一 | 项目建议 | Project suggestion |
1.11 | 项目 概况 | Project general situation |
资格 | qualification | |
预备资格 | prequalification | |
商务条款与条件 | commercial terms and condition | |
商务 | commercial | |
技术 | technical | |
技术说明 | technical specification | |
建议书 | proposal book | |
资料费 | information price | |
估价 | estimated price | |
报价 | quoted price | |
报价书 | quotation | |
1.2 | 报价资料 | Quotation document |
工艺说明 | process description | |
工艺特点 | process feature | |
经验记载 | experience record | |
工艺性能 | process performance | |
设备表 | equipment list | |
说明,规定,规格 | specification | |
简要说明 | short specification | |
条件图 | sketch drawing | |
流程图 | flow diagram | |
平衡图 | balance diagram | |
方框图 | block diagram | |
P&图 | P&I diagram | |
单线图 | single line diagram | |
布置图 | layout | |
平面布置图 | plot plan | |
总图 | general plot plan (general layout) | |
附件 | appendix | |
资料,文件 | documentation | |
1.3 | 合同技术用语 | |
保证 | guarantee | |
性能保证 | performance guarantee | |
时间保证 | time guarantee | |
交货保证 | delivery guarantee | |
建造保证 | workmanship guarantee | |
生产能力 | capacity | |
质量 | quality | |
消耗量 | consumption | |
原材料 | feedstock | |
原料 | raw material | |
辅助原料 | sub-raw material | |
产品 | product | |
副产品 | by-product | |
中间产品 | intermediate | |
公用工程 | utility | |
燃料 | fuel | |
化学品 | chemical | |
界区 | battery limits | |
界区(进料) | incoming | |
界区(出料) | outgoing | |
界区条件 | battery limits condition | |
(配管图)分界线 | match line | |
工厂、装置 | plant | |
设备 | equipment | |
关键设备 | critical equipment | |
专利设备 | proprietary equipment | |
有位号设备 | itemized equipment | |
无位号设备 | non-itemized equipment | |
散装材料 | bulk material | |
施工材料 | material of construction | |
仪表 | instrument | |
备品备件 | spare parts | |
建筑工具 | construction aid | |
(现场)居住设施 | accommodation | |
现场派遣 | expatriate | |
运转率 | on stream factor | |
运转天数 | stream day | |
系列 | train | |
日历日 | calender day | |
日历月 | calender month | |
机械(试车)完工 | mechanical completion | |
试车 | trial operation | |
初次试车 | initial oeperation | |
开车 | start up | |
注油 | oil in | |
投料 | feed in | |
首次出料 | first drop | |
保证试运转 | guarantee test run | |
装置验收 | plant acceptance | |
移交 | turnover | |
议定书 | protocol | |
1.4 | 估算 | estimate |
估算 | estimate | |
概算 | budgetary estimate | |
推算 | slide | |
幂指数 | power term | |
(费用)分类、分项价格 | breakdown | |
外汇 | foreign currency | |
当地货币 | local currency | |
可兑换货币 | convertible currency | |
专利费 | licen fee | |
专利权税 | royalty | |
变动专利权税 | running royalty | |
专有技术费 | knowhow fee | |
基础设计费 | basic engineering fee | |
代理费 | agent fee | |
手续费 | commission | |
不可预见费 | contingency | |
外汇风险 | exchange risk | |
易货风险 | compensation | |
直接费用 | direct cost | |
间接费用 | indirect cost | |
项目管理费 | project expen | |
现场管理费 | field expen | |
一般管理费 | overhead | |
利润 | profit | |
生活费 | living expen | |
出勤津贴 | daily allowance | |
(出差)准备费 | outfit allowance | |
劳务费 | labour cost | |
基本工资 | ba wage | |
补偿费 | payroll burden | |
福利费 | fringe beneft | |
1.5 | 可行性研究 | |
可行性 | feasibility | |
现场选定 | site lection | |
(现场)位置 | location | |
市场 | marketing | |
可获利润 | profitability | |
生产成本 | production cost | |
经营费 | operation cost | |
可变成本 | variable cost | |
不变成本 | fixed cost | |
总投资 | total investment cost | |
流动资本 | working capital | |
固定资本 | fixed capital cost | |
总资本 | total capital cost | |
折旧费 | depreciation | |
现金流量 | cash flow | |
折现现金流量 | disccunt cash flow | |
工况研究 | ca study | |
产权资本,自有资本 | equity | |
建设资本利息 | interest during construction | |
1.6 | 业务范围 | |
现场勘测 | site survey | |
工艺设计 | process design | |
基础设计 | basic engineering | |
基础设计包 | basic design package | |
详细设计 | detail engineering | |
采购 | procurement | |
海运 | ocean transportation | |
陆运 | inland transportation | |
安装 | erection work | |
土建工作 | civil work | |
施工 | construction work | |
临时工作 | temporary work | |
投料试车 | commissioning | |
培训 | training | |
(现场)指导 | supervisory rvice | |
顾问 | advisory rvice | |
初步设计 | preliminary project | |
最终设计 | final project | |
基础设施 | infrastructure | |
上部结构 | superstructure | |
软件 | software | |
硬件 | hardware | |
1.7 | 工厂分类与设计 | |
处女地工厂 | grass root plant | |
总厂 | integral plant | |
分厂 | single plant | |
成套装置 | package plant | |
翻版(设计)厂 | copy plant | |
生产厂 | commercial plant | |
中试工厂 | pilot plant | |
试验室规模装置 | bench scale unit | |
石化总厂 | petrochemical complex | |
下游(厂) | downstream | |
(工业)放大 | scale-up | |
扩建 | expansion | |
改建、更改 | modification | |
镜像布置 | mirror image | |
设计余量 | overdesign | |
降负荷运转 | turndown | |
清除瓶颈 | debottlenecking | |
工厂模型 | plant model | |
1.8 | 设备 | |
工艺装置 | process plant | |
装置区内 | on site | |
装置区外 | off site | |
界区内 | inside battery limit | |
界区外 | outside battery limit | |
公用工程设施 | utility facility | |
贮存设施 | storage facility | |
辅助设施 | auxiliary facility | |
衔接 | interconnection | |
主变电所 | main substation | |
发电设施 | power generation facility | |
事故发电设备 | emergerncy power generation facility | |
水处理装置 | water treatment facility | |
冷却塔 | cooling tower | |
抽水设备 | water intake facility | |
海水淡化装置 | desalination facility | |
蒸汽发生装置 | steam generation facility | |
仪表空气发生装置 | instrument air generation facility | |
惰性气发生装置 | inert gas generation facility | |
空分装置 | air paration facility | |
罐区 | tank yard | |
散装贮存设备 | bulk storage facility | |
包装机械 | bagging facility | |
制袋设备 | bag making facility | |
装瓶设备 | bottling facility | |
装货设备 | loading facility | |
卸货设备 | unloading facility | |
铁路侧线 | railway siding | |
栈桥 | jetty | |
行政办公室 | administration building | |
维修车间 | maintenance shop | |
中央化验室 | central laboratory | |
内部通信设施 | intercommunication facility | |
广播系统 | pulic address system | |
寻呼系统 | paging facility | |
消防设施 | fire fighting facility | |
安全器具 | safety equipment | |
生活设施 | colony | |
公用设施 | townshop | |
娱乐设施 | recreation facility | |
1.9 | 相关企业 | |
承包商 | contractor | |
主承包商 | prime contractor | |
分包商 | subcontractor | |
直接费用 | dicrect hire | |
专利商 | licenr | |
转专利者 | sub-licenr | |
专利使用者 | licene | |
专利拥有者 | patent owner | |
竞争者 | competitor | |
国际财团 | conrtium | |
合作者 | collaberator | |
买方 | (1)buyer | |
(2)purchar | ||
卖方 | ller | |
厂商 | vender | |
制造商 | (1)maker | |
(2)manufacturer | ||
业主 | owner | |
顾问 | consultant | |
技术顾问 | technical advir | |
用户 | ur | |
最终用户 | end ur | |
客户 | (1)customer | |
(2)client | ||
代理商 | agent | |
挂名人 | dummy | |
二 | 投标合同 | |
2.1 | 投标概况 | |
询价 | inquiry | |
报价、估价书 | quotation/ estimation | |
投标、投标书 | bid/ tender | |
投标资料 | bid documents | |
预审 | pre-qualification | |
意向书 | letter of intent | |
2.2 | 合同用语 | |
协议 | agreement | |
合同、契约 | contract | |
注销 | cancellation | |
约定 | consideration | |
合同转让 | assignment of contract | |
不可抗力 | force majeure | |
仲裁 | arbitration | |
基本法 | governing law | |
秘密条款 | (1)crecy clau | |
(2)non-disclosure clau | ||
预定损坏赔偿费 | liquidated damages | |
总倍偿额度 | total liability | |
连带(债务) | joint and veral | |
优先债权 | lien | |
免除 | waiver | |
保证 | guaranty | |
担保 | warranty | |
赔偿 | indemnity | |
定义 | definition | |
增额 | escalation | |
罚款 | penalty | |
支付条款 | terms of payment | |
税金 | tax and duties | |
侵犯专利 | patent infringement | |
最高现额 | ceiling | |
委任书 | power of atterney | |
保证金 | bond | |
2.3 | 合同形式 | |
招标合同 | competitive bid contract | |
议付合同 | negotiated contract | |
FOB合同 | FOB-type contract | |
成套承包合同 | (1)turnkey contract | |
(交钥匙合同) | (2)chef montage contract | |
总付合同 | lump sum price contract | |
单价契约 | unit price contract | |
正价加附加费合同 | cost plus fee contract | |
预投标协议 | pre-bid agreement | |
产品抵债 | products sharing | |
互购交易 | counterpurcha transaction | |
三 | 支付、金融、财务 | |
3.1 | 支付、金融 | |
支付条款、支付条件 | payment terms | |
延期付款 | deferred payment | |
留存款项、保留资金 | retention money | |
定期付款 | schedule payment | |
施工分期付款 | progressive payment | |
付款交单D/P | documents against payment | |
承兑交单D/A | document against acceptance | |
信贷、信用 | credit | |
卖方信贷,供应商信贷 | supplier, s credit | |
买方信贷 | buyer,s credit | |
银行借贷 | bank loan | |
财政、金融 | finance | |
借款、借贷 | loan | |
偿还 | reimbur, reimburment | |
保证书 | letter of guarantee | |
信用证、信贷证 | letter of credit | |
外汇兑换率 | exchange rate | |
兑换单,汇票单据 | documentary bill of exchange | |
汇款、汇兑基金 | remittance | |
3.2 | 财务 | |
自然增长基数 | accrual basis | |
资产负债表,决算表 | balance sheet | |
损益报表P&L | profit and loss statement | |
四 | 采购、运输、保险 | |
4.1 | 进出口手续 | export lice |
出口许可证变更 | E/L amend | |
COCOM | coordinating committee | |
标准结算方法 | standard payment | |
非标准结算方法 | non-standard payment | |
DBC | draw-back cargo | |
出口申报银行 | export declaration bank E/D | |
出口申报单 | export declaration custom | |
进口许可证 | import licen | |
进口申报单 | import declaration | |
保税区域 | bonded area | |
关税 | import duty | |
原产地证明书 | certificate of origin | |
发票 | invoice | |
4.2 | 运输 | |
装箱单 | packing list | |
提单 | bill of lading [B/L] | |
指示提单 | order B/L | |
直接提单 | straight B/L | |
装运提单 | shipped B/L, ON-board B/L | |
备运提单 | received B/L | |
不附带条件的提单 | clean B/L | |
不洁提单 | dirty B/L,foul B/L | |
直运提单 | direct B/L | |
联运提单 | through B/L | |
船上收货单 | mate,s receipt | |
装货通知单 | shipping order [s/o] | |
交货单 | delivery order [d/o] | |
空运货单 | airway bill | |
海上运费 | ocean freight | |
海上运费同盟 | freight conference | |
目的地付费 | freight payable at destination | |
出港前付费 | freight prepaid | |
码头工人搬运费 | stevedorage | |
空载运费 | dead freight | |
船到港预定时间 | expected time of arrival [ETA] | |
船离港预定时间 | expected time of departure | |
海关快速发货 | custom quick despatch | |
滞船费 | demurrage | |
码头搬运商 | stevedore | |
超尺寸运输 | over-dimension cargo | |
4.3 | 保险 | |
海上保险 | marine cargo insurance | |
现场指导失误保险 | supervisor,s risk insurance | |
4.4 | 贸易条件 | |
出厂价 | (1)EX works | |
(2)EX factony | ||
(3)EX mill | ||
海上交货 | FOB-named port of shipment | |
合保险海上交货 | CIF-named port of destination | |
国境交货条件 | franco frontier | |
4.5 | 采购 | |
采购 | procurement | |
厂家 | vendor | |
厂家一览表 | vendor list | |
市场价 | market price | |
黑市价 | dark price | |
现价 | up-to-date price level | |
报价 | quotation | |
偏差表 | deviation list | |
到货时间 | time of delivery | |
支付方式 | (1)terms of payment | |
(2)payment conditions | ||
(3)payment terms | ||
延缓支付 | deferred payment | |
现金支付 | cash on delivery | |
分期支付 | instalment payment | |
预先支付 | down payment | |
发货前支付 | advance payment | |
到货后支付 | progress payment | |
计划支付 | scheduled payment | |
购买条件 | terms and conditions of purcha | |
折价 | discount | |
谈判、交涉 | negotiation | |
澄清 | clarification | |
购买意向 | intent to purcha | |
比较表 | tabulation | |
评标 | evaluation | |
价格分析 | value analysis | |
订购单 | purcha order | |
变更订购单 | change order | |
支付方式 | method of payment | |
现金 | cash | |
支票 | check | |
期货 | promissory note | |
催货 | expediting | |
跟踪系统 | follow-up system | |
4.6 | 包装 | |
包装 | packing | |
防锈包装 | rust-proof packing | |
防潮湿包装 | moisture-proof packing | |
防水包装 | water-proof packing | |
软包装 | shrink packing | |
木箱 | wooden box | |
板条箱 | crate | |
框架箱 | framed box | |
滑撬底座 | skid ba | |
码垛盘 | pallet | |
侧板 | side plate | |
吊具 | sling fitting | |
花蓝螺丝 | turnbuckle | |
钢带 | steel strapping | |
角保护带 | edge protecter closure plate | |
保护角 | corner protecter | |
板 | board | |
合板 | plywood | |
缓冲材料 | cushioning material | |
通气孔盖 | ventilation cover | |
超载 | superimpod load | |
开包 | unpacking | |
船上标志 | shpping mark | |
注意标志 | care mark | |
五 | 项目执行及费用管理 | |
5.1 | 项目执行 | |
总图会议 | kick-off meeting | |
项目研究会议 | project study meeting | |
开工会议 | launching meeting | |
项目报告 | project reporting | |
审查会议 | screening meeting | |
进展报告 | progress report | |
协调过程 | coordination procedure | |
变更指示 | change order | |
认可 | approval | |
复阅 | review | |
5.2 | 工程 | |
项目完工报告 | job clo-out report | |
项目执行报告 | job performance report | |
完工汇编 | clo-out book | |
反馈系统 | feed back system | |
项目设计条件 | project design information | |
会签 | inter-department check | |
工程设计 | engineering design | |
工艺条件确认 | engineering review | |
工艺条件校核 | engineering checking | |
项目完成指标审核表 | project performance check sheet | |
施工版 | approved for construction (AFC) | |
设计变更 | error report | |
技术文件 | technical data book | |
管道材料工艺条件 | process data for piping material | |
荷载条件 | loading data | |
关键路径法 | critical path method | |
关键路径进度表 | critical path scheduling | |
PERT | program evaluation and review technique | |
5.3 | 费用及工时管理 | |
工程预算 | project control budget | |
工时 | man-hour M/H | |
工日 | man-day M/H | |
人月 | man-month M/H | |
考勤表 | time sheet | |
工作号 | work number | |
项目号 | job number | |
前期项目号 | propesal number | |
改进工作 | improvement work | |
闲滞 | idie | |
工时报告 | man-hour report | |
项目工时汇总 | job man-hours performance report | |
5.4 | 费用分类 | |
费用分类 | code of account | |
主帐 | major account | |
分帐 | sub-account | |
设备位号 | item number | |
5.5 | 组织 | |
指定 | assign | |
借调 | on-lcan | |
项目成员 | project member | |
项目经理 | project manager | |
项目经理助理 | assistant project manager | |
施工经理 | construction manager | |
开车经理 | operation manager | |
现场指挥 | field manager | |
项目前期经理 | proposal manager | |
估算员 | estimator | |
原始购销员 | originator | |
协调员 | coordinator | |
项目设计协调员 | project design coordinator | |
