2014— 2015学年第二学期期末(期中) 2015年6月21日
basket ca考试课程 | 实用海洋工程英语 |
考试班级 | 海工1301 |
任课教师 | 徐州夏令营申玫 |
命题教师 | healthydiet申玫 |
使用教材 | 海洋工程设计与建造专业英语 |
考试范围 | Lesson 1 〜Lesson 13 |
考试方式 | gill开卷 闭卷7 口试 实操 其它(请注明): |
考试口期 | 第 17 周 | 试题页数 | 6 页 |
吋 间 | 120分钟 | 满 分 | 100 分 |
卷 另1」 | B | 印 数 | 35份 |
备注:(如需辅助材料、设备或需答题卡、空片页等) |
系(部)主任审核签字: | 教研室主任审核签字: | 命题教师签字: |
| 滑雪板英文 | | | | | 北美在线
考试科目:实用海洋工程英语 考试班级:海工1301
班级 学号 姓名
一-中译英 Translate the following words and expressions into English (每小题 1 分,共 10 super baby分)
1.套管 | 6.应急切断系统 |
2low.固井 | 7.通信 |
3.下游来液 | &导航系统 |
4.分离 | 9.失效模式与响应分析 |
5.液化天然气 | 10.开工会 |
| |
> 英译中 Translate the following words and expressions into Chine (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
1.FPS | 6.thrustcr |
2.flared or re-iiijected | 买椟还珠翻译7.MC |
gps是什么意思3.HMI | 8.chord |
4.F&G | 9.HAC |
5.antenna | 10. helideck |
| |
The drill string consists of the pipe and special, thick-walled pipe called drill collars. Drill c
ollars, like drill pipe, are steel tubes through which mud can be pumped・ They are heavier than drill pipe and are ud on the bottom part of the string to put weight on the bit. Stabilizers are added to the drill string at intervals to hold, increa or decrea the hole angle・ The bottom hole asmbly (“BHA^) described so far is suspended from the drillpipe, made up of 30 feet long ctions of steel pipe ('joints”) screwed together. The drill string is connected to the kelly saver sub. A saver sub is basically a short piece of connecting pipe with threads on both ends. In cas where connections have to be made up and broken frequently , the sub "saves" the threads of the more expensive equipment. The kelly is a six-sided piece of pipe which fits tightly into the kelly bushing which is fitted into the rotaiy table. By turning the latter, torque is transmitted from the kelly down the hole to the bit. It may take a number of turns of the rotary tabic to initially turn the bit thousands of meters down the hole. Incidentally, kellys are available in lengths of 40,46, or 54 feet.
1.What is "drill collaf, meaning?
A.Drill pipe B.drill string C.steel tubes D.special, thick-wallcd pipe
2.which can mud be pumped through?
A.Drill pipe B.drill string C.steel tubes D.drill collar
3.What is the function of stabilizer ?
A.Protection thread B. Maintain balance C. Control angle D. Increa speed
4.How long is the BHA?
A.30 ft B.40 ft C.46 ft D.54 ft
5.What is the function of kelly saver sub ?
A.Protect thread B. Maintain balance C. Control angle D. Increa speed
In this ction we describe hydrocarbon processing in preparation for evacuation, either from a production platform or land bad facilities. In simple terms this means splitting th
e hydrocarbon well stream into liquid and vapor pha and treating each pha so that they remain as liquid or vapor throughout the evacuation route. For example, crude must be stabilized to minimize gas evolution during transportation by tanker, and gas must be dew point conditioned to prevent liquid drop out during evacuation to a gas plant.
When oil and gas are produced simultaneously into a parator a certain amount (mass reaction) of each component (c. g・ Butane ) will be in the vapor pha and the rest in the liq- pha・ This can be described using pha diagrams which describe the behavior of multi- component mixtures at various temperatures and pressures. However to determine how much of each component goes into the gas or liquid pha the equilibrium constants (or equilibrium vapor liquid ratios) K must be known.The constants are dependent upon pressure, temperature and also the composition of hydrocarbon fluid, as the various components within the system will interact with each other. K values can be found in gas engineering data books. The basic paration process is similar for oil and gas production, though the relative amounts of each pha diftbr.