翻 译 员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5
翻 译 师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2
4 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents
4 安全系统 fail-safe system
3 按股分红 sharing profits according to contribution
4 按市价订购贡 market order
5 按现价计算 at current price
3 按小时付酬 be paid by the hour
3 按原价计算 calculated on the basis of their (or ist)original price
4 按原口径计算 calculate on the ba line
5 案例分析 ca study
3 八个坚持、八个反对 eight do's and eight don'ts
3 把市场供货一买而光 calear the market
3 罢工暴动民变险 SRCC (strikes, riots and civil commotions)
5 罢工津贴(由工会给的) strike pay
4 罢工纠察队员 strike picket
3 罢工险 strike risk
5 白领阶层 white-collar
4 白银市场 silver market
3 拜会 made a courtesy call on
4 班轮 regular shipping liner
3 班轮运费表 liner’s freight tariff
4 班轮运输 liner transport
4 办公费 office expens
4 半年决算 half-year closing
4 半熟练的 mi-skilled
4 包工包料 contract for labor and materials
3 包工制 labor contract system
3 包销 exclusive sales; have exclusive lling rights; submit an expen account
5 包装;包装物 packaging
5 包装不符 wrong packing
4 文明美德伴我行包装不善 bad packing
4 包装材料 packing material
5 包装成本 packing cost
4 包装费用vansky packing charges
5 包装工业 packing industry
4 包装规格美容小窍门 packing specification
3 包装破裂 loss or damage caud by breakage of packing
5 包装容积 bale capacity
5 饱和 saturate
5 保单 guarantee
3 保单期满 expiration of policy
3 保兑信用证 confirmed letter of crdit
3 保兑银行 confirming bank
5 保护主义 protectionism
3 保留工资 retained salaries
3 保姆式全程服务 whole-journey nanny rvice
3 保税仓库 bonded warehou
5 保险 insurance
3 保险陈报书 declaration policy
4 保险代理 insurance agent
5 保险单 policy; insurance policy
4 环球教育网保险单据 insurance document
4 保险担保 guarantee of insurance
5 保险费 premium
4 保险公司 insurance company
4 保险合同 insurance treaty
5 保险回扣 insurance rebate
focus3 保险金(保险收入) insurance proceeds
5 保险金得益 benefit
5 保险金额 sum of insurance;amount insured
3 保险经纪人 insurance broker
4 保险客户 policy holder
5 保险率费 premium rate
4 保险赔偿goaway insurance indemnity
5 保险人;承保人 insurer
3 保险索赔 insurance claim
3 保险条例(中国人民保险公司) CIC (China Insurance Clau)
3 保险物 interest insured
4 保险性存货(以应付万一) decoupling inventory
3 保险佣金 insurance commission
4 保险责任 insurance liability
3 保险责任终止 termination of risk
3 保险帐目 underwriting account
3 保险证明书 cover note
4 保险种类 kinds of insurance
5 保证金;利润 margin
4 保证信用证 confirmed L/ C
3 保证重量 weight guaranteed
3 保质保量 quality and quantity assured
3 报关 customs declaration; clearance of goods; apply to the customs
5 报关单;舱单 manifest
3 报关附税 payment of duty
5 报价 quotation
4 报税 make a statement of dutiable goods
4 报税通知单;报关单 bill of entry
5 报销 reimbur
5 暴跌 break
4 备忘录 memorandum
3 备用信用证 stand by credit
5 背书 endorment
5 被解雇的;过多的 redundant
5 被面试的人 interviewee
5 被任命人 appointee
5 被诉方 defendant
4 被通知人 notify party
5 本地银行 local bank
4 本国货币 domestic currency, local currenc
4 本利 capital and interest;principal and interest
3 本票;期票 promissory note
5 比率 ratio
5 闭关自守 autarchy
3 边际生产力 marginal productivity
5 边境贸易 border trade; frontier trade
4 编制预算 preparing a budget; making a budget
5 贬值 depreciation
4 变价 apprai at the current rate
4 标高售价 mark-up
3 标价 posted price
5 标签 label
4 标准 standard type
3 标准统一 Harmonization of Standards
5 表现工作情况 performance
5 饼形图 pie chart
5 病假 sick leave
5 病假工资 sick note
5 拨款 allotment; appropriation
5 波动 fluctuate
5 剥夺 divest
5 驳船 lighter
3 薄利多销 small profits but quick turnover; large sales at a small profit
4 补偿贸易 (或抵偿贸易;往返贸易) compensating / compensatory trade; compen
4 补税 collection of duty short paid; cover deficit by state subsidies
5 补助金 allowance; benefit
5 补助金;补贴;津贴 subsidy
5 不变价格;固定价格 fixed price; constant price
5 不变资本;固定资本 fixed capital; constant capital
5 不充分就业 underemployment
5 不定期船 tramp
4 不定值保单 unvalued policy
4 不动产,房地产 real estate; immovable property
3 不动产税 real estate tax
5 不发达 underdevelopment
4 不记名支票 bearer cheque
5 不经济的,浪费 uneconomical
5 不可撤消的,不能改变的 irrevocable
4 不可撤销发盘 irrevocable offer
5 不欠债 be out of debt
3 不受约束 without engagement
3 不限期即期装运 undefined prompt shipment
3 不许转运;不许转船 transshipment prohibited
3 不足款保险 under-insurance
3 布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System
5 部分 gment
5 部门 division; ction
5 部门经理助理 staff manager
5 簿记 bookkeeping
5 簿记员 bookkeeper
4 材料管理 materials handling
3 财产保险 property insurance
5 财团 consortium
4 财务报告 financial statement
4 财务结算 financial ttlement
3 财务事项;金融交易 financial transactions
5 财务支持 backing
5 财政 public finance
4 财政保护 financial protection
3 财政拨款 financial allocations
4 财政部 the Ministry of Finance
5 财政的 financial; fiscal
4 财政关税 revenue tariff
5 财政年度 fiscal year; financial year
4 财政收入 financial revenue