六 | 标准化,资料管理,法规,规格 | |
6.1 | 标准化 | |
标准化 | standardization | |
标准、规格 | standard | |
工程规定 | engineer specification | |
项目特殊要求 | specific job requirement | |
工程手册 | engineering manual | |
标准图 | standard drawing | |
工程用表格 | engineering form | |
法规 | law and regulation | |
法律 | law | |
6.2 | 资料管理 | |
情报管理 | information and documentation | |
信息中心 | information center | |
调研(追述) | retrospective arching | |
信息选择服务 | lective dismination of information | |
情报跟踪 | current awareness | |
检索效率 | retrieval efficieney | |
资料 | documents | |
原文献 | primary sources | |
文献摘要 | condary scurces | |
边载刊物 | riais | |
定期刊物 | periodieals | |
(学会)纪要 | memoirs | |
会报 | transactions | |
会议论文 | conference paper | |
会议纪录 | proceedings | |
索引期刊 | index journal | |
文献期刊 | abstract journal | |
情报摘要 | informative abstracts | |
提示文稿 | indicative abstracts | |
图书目录 | book cataing | |
标题目录 | title cataing | |
总目录 | union catalog | |
标准目录 | standard cutalog | |
关键词 | keyword | |
省略词 | stopword | |
KWIC索引 | keyword-in -conters index | |
KWOC索引 | keyword -out-of -context index | |
顺序索引 | penmuted index | |
相关索引 | coordinate index | |
主题分析 | subjeckt analysis | |
统计分类 | statistical classification | |
国际十进分类法 | universal decimal classification | |
借阅卡片 | visible card | |
书卡 | book card | |
档案系统 | filing system | |
微缩复制 | microcopy | |
微缩系统 | micro-system | |
微缩卡片 | fiche film | |
6.3 | 法规 | |
高压气体取缔法 | high pressure gas control law | |
消防法 | fire rvice law | |
劳动安全卫生法 | industrial safety and health law | |
建筑基本法 | building standard law | |
单位制 | system of units | |
国际单位制 | international system of units | |
七 | 工厂系统图.设备布置图.配管图及材料统计 | |
7.1 | 图纸、条件图 | |
工艺流程图 | process flow diagram | |
管道仪表流程图 | process piping & instrument | |
flow diagram(PID) | ||
公用工程流程图 | utility flow diagram(UFD) | |
框图 | block flow diagram | |
公用工程介质平衡图 | utility balance diagram | |
平面布置图 | plot plan | |
立面布置图 | general arrangement | |
总图 | general plot plan | |
规划图 | planning drawing | |
管道研究图 | piping study drawing | |
管道布置图(配管图) | piping arrangement drawing | |
分区图 | key plan | |
管道走向研究图 | piping routing stuty drawing | |
地下管道图 | underground piping drawing | |
管道特殊管件图 | piping special parts drawing | |
管架详图 | piping hanging drawing | |
预制图 | prefabrication drawing | |
参考图 | reference drawing | |
通用图 | typical drawing | |
制造厂图 | vender,s drawing | |
管道轴测图 | isometric piping drawing | |
竣工图 | as-built drawing | |
模型 | model | |
管线表 | line schedule | |
计算书 | calculation sheet | |
图纸目录 | drawing schedule | |
发图阶段 | issue stage | |
版次 | revision number | |
编号体系 | numbering system | |
比例 | scale | |
工厂北向 | plant north | |
海平面标高 | over-a mean level | |
标高 | elevation | |
已有钢结构 | existing structure | |
装货区 | loading area | |
公用工程站 | utility station | |
柱号 | column number | |
净空 | headroom | |
通道 | access way | |
小通道 | cat way | |
钢结构顶部标高 | top of structure elevation | |
管底标高 | bottom of piping elevation | |
主管口径 | run size | |
顶平偏心异径管 | eccentric reducer top flat | |
中心到面的距离 | center to face | |
工作点标高 | working point elevation | |
管架标注 | nanging marking | |
冷拉 | cold spring | |
管线记号 | line symbol | |
管线接口 | line connection | |
物流号 | stream NO | |
管线号 | line NO. | |
管道等级号 | (1)class designation | |
(2)spec designation | ||
阀门号 | valve NO | |
等级分析 | specification break | |
重要管道 | critical piping | |
总管 | header pipe | |
仪表管道 | instrument piping | |
排放管道 | blowdown piping | |
火炬气管道 | flare piping | |
输送管线 | transfer line | |
入口管线 | suction line | |
排水管 | effluent line | |
旁通管 | bypass line | |
吹扫系统 | purge system | |
放空接口 | vent connection | |
软管接口 | ho connection | |
双切断阀及排放阀 | double block and bleeder | |
污水沟 | wer ditch | |
加勒比海盗4台词 | 冷凝液池 | condensate pit |
积水坑 | sump box | |
漏斗 | drip funnel | |
管段 | spool piece | |
垫环 | spacer ring | |
限流孔板 | restriction orifice | |
流量喷咀 | flow nozzle | |
液体混合用三通 | mixing tee | |
喷头 | spray nozzle | |
粗滤器 | strainer | |
临时粗滤器 | temporary strainer | |
疏水阀 | steam trap | |
爆破膜 | rupture disk | |
蒸汽伴热管道 | steam-traced piping | |
夹套管道 | jacketed piping | |
地下管道 | underground piping | |
7.2 | 管道要素 | |
钢管 | steel piping | |
螺纹端管 | threaded pipe | |
法兰端管 | flanged pipe | |
锻制的 | swage | |
光滑弯管 | smooth bend | |
U型弯管 | u-bend | |
弯管 | bending pipe | |
波纹管膨胀节 | expansinon bellows | |
柔性管 | flexible pipe | |
管件接头 | pipe fitting joint | |
机械连接 | mechanical joint | |
活套连接 | lapped joint | |
环形垫连接 | ring type joint | |
扩口接头 | flare type joint | |
非扩口接头 | flareless type joint | |
承插连接 | bell and spigot | |
victaulic 接头 | victaulic joint | |
弯头 | elbow | |
异径管 | reducer | |
管接头 | coupling | |
活接头 | union | |
短管 | nipple | |
法兰 | flange | |
配对法兰 | companion flange | |
法兰盖 | blind flange | |
异径法兰 | reducing flange | |
八字盲板 | (1)spectactle blind | |
(2)reversible blind | ||
平板式法兰 | plate flange | |
带颈法兰 | hubbed flange | |
对焊法兰 | welding neck flange | |
松套法兰 | loo flange | |
管端突缘 | stub end | |
法兰面 | flange face | |
垫片沟槽 | gasket groove | |
满平面 | full face | |
突面 | raid face | |
大准槽面 | large tongue and groove face | |
双凹凸面 | double male &female face | |
大凹凸面 | large male&female face | |
金属垫片 | metallic gasket | |
非金属垫片 | non-metallic gasket | |
mi-metallic gasket | ||
O型环 | O-ring | |
透镜垫 | lens ring | |
对焊 | butt weld | |
承插焊接 | socket weld | |
滑套焊接 | slip-on weld | |
焊接支管台 | weldolet | |
插入环 | inrt ting | |
管帽 | cap | |
材料表 | bill of material | |
材料统计 | take-off | |
管段表 | line bill of material | |
估算汇总表 | estimation summary sheet | |
备品备件表 | spare parts list | |
报价表 | quotation sheet | |
订货单 | purcha order schedule | |
材料汇总表 | bill of material summary | |
状态报告 | status report | |
分布报告 | distribution report | |
价格、重量一览表 | cost &weight summary | |
价格、重量汇总表 | cost & weight total | |
定货管理表 | order control | |
管道材料管理体表 | piping material control sheet | |
元件代号 | item code | |
标记号 | tag number | |
标准形态 | standard shape | |
轴测图 | isometric drawing | |
管线号 | line reference | |
批号 | batch reference | |
管子下料表 | piping cutting list | |
制作件表 | fabrication parts list | |
组装件表 | erection part list | |
固定架 | anchor | |
滑动架 | resting support | |
导向架 | guide | |
限位架 | directional stop | |
减振架 | dampener | |
支架 | support | |
管托 | shoe | |
保冷管托 | cradle | |
鞍座 | saddle | |
耳轴 | trunnion | |
吊架 | hanger | |
刚性吊架 | rigid hanger | |
弹簧吊架 | spring hanger | |
恒力吊架 | constant hanger | |
阀门 | valve | |
截止阀 | globe valve | |
闸阀 | gate valve | |
针形阀 | needle valve | |
球阀 | ball valve | |
止回阀 | check valve | |
隔膜阀 | diaphragm valve | |
三通阀 | three-way valve | |
角阀 | angle valve | |
蝶阀 | butterfly valve | |
旋塞阀 | cock | |
伸长杆操作 | extension stem-operation | |
链操作 | chain-operated | |
齿轮操作 | gear-operated | |
扳手操作 | wrench-operated | |
电动操作 | motor-operated | |
阀芯 | trim | |
阀盖 | bonnet | |
焊接支管 | weld branch | |
偏置 | offt | |
焊接根部间隙 | weld root gap | |
现场调整后在下料和焊接 | cut and weld after adjusting | |
坡度 | slope | |
工作点 | working point | |
管架说明 | notes for piping hanging | |
部门间校核版 | interdepartmental check print | |
平端 | plain end | |
坡口端 | beveled end | |
管道连接图 | piping hook-up drawing | |
管道说明图 | notes for piping drawing | |
标题栏 | title block | |
寻价单 | piping requisition sheet | |
八 | 配管及一般设备设计 | |
8.1 | 保温,保冷 | |
绝热 | insulation | |
设备绝热表 | equipment insulation schedule | |
绝热符号 | insulation code | |
保温设计 | design of cold insulation | |
正常操作所用的保温 | insulation for stable operating | |
人身防护 | personnel protection | |
防火层 | fire-proofing | |
防结露 | anti-sweat | |
防冻 | winterizing | |
防音 | sound protection | |
保温材料 | hot insulation material | |
保冷材料 | cold insulation material | |
石棉 | asbestos | |
硅藻土 | diatomaceous earth | |
岩棉 | rock wool | |
玻璃棉 | glass wool | |
碳酸镁 | magnesium carbonate | |
硅酸铝 | calcium silicate | |
珍珠岩 | perlite | |
软木板 | cork boards | |
毛毡 | hair felt | |
泡沫聚氨酯 | foam polystyrene | |
硬泡沫氨基甲酸乙酯 | rigid foam urethane | |
硬泡沫橡胶 | rigid foam rubber | |
玛碲脂 | mastic | |
耐磨损材料 | anti-abrasion coating material | |
管壳 | lagging cloth | |
铁丝网 | hexagonal wire netting | |
填缝材料 | caulking material | |
保护层 | jacketing sheet | |
cover sheet | ||
波纹铝板 | corrugated aluminum sheet | |
有色镀锌钢板 | precoated galvanized sheet | |
搭板 | butt strap | |
Z型接头 | Z-joint | |
8.2 | 防腐涂漆 | |
色标 | colour-code | |
孟塞尔色系 | munll notation | |
管道识别色 | identification of piping system | |
防腐层 | external coating | |
油漆 | paint | |
清漆 | varnish | |
防腐漆 | anti-corrosive paint | |
rush-proof paint | ||
含铝漆 | aluminum paint | |
底漆 | primer | |
耐酸漆 | acid-proof paint | |
耐酸漆 | acid-proof paint | |
耐碱漆 | alkali-proof paint | |
耐热漆 | heat-resisting paint | |
测温漆 | thermo-paint | |
绝 缘漆 | insulation varnish | |
表面处理 | surface preparation | |
涂漆 | painting | |
阴级保护 | cathodic protection | |
8.3 | 振动解析 | |
机械振动 | mechanical vibration | |
自由振动 | free vibration | |
强制振动 | forced vibration | |
自励振动 | lf-excited vibration | |
固有频率 | natural frequency | |
固有周期 | natural period | |
波谷 | loop | |
波峰 | node | |
正弦振动 | sinusoidal oscillation | |
非线性振动 | non-linear oscillation | |
阻尼振动 | damped vibration | |
临界阻尼 | critical damping | |
衰减系数 | (1)attenuation constant | |
(2)decay coefficient | ||
(3)decay factor | ||
共振 | resonance | |
扭曲振动 | torsional vibration | |
挠性振动 | flexural vibration | |
极限速度 | critical speed | |
固有值 | characteristic value | |
临界条件 | boundary condition | |
弹性系数 | spring constant | |
惯性矩 | moment of inertia | |
回转半径 | radius of gyration | |
振动吸收装置 | dynamic vibration abrber | |
液压减振器 | hydraulic damper | |
弹簧减振器 | (1)spring dampener | |
(2)spring damper | ||
油压锁定 | oil lock | |
8.4 | 耐振设计 | |
固有振动方式 | natural frequency mode | |
卓越周期 | predominant period | |
基本周期 | first natural frequency | |
横波 | transver wave | |
纵波 | longitudinal wave | |
相对位移 | relative displacement | |
质量比 | mass ratio | |
静解析法 | static method | |
修正静解析法 | corrected static method | |
动解析法 | modal analysis | |
时历响应解析法 | time history respon analysis | |
设计响应光谱 | design respon spectrum | |
加速响应光谱 | acceleration respon spectrum | |
地板响应光谱 | foor respon spectrum | |
标准响应光谱 | standard respon spectrum | |
加速响应增幅比 | acceleration respon amplitude ratio | |
刚性结构 | rigid structure | |
柔性结构 | flexible structure | |
长周期结构 | long -period structure | |
刚性框架 | rahmen rigid frame | |
地震波 | earthquake accelerogram | |
位移量记录 | displacement record | |
设计地震 | design earthquake | |
设计震度 | design ismic coefficient | |
地震 | earthquake | |
震源距离 | distance to centrum | |
震中距离 | distance to epicenter | |
震吸 | magnitude | |
地震波显示仪 | ismoscope | |
地震仪 | ismograph | |
耐振等级 | ismic class | |
基岩 | ba rock | |
8.5 | 应力分析 | |
外力 | external force | |
内力 | internal force | |
反作用力 | reaction force | |
力偶 | couple of force | |
弯矩 | bending moment | |
扭矩 | twisting moment | |
应力 | stress | |
弯曲应力 | bending stress | |
扭曲应力 | torsional stress | |
圆周应力 | hoop stress | |
峰值应力 | peak stress | |
一次应力 | primary stress | |
二次应力 | condary stress | |
轴向应力 | axial stress | |
重复应力 | repeated stress | |
脉动应力 | pulsating stress | |
交变应力 | alternating stress | |
应变 | strain | |
应变能 | strain energy | |
主应力 | principal stress | |
主应力理论 | principal stress theory | |
最大剪切应力理论 | maximum shearing stress theory | |
残余应力 | residual stress | |
热应力 | thermal stress | |
热破坏 | thermal shock | |
疲劳 | fatigue | |
疲劳曲线 | s-n diagram | |
疲劳极限 | (1)fatigue limit | |
(2)endurance limit | ||
腐蚀 | corrosion fatigue | |
蠕变 | creep | |
蠕变疲劳 | creep fatigue | |
尺寸效应 | size effect | |
应力集中系数 | coefficient of stress concentration | |
形状系数 | shape coefficient | |
缺口系数 | notch factor | |
应力强度系数 | stress intensity factor | |
几何惯性矩 | geometrical moment of inertia | |
断面系数 | modulus of ction | |
断面极惯性矩 | polar moment of inertia of area | |
扬氏模量 | young,s modulus | |
横向弹性系数 | modulus of transver elasticity | |
体积弹性系数 | modulus of volumetric elasticity | |
泊松比 | poissor,s ratio | |
弹性极线 | elastic limit | |
屈服点 | yield point | |
拉伸强度 | tensile strength | |
伸长 | elongation | |
永久变形 | permanent t | |
弹性 | flexibility | |
弹性分析 | elastic analysis | |
弹性屈服 | elastic buckling | |
塑性 | plasticity | |
塑变滞后 | plasticity hysteresis | |
极限分析 | limit analysis | |
弹塑性分析 | elastic-plastic analysis | |
疲劳分析 | fatigue analysis | |
有限元法 | finite element method | |
静荷载 | dead load | |
8.6 | 流体流动 | |
水锤 | water hammer | |
急关 | rapid closure | |
缓关 | slow closure | |
冲击波 | shock wave | |
液压振动 | acoustic vibration of liquid flow | |
脉动 | pulsation flow | |
两相流 | two-pha flow | |
气压振动 | acoustic vibration | |
卡门涡街 | karman eddies | |
颤动 | fluttering | |
气蚀 | cavitation | |
8.7 | 噪音 | |
噪音 | (1)noi | |
(2)undesired sound | ||
听力范围 | auditory nsation area | |
掩蔽 | masking | |
背景噪音 | background noi | |
声强 | sound intensity | |
声压 | sound pressure | |
声压值 | sound pressure level | |
噪声值 | (1)noi level | |
(2)sound level | ||
噪声计 | sound level meter | |
听觉校正回路 | weighting network | |
音平 | loundness level | |
音能 | sound power | |
音能值 | sound power level | |
总体值 | overall level | |
90%范围 | 90%range | |
中间值 | median | |
NR数 | noi rating number | |
频率分析器 | frequency analyzer | |
