Chapter 1-3
1. Providing liquidity including helping emerging and developing economies gain access to finance in current difficult financial conditions so as to unfreeze credit markets
dalmatian提供流动资金 (现金帮助新兴国家和发展中国家在目前困难的经济状况下获得资金以便解冻信贷市场;
2. Strengthening the capital of financial institutions
3. Protecting savings and deposits of the people and enterpris
4. Addressing regulatory deficiencies by enhancing sound regulation
5. Ensuring that international financial institutions (IFIS can provide critical support for the global economy
6. Reforming international financial institutions by enabling the poorest countries to have a greater voice and reprentation浑沌之死
对国际金融市场进行改革 , 使最穷的国家有更大话语权和代表性;
在线查单词umts是什么7. Using both fiscal and monetary measures to stimulate domestic demand while
8. Ensuring that the IMF and World Bank and other influential financial institutions have sufficient resources to continue playing their role in overcoming the current world economic crisis
9. Reinforcing international cooperation in the field of world economic development
10. Stepping up financial supervision and regulation
11. Fighting all sorts of trade protectionism
12.Due to substantial slowdown in the world’s major economies, the global outlook for 2009 has weakened, full of uncertainties, in spite of some good signs of slight recovery and slowing economic contraction in the U.S. and some other advanced countries since the start of the cond half of 2009.
由于世界主要经济大国经济发展速度大幅减缓, 2009年全球经济前景变弱, 充满着不确定性,尽管美国和其他发达国家自 2009年初经济稍有复苏,经济萎缩减缓的迹象。 13.Many of the diehard optimists on Wall Street have been by now, but derivative, they
more slowly.
华尔街许多铁杆乐观主义者现已溃不成形 , , 但那些仍旧保持乐观的人开始求助于微积分的精妙之处。他们说二阶导数正在趋正 , 意思是 :尽管经济仍在螺旋式下滑,但是下滑的速度减缓了。
%in January from December, the first monthly increa since June. Car sales fell in January but were stable to individual buyers, if not to corporate fleets. The economy may shrink at a slightly lower rate in the first quarter than it did in the fourth (in part becau the fourth-quarter growth is likely to be revid to a steeper drop than the first annualid estimate of 3.8%. An index compiled by JP Morgan Cha finds that although economic news remains on balance wor than expected, the margin of awfulness has shrunk a bit; the firm’s analysts have marginally trimmed the risk of “a mini-depression ”.
ddm有几个数据支持这一断言。从去年 12月至今年 1月 , 零售额上涨了 1%,自去年6月以来 , 这还是首次出现月度上长。虽然 1月份的汽车销售量下降, 而如果说对企业的销售并不稳定 , 但是对个人的汽车销售则是稳定的。今年第一季度的经济萎缩力度相比去年最后季度稍有缓和 (部分原因是 , 去年第四季度经济增长率可能比之前预测的 3.8%的年增长率下降到更低的水平。 JP 摩根大通所编制的指数表明,尽管总体而言 , 经济恶化比预期严重 , 但是恶化的边际有所减小 :该公司的分析师们已经稍稍降低了“ 微型萧条” 的风险预期。
15.Meanwhile , thanks to huge by the authorities since October, corporate bonds have edged lower, interbank rates have improved, and the money supply has surged. Thomson Reuters , a data gatherer, says that more than $100 billion of American corporate bonds have been issued this year, more than the four preceding months combined (though many are federally guaranteed.
同时,由于 10月份以来当局大力度的政策刺激,公司债券的收益率缓慢下降,银行同业拆借利率上升,货币供给量急剧上升。据信息提供商汤姆森路透表示,美国今年已发行 1 000亿美元的公司债券, 比之前四个月的加起来还要多 (尽管许多这样的债券得到联邦政府的担保。
16.Larry Hatheway, a strategist at UBS, says a shift in the data from uniformly bad to mixed normally suggests that demand and production are coming back into balance. However, “This isn’t a normal cycle, ”he notes. Credit supply has not returned to normal; he points out that investment-grade companies are still borrowing at a punitive 8%even after recent improvements in the market. Though a few junk-bond issuers have tapped the market, part of the demand may have come from funds resurrection”, i.e., taking a big risk for high yields in a desperate bid to offt loss elwhere.
