour Party (1906)
1. - Pro: The beginning of a new kind of pro, the lyric pro, is a pro that not only communicate ideas, it express it beautifully. In this time the readers wanted for advice from authority and some writers provided advi, people needed a guide. E.g. Thomas Carlyle, John Henry Newman, Mathew Arnold. It's full of prepositions becau of this didactic style and parallelisms.
2. - Poetry: It was considered superior than pro, novel theatre. They said that the writing of a genius must be poetry. There were two main romantic inheritances in poetry:
mudou1.- the u of retrospective forms: archaic language. They revived many old forms (particularly the mixture of lyric and elegy which influenced others forms like epigram).
2.- experimentation with genres. Some poets continued the movement of colloquial diction into poetry (Robert Browning)