倍频带 | octave band | |
1/3的倍频带 | 1/3 octave band | |
波段值 | band level | |
音场 | sound field | |
方向性 | directivity | |
方向系数 | directivity factor | |
衍射 | diffraction | |
声源 | sound source | |
房间常数 | room constant | |
吸音率 | sound absorption coefficient | |
穿透率 | transmission coefficient | |
穿透损失 | transmission loss | |
质量原理 | mass law | |
8.8 | 设计条件 | |
操作压力 | operating pressure | |
最高操作压力 | maximum operating pressure | |
操作温度 | operating temperature | |
最高操作温度 | maximum operating temperature | |
温度基准 | ba temperature | |
腐蚀裕度 | corrosion allowance | |
许容应力 | allowable stress | |
安全系数 | safety factor | |
地理条件 | geological conditions | |
九 | 塔.槽.换热器.加热炉 | |
9.1 | 图面用语 | |
设备表 | vesl schedule | |
工程图 | engineering drawing | |
管口表 | (1)nozzle chart | |
(2)nozzle schedule | ||
管口方位 | nozzle orientation | |
于焊件图 | clip schedule | |
切线 | tangent line(TL) | |
焊缝线 | weld line(WL) | |
参照线 | wroking line(WL) | |
基准线 | ba line(BL) | |
9.2 | 容器 | |
容器 | vesl | |
塔 | tower | |
自支承塔 | lf-supported tower | |
板式塔 | tray tower | |
填料塔 | packed tower | |
喷淋塔 | spray tower | |
槽。罐 | drum | |
储罐 | tank | |
球罐 | spherical tank | |
ball tank | ||
浮顶罐 | floating roof tank | |
锥顶罐 | cone roof tank | |
拱顶罐 | dome roof tank | |
双壁罐 | double wall tank | |
湿式气柜 | wet gas holder | |
干式气柜 | dry gas holder | |
料仓 | (1)silo | |
(2)bin | ||
料斗 | hopper | |
9.3 | 内件 | |
内件 | internals | |
塔盘 | tray | |
泡罩塔盘 | bubble cap tray | |
筛板塔盘 | perforated tray | |
浮阀塔盘 | valve tray | |
单流向式塔盘 | uni-flux tray | |
波纹塔盘 | ripple tray | |
塔盘板 | deck | |
溢流堰 | weir | |
降液管 | downcomer | |
密封糟 | al pot | |
取液糟 | draw-off pot | |
密封盘 | al pan | |
塔盘支承环 | tray support ring | |
鲍尔环 | pall ring | |
泪孔 | weep hole | |
填料 | packing | |
拉希环 | rasching ring | |
矩鞍形填料 | intalox saddle | |
分布器 | distributor | |
除沫器 | demister | |
进料挡板 | feed deflector | |
防涡流挡板 | vortex breaker | |
内筒 | cartridge | |
9.4 | 主要附属品 | |
壳体 | shell | |
变颈段 | reducing ction | |
封头 | head | |
椭圆形封头 | ellipsoidal head | |
蝶形封头 | (1)dished head | |
(2)torispherical head | ||
半球形封头 | hemispherical head | |
锥形封头 | conical head | |
平封头 | flat head | |
加强圈 | reinforcing ring | |
加套 | jecket | |
人孔 | manhole | |
手孔 | hand hole | |
检查孔 | inspection hole | |
接管 | nozzle | |
凸缘 | pad nozzle | |
锻制接管 | forged nozzle | |
补强板 | reinforcing pad | |
信号孔 | tell-tale hole | |
容器支座 | vesl support | |
裙座 | skirt | |
支腿 | leg | |
支耳 | support lug | |
底座 | ba block | |
基础环 | ba ring | |
筋板 | gust plate | |
压环 | compression ring | |
鞍座 | saddle | |
模板 | template | |
通道 | access opening | |
套管 | pipe sleeve | |
连接板 | lug | |
予焊件 | clip | |
接地板 | earth lug | |
吊耳 | lifting lug | |
平台 | platform | |
梯子 | ladder | |
保温支承 | insulation support | |
吊柱 | davit | |
人孔铰链 | manhole hinge | |
放空口 | vent nozzle | |
呼吸阀 | breather valve | |
计量口 | guage hatch | |
9.5 | 换热器 | |
换热器 | heat exchange | |
换热面积 | heat transfer area | |
总传热系数 | overall heat transfer coefficient | |
境膜传热系数 | film coefficient | |
对数平均温差 | logarithmic mean temperature difference(LMID) | |
平均温差 | mean temperature difference(MID) | |
污垢系数 | fouling factor | |
布管图 | tube arrangement | |
三角形排列 | triangular arrangement | |
转角三角形排列 | rotated triangular arrangement | |
正方形排列 | square arrangement | |
转角正方形排列 | rotated square arrangement | |
最大布管图 | outside tube limit | |
管壳式换热器 | sheet and tube heat exchange | |
固定管板换热器 | fixed tube sheet heat exchange | |
浮头式换热器 | floating head type heat exchange | |
U形管换热器 | U-tube type heat exchange | |
釜式换热器 | kettle type heat exchange | |
套管式换热器 | double tube type heat exchange | |
冲洗式冷却器 | irrigation cooler | |
蛇管换热器 | coil type heat exchanger | |
插管式换热器 | bayonet type heat exchanger | |
板式换热器 | plate type heat exchanger | |
螺旋板式换热器 | spiral heat exchanger | |
夹套式换热器 | jacket type heat exchanger | |
石墨换热器 | graphite heat exchanger | |
空冷式换热器 | air-cooled heat exchanger | |
换热管 | tube | |
折流板 | baffle plate | |
管箱 | channel | |
分程隔板 | pass partition plate | |
浮头 | floating head | |
防冲挡板 | impingement baffle | |
管束 | tube bundie | |
管板 | tube sheet | |
管子与管板的连接 | tube -to-tube sheet joint | |
管接头 | ferrule | |
9.6 | 加热炉 | |
加热炉 | direct-fired heater | |
热负荷 | (1)heat duty | |
(2)heat relea | ||
热损失 | heat loss | |
加热炉效率 | efficiency of heater | |
热流率 | heat flux | |
管壁温度 | tube skin temperature | |
体积热负荷 | volumetric heat relea | |
radiant ction | ||
convection ction | ||
shield ction | ||
bridge wall | ||
expod wall | ||
shielded wall | ||
管道支撑 | tube support | |
燃烧管 | (1)heater tube | |
(2)furnace tube | ||
extended surface tube | ||
(1)header | ||
(2)header box | ||
回弯头 | return bend | |
管道间接连管 | crossover | |
通风 | draft | |
烟道 | flue | |
烟道挡板 | damper | |
烟囱 | stack | |
烧嘴 | burner | |
过量空气 | excess air | |
风箱 | wind box | |
观察孔 | (1)obrvation door | |
(2)peep door | ||
检修孔 | access door | |
防爆门 | explosion door | |
吹灰器 | scot blower | |
油漆清车导轨 | painter trolley | |
陶瓷纤维 | ceramic fiber | |
耐火砖 | fire brick | |
保温耐火砖 | insulation fire brick | |
保温板 | insulation board | |
可铸耐火材料 | castable | |
衬里支撑 | lining anchor | |
炉壁横梁 | lintel | |
膨胀节 | expansion joint | |
十 | 转动机械 | |
10.1 | 轴 | shaft |
轴承 | bearing | |
轴承箱 | bearing housing | |
联轴节 | shaft coupling | |
滑轮 | pulley | |
V形皮带(三角皮带) | v-belt | |
转动设备 | turning equipment | |
润滑 | lubrication | |
润滑油 | (1)lubrication oil | |
(2)lube oil | ||
密封 | al | |
轴封 | shaft al | |
填料 | packing | |
填料箱 | stuffing box | |
油膜密封 | oil film al | |
油封 | al oil | |
机械密封 | mechanical al | |
齿轮 | gear | |
曲轴 | crankshaft | |
连杆 | connecting rod | |
十字头 | crosshead | |
气缸 | cylinder | |
缸套 | cylinder liner | |
气缸阀 | cylinder value | |
活塞 | piston | |
金属填料 | metallic packing | |
予埋板 | soleplate | |
基座 | baplate | |
柱塞 | plunger | |
箱体(壳体) | casing | |
转子 | roter | |
平衡活塞 | balance piston | |
迷宫密封 | labyrinth | |
叶轮 | impeller | |
轴套 | sleeve | |
耐磨环 | wearing ring | |
灯笼环 | (1)lantern ring | |
(2)al cage | ||
10.2 | 转动机械性能 | |
轴动力 | (1)shaft power | |
(2)brake horpower | ||
额定制动马力 | rated brake horpower | |
齿轮传动损失 | gear loss | |
机械效率 | mechanical efficiency | |
机械损失 | mechanical loss | |
额定转数 | rated speed | |
最大连续转数 | maximum continuous speed | |
旋转油膜 | oil whirl | |
临界速度 | critical speed | |
顺时针 | clockwi | |
转矩 | torque | |
起动转矩 | starting torque | |
性能 | performance | |
特性 | characteristics | |
压头 | head | |
液压功率 | hydraulic horpower | |
活塞位移 | piston displacement | |
体积效率 | volumetric efficiency | |
显示图 | indicator diagram | |
压力脉冲率 | pressure pulsation ratio | |
10.3 | 泵 | |
underscore | 泵 | pump |
泵效率 | pump efficiency | |
气蚀 | cavitation | |
气蚀系数 | cavitation coefficient | |
净正吸入压头 | net positive suction head | |
离心泵 | centrifugal pump | |
混流泵(斜流泵) | mixed-flow pump | |
轴流泵 | axial pump | |
容量泵 | displacement type pump | |
往复泵(活塞泵) | reciprocating pump | |
旋转泵 | rotary pump | |
再生泵 | regenerative pump | |
底阀 | foot valve | |
10.4 | 压缩机、风机等 | |
压缩机 | compressor | |
压缩机效率 | compressor efficiency | |
往复式压缩机 | reciprocating compressor | |
间隙容积 | clearance volume | |
隙囊 | clearance pocket | |
减压器 | unloader | |
离心式压缩机 | centrifugal compressor | |
轴面压缩机 | axial compressor | |
涡轮压缩机 | turbocompressor | |
鼓风机 | blower | |
风机 | fan | |
涡轮式鼓风机 | turboblower | |
涡轮风机 | turbofan | |
多叶片风机 | multi-blade fan | |
旋浆式风机 | propeller fan | |
罗茨鼓风机 | (1)roots blower | |
(2)two-lobe blower | ||
螺杆式压缩机 | screw compressor | |
湍振 | surging | |
中间冷却器 | intercooler | |
后冷却器(二次冷却器) | aftercooler | |
缓冲器 | snubber | |
10.5 | 透平 | |
透平 | turbine | |
冲动式透平 | impul turbine | |
反作用式透平 | reaction turbine | |
凝汽式透平 | condensing turbing | |
抽气式透平 | extraction turbing | |
背压式透平 | back pressure turbing | |
透平效率 | turibing efficiency | |
调速器 | governor | |
速度范围 | speed range | |
速度调节阀 | speed governing valve | |
应急调速器 | emergency governor | |
跳闸速度(应急速度限) | trip speed | |
应急阀 | trip valve | |
操纵阀 | ntinel valve | |
10.6 | 冷冻机 | |
冷冻机 | refrigerator | |
制冷剂 | refrigrerant | |
十一 | 其他机械 | |
11.1 | 搬运 | |
起重运输设备 | material handling | |
输送机 | conveyor | |
带式输送机 | belt conveyor | |
链式输送机 | chain conveyor | |
平盘输送机 | pan conveyor | |
粉体输送机 | continuous flow conveyor | |
气力输送机 | pneumatic conveyor | |
混合比 | weight ratio of solid to gas | |
螺旋输送机 | screw conveyor | |
振动输送机 | vibrating conveyor | |
滚轴输送机 | roller conveyor | |
斗式提升机 | bucket elevator | |
平台给料机 | table feeder | |
定量给料机 | (1)constant feeder | |
(2)constant feed weighter | ||
地平 | scale | |
包装机 | packing machine | |
缝袋机 | wing machine | |
热封口机 | heat aler | |
卷扬机 | hoist | |
倒链、葫芦 | chain block | |
天车 | overhead crane | |
悬臂起重机 | jib crane | |
龙门起重机 | gantry crane | |
倾倒卸货机 | car dumper | |
手推车 | hand cart | |
储存场装载输送机 | recluimer | |
铲式装料机 | shovel loader | |
起运载重机 | ship loader | |
起运卸货机 | ship unloader | |
堆积机 | stacker | |
码垛机 | palletizer | |
卸垛机 | depalletizer | |
叉车 | fork lift truck | |
鹤管 | loading arm | |
11.2 | 粉碎 | |
粉碎 | crushing | |
粉碎机 | crusher | |
碾磨机 | mill | |
破碎机 | disintegrator | |
比粉碎能力 | specific crushing capacity | |
粉碎比 | crushing ratio | |
粉碎性 | grindability | |
筛网 | screen | |
切裁尺寸 | cut size | |
丝网 | mesh | |
集尘器 | dust collector | |
空气过滤器 | (1)air cleaner | |
(2)air filter | ||
旋风分离器 | cyclone | |
多管式旋风分离器 | multiclone(MC) | |
集尘效率 | dust collector efficiency | |
再飞散 | re-entrainment | |
11.3 | 化学机械 | |
离心式分离机 | centrifuge | |
澄清器 | decanter | |
过滤器 | filter | |
过滤介质 | filter medium | |
滤饼 | filter cake | |
板框式压滤机 | filter press | |
叶滤机 | leaf filter | |
转鼓过滤机 | drum filter | |
带式过滤机 | belt filter | |
盘式过滤机 | pan filter | |
预涂助滤剂的过滤机 | precoat filter | |
干燥机 | dryer | |
转盘式干燥器 | rotary dryer | |
流化床干燥器 | fluidized bed dryer | |
气流干燥器 | pneumatic conveying dryer | |
带式干燥器 | band dryer | |
喷雾干燥器 | spray dryer | |
平衡含水率 | equilibrium moisture content | |
临界含水率 | critical moisture content | |
体积传热系数 | volumetric heat transfer coefficient | |
热效率 | thermal efficiency | |
回转炉 | rotary kiln | |
刨片机 | flaker | |
包裹筒 | coating drum | |
混料机 | biender | |
混合器 | mixer | |
圆桶式混合器 | drum mixer | |
捏土混合器 | pug mixer | |
捏合机 | kneader | |
捏合搅拌机 | kneader mill | |
搅拌机 | (1)agitator | |
(2)stirrer | ||
造粒机 | pelletizer | |
圆桶式造粒机 | drum granulator | |
平板式造粒机 | pan granulator | |
压缩成型 | briquetting | |
造粒机 | pastillator | |
挤压机 | extruder | |
成型机 | molding machine | |
燃烧装置 | flaring equipment | |
火炬烟囱 | elevated flare stack | |
地面燃烧 | ground flare | |
分子筛密封 | molecular al | |
液封 | fluidic al | |
十二 | 公用工程 | |
12.1 | 锅炉.蒸汽及给水系统 | |
锅炉 | boiler | |
水管锅炉 | water tube boiler | |
废热锅炉 | waste heat boiler | |
排气锅炉 | exhaust gas boiler | |
混合燃料锅炉 | multi-fuel fired boiler | |
过热器 | superheater | |
减温器 | desuperheater | |
再热器 | reheater | |
省煤器 | economizer | |
空气予热器 | air preheater | |
煤粉燃烧装置 | pulverized coal firing equipment | |
燃料油燃烧装置 | fuel oil firing equipment | |
助燃烧嘴(长明灯) | stabilizing burner | |
点火器 | (1)pilot torch | |
(2)igniter | ||
(3)lighter | ||
起动用轻油烧嘴 | (1)warm-up light oil burner | |
(2)start-up light oil burner | ||
一次空气 | primary air | |
烟道气再循环风机 | gas recirculating fan | |
回火 | (1)back fire | |
(2)blowback | ||
(3)puff | ||
不连续燃烧 | discontinuous combustion | |
脉动燃烧 | pulsating combustion | |
负荷调整范围 | (1)turn-down ratio | |
(2)load ratio | ||
(3)load range | ||
低过量空气操作 | low excess air operation | |
加压燃烧 | pressurized combustion | |
吹灰器 | scot blower | |
锅炉自动控制系统 | automatic boiler control system | |
气体置换联锁系统 | purge interlock | |
燃料油添加剂 | fuel oil additives | |
灰处理装置 | ash handling equipment | |
灰沉淀池 | ash ttling pond | |
锅炉效率 | boiler efficiency | |
循环比 | circulation ratio | |
安全阀起跳试验 | safety valae operation test | |
负荷试验 | load test | |
排污 | blowdown | |
排污罐 | blowdown tank | |
蒸汽集气罐 | steam accumulator | |
蒸汽转化器 | steam converter | |
锅炉给水泵 | boiler feed water pump | |
开车给水泵 | start-up feed water pump | |
给水加热器 | feed water heater | |
锅炉给水处理 | boiler feed water treatment | |
锅炉內水处理 | internal treatment | |
发泡 | foaming | |
汽水并发 | priming | |
过量夹带.沸腾延迟 | carryover | |
化学清洗 | chemical cleaning | |
碱洗 | alkali cleaning | |
酸洗 | acid cleaing | |
12.2 | 蒸汽轮机 | |
额定输出 | rated output | |
节流调速 | throttle governing | |
喷嘴增减调速 | nozzle cutout governing | |
负荷限制器 | load limiter | |
调速操作 | speed governing operation | |
自动负载调节器 | automatic load regulator | |
稳态转速变化率 | steady state speed regulation | |
最大转速变化率 | maximum momentary speed variation | |
调速器试验 | (1)governor test | |
(2)dump test | ||
机体温度匹配 | metal matching | |
手动停车优先 | master trip | |
燃料停车优先 | master fuel trip | |
锅炉随动控制 | boiler following control | |
透平随动控制 | turbine following control | |
锅炉.透平平行控制 | boiler turbine parallel control | |
油净化器 | oil purifier | |
事故用柴油发电机 | emergency diel generator | |
12.3 | 燃气轮机 | |
燃气轮机 | gas turbine | |
开式燃气轮机 | open cycle gas turbine | |
闭式燃气轮机 | clod cycle gas turbine | |
单轴燃气轮机 | single-shaft gas turbine | |
平行双轴式燃气轮机 | straight compound gas turbine | |
交叉双轴式燃气轮机 | cross-compound gas turbine | |
气体发生器 | gas generator | |
燃烧室 | (1)combustor | |
(2)combustor chamber | ||