瑞士联合银行战略家 Larry Hatheway说,数据从一律的坏消息转成喜忧掺半,表明需求和生产正趋于平衡。但他指出, “ 这还不是一个正常的经济循环” :信货供给还未恢复正常;他指出:即使最近市场
情况有所好转,投资级公司仍需支付带惩罚性的 8%利息进行借款(投资级公司的借贷利率仍维持在苛刻的 8% 。虽说少数几家垃圾债券发行商也从市场上筹集到了资金 , 但是对这类贷款的需求部分来自于那些” 赌生死” 的基金 , 比如说 (这些基金公司通过承担高风险以追求高收益来拼死补偿基金在其他地方的损失。 17.For each scrap of good news, there is plenty of the bad stuff. A 16.8%plunge in housing
encouraging in the rest of the world. What optimism the markets have shown has been mostly down to hope s of effective policy. This week’s equity rout suggests that policymakers still
英文翻译收费标准struggle to meet tho expectations.
伴随每一个好消息而来的,是大量的坏消息。1月份房屋开工率陡减 16.8%,表明房市的下跌还没有到头。除中国信贷状况尚好外,世界其他地方几乎无令人鼓舞的消息。市场所呈现的乐观迹象大都源自于对政策有效性的希望。而本周股票市场的大幅下跌表明决策者仍要挣扎着去满足这些预期。
英语四级成绩查询官网202018.The beast which gives its name to the Chine new year that begins on January 26th is meant to symboli prosperity through fortitude and hard work, offering hope that China will which may be an apt description of China’ s economic pain. New figures show
that China’ s GDP growth fell to 6.8%in the year to the fourth quarter, down from 9% in the third quarter and half its 13% pace in 2007. Growth of 6.8% may still sound pretty robust, but it implies that growth was virtually zero on a asonally adjusted basis in the fourth quarter. But some economists forecast 8% and over 10% GDP growth for China’ s economy in 2009 and 2010 respectively. 2009年 1月 26日是中国的农历牛年的开始,
牛预示着通过坚忍不拔的努力和辛勤的工作而获得成功,这也是中国经济重获活力的希望。然而,公牛通常是指被阉割过的,这对正出于低迷的中国经济是最恰当不过的形容了。最新数据显示,中国 GDP 增速已从 2008年第三季度的 9%跌至第四季度的 6.8%,是 2007年 13%增速的一半。 6.8%的增速也许听起来仍然相当强劲,但按季节调整后的第四季度实际经济增长率为零。然而一些经济学家预测, 2009年与2010中国 GDP 增速将分别达 8%与 10%以上。
has slowed even more sharply, growing by only 5.7% in the 12 months to December, compared with an 18% pace in late 2007. Thousands of factories have clod and millions of migrant workers have already lost their jobs. But there could be wor to come. Chine exports are likely to drop further in coming months as world demand shrinks. Qu Hongbin, an economist at HSBC, forecasts that exports in the first quarter could be 19%lower than a year ago. 2009 may well e the first full-year decline in exports in more than a quarter of a century.
工业生产降幅尤为明显,与 2007年 18%的增长速度相比, 2008年十二个月里的增长率仅为 5.7%。成千上万的工厂关闭,无数的外出打工者失去工作。然而情况还可能会更糟。由于全球需求萎缩,中国的出口在未来数月内很可能进一步下降。汇丰银行经济学家曲宏斌预测, 2009年第一季度的出口额可能比去年同期减少19%。中国在 2009年可能出现 25年来首次全年外贸出口下滑。
20.Economists have become gloomier about China’s prospects, with many now predicting GDP growth of only 5-6%in 2009, the lowest for almost two decades. The most dismal view comes from Albert Edwards of a French bank, who thinks China may be sliding into outright recession. He points to a fall in electricity output of 6%in the year