压缩机清洗设备 | compressor washing equipment | |
标准额定输出 | standard rated output | |
峰值输出 | peak output | |
燃烧负荷 | combustion load | |
自运转 | lf-sustaining | |
12.4 | 电厂 | |
热电厂 | thermal power plant | |
负荷系数 | load factor | |
内耗率 | auxiliary power ratio | |
利用率 | utilization factor | |
有效率 | availability | |
可靠率 | reliability | |
基本负荷 | ba load | |
峰值负荷 | peak load | |
中间负荷 | middle load | |
短周期负荷 | fringe load | |
长周期负荷 | sustained load | |
自起动 | black start | |
最小负荷操作 | minimum load operation | |
冷却塔 | cooling tower | |
温差 | approach | |
夹带损失 | drift loss | |
蒸发损失 | evaporation loss | |
12.5 | 水处理 | |
自然沉淀 | dimentation | |
凝聚 | coagulation | |
沉淀 | ttling | |
絮凝器 | flocculator | |
浓缩器 | thickener | |
沉淀池 | clarifier | |
砂滤器 | sand filter | |
旁路过滤器 | singedside stream filter | |
浓缩比 | concentration ratio | |
饱和指数 | saturation index | |
防腐剂 | corrosion inhibitor | |
分散剂 | dispersant | |
化学药品注入 | chemical dosing | |
软化装置 | softener | |
脱盐装置 | demineralizer | |
离子交换树脂 | ion exchange resin | |
处理能力 | breakthrough capacity | |
树脂交换能力 | exchange capacity | |
再生效率 | regenerative efficiency | |
再生能力 | regenerative level | |
2床3塔 | two beds three towers | |
纯水器 | polisher | |
反渗透 | rever osmosis | |
电渗析 | electrodialysis | |
活性污泥 | activated sludge | |
曝气 | aeration | |
返送污泥 | return sludge | |
剩余污泥 | excess sludge | |
污泥消化 | sludge distion | |
滴滤池 | trickling filter | |
浮法 | (1)floatation | |
(2)flotation | ||
甲烷发酵 | methane fermentation | |
硝化 | nitrification | |
脱氨 | denitrification | |
混合液中挥发性 | mixed liquor volatile | |
悬浮物质 | suspended solids off | |
絮凝体 | floc | |
浮渣 | scum | |
BOD负荷 | BOD loading | |
污泥膨胀 | bulking | |
12.6 | 水质 | |
水质 | quality of water | |
碱性 | alkalinity | |
应度 | hardness | |
暂时应度 | temporary hardness | |
永久应度 | permanent hardness | |
应水 | hard water | |
软水 | soft water | |
电导率 | electric conductivity | |
残留氯 | residual chlorine | |
溶解固体 | dissolved solids | |
灼烧损失 | ignition loss | |
水垢量 | evaporation residue | |
灼烧残渣 | ignition residue | |
浊度 | turbidity | |
BOD(生化需氧量) | biochemical oxygen demand | |
COD(化学需氧量) | chemical oxygen demand | |
高锰酸钾消耗量 | permanganate consumption | |
溶解氧 | dissolved oxygen | |
大肠杆菌数 | most probable number of coliform group | |
十三 | 化工操作及工厂装置名称 | |
13.1 | 反应 | |
化学反应 | chemical reaction | |
反应器 | reactor | |
聚合釜 | polymerizer | |
裂解 | cracking | |
重整 | reforming | |
重整炉 | reformer | |
歧化 | disproportionation | |
烷基化 | alkylation | |
脱烷基化 | dealkylation | |
烷基转移 | transalkylation | |
氢化(加氢) | hydrogenation | |
脱氢 | dehydrogenation | |
加氢脱硫 | hydrodesulfurization | |
加氢处理 | hydrotreating | |
氢化裂解 | hydrocracking | |
脱沥青 | deasphalting | |
焦炭罐 | coke drum | |
(co)转换器 | shift converter | |
甲烷转换器 | methanator | |
分解器 | decompor | |
再生塔 | regenerator | |
13.2 | 吸收.吸附.分离 | |
吸收塔 | absorber | |
洗涤塔 | scrubber | |
脱CO2塔 | decarbonator | |
吸附塔 | adsorber | |
脱气器 | degasifier | |
干燥器 | dryer | |
空气干燥器 | air dryer | |
减湿装置 | dehumidifier | |
汽提塔 | stripper | |
萃取塔 | extractor | |
净化器 | purifier | |
深冷分离 | low temperature paration | |
蒸馏塔 | (1)distillatior | |
(2)fractionator | ||
精馏塔 | rectifier | |
常压蒸馏 | topping | |
常压蒸馏塔 | topper | |
稳定器 | stabilizer | |
浓缩器 | concentrator | |
结晶器 | crystallizer | |
闪蒸罐 | flash drum | |
分离器 | parator | |
湿式分离器 | mist parator | |
缓冲罐 | knock-out drum | |
API分离器 | API parator | |
油分离器 | OIL parator | |
油水分离器 | decanter | |
沉淀器 | ttler | |
13.3 | 热交换器 | |
换热器 | heat exchanger | |
在线换热器 | transfer heat exchanger | |
加热炉 | furnace | |
预热器 | preheater | |
再热器 | reheater | |
冷却器 | arp是什么意思 cooler | |
深冷器 | chiller | |
再沸器 | reboiler | |
热虹吸再沸器 | thermosiphon reboiler | |
蒸发器 | evaporator | |
气化器 | vaporizer | |
冷凝器 | condenr | |
尾气冷凝器 | vent condenr | |
省煤器 | economizer | |
融解槽 | melter | |
浸没燃烧 | submerged combustion | |
废热锅炉 | waste heat boiler | |
辅助锅炉 | auxilialy boiler | |
13.4 | 其它 | |
接收器 | receiver | |
储槽 | (1)rervoir | |
(2)holder | ||
集气罐 | accumulator | |
缓冲器 | buffer | |
脉冲衰减装置 | pulsation damper | |
计量罐 | (1)measuring tank | |
(2)metering tank | ||
急冷塔 | quencher | |
喷射器 | ejector | |
升压器 | booster | |
循环器 | recirculator | |
加料器 | feeder | |
焚烧炉 | incinerator | |
火炬(烟囱) | flare stack | |
惰性气体发生器 | inert gas generator | |
空分装置 | air paration apparatus | |
流体床操作 | fluid-bed operation | |
造粒塔 | prilling tower | |
海水淡化装置 | desalination plant | |
十四 | 流体名称及流体的性质 | |
14. 1 | 流体名 | |
传热介质 | heat transfer media | |
载热体(热媒) | heating medium | |
冷却介质(冷媒) | cooling meadium | |
盐水 | brine | |
催化剂 | catalyst | |
聚合引发剂 | polymerization initiator | |
促聚剂 | polymerization promoter | |
活化剂 | activator | |
聚合调整剂 | polymerization modifier | |
阻聚剂 | polymerization inhibitor | |
防腐剂 | corrosion inhibitor | |
抑制剂 | inhibitor | |
稳定剂 | stabilizer | |
单体 | monomer | |
聚合物 | polymer | |
均聚物 | homopolymer | |
共聚物 | copolymer | |
母料 | master powder | |
溶液 | solution | |
乳浊液 | emulsion | |
悬浊液 | suspension | |
胶乳 | latex | |
淤浆 | slurry | |
母液 | mother liquor | |
石脑油 | naphtha | |
重油 | heavy oil | |
芳香烃 | BTX | |
P-P馏分 | P-P fraction | |
C3馏分 | C3 fraction | |
B-B馏分 | B-B fraction | |
常压残渣 | atomospheric residue | |
久沸残渣 | long residuum | |
减压残渣 | vaccum residue | |
蒸馏残渣 | short residuum | |
轻馏分 | light-end | |
重尾馏分 | heavy end | |
溶剂 | solvent | |
贫溶剂 | lean solvent | |
富溶剂 | rich solvent | |
萃取 | extract | |
提余液 | raffinate | |
重整产品 | reformate | |
液化天燃气 | LNG(liquefied natural gas) | |
液化石油气 | LPG(liquefied petroleum gas) | |
干气 | dry gas | |
酸性气 | sour gas | |
无硫气 | sweet gas | |
氮氧化物 | NO | |
硫氧化物 | SO | |
合成气 | synthesis gas | |
转换气 | converted gas | |
分子筛 | molecular sieve | |
活性铝(氧化铝) | (1)activated alumina | |
(2)active alumina | ||
14.2 | 流体的性质 | |
蒸汽压 | vapor pressure | |
临界温度 | critical temprature | |
临界点 | critical point | |
临界压力 | critical pressure | |
比热 | specific heat | |
潜热 | latent heat | |
湿度 | humidity | |
密度 | density | |
比重 | specific gravity | |
API重度 | API gravity | |
粘度 | viscosity | |
动力粘度 | kinetic viscosity | |
粘度指数 | viscosity index | |
比粘度 | specific viscosity | |
倾点 | pour point | |
云点 | cloud point | |
凝固点 | freezing point | |
融点 | melting point | |
浓度 | (1)concentration | |
(2)content | ||
颜色 | (1)hue | |
(2)color | ||
气味 | (1)crdor | |
(2)smell | ||
闪点 | flash point | |
引火点 | ignition point | |
热值 | heating value | |
辛烷值 | (1)octane number | |
(2)o-value | ||
(3)o-rating | ||
特性系数 | characterization factor | |
PONA分析 | PONAanalysis | |
博士法试验 | doctor test | |
碘值 | (1)iodine number | |
(2)I-value | ||
溴值 | bromine number | |
焦碳残渣 | carbon residue | |
铜板腐蚀试验 | copper corrosion test | |
蒸溜曲线 | distillation curve | |
14.3 | 分体特性 | |
安息角 | angle of repo | |
壁面摩擦系数 | coefficient of wall friction | |
颗粒密度 | particle density | |
粉体密度 | power density | |
粘度分布 | particle size distribution | |
末端速度 | terminal velocity | |
十五 | 操作,维护 | |
15.1 | 操作说明书 | operating instruction |
标准操作程序 | standard operating procedure | |
开车 | start-up | |
试车 | running -in | |
在操作中(在运转中) | on stream | |
装载 | load up | |
装罐(产品) | run-down | |
停车 | shut-down | |
预防修理(小修) | turn-around | |
正常停车 | normal shutdown | |
运转周期 | run length | |
冲洗 | flushing | |
喷射清洗 | jet cleaning | |
化学清洗 | chemical cleaning | |
大修 | overhaul | |
盘车 | barring | |
研磨 | lapping | |
干燥 | dry out | |
电干燥 | electric drying | |
运转中检查(在线检查) | on-stream inspection | |
在线维修 | on-stream maintenance | |
生产保全 | productive maintenance | |
间歇操作 | batch operation | |
半间歇操作 | mi-batch operation | |
连续操作 | continuous operation | |
制备 | preparation | |
补充 | make-up | |
回收 | recovery | |
再生魔兽电影字幕 | regeneration | |
循环 | circulation | |
再循环 | recycle | |
除焦 | decoking | |
放空 | vent | |
蒸气吹扫 | steaming out | |
吹扫 | purge | |
抽真空 | evacuation | |
吹出 | blow-off | |
排污 | blowdown | |
熄火 | blow-out | |
事故排放 | emergency vent | |
安全排空 | conrvation vent | |
阻火器 | flame arrester | |
防爆膜(爆破片) | rupture disc | |
安全泄气阀 | safety valve | |
过流防止阀 | emergency valve | |
事故切断阀 | excess flow valve | |
排放阀 | discharg valve | |
破真空 | vaccum breaker | |
大气腿 | barometric leg | |
锁开 | locked open | |
锁关 | locked clo | |
铅封开 | car aled open | |
旁路 | by-pass | |
操作管线 | on-stream line | |
备用 | stand-by | |
15.2 | 操作状态 | |
污染 | contamination | |
波动 | fluctuation | |
操作稳定性 | operating stability | |
溢流、液泛 | flooding | |
沟流 | channeling | |
停留时间 | (1)residence time | |
(2)retention time | ||
滞留量 | hold-up | |
界面 | interface | |
飞沫 | priming | |
物沫夹带 | entrainment | |
漏液 | weeping | |
发泡 | foaming | |
回火 | back-fire | |
净正吸入压头 | NPSH | |
回流 | reflux | |
转化率 | conversion | |
进料 | feed | |
输入 | intake | |
冷凝液 | condensate | |
放净 | drain | |
塔顶流出物 | overhead | |
釜液 | bottoms | |
饱和蒸汽 | saturated steam | |
过热蒸汽 | superheated steam | |
直接蒸汽 | live steam | |
窒息蒸汽 | smothering steam | |
鼻烟蒸汽 | snuffing steam | |
雾化蒸汽 | atomizing steam | |
十六 | 防灾和环保 | |
16.1 | 消防设备 | |
水龙带 | fire ho | |
水管接口 | water nozzle | |
消火栓 | hydrant | |
供水口 | siame connection | |
泡沫灭火剂 | foam | |
空气泡沫发生器 | air foam chamber | |
上升管过滤器 | rir strainer | |
消防软管接头 | rire ho connection | |
泡沫接口 | foam nozzle | |
水枪 | monitor | |
喷头 | head | |
喷头.喷嘴 | spray | |
水喷淋(罐顶) | deluge | |
水喷淋(罐壁) | drencher | |
洒水器 | sprinkler | |
雾化 | fog | |
水喷淋 | watering | |
CO2灭火系统 | CO2 extinguishing system | |
灭火器 | fire extinguisher | |
干粉灭火器 | dry chemical power | |
消防水泵 | fire pump | |
稳压泵 | jockey pump | |
消防车 | fire fighting truck | |
急救车。救护车 | ambulance car | |
16.2 | 火灾报警设备 | |
自动火灾报警 | automatic fire alarm system | |
监视器 | detector | |
发送器,变送器 | transmitter | |
接收器 | receiver | |
转送器 | (1)translater | |
(2)repeater | ||
火灾监视区 | fire watching zone | |
火灾检测区 | fire nsing zone | |
漏电报警器 | leak alarm device | |
16.3 | 其它防火设备 | |
阻火器 | flame arrester | |
紧急切断阀 | emergency isolation valve | |
安全(泄气)阀 | safety valve | |
爆破片(膜) | rupture disc | |
联锁 | inter lock | |
防护堤 | dike | |
防爆墙 | explosion proofing wall | |
避雷针 | lightning arrester | |
避难指示灯 | emergency directional light | |
避难路标 | emergency directional indication | |
航空标识灯 | (1)aircraft warning light | |
(2)aircraft obstruction light | ||
静电保护 | protection of static electricity | |
线桥 | bonding | |
地耳 | earth lug | |
气体检测器 | gas detector | |
燥音累积器 | noi exposure meter | |
16.4 | 电气防爆 | |
防爆结构 | explosion-protected construction | |
增安型 | incread safety type | |
隔爆型 | flameproof type | |
本质安全型 | (1)intrinsically safe type | |
(2)intrinsic safety type | ||
正压通风型 | pressurized type | |
浸油型 | oil-immerd type | |
特殊型 | special type | |
允许温升时间 | permissible locked-rotor time | |
本安回路 | intrisically safe circuit | |
本安连接回路 | associated circuit of intrinsically safe system | |
非本安回路 | non-intrinsically-safe circuit | |
本安电器设备 | intrinsically safe apparatus | |
安全栅 | barrier | |
正压通风室 | pressurized room | |
密封 | aling | |
防爆容器 | enclosure vesl | |
16.5 | 危险场所,火灾,爆炸 | |
危险区 | (1)hazardous area | |
(2)hazardous location | ||
爆炸气体环境危险区 | hazardous areas for explosive gas atmosphere | |
粉尘危险区 | hazardous area for dust | |
爆炸气体 | explosive gas | |
粉尘 | dust | |
危险源 | source of hazard | |
爆炸等级 | explosive class | |
引燃稳度组别 | ignition group | |
引燃点 | (1)ignition point | |
(2)fire point | ||
闪点 | flash point | |
爆炸极限 | (1)limit of explosion | |
(2)explosive limits | ||
蒸汽密度 | vapor density | |
点火源 | ignition source | |
静电 | static electrification | |
爆炸 | explosion | |
气体爆炸 | gas explosion | |
粉尘爆炸 | dust explosion | |
蒸汽爆炸 | vapor explosion | |
最小点火能 | minimum ignition energy | |
自燃 | spontaneous ignition | |
燃烧热 | heat of combustion | |
燃烧波 | combustion wave | |
燃烧速度 | speed of combustion | |
爆轰 | detenation | |
爆轰波 | detenation wave | |
火球 | fire ball | |
一次灾害 | primary disaster | |
二次灾害 | condary disaster | |
16.6 | 化学设备,危险物,有害物 | |
允许浓度 | acceptable concentrations | |
缺氧 | want of oxygen | |
听力下降 | hearing loss | |
故障率 | failure rate | |
故障分类 | failure mode | |
故障间隔平均时间 | mean time between failures | |
故障分类及影响分析 | failure mode and effect analysis | |
故障树分析 | fault tree analysis | |
安全性 | safety | |
减灾对策 | fail-safe | |
防止误操作 | fool-proof | |
安全评价 | safety asssment | |
工业事故 | industrial accident | |
工业安全 | industrial safety | |
安全管理 | safety management | |
生产事故 | labor accident | |
人身伤害 | personal injury | |
事故统计 | accident statistics | |
事故费 | accident cost | |
伤害原因 | injury source | |
人身防护用具 | personal protective equipment | |
急救 | first aid | |
劳动环境 | labor environment | |
16.8 | 公害 | |
环境评估 | environmental asssment | |
环境标准 | environmental standard | |
大气污染 | air pollution | |
水污染 | water pollution | |
噪音 | noi | |
土壤污染 | (1)soil contamination | |
(2)soil pollution | ||
地基下沉 | land subsidence | |
十七 | 原子能 | |
17.1 | 一般 | |
核不扩散条约 | non-proliferation treaty of nuclear weapons(NPT) | |
保障措施 | safeguards | |
核设施 | nuclear facility | |
放射性同位素 | radiosotope | |
原子核素 | nuclide | |
放射性物质 | radioactive material | |
放射性衰变 | radioactive decay | |
半衰期 | half life | |
放射性 | radioactivity | |
射线 | radioaction | |
α-射线 | (1)α-rays | |
(2)alpha-rays | ||
β-射线 | (1)β-rays | |
(2)beta-rays | ||
γ-射线 | (1)γ-rays | |
(2)gamma-rays | ||
х-射线 | х-rays | |
中子 | neutron | |
核反应 | nuclear reaction | |
核分裂 | nuclear fission | |
核裂变生成物 | fission product(FP) | |
活性区材料 | fissile material | |
核裂变性物质 | fissionable material | |
腐蚀生成物 | corrosion product (CP) | |
核裂变连锁反应 | nuclear fission chain reaction | |
核聚变 | nuclear fusion | |
临界 | criticality | |
截面 | cross ction | |
中子平衡 | neutron economy | |
中子吸收剂 | neutron absorber | |
毒剂 | poison | |
强防射性物质实验室 | hot laboratory | |
防护箱 | glove box | |
操作 | manipulator | |
机械手 | magic hand | |
模型试验 | mock-up test | |
容器 | cask | |
17.2 | 反应堆与核燃料 | |
核反应堆 | nuclear reactor | |
轻水堆 | light water reactor(LWR) | |
重水堆 | heavy water reactor(LWR) | |
沸水堆 | boiling water reactor | |
压水堆 | pressurized water reactor | |
气冷堆 | gas-cooled reactor | |
改进气冷堆 | advanced gas-cooled reactor | |
高温气冷堆 | high temperature gas-cooled reactor | |
新型转换堆 | advanced thermal reactor | |
快速增殖堆 | fast breeder reactor | |
核聚变反应堆 | nuclear fussion reactor | |
核燃料 | nuclear fuel | |
燃烧度 | burn-up | |
烧干 | burn- out | |
转换 | conversion | |
冷却剂 | coolant | |
减速剂 | moderator | |
反射体 | reflector | |
锆合金 | zircalloy | |
镁合金 | magnox | |
天然铀 | natural uranium | |
浓缩铀 | enriched uranium | |
劣化铀 | depleted uranium | |
废燃料 | spent fuel | |
人造矾铀矿 | yellow cake | |
六氟化铀 | uranium hexafluoride | |
二氧化铀 | uranium dioxide | |
核燃料循环 | fuel cycle | |
铀浓缩 | uranium enrichment | |
串.级 | cascade | |
分离工作单位 | sperative work unit | |
气体扩散法 | gaous diffusion process | |
离心分离法 | centrifuge method | |
再处理 | reprocessing | |
混合沉降器 | mixer-ttler | |
迅速萃取器 | rapid contractor | |
17.3 | 原子能发电 | |
主安全壳 | primary containment vesl | |
反应堆压力容器 | reactor pressure vesl | |
燃料棒 | fuel rod | |
控制棒 | control rod | |
控制棒驱动机构 | control rod drive mechanism | |
温定器 | stabilizer | |
出入口 | air lock | |
人工岩石 | man-made rock | |
反应堆锅炉系统 | nucler boiler system | |
反应堆给水系统 | reactor feed water system | |
主循环系统 | primary loop recirculation system | |
反应堆蒸汽系统 | nuclear steam supply system | |
主蒸汽系统 | main steam system | |
反应堆冷却系统 | reactor coolant system | |
反应堆冷却净化系统 | clean-up water system | |
化学容器控制系统 | chemical and volume control system | |
燃料池冷却净化系统 | fuel pool cooling and filtering system | |
余热去除系统 | residual heat removal system | |
反应堆隔离冷却系统 | reactor core isolation cooling system | |
工程安全系统 | engineered safety system | |
紧急堆心冷却系统 | emergency core cooling system | |
安全壳喷淋系统 | containment spray system | |
堆心喷淋系统 | core spray system | |
高压冷却剂注入系统 | high pressure coolant injection system | |
低压冷却剂注入系统 | low pressure coolant injection system | |
安全注入系统 | safety injection system | |
硼酸注入系统 | stand-by liquid control system | |
安全壳空气调节系统 | atmospheric control system | |
可燃性气体浓度控制系统 | flammability control system | |
安全壳空气再循环系统 | containment air circulation cooling and filtration system | |
应急气体处理系统 | stand-by gas treatment system | |
反应堆保护系统 | reactor protection system | |
中子监视系统 | neutron monitoring system | |
放射性废物 | radioactive waste | |
放射性废处理 | radioactive waste treatment | |
放射性废物处理 | radioactive waste disposal | |
放射性废处理系统 | radioactive waste system | |
气体废弃物处理系统 | off-gas system | |
17.4 | 放射性管理 | |
感应放射性 | induced radioactivity | |
残余放射性 | residual activity | |
放射性污染 | radiation contamination | |
污染去除 | decontamination | |
油迹法 | smear method | |
污染去除剂 | decontamination agent | |
绝对过滤器 | absolute filter | |
放射性屏蔽 | radiation shield | |
生体屏蔽 | biological shield | |
热屏蔽 | thermal shield | |
放射性平衡 | activity balance | |
放射性等级图 | radiation do map | |
控制区 | control area | |
高放射性区 | high activity area | |
低放射性区 | low activity area | |
非居民区 | exclussion area | |
限制区 | restricted area | |
区域放射性监视系统 | area radiation monitoring system | |
监视站 | monitoring station | |
监视点 | monitoring post | |
手.脚衣服测定仪 | hand foot and cloth monitor | |
剂量仪 | dosimeter | |
袖珍剂量仪 | pocket dosimeter | |
胶片剂量计 | film badge | |
袖珍剂量仪 | pocket chamber | |
剂量计 | do rate meter | |
计数管 | counter tube | |
脉冲计数器 | pul counter | |
测量计 | survey meter | |
全身计数器 | whole body counter | |
被辐射 | exposure | |
吸收剂量 | absorbed do | |
放射线剂量 | radiation do | |
当量剂量 | do equivalent | |
最大允许剂量 | maximum permissible do | |
最大允许限度 | maximum permissible limt level | |
最大允许浓度 | maximum permissible concentration | |
累积剂量 | integral do | |
最大允许累积剂量 | maximum permissible integral do | |
遗传剂量 | genetic do | |
国民剂量 | national do | |
放射性损伤 | radiation injury | |
放射性病 | radiation sickness | |
放射性防护 | radiation protection | |
生物性半衰期 | biological half life | |
假想事故 | hypothetical accident | |
设计基准事故 | design basis accident | |
冷却剂丧失事故 | loss-of -coolant accident | |
品质保证 | quality assurance | |
使用期间检查 | in-rvice inspection | |
17.5 | 原子能单位 | |
靶恩 | barn | |
居里 | curie | |
伦琴 | roentgen | |
雷姆 | rem | |
拉得 | rad | |
十八 | 电气 | |
18.1 | 图面 | |
电气用图例符号 | graphical symbol for electrical apparatus | |
室内配线用符号 | graphical symbol of interior wiring diagram | |
for architecture plans | ||
单线图 | single line diagram | |
电力分布图 | power distribution map | |
总接线图 | overall connection diagram | |
顺序接线图,原理图 | (1)quence diagram(2)schematic diagram | |
盘后接线图 | panel- back connection diagram | |
装置内部接线图 | device inside connection diagram | |
连锁框图 | inter lock block diagram | |
继电气整定一缆表 | relay tting schedule | |
电机一缆表 | motor schedule | |
危险区域图 | hazardous area plan | |
防爆设备一缆表 | list of explosion- protection for electrical | |
equipment in hazardous areas | ||
电气设备布置图 | electrical equipment layout | |
电气设备布置一缆表 | electrical equipment schedule | |
单元配制图 | unit arrangement | |
电动机控制中心柜表 | control center cubicle unit schedule | |
主电缆布置图 | main cable route plan | |
配线布置图 | wiring layout | |
电缆布置详图 | detail drawing for cable arrangement | |
电缆支架布置图 | cable rack layout | |
电缆一缆表 | cable schedule | |
接地线布置图 | (1)grounding layout(2)earthing layout | |
照明回路一缆表 | lighting panel board circuit schedule | |
照明灯具一缆表 | lighting fixture schedule | |
通信系统布置图 | communication system layout | |
火警系统布置图 | fire alarm system layout | |
电气工程典型祥图 | typical detail drawing for electrical work | |
外形尺寸图 | outline dimension drawing | |
端子箱祥图 | terminal box detail drawing | |
电气材料一缆表 | list of construction material for electrical | |
work | ||
18.2 | 电气一般 | |
直流 | direct current | |
交流 | alternating current | |
脉动电流 | pulsating current | |
电功率 | electric power | |
有效功率 | (1)active power(2)effective power | |
频率 | frequency | |
市电频率 | (1)power frequency(2)commerical frequency | |
高次谐波 | higher harmonics | |
有效值,均方根值 | (1)effective value (2)root-mean-square value | |
最大值 | maximum value | |
峰值 | (1)crest value (2)peak value | |
按扭 | push button | |
平均值 | mean value | |
波形系数 | wave-form factor | |
失真率 | distorsion factor | |
相位 | pha | |
相序 | (1)pha quence (2)order of pha rotation | |
效率 | efficiency | |
损失 | loss | |
功率因素 | power factor | |
功率因素补偿 | power factor improvement | |
接线方式 | connection | |
中性点 | neutral point | |
中性线 | (1)neutral line (2)neutral condutor | |
配电线路方式 | distribution line system | |
电压 | voltage | |
低压 | low voltage | |
高压 | high voltage | |
特别高压 | extra-high voltage | |
超高压 | ultra-high voltage | |
标准电压 | standard voltage | |
公称电压 | nominal voltage | |
最高电压 | maximum voltage | |
额定电压 | rated voltage | |
线电压 | (1)line-to-line voltage (2)line voltage | |
相电压 | pha voltage | |
外加电压 | (1)applied voltage (2)impresd voltage | |
对地电压 | (1)line- to- ground voltage (2)voltage to ground | |
终端电压 | terminal voltage | |
剩余电压 | residual voltage | |
反常电压 | abnormal voltage | |
冲击电压 | impul voltage | |
电涌电压 | surge voltage | |
开闭异常电压 | swiching abnormal voltage | |
接触电压 | touch voltage | |
阶跃电压 | step voltage | |
绝缘强度 | dielectric strength | |
绝缘距离 | insulation clearance | |
漏电距离 | creepage distance | |
电压调节,稳压 | voltage regulation | |
电压降 | voltage drop | |
瞬间电压降 | voltage dip | |
电流 | current | |
额定电流 | rated current | |
许用电流 | allowable current | |
起动电流 | starting current | |
冲浪,浪涌 | (1)rush current (2)inrush current | |
短路电流 | short-circuit current | |
接地电流 | (1)groung- fault current (2)earth-fault current | |
激磁电流 | exciting current | |
充电电流 | charging current | |
放电电流 | discharging current | |
短时电流 | short-time current | |
断路电流 | (1)interrupting current(2)breaking current | |
断路时间 | (1)interrupting time (2)breakig time | |
接通电流 | making current | |
接通时间 | (1)making time (2)closing time | |
操作时间,工作时间 | operating time | |
起动时间 | starting time | |
阻抗电压 | impedance voltage | |
负荷 | burden | |
导体 | conductor | |
半导体 | miconductor | |
绝缘体 | (1)insulator(2)insulating material | |
电阻 | resistance | |
电阻率 | (1)resistivity(2)specific resistance | |
内阻 | internal resistance | |
电抗 | reactance | |
阻抗 | impedance | |
磁感应 | magnetic induction | |
电磁力 | electromagnetic force | |
电磁感应 | electromagnetic induction | |
电感 | inductance | |
静电 | static electrcity | |
静电力 | electrostatic force | |
静电感应 | eletrostatic induction | |
电容 | (1)capacitance (2)eletrostatic capacity | |
感应干扰 | electrical interference effect | |
气体放电 | gaous discharge | |
无照电流 | dark current | |
火花放电 | spark discharge | |
电晕放电 | corona discharge | |
电弧放电 | arc discharge | |
辉光放电 | glow discharge | |
集肤效应 | skin effect | |
电蚀 | electrohytic corrosion | |
电防护,阴极保护 | cathodic protection | |
触电 | electric shock | |
漏电 | leak | |
18.3 | 电源和配电 | |
电源 | power source | |
市电电源 | (1)commerical power | |
(2)purchad power | ||
自备电源 | (1)generated power | |
自备电源 | (1)general power | |
(2)in plant generaated power | ||
正常电源 | normal power supply | |
备用电源 | stand-by power supply | |
应急电源 | emergency power supply | |
不停电电源 | uninterruptible power supply | |
发电 | power generation | |
发电厂 | (1)power station | |
(2)power plant | ||
受电站 | receiving station | |
变电所 | substation | |
配电室 | switch room | |
配电所 | swich yard | |
功率通量线路 | power flow | |
输电 | power transmission | |
输电线 | transmission line | |
输电系统 | transmission system | |
输电端 | nding end | |
输电电压 | transmission voltage | |
输电端电压 | nding end voltage | |
交叉换位 | transposition | |
受电 | (1)power receiving(2)power reception | |
接收端 | receiving end | |
受电电压 | receving voltage | |
配电 | power distribution | |
配电线 | distribution line | |
干线 | (1)main line (2)trunk line | |
支线 | branch line | |
电源线 | feeder | |
配电系统 | distribution system | |
配电电压 | distribution voltage | |
模拟母线 | mimic bus | |
母线 | (1)bus(2)busbar | |
接地母线 | (1)grounding bus (2)earthing bus | |
责任分界点 | responsibility transfer point | |
用电户 | electric power consumer | |
最大需用电力 | maximum demand | |
最大电负荷 | (1)_maximum load(2)maximum power | |
电消耗 | power consumption | |
安装负荷 | installed load | |
需用率 | demand factor | |
负荷率 | load factor | |
盐腐 | salt contamination | |
停电 | (1)power failure(2)rvice interruption | |
接地故障 | (1)ground fault(2)earth fault | |
断线 | breaking of wire | |
短路 | short -circuit | |
过载电流 | overcurrent | |
过载电压 | overvoltage | |
欠压 | undervoltage | |
带电电线 | hot-line | |
18.4 | 电气设备 | |
电气设备 | electrical equipment | |
直流发电机 | d-c generator | |
交流发电机 | (1)a-c generator (2)alternator | |
同步发电机 | synchronous generator | |
感应发电机 | induction generator | |
发电机 | generator t | |
发电机电动机 | generator -motor | |
直流电机 | d-c motor | |
同步电动机 | synchronous motor | |
感应电动机 | induction motor | |
鼠笼式感应电动机 | squirrel-cage induction motor | |
绕线感应电动机 | wound-rotor induction motor | |
交流整流式电动机 | a-c commutator motor | |
转子 | rotor | |
定子 | stator | |
电枢 | armature | |
整流子 | commutator | |
磁场 | field | |
励磁 | excitation | |
励磁电流 | exciting current | |
励磁机 | exciter | |
阻尼线圈 | (1)damper winding(2)amortisur winding | |
同步 | synchronism | |
同步速度 | sychronous speed | |
牵入 | pull-in | |
牵出 | pull-out | |
同步化 | synchronization | |
振动,猎振 | hunting | |
起动 | starting | |
起动电流 | starting current | |
起动时间 | starting time | |
起动器 | startor | |
起动变阻箱 | starting rheostat | |
起动补偿器 | (1)starting compensator | |
(2)auto-transformer starter | ||
直接启动 | direct-on line starting | |
星三角起动 | (1)star-delta starting (2)wye-delta starting | |
补偿器起动 | (1) compensator starting | |
(2)auto-transformer starting | ||
部分绕阻启动 | part-winding starting | |
电抗器启动 | reactor starting | |
短路环 | shading coil | |
旋转方向 | direction of rotation | |
满负载速度 | full-load speed | |
变速电动机 | (1)variable speed motor | |
(2)adjustable speed motor | ||
速度调节装置 | speed control equipment | |
转距 | torque | |
满负荷转距 | full-load torque | |
转距速度曲线 | torque-speed curve | |
反向制动 | plugging | |
发电制动 | dynamic braking | |
再生制动 | regenerative braking | |
微动 | inching | |
短路系数 | short-circuit ratio | |
轴承电压 | shaft voltage | |
涡流 | cross current | |
回转磁场 | revolving magnetic field | |
磁场中心 | magnetic center | |
轴向间隙 | end play | |
推力 | thrust | |
轴承 | bearing | |
机座号 | frame number | |
外壳 | enclosure | |
变压器 | tranformer | |
匝数比 | turn ratio | |
最大效率 | maximum efficiency | |
极性 | polarity | |
保油箱 | conrvator | |
接地屏蔽 | grounded shield | |
抽头转换开关 4454 | tap changer | |
滑线调压器 | slide voltage regulator | |
交流不停电电源装备(UPS) | (1)uninterruptibie a-c power | |
supply system | ||
(2)non-breaking a-c power | ||
supply system | ||
电动发电机组 | motor-generator t | |
蓄电池 | (1)storaye battery | |
(2)accumulator | ||
铅蓄电池 | lead-acid battery | |
碱性蓄电池 | alkaline battery | |
放电率 | discharge rate | |
放电终了电压 | final discharge voltage | |
充电器 | battery charger | |
初充电 | initial charger | |
浮充电 | floating charge | |
均匀充电 | equalizing charge | |
整流器 | rectifier | |
静电电容器 | (1)power capacitor | |
(2)static condenr | ||
电感式调压器 | induction voltage regulator | |
自动调压器 | automatic voltage regulator | |
自动同步机 | lsyn | |
配电板 | switchboard | |
封闭式配电盘 | metal-enclod switch board | |
单元封闭式配电盘 | unit metal -enclod switchboard | |
开启式配电盘 | open type switch board | |
密封配电盘 | cubicle | |
铠装配电盘 | metalclad switch board | |
负荷中心柜 | load center cubicle | |
电力中心柜 | power center cubilic | |
电动机控制中心柜 | (1).control center cubicle | |
(2).motor control center | ||
拼式配电盘 | mosaic switchboard | |
照光配电盘 | luminted switchboard | |
配电板 | panels grouped to form a switchboard | |
盘后配线 | panel- back wiring | |
配电板 | 1.distrbution board | |
2.panel board | ||
开关装置 | switchgear | |
断路器 | circuit breaker(CB) | |
18.5 | 控制\运行 | |
保持 | holding | |
复位、重复 | ret | |
设定 | tting | |
释放 | relea | |
脱离 | drop-out | |
励磁 | energized | |
跳闸 | tripping | |
中断、切断 | (1)interruption | |
(2).interrupting | ||
(3)breaking | ||
断路 | (1)disconnecting | |
(2)isolating | ||
继电器 | relay | |
延时继电器 | time relay | |
控制开关 | control switch | |
接点、触点 | contact | |
指示灯 | pilot lamp | |
试验端子 | testing terminal | |
运行、操作、运转 | running, operating, working | |
关闭 | closing | |
自清理作用 | (1)lf-cleaning effect | |
(2)lf-wiping effect | ||
反跳 | (1)chattering | |
(2)bouncing | ||
潜动 | creeping | |
浮动、漂浮 | floating | |
熔合触点 | welding of contact | |
烧毁 | (1)burning | |
(2)burn-out | ||
连续运行 | continuous duty | |
短时间运行 | short-time duty | |
间歇运行 | intermittent duty | |
周期运行、定期运行 | periodic duty | |
操作系数 | operating factor | |
连续运行定额 | continuous rating | |
短时间运行定额 | short- time rating | |
18.6 | 接地 | |
接地 | (1)grounding(美) | |
(2)earthing(英) | ||
静电接地保护 | grounding for static-electricity protection | |
避雷接地 | grounding for lightning protection | |
系统接地 | system grounding | |
有效接地系统 | effectively grounded system | |
连续接地 | inter-connected grounding | |
接地母线 | grounding bus | |
接地回路 | grounding circuit | |
接地阻抗 | (1)grounding resistance | |
(2)resistance to ground | ||
接地装置 | grounding device | |
中性点接地装置 | neutral grounding device | |
接地导体(线) | grounded conductor | |
避雷针(器) | (1)lightning rod(美) | |
(2)lightning preventer(英) | ||
架空地线 | overhead ground wire | |
雷 | (1)lightning | |
(2)thunder | ||
雷击 | lightning stroke | |
18.7 | 照明 | |
照明 | (1)lighting | |
(2)illumination | ||
照明器具 | (1)lighting fixture | |
(2)luminaire | ||
(3)lighting fitting | ||
光源 | luminous source | |
光通量 | luminous flux | |
光强度 | luminous intensity | |
照度 | (1)illuminance | |
(2)intensity of illumination | ||
辉度 | luminance | |
光强度分布曲线 | (1)luminous intensity distribution | |
curve | ||
(2)light distribution curve | ||
等照度曲线 | (1)isoluxcurve | |
(2)isophoto curve | ||
照度标准 | (1)standard level of illumination | |
(2)standard illumination intensity | ||
照明利用率 | (1)coefficient of utilization | |
(2)utilization factor | ||
维修率 | maintenance factor | |
房号指示 | room index | |
作业面 | working plane | |
发光率 | (1)luminaire efficiency | |
(2)light output ratio of fitting | ||
光照效率 | (1)efficiency of luminous source | |
(2)lumincus efficiency of lamp | ||
复色性 | color rendering properties | |
荧光 | luminescence | |
电加热 | electric heating | |
电阻加热 | resistance heating | |
电弧加热 | arc heating | |
感应加热 | induction heating | |
电感加热 | dielectric heating | |
红外线加热 | infrared radiation heating | |
管线电伴热 | electric heating of pipi line | |
绝缘电线 | sheathed wire | |
电炉 | electric furnace | |
18.8 | 通讯 | |
通信系统 | (1)intercommunication system | |
(2)communication system | ||
清淅度 | (1)articulation | |
(2)percent articulation | ||
可懂度 | (1)intelligibility percent | |
(2)interlligility | ||
噪音、杂音 | noi | |
听觉范围 | auditory nsation area | |
音强 | sound intensity | |
音压 | sound pressure | |
音压等级 | sound pressure level | |
噪音等级 | (1)noi level | |
(2)sound level | ||
响度 | loudness level | |
输出声音功率 | sound power of source | |
功率等级 | power level | |
增益 | gain | |
信噪比 | signal-to-noi ratio | |
周波特性 | frequency characterisitic | |
方向特性 | directivity characteristic | |
阻抗匹配 | impedance matching | |
衰减器 | attenuator | |
放大器 | amplifier | |
电话 | (1)telephone | |
(2)telephony | ||
电话机 | telephone t | |
电话交换机 | (1)telephone exchange | |
(2)telephone exchanger | ||
内部交换机 | private branch-exchange(PBX) | |
内部中转台 | attendant board | |
分散式中转系统 | subscriber-attended PABX system | |
电话中转器 | (1)telephone repeater | |
(2)repeater | ||
局内线指示箱 | trunk line indication box | |
夜间转送装置 | night transfer t | |
寻呼系统 | public address system | |
自动寻呼交换机 | automatic exchange with public | |
addressing function | ||
传呼系统 | (1)paging system | |
(2)paging equipment | ||
听筒 | handt | |
音箱、喇叭 | (1)speaker | |
(2)loud speaker | ||
按钮式对讲机 | press-to-talk-conversation | |
电话会议 | conference talk | |
对讲机 | interphone | |
计时系统 | clock system | |
工业用电视 | industrial television (ITV) | |
监视器 | (1)monitor television | |
(2)picture monitor | ||
无线通讯设备 | (1)radio communication equipment | |
(2)wireless communication equipment | ||
固定台 | fixed station | |
移动台 | mobile station | |
天线 | antenna | |
aerial | ||
发射机 | transmitter | |
接收机 | receiver | |
收发机 | transmitter-receiver | |
无线话筒 | wireless microphone | |
调制 | modulation | |
解调 | demodulation | |
选择性 | lectivity | |
灵敏性 | nsitivity | |
保真度 | fidelity | |
18.9 | 配线材料 | |
电线 | (1)electric wire | |
(2)wire | ||
绝缘电线 | insulated wire | |
聚氯乙烯绝缘电线 | (1)polyvinyl-chloride insulated wire | |
(2)thermoplastic-covered wire | ||
户外用聚氯乙烯绝缘电线 | outdoor weather-proof polyvinyl | |
chloride insulated wire (OW-WIRE) | ||
架空滑触线 | trolley wire | |
软导线 | cord | |
导线载面积 | conductor cross-ction area | |
心线 | core | |
电缆 | (1)cable | |
(2)electric cable | ||
电视摄像机 | television camera | |
护套 | sheath | |
铠装 | armor | |
橡皮绝缘线 | (1)cabtyre cable | |
(2)flexible tough cable | ||
无机绝缘电缆 | mineral insulated cable | |
组合槽电缆 | combined duct cable | |
屏蔽电缆 | (1)shielded cable | |
(2)screened cable | ||
充油电缆 | oil-filled cable | |
电缆头 | (1)cable head | |
(2)cable pot-head | ||
电缆沟 | cable trench | |
电缆槽 | cable trough | |
电缆管 | cable duct | |
电缆支架、托架 | (1)cable rack | |
(2)cable tray | ||
地下槽 | (1)floor duct | |
(2)underfloor duct | ||
电线管 | raceway | |
悬缆线 | mesnger wire | |
导线管 | conduit tube | |
钢性金属电线管 | rigid steel conduit | |
铝电线管 | aluminum conduit | |
硬聚氯乙烯电线管 | hard polyvinyl -chloride conduit | |
柔性电线管 | flexible conduit | |
电线管附件 | (1)conduit fittings | |
(2)condulets | ||
接线箱 | junction box | |
穿线盒 | pull box | |
地盒(电线) | floor box | |
插座盒 | outlet box | |
插座(孔) | (1)receptacle | |
(2)socket outlet | ||
压线板 | crimp terminal | |
夹紧端子 | compression terminal | |
铜管端子 | copper pipe terminal | |
夹紧接线端子 | clamp terminal | |
夹板 | cleat | |
绝缘胶带 | adhesive tape | |
自粘胶带 | lf-bonding tape | |
紧固线 | (1)binding wire | |
(2)tie wire | ||
绝缘膏 | compound | |
绝缘子 | insulator | |
18.1 | 电气施工 | |
配线 | wiring | |
暗配线 | 青藏铁路英文concealed wiring | |
明配线 | (1)expod wiring | |
(2)open wiring | ||
电缆配线 | cable laying | |
地下线路 | underground line | |
地上线路 | on-ground line | |
架高线路 | pipe stand line | |
架空线路 | overhead line | |
接头 | (1)connection | |
(2)joint | ||
端头处理 | (1)termination | |
(2)cable end treatment | ||
铝热焊 | thermit welding | |
母线槽配线工作 | bus duct wiring work | |
绝缘子架线工作 | insulator-supported wiring work | |
18.11 | 测定,试验 | |
接地电阻试验 | grounding resistance test | |
earth resistance test | ||
绝缘电阻试验 | insulation resistance test | |
绝缘耐压试验 | (1)dielectric strength test | |
(2)high-voltage withstand test | ||
极性测试 | polarity checking test | |
绝缘油试验 | insulation oil checking test | |
温度上升实验 | temperature ri test | |
继电器实验 | relay checking test | |
机构动作实验 | mechanism operating test | |
动作顺序试验 | (1)quence test | |
(2)verification of operational function | ||
旋转方向测试 | check of direction of rotation | |
无负荷实验 | no-load test | |
inuit | 负荷实验 | actual loading test |
导通实验 | continuity test | |
导电实验 | energizing test | |
点灯实验 | lighting on-off test | |
精度等级 | accuracy class | |
精度 | precision | |
双功率表法 | two-wattmeter method | |
电压等级 | fall- of- potential method | |
仪用变压器 | instrument transformer | |
分流器 | shunt | |
增倍器 | multiplier | |
电流互感器 | current transformer (ct) | |
零序电流互感器 | zero-pha quence current | |
transformer (ZCT) | ||
电压互感器 | (1)potentical transformer | |
(2)voltage transformer | ||
探测线圈 | arch coil | |
动圈式仪表 | moving coil type meter | |
电力测功仪 | electrodynamometer type meter | |
广角式测量仪 | wide angle type meter | |
扩展刻度表 | extended ale | |
电流表 | ammeter | |
电压表 | voltmeter | |
电子电压表 | electronic voltmeter | |
功率表 | wattmeter | |
电度表 | (1)watt-hour meter | |
(2)integrating power meter | ||
最大需用量表 | maximum demand meter | |
功率因素表 | power-factor meter | |
频率表 | frequency meter | |
磁通量表 | fluxmeter | |
电流计 | galvanometer | |
电位差计 | potentionmeter | |
单臂(惠斯登)电桥 | wheatstone bridge | |
双电桥 | double bridge | |
交流电桥 | a-c bridge | |
接地电阻计 | (1)grounding-resistance meter | |
(2)earthing -resistance meter | ||
兆欧表 | (1)insulation resistance meter | |
(2)megger | ||
耐电压实验器 | withstand voltage tester | |
绝缘油耐压实验器 | withstand voltage tester for insulation | |
oil | ||
介质损耗仪 | dielectric loss tangent meter | |
继电器实验仪 | relay tester | |
电路测试仪 | (1)circuit tester | |
(2)tester | ||
电路电流计 | line current tester | |
相序指示器 | pha rotation indicator | |
周陡计数器 | cycle counter | |
频闪仪 | stroboscope | |
测速器 | tachometer | |
照度计 | illumination meter | |
十九 | 仪表 | |
19.1 | 图面 | |
仪表盘布置图 | instrument arrangement on panel | |
模拟盘尺寸图 | flow plan for graphic panel | |
仪表供电及接地系统图 | instrument power supply &grounding | |
diagram | ||
联锁系统图 | interlock block diagram | |
仪表回路图 | instrument loop diagram | |
仪表导压管联结图 | instrument pressure piping hook-up | |
仪表蒸气伴热联结图 | instrument steam tracing hook-up | |
分析仪器管联结图 | analyzer piping hook-up | |
控制室内仪表盘布置图 | layout of instrument panel in control | |
room | ||
控制室内管线布置图 | layout of instrument wiring &piping | |
in control room | ||
仪表主电缆桥架布置图 | layout of instrument main cable duct | |
仪表主电缆敷设图 | layout of instrument main cable | |
仪表接线图 | layout of instrument wiring | |
仪表空气配管图(信号) | layout of instrument air piping-signal air | |
仪表空气配管图(空气) | layout of instrument air piping-supply air | |
仪表公用工程管线图 | layout of utility piping for instrument | |
仪表接地布置图 | grounding layout for instrument | |
现场仪表布置图 | plot plan of field instrument | |
仪表配管\配线区域划分图 | key plan for instrument layout drawing | |
仪表安装图 | typical drawing for instrumentation | |
field work | ||
预制件制作图 | typical drawing for instrumentation | |
fabrication | ||
仪表管线连接端子图 | instrument wiring & tubing connection list | |
控制室内管线连接端子表 | instrument wiring & tubing connection list | |
in control room | ||
仪表施工材料表 | material list for instrument | |
19.2 | 仪表控制 | |
模拟信号 | analog signal | |
数字信号 | digital signal | |
反馈控制 | feedback control | |
前馈控制 | feedforword control | |
串级控制 | cascade control | |
超驰控制 | override control | |
分配控制 | bath control | |
顺序控制 | quence control | |
比例控制 | proportional control action | |
积分控制 | integral control action | |
微分控制 | derivative control action | |
两位式控制 | on-off control action | |
正作用 | direct action | |
反作用 | rever action | |
报警装置 | annunciatior | |
联锁系统 | interlock system | |
计数器 | data logger | |
巡回检测器 | scanner | |
演算器 | computing element | |
力平衡 | force balance | |
位移平衡 | motion balance | |
变送器 | transmitter | |
仪表保温伴热一缆表 | heating schedule | |
仪表设备一缆表 | instrument schedule | |
19.3 | 测试仪器 | |
热电偶 | thermocuple | |
热电阻 | resistance thermometer bulb | |
温度计保护管 | thermowell | |
双金属温度计 | bimetallic type dial thermometer | |
冷端 | (1)reference junction | |
(2)cold junction | ||
熔断 | burn-out | |
补偿导线 | extension wire | |
孔板 | orifice | |
园心孔板 | concentric orifice | |
偏心孔板 | eccentric orifice | |
圆块孔板 | gmental orifice | |
文丘里管 | venturi tube | |
流量喷嘴 | blow nozzle | |
取压方式 | orifice taps | |
法兰取压 | flange taps | |
1D,1/2D取压 | 1D and 1/2D taps | |
角接取压 | corner taps | |
毕托管 | pitot tube | |
面积式流量计 | variable area flow meter | |
容积式流量计 | positive displacement flow meter | |
透平流量计 | turbine meter | |
电磁流量计 | magnetic flow meter | |
压力开关 | pressure switch | |
差压变送器 | differential pressure transmitter | |
压力计 | manometer | |
玻璃管液位计 | tubular type gage glass | |
反射式玻璃板液位计 | reflex type gage glass | |
透光式液位计 | through-vision type gage glass | |
浮子式液位计 | displacer | |
19.4 | 控制阀和安全阀 | |
saunders 阀门 | saunders valve | |
自力式阀门 | lf-acting control valve | |
阀门定位器 | valve positioner | |
分程 | split range | |
故障保持 | failure lock | |
阀门流量特性曲线 | flow characteristic of valve | |
幅度变化范围 | rangeability | |
CV值 | CV value | |
阀门驱动器 | valve actuator | |
安全阀 | safety valve | |
微启式 | low lift | |
全启式 | high lift | |
直通式 | full bore valve | |
弛放阀 | relief valve | |
设定压力 | t pressure | |
累积压力 | accumulation | |
超压 | over pressure | |
19.5 | 其它 | |
全模拟盘 | full-graphic panel | |
半模拟盘 | mi-graphic panel | |
操作柜 | console panel | |
仪表盘安装形式 | flush mount | |
工业用气象色谱仪 | process gas chromatograph | |
红外线分析仪 | infrared analyzer | |
热导分析仪 | thermal conductivity analyzer | |
采样系统 | sampling system | |
微型阀门 | miniature valve | |
空气过滤减压器 | air filter regulator | |
三阀组 | 3-valve manifold | |
隔离罐 | al pot | |
冷凝罐 | condensate pot | |
排放罐 | drain pot | |
虹吸管 | (1)siphon pipe | |
(2)siphon tube | ||
脉动阻尼器 | pulsation dampener | |
接线箱 | junction box | |
隔板 | bulkhead | |
支座管 | pipe stanchion | |
底座 | channel ba | |
分析计量 | analyzer shed | |
升压继电器 | booster relay | |
记录仪 | trend recorder | |
辅助继电器 | pilot relay | |
二十 | 土建 | |
20.1 | 图面、计算、规定 | |
工程图 | engineering drawing | |
工厂制造图 | shop drawing | |
施工图 | working drawing | |
大样图 | full-size drawing | |
最终图,竣工图 | as-built drawing | |
平面布置图 | plan | |
立面布置图 | framing elevation | |
剖面详图 | ction detail | |
配筋图 | bar arrangement drawing | |
长期荷载 | (1)permanent load | |
(2)long-time load | ||
(3)long-term load | ||
(4)sustained load | ||
短期荷载 | (1)temporary load | |
(2)short-time load | ||
(3)short-term load | ||
静荷载,恒载 | dead load | |
活荷载 | (1)live load | |
(2)superimpod load | ||
动力荷载 | dynamic load | |
风荷载 | wind load | |
雪荷载 | snow load | |
地震荷载 | (1)ismic load | |
(2)earthquake load | ||
土压力 | earth pressure | |
轴向荷载 | axle load | |
轮压 | wheel load | |
允许压力 | allowable unit stress | |
28天强度 | four-week age strength | |
地基承载力,地耐力 | bearing capacity of soil | |
桩承载力 | bearing capacity of pile | |
建筑面积 | building area | |
楼层面积 | floor area | |
建筑总面积 | total floor area | |
檐高 | eaves height | |
确认申请 | application for confirmation | |
一层 | (1)lst floor | |
(2)ground floor | ||
二层 | (1)2nd floor | |
(2)1st floor | ||
地下室 | bament | |
雨蓬 | penthou | |
静力荷载 | static load | |
20.2 | ||
调查 | ||
室外气温 | (1)outdoor temperature | |
(2)ambient temperature | ||
联合基础 | combined footing | |
结构构件 | structure member | |
构造用木材 | fixture lumber | |
柱 | (1)column | |
(2)post | ||
(3)pillar | ||
(4)stud | ||
(5)strut | ||
主梁,大梁 | girder | |
次梁,小梁,单梁 | (1)joist | |
(2)beam | ||
支撑 | (1)brace | |
(2)bracing | ||
隅撑,角撑 | (1)angle tie | |
(2)angle brace | ||
檩条 | purlin | |
钉板 | furring strip | |
窗下墙 | wainscot | |
楼板夹层 | (1)raid flooring system | |
(2)access flooring system | ||
楣 | (1)lintel | |
(2)lintol | ||
女儿墙 | parapet | |
勒脚,踢脚板(线) | (1)plinth | |
(2)skirting | ||
(3)baboard | ||
隔墙 | partition wall | |
防火门 | fire door | |
天窗 | skylight | |
通风顶,采光顶 | monitor roof | |
水落管 | (1)rain leader | |
(2)conductor | ||
(3)downspout | ||
檐沟 | eaves gutter | |
天沟 | (1)valley flashing | |
(2)valley fitting | ||
门窗连接件 | (1)joinery | |
(2)building fitting | ||
百叶窗 | louver | |
现浇混凝土 | (1)cast-in-place concrete | |
(2)cast-in-site concrete | ||
(3)cast-in-situ concrete | ||
预制混凝土(构件) | precast concrete | |
运输中搅拌混凝土 | ready-mixed concrete | |
加气混凝土 | air-entrained concrete | |
化学添加剂 | (1)chemical admixture | |
(2)chemical additive | ||
早强硅酸盐水泥 | high-early-strength portland cement | |
圆形钢筋 | round bar | |
异型钢筋 | deformed bar | |
焊接钢丝(筋)网 | (1)welded wire mesh | |
(2)welded wire fabric | ||
风速 | wind velocity | |
主导风向 | most frequent wind direction | |
降雨量 | (1)amount of rainfall | |
(2)rainfall depth | ||
降雨强度 | rainfall intensity | |
积雪强度 | amount of deposited snow | |
冻结深度 | (1)depht of frost penetration | |
(2)freezing depth | ||
地震系数 | (1)ismic coefficient | |
(2)ismic factor | ||
地形测量,勘察 | topographical survey | |
水准点 | bench mark | |
三角点 | (1)triangulation station | |
(2)station of triangulation | ||
基准面 | (1)datum plane | |
(2)datum reference | ||
土质调查,土质勘察 | (1)soil exploration | |
(2)soil investigation | ||
钻井柱状图 | (1)columnar ction | |
(2)boring log | ||
地下水位 | ground-water lever | |
标准贯入试验 | standarsd penetration test | |
荷兰式贯入试验 | dutch cone penetration test | |
平板载荷试验 | plate loading test | |
软弱地基 | poor subsoil | |
岩石地基 | ba rock | |
粘性土 | cohesive soil | |
砂土 | sandy soil | |
黄土 | loam | |
第三纪层 | tertiary deposit | |
第四纪层 | quarternary deposit | |
洪积土层 | diluvial deposit | |
冲积土层 | allurial deposit | |
火成岩 | igneous rock | |
水成岩,沉积岩 | dimentary rock | |
变质岩,变成岩 | metamorphic rock | |
淤泥 | silt | |
20.3 | ||
建筑设计 | ||
钢筋混凝土结构 | reinforced concrete construction | |
钢结构 | steel framed construction | |
钢骨混凝土结构 | steel-framed reinforced construction | |
木结构 | (1)timber construction | |
(2)wooden construction | ||
刚架 | rigid frame | |
独立基础 | (1)individual footing | |
(2)independent footing | ||
(3)isolated footing | ||
(4)single footing | ||
条形基础,连续基础 | continuous footing | |
浮筏基础 | (1)mat footing | |
(2)raft footing | ||
耐酸材料 | acid-proofing material | |
钢化玻璃 | tempered glass | |
铅丝玻璃 | wire glass | |
石棉水泥板 | asbestos cement board | |
吸音板 | acoustical board | |
塑料瓷砖 | vinyl tile | |
水磨石 | terrazzo | |
镀锌铁皮 | galvanized iron sheet | |
篦子板 | grating | |
型钢 | rolled steel ction (shapes) | |
防火层 | fireproofing | |
台面 | table top | |
管廊 | (1)pipe rack | |
(2)pipe bridge | ||
(3)pipe bank support | ||
20.4 | ||
土木设计 | ||
地基处理 | soil improvement | |
地基沉降 | consolidation | |
不均匀沉降 | (1)uneven ttement | |
(2)differential ttement | ||
挡土墙 | retaining wall | |
铺砌 | pavement | |
柔性铺砌 | flexible pavement | |
刚性铺砌 | rigid pavement | |
路宽 | (1)width of carriage way | |
(2)roadway width | ||
路肩 | shculder | |
侧沟 | gutter | |
缘石 | (1)kerb | |
(2)curb | ||
旁轨,岔线 | railway siding | |
车输编组站 | (1)switchyard | |
(2)mashalling yard | ||
车输装裁界限 | (1)car clearance | |
(2)car gauge | ||
建筑红线 | (1)construction gauge | |
(2)track clearance | ||
轨距 | (1)gage | |
(2)gauge | ||
枕木 | (1)tie | |
(2)sleeper | ||
分道岔,转辙器 | (1)turnout | |
(2)switch and frog | ||
岔口,道口,平面交叉 | (1)grade-crossing | |
(2)road-crossing | ||
潮位 | tide level | |
相对基准线 | comparative datum line | |
护岸设施 | counter-facility | |
防波堤 | breakwater | |
埠头 | jetty | |
停泊设施 | (1)mooring facility | |
(2)wharves | ||
码头 | terminal facilities | |
锚位,停泊地 | berth | |
泊岸 | mooring wharf | |
(码头)栈桥 | landing pier | |
quaywall | ||
系缆桩 | dolphin | |
护舷材,碰垫 | fender | |
清淤,挖泥 | dredging | |
埋填 | reclamation | |
流量系统 | (1)coefficient of discharge | |
(2)ratio of run-off | ||
明渠 | (1)open channel | |
(2)open culvert | ||
暗沟,涵洞 | (1)culvert | |
(2)clod conduit | ||
集水面 | catch basin | |
集水坑 | sump box | |
虹吸池 | siphon culvert | |
堰坝 | weir | |
20.5 | ||
建筑设备设计 | ||
空调(空气调节) | air conditioning | |
集中空调设施 | central air conditioning facility | |
单体空调设施 | unit air condition facility | |
包式空调器 | packaged air conditioner | |
风管系统 | fan coil unit | |
加湿器 | humidifier | |
最佳温度 | optimum temperature | |
室内温度设计值 | indoor design temperature and humidity | |
冷却负荷 | cooling load | |
采暖负荷 | heating load | |
温度曲线图 | psychrometric chart | |
风暖,热风采暖 | warm air heating | |
水暖,热水采暖 | hot water heating | |
气暖,蒸汽采暖 | steam heating | |
气流调节器 | damper | |
扩散管 | anemostat | |
进气口 | fresh air inlet | |
送气口 | air diffur | |
排气口 | (1)air outlet | |
(2)exhaust | ||
循环空气 | return air | |
通风 | ventilation | |
自然通风 | natural ventilation | |
机械通风 | mechanical ventilation | |
局部排气 | local exhaust ventilation | |
换气频率 | number of air changes | |
供水设备 | water supply facility | |
热水提供设备 | hot water supply facility | |
室内排水 | hou drainage | |
卫生设备 | sanitary fixture | |
污水管 | ptic water pipe | |
缸瓦管 | vitrified clay pipe | |
清扫口 | cleanout | |
曝气 | aeration | |
净化槽 | ptic tank | |
通气管 | vent pipe | |
20.6 | ||
工程 | ||
临时设施 | temporary work | |
标高及布置 | leveling and layout | |
脚手架 | scaffolding | |
打桩 | (1)piling work | |
(2)pile driving work | ||
碎石 | broken stone | |
排水工程 | (1)drain work | |
(2)dewatering | ||
土方工程 | earth work | |
开挖 | (1)excavation | |
(2)digging | ||
回填(土) | backfilling | |
填土 | (1)banking | |
(2)filling | ||
强夯 | soil compacting | |
场地平整 | grading | |
采土场地 | (1)borrow area | |
(2)borrow pit | ||
支模,拆模 | form work | |
模板 | (1)form | |
(2)shuttering | ||
撑(脚手架) | (1)timbering | |
(2)supporting | ||
护角 | chamfer | |
滑模 | sliding form | |
混凝土施工 | concrete work | |
找平混凝土标志 | leveling concret | |
骨料 | aggregate | |
细骨料 | fine aggregate | |
粗骨料 | coar aggregate | |
采石场 | quarry | |
钢筋施工 | reinforcement work | |
钢结构施工 | steel work | |
工厂制造 | shop work | |
安装,装配 | erection of framing | |
安装螺栓 | fitting bolt | |
砖石施工,砌砖工程 | masonry work | |
半砖砌筑 | transver bond | |
一砖砌筑 | longitudinal bond | |
防水施工 | waterproofing work | |
磁砖贴面施工 | tile work | |
木工作业 | (1)carpentry | |
(2)carpenter,s work | ||
五金施工 | metal work | |
预埋件 | (1)inrt plate | |
(2)embedded plate | ||
膨胀螺栓 | hole-in -anchor | |
抹面 | plaster work | |
门窗安装 | joiner,s work | |
铺石板工作 | slate work | |
油漆施工,喷漆 | painting work | |
表面处理 | surface preparation work | |
内装修工程 | interior finish work | |
建筑设备施工 | building equipment work | |
卫生管道施工 | plumbing | |
二一 | ||
21.1 | 施工 | |
一般工程 | ||
安装工程 | installation | |
组装施工 | modular construction | |
scrap | ||
surplus material | ||
现场组装,装配 | field fabrication | |
预制 | prefabrication | |
组装施工 | asmbling work | |
21.2 | ||
土木机械 | ||
塔吊 | tower crane | |
打桩机 | pile drive | |
铲动机 | scraper | |
抓斗式挖土机 | clamshell | |
拉索挖土机 | dragline | |
挖掘机 | power shover | |
挖土机 | backhoe | |
推土机 | bulldozer | |
铲土机 | shovel loader | |
平路机,压路机 | motor grader | |
挖泥船 | dredger | |
轮胎式压路机 | tire roller | |
三轮压路机 | macadam roller | |
两轮压路机 | tandem roller | |
振动式压路机,夯 | vibrating roller | |
压实机,夯具 | (1)vibro-soil compactor | |
(2)soil-compactor | ||
蛤蟆夯 | rammer | |
沥青喷洒 | asphalt sprayer | |
制造沥青装置 | asphalt plant | |
制造混凝土装置 | concrete plant | |
混凝土搅拌机 | concrete mixer | |
混凝土搅拌车 | (1)truck mixer | |
(2)concret mixing car | ||
混凝土泵 | concrete pump | |
振捣器,振动器 | vibrator | |
21.3 | ||
起吊,搬运 | ||
抱杆 | gin pole | |
门式抱杆,门式塔架 | gate type gin pole | |
顶梁 | top beam | |
拉索锚碇 | guy wire anchor | |
拉索,幌绳 | guy wire | |
吊索,起重绳 | hoisting wire | |
牵索夹 | wire clips | |
钩环,吊环 | shackles | |
吊索 | sling wire | |
滑轮组 | pulley block | |
绞盘 | winch | |
汽车吊 | truck crane | |
履带式起重机 | crawler crane | |
铲车,叉车 | forklift truck | |
浮船吊 | floating crane | |
倒链 | chain block | |
千斤顶 | jack | |
滑块 | skid | |
枕木 | sleeper | |
卷轴.滚筒.辊子 | roller | |
移动式输送机 | portable conveyor | |
21.4 | ||
试验.检查工具 | ||
水压试验泵 | hydrostatic test pump | |
管道镜.光学孔径仪 | borescope | |
测压器 | voltage detector | |
拉伸仪 | tension gauge | |
振动计.示振仪 | vibroscope | |
噪音计 | sound level meter | |
表面温度计 | surface thermometer | |
光学高温计 | optical pyrometer | |
指示器 | indicator | |
压力表试验机 | pressure gauge tester | |
风速(力)表.气流计 | anemometer | |
硬度试验机 | hardness tester | |
火化试验标准片 | standard piece for spark test | |
21.5 | ||
通用工程器材 | ||
螺栓 | bolt | |
螺母 | nut | |
垫圈.垫片 | washer | |
弹簧垫圈 | spring washer | |
机器螺丝(钉) | machine screw | |
木螺丝 | wood screw | |
膨胀螺栓 | expansion bolt | |
预埋板 | inrt plate | |
地脚螺栓 | anchor bolt | |
顶丝 | jack bolt | |
模板 | template | |
型钢 | (1)shape steel | |
(2)ction steel | ||
钢板 | steel plate | |
钢筋.元钢 | round steel | |
带钢 | (1)band steel | |
(2)hoop iron | ||
扁钢 | (1)flat bar | |
(2)flat steel | ||
钢管 | steel pipe | |
管件 | fitting | |
21.6 | ||
作业机械 | ||
车床 | lathe | |
落地车床 | face lathe | |
转塔式六角车床 | turret lathe | |
自动车床 | automatic lathe | |
螺纹加工车床 | (1)thread cutting lathe | |
(2)screw cutting lathe | ||
立式车床 | vertical lathe | |
钻床 | drilling machine | |
摇(旋)臂钻 | radial drilling machine | |
镗床 | boring machine | |
铣床 | milling machine | |
立式铣床 | vertial milling machine | |
刨床 | (1)planer | |
(2)planing machine | ||
成型机.牛头刨床 | (1)shaper | |
(2)shaping machine | ||
立刨床.插床 | (1)slotter | |
(2)slotting machine | ||
磨床 | grinding machine | |
研磨机 | lapping machine | |
镗磨床 | honing machine | |
超精加工机床 | (1)superfinishing machine | |
(2)superfinisher | ||
抛光机 | (1)buffing machine | |
(2)polishing machine | ||
插齿机 | gear cutting machine | |
齿轮研磨机 | (1)gear grinder | |
(2)gear grinding machine | ||
齿轮抛光机 | gear finish machine | |
剥孔机.拉床 | broaching machine | |
21.7 | ||
木工机械 | ||
带锯 | band saw machine | |
圆盘锯 | circular sawing machine | |
刨锯 | planing and moulding machine | |
木工钻 | wood drilling machine | |
制榫机 | hollow chil mortir | |
21.8 | ||
制罐.扳金机械 | ||
机械夹具 | mechanical press | |
曲柄夹具 | crank press | |
非曲柄夹具 | crankless press | |
折向点夹具 | knuckle joint press | |
摩擦螺丝夹具 | friction screw press | |
压弯成形机 | (1)press brake | |
(2)bending brake | ||
弯板机 | bending roll machine | |
锯 | sawing machine | |
剪切机 | shearing machine | |
21.9 | ||
各种工程用工具 | ||
发电机 | engine generator | |
移动式空气压缩机 | portable air compressor | |
潜水泵 | submerged pump | |
砂轮切断机 | (1)abrasive cut-off machine | |
(2)friction sawing machine | ||
坡口机 | pipe-end facing machine | |
电焊机 | welding machine | |
涨管机 | tube expander | |
钢筋切断机 | steel bar cutter | |
钢筋弯曲机 | steel bar bender | |
弯管机 | pipe bender | |
攻丝工具 | screw cutting tool | |
切管机 | pipe cutter | |
清管器 | pig | |
膨胀螺栓 | hole-in-anchor | |
电缆切断器 | cable cutter | |
电缆弯曲器 | cable bender | |
电缆卷轴架 | cable jack | |
电缆卷盘 | cable roller | |
电缆牵引线 | fish wire | |
终端卷边器 | terminal crimping tool | |
终端压缩器 | terminal compressing tool | |
电缆剥皮机 | cable stripper | |
刀具 | metal tool | |
开口机 | lock am opener | |
封口机 | lock amer | |
镘刀.泥铲 | trowel | |
灰耙.锄 | mixing hoe | |
油脂注射器 | grea gun | |
检查用灯 | inspection light | |
电动便携剪切机 | electric hand shear | |
轻便电钻 | portable electric drill | |
风钻 | (1)air drill | |
(2)pneumatic drill | ||
砂轮 | grinder | |
钢锯.弓锯 | hacksaw | |
老虎钳 | vi | |
夹钳.模 | dies | |
丝锥 | hand taps | |
活动扳手 | adjustable taps wrench | |
绞刀.扩孔锥 | reamer | |
锉.锉刀 | file | |
凿子.钢钎 | chil | |
冲子 | punch | |
扳手,扳钳 | wrench | |
刮刀.削刀 | scraper | |
管钳 | pipe wrench | |
力矩扳手 | torque wrench | |
扳手 | spanner | |
齿轮拆卸器 | gear puller | |
钳子.花钳 | plier | |
镊子.夹子.小钳子 | nipper | |
刀具 | cutter | |
改锥 | driver | |
榔头.锤子 | hammer | |
铁皮剪 | tinners scissors | |
21.1 | ||
测量工具 | ||
千分尺 | micrometer | |
刻度计 | dial guage | |
块规 | block guage | |
缸径规 | cylinder gauge | |
极限规 | limit guage | |
游标卡尺 | vernier caliper | |
深度计 | depth gauge | |
厚度计 | thickness gauge | |
圆角规 | radius gauge | |
螺距尺 | screw pitch gauge | |
坡口仪 | groove gauge | |
尺子 | rule | |
测径规 | caliper | |
直角尺 | square | |
直尺.标尺 | straightedge | |
水准仪 | level | |
平板 | surface plate | |
平面规 | surface gauge | |
v-形槽板 | v-block | |
磁性台座 | magnetic bass | |
二二 | ||
22.1 | 检验 | |
检验及处理 | ||
检验 | inspection | |
质量合格标准 | acceptance quality level (AQL) | |
检验及试验报告 | inspection and test record | |
材料证明书 | material mill test certificate | |
material mill test report | ||
批量 | lot | |
公差 | tolerance | |
允差 | allowable error | |
误差 | error | |
表差 | instrument error | |
补正 | correction | |
尺寸公差 | dimensional tolerance | |
圆度 | out-fo-roundness | |
直线度 | straightness | |
错边量 | alignment tolerance | |
中间检验 | (1)interim inspection | |
(2)inspection during fabrication or manufacturing | ||
最终检验 | final inspection | |
再检验 | re-inspection | |
预组装检验 | temporary asmbly inspection | |
抽样检验 | sampling inspection | |
文件审查 | document review | |
尺寸检验 | dimension inspection | |
外观检验 | (1)appearance inspection | |
(2)visual inspection | ||
性能试验 | performance test | |
加载试验 | load test | |
空载试验 | no-load test | |
闭合回路书 | loop test | |
运转试验 | mechanical running test | |
CV试验 | Cv test | |
设定压力试验 | t pressure test | |
回座试验 | blowdoen test | |
22.2 | ||
压力试验 | ||
压力试验 | presure test | |
水压试验 | hydrostatic test | |
气压试验 | pneumatic test | |
气密试验 | air tightness test | |
泄漏试验 | leak test | |
卤气泄漏试验 | halogen gas leak test | |
氦泄漏试验 | helium leakage test | |
阀门打压试验 | at leakage test | |
蒸汽试验 | steam test | |
盛水试验 | full water test | |
真空试验 | vacuum test | |
液体渗透检验 | liquid penetrant examination | |
磁粉试验 | magnetic particle examination | |
无损检验 | non-destructive examination(NDT) | |
超声波探伤检验 | ultrolsonic examination(UT) | |
涡流探伤 | eddy current examination(ET) | |
射线探伤检验 | radiographic examination(RT) | |
透度计 | penetrameter | |
对比计 | contrast meter | |
针孔检验 | pinhole meter | |
声波发射 | acoustic emission(AE) | |
22.3 | 焊接.材料试验 | |
焊接工艺评定试验 | welding procedure qualification test | |
焊接性能评定试验 | welding performance qualification test | |
可焊性试验 | weldability test | |
裂纹试验 | cracking test | |
焊缝机械性能试验 | production weld test | |
试样 | test specimen | |
堆焊金属试样 | deposited metal specimen | |
表面弯曲试样 | face bend specimen | |
根部弯曲试样 | root bend specimen | |
侧面弯曲试样 | side bend specimen | |
拉伸试验 | tension test | |
弹性极限 | elastic test | |
屈服点 | yield point | |
抗拉强度 | tensile strength | |
屈服强度 | yield strength | |
伸长率 | elongation | |
断面收缩率 | reducation of area | |
弯曲试验 | bend test | |
成形弯曲试验 | guide bend test | |
自由弯曲试验 | free bend test | |
挠曲试验 | flexure test | |
冲击试验 | impact test | |
硬度试验 | hardness test | |
蠕变试验 | creep test | |
蠕变强度 | creep strength | |
蠕变极限 | creep limit | |
蠕变断裂强度 | creep rupture strength | |
疲劳试验 | fatigue test | |
压扁试验 | flattening test | |
压碎试验 | crushing test | |
倒换检验 | rever test | |
扩口试验 | flaring test | |
腐蚀试验 | corrosion test | |
钼检测 | molybdenum detecting | |
宏观组织检验 | macrostructure detecting test | |
金相试验.微观检验 | microsopic test | |
断口组织试验 | fractography | |
硫磺检验 | sulphur print | |
二三 | 焊接,切割 | |
23.1 | 焊接方式和种类 | |
焊接 | welding | |
熔融焊 | fusion welding | |
压力焊 | pressure welding | |
锻接焊 | forge welding | |
电阻焊 | electric resistance welding(ERW) | |
高频诱导焊接 | high frequency induction welding | |
热剂焊接 | thermit welding | |
气焊 | gas welding | |
电焊 | arc welding | |
惰性气体保护焊 | inert gas shielded arc welding | |
氩弧焊 钨极惰性气体保护焊 TIG | (1)TIG welding | |
(2)inert gas shielded tungsten arc welding | ||
金属焊条惰性气体保护焊接 | (1)MIG welding | |
(2)inert gas shielded metal arc welding | ||
CO2气体保护焊 | CO2 gas shielded arc welding | |
埋弧焊 | submerged arc welding | |
电渣焊 | electroslag welding | |
氢原子焊 | atomic hydrogen welding | |
电子束焊 | electron beem welding | |
爆炸焊 | explosive welding | |
钎接焊 | brazing | |
锡焊 | soldering | |
气割 | gas cutting | |
氧气电弧切割 | OXY-arc cutting | |
电弧切割 | arc cutting | |
刨削 | gouging | |
等离子流法 | plasma jet process | |
焊条 | welding rod | |
填充金属 | filler metal | |
包剂焊条 | (1)coated electrode | |
(2)covered electrod | ||
焊丝 | wire for welding | |
焊条钳 | electrod holder | |
焊枪 | torch | |
焊机 | welding machine | |
焊剂 | flux | |
保护气体 | shield gas | |
铝热焊 | thermit mixture | |
23.2 | 焊接设计 | |
对接接头 | butt joint | |
坡口焊接 | groove weld | |
单面坡口 | single groove | |
双面坡口 | double groove | |
坡口角度 | groove angle | |
半坡角度 | bevel angle | |
坡口深度 | groove depth | |
根面 | (1)root face | |
(2)land | ||
跟部间隙 | (1)root gap | |
(2)root opening | ||
根圆半径 | root radius | |
盖板接头 | strapped lap joint | |
搭接接头 | lap joint | |
啮合接头 | joggled lap joint | |
端接接头 | edge joint | |
角接接头 | corner joint | |
T型接头 | tee joint | |
十字接头 | cruciform joint | |
填角焊接 | fillet weld | |
角焊缝尺寸 | size of fillet weld | |
腰高 | throat | |
角高 | leg length | |
扇形切口 | scallop | |
塞焊 | plug welding | |
承插焊 | socket welding | |
焊缝 | weld line | |
焊接轴线 | axis of weld | |
焊接长度 | welding length | |
焊接有效长度 | effective length of weld | |
焊缝根部 | root of weld | |
切口根部 | root of joint | |
焊边 | toe of weld | |
焊透深度 | penetration | |
融合深度 | depth of fusion | |
加强高 | reinforcement | |
现场焊 | field weld | |
密封焊 ,封闭焊 | al welding | |
堆焊 | buid up welding | |
焊接符号 | symbol of weld | |
垫板 | backing | |
垫板焊 | backing weld | |
垫底 | underlaying | |
预堆边焊 | buttering | |
定位焊 | tack welding | |
焊珠 | bead | |
焊道 | (1)pass | |
(2)run | ||
焊层 | layer | |
多层焊 | multi-layer welding | |
背面焊缝, 底焊 | back run | |
引弧板 | end tab | |
运条 | weaving | |
前进焊 | forehand welding | |
反向焊 | backstep welding | |
分段多层焊 | block welding | |
环焊 | boxing | |
跳焊 | skip welding | |
电弧电压 | arc voltage | |
焊接电流 | welding current | |
焊接速度 | welding speed | |
焊接姿势 | welding position | |
平焊 | flat position | |
横焊 | horizontal position | |
立焊 | vertical position | |
仰焊 | overhead position | |
磁性熄弧 | magnetic blow | |
飞溅 | spatter | |
弧坑 | crater | |
烧穿 | burn-through | |
可焊性 | weldability | |
边缘加工 | edge preparation | |
挑焊根 | chipping | |
消除应力 | stress relieving | |
预热 | preheating | |
后热 | postheating | |
焊后热处理 | postweld heat treatment | |
喷丸硬化 | peening | |
焊接转动换位器 | positioner | |
焊接区 | weld zone | |
母材 | (1)ba metal | |
(2)parent metal | ||
焊接金属 | weld metal | |
堆焊金属 | deposited metal | |
热影响区 | heat affected zone | |
接合区 | bond zone | |
烧化 | flash | |
点核,熔核 | nugget | |
焊接缺陷 | (1)weld defects | |
(2)weld imperfection | ||
未焊透 | incomplete penetration | |
未融合 | lack of fusion | |
咬边 | undercut | |
焊瘤 | overlap | |
弧坑 | pit | |
气泡 | blowhole | |
夹渣 | slag inclusion | |
白点,鱼眼 | fish eye | |
弧坑 | crater | |
二四 | 材料及其损伤 | |
24.1 | 钢 | steel |
特殊钢 | special steel | |
合金钢 | alloy steel | |
低合金钢 | low alloy steel | |
高合金纲 | high alloy steel | |
不锈钢 | stainless steel | |
马氏体钢 | martensitic steel | |
奥氏体钢 | austenitic steel | |
耐热钢 | heat-resisting steel | |
高强度钢 | high tensile steel | |
高韧性钢 | tough and hard steel | |
表面渗碳钢 | ca hardening steel | |
铸刚 | ca steel | |
特殊铸钢 | special cast iron | |
铁 | iron | |
铸铁 | cast iron | |
特殊铸铁 | special cast iron | |
合金铸铁 | alloy cast iron | |
高级铸铁 | high grade cast iron | |
球墨铸铁 | spheroidal graphite iron | |
可锻铸铁 | malleable cast iron | |
铜 | copper | |
青铜 | bronze | |
特殊青铜 | special bronze | |
铝青铜 | aluminum bronze | |
硅青铜 | silicon bronze | |
磷青铜 | phosphor bronze | |
黄铜 | brass | |
铝黄铜 | aluminum brass | |
镀锡黄铜 | tinned brass | |
白铜 | copper nickel | |
镍铜合金 | nickel copper allow | |
蒙乃尔合金 | monel meter | |
铬镍铁合金 | inconel | |
耐热铬镍铁合金 | incoloy | |
20合金 | 20. alloy | |
钨铬钻合金 | stellite | |
铬化硼系化合物 | colmonoy | |
耐摩金属 | anti-friction metal | |
轴承合金 | bearing metal | |
巴氏合金 | babbit metal | |
白色金属 | white meral | |
油膜轴承合金 | kelmet | |
钎料 | solder | |
银钎料 | silver solder | |
24.2 | 表面处理 | |
复合钢 | clad steel | |
镀层 | coating | |
涂复层 | overlay | |
镀面 | surfacing | |
均质衬里 | homogen lining | |
表面硬度 | hard-facing | |
金属喷涂 | metallikon | |
喷涂金属 | metallizing | |
电镀 | plating | |
渗入处理 | cementation | |
磷酸盐被膜处理 | parkerizing | |
阳极氧化处理 | anodizing | |
勃母石处理 | boehmite treatment | |
钝化 | passivation | |
扩散硬化 | diffusion hardening | |
渗氮 | nitriding | |
渗碳硬化 | ca hardning | |
24.3 | 材料性质 | |
强度 | strength | |
延性 | ductility | |
韧性 | toughness | |
脆性 | (1)brittleness | |
(2)shortness | ||
低温脆性 | low temperature brittleness | |
冷脆 | cold shortness | |
缺口脆性 | notch brittleness | |
热脆性 | (1)red shortness | |
(2)red brittleness | ||
回火脆性 | temper brittleness | |
转变温度 | transition temperature | |
蓝脆性 | (1)blue shortness | |
(2)blue brittleness | ||
加工硬化 | work hardning | |
沉淀硬化 | precipitation hardening | |
应变时效 | strain aging | |
淬火时效 | quench aging | |
敏化 | nsitizention | |
24.4 | 金相及加工 | |
石墨化处理 | graphitization | |
变态 | transformation | |
析出 | precipitation | |
结晶 | crystallization | |
恒温变态 | isothermal transformation | |
中间组织 | intermediate strucure | |
恒温变态曲线 | time-temperature-transformation diagram | |
连续冷却相变图 | constant cooling transformation diagram | |
再结晶 | recrestallization | |
偏析 | gregation | |
金属间化合物 | intermetallic compound | |
非金属夹杂物 | non-metallic inclusion | |
钢锭 | ingot | |
钢坯 | billet | |
压铸件 | die casting | |
离心铸件 | centrifugal casting | |
冷硬铸件 | chill casting | |
塑性加工 | plastic working | |
冷加工 | cold working | |
热加工 | hot working | |
温加工 | warm working | |
锻造 | forging | |
轧制 | rolling | |
热轧 | hot rolling | |
冷轧 | cold rolling | |
拨制 | drawing | |
挤压 | extruding | |
24.5 | 热处理 | |
正火 | normalizing | |
退火 | annealing | |
扩散加热 | homogenizing | |
完全退火 | full annealing | |
削除应力热处理 | stress relief annealing | |
低温退火 | low temperature annealing | |
球化处理 | spherodizing | |
中间退火,低稳退火 | process annealing | |
淬火 | quenching | |
部分淬火 | differential quenching | |
回火 | tempering | |
调质 | refining | |
恒温热处理 | isothermal heat treatment | |
低温处理 | sub-zero treatment | |
时效处理 | again | |
人工硬化 | warm hardening | |
固熔化处理 | solution annealing | |
24.6 | 材料组织及缺陷 | |
宏观组织 | macrostructure | |
微观组织,显微组织 | microstructure | |
树枝状组织 | dendritic structure | |
柱状组织 | columnar structure | |
针壮组织 | acicular structure | |
层壮组织 | lamellar structure | |
条壮裂痕 | streak flaw | |
折缝 | wrinkle am | |
轧裂 | (1)roll burst | |
(2)forge burst | ||
白点 | (1)white spot | |
(2)flake | ||
鱼眼 | fish eye | |
幼影线 | ghost line | |
裂纹 | crack | |
淬裂 | quenching crack | |
硫裂纹 | sulphur crack | |
细裂纹,发裂 | hair crack | |
微裂纹 | (1)microcrack | |
(2)microfissure | ||
纵向裂纹 | longitudinal crack | |
横向裂纹 | transver crack | |
延迟裂纹 | delayed cracking | |
季裂 | ason cracking | |
软点 | soft spot | |
硬点 | hard spot | |
分层 | lamination | |
砂眼 | blister | |
气孔 | blowhole | |
针孔 | pin hole | |
24.7 | 腐蚀及其它材料损伤 | |
腐蚀 | corrosion | |
全面腐蚀 | general corrosion | |
间隙腐蚀 | crevice corrosion | |
点蚀 | pitting | |
电化学腐蚀 | galvanic corrosion | |
接触腐蚀 | contact corrosion | |
晶间腐蚀 | intergranular corrosion | |
摩擦腐蚀 | fretting corrosion | |
刀切磨蚀 | knife line attack | |
侵蚀 | erosion | |
侵蚀腐蚀 | erosion corrosion | |
脱锌 | dezincification | |
应力腐蚀裂纹 | stress corrosion cracking | |
碱蚀致脆 | caustic embrittlement | |
氢脆 | hydrogen embrittlement | |
氢腐蚀 | hydrogen attack | |
氢气泡 | hydrogen blistering | |
环境应力裂纹 | environmental stress cracking | |
高温腐蚀 | high temperature corrosion | |
高温氧化 | high temperature oxidation | |
硫化 | sulfidation | |
硝化 | nitrification | |
渗碳 | carburization | |
钒腐蚀 | vanadium attack | |
露点腐蚀 | dew point corrosion | |
24.8 | 有机材料 | |
塑料 | plastics | |
合成树脂 | synthetic resin | |
热塑性树脂 | thermo-plastic resin | |
热固性树脂 | thermo-tting resin | |
强化塑料 | reinforced plastics | |
合成橡胶 | synthetic rubber | |
泡沫塑料 | foam | |
天然橡胶 | natural rubber | |
合成橡胶 | syntheic rubber | |
硅胶 | silicon resin | |
氟塑料 | (1)fluoroplastics | |
(2)fluorocarbons | ||
聚氯乙烯树脂 | polyvinylchloride resin | |
聚乙烯树脂 | polyethlene resin | |
聚脂树脂 | polyester resin | |
聚丙烯树脂 | polypropylene resin | |
尼龙 | nylon | |
环氧树脂 | epoxy resin | |
呋喃树脂 | furan resin | |
聚偏二氯烯树脂 | polyvinylidene chloride resin | |
聚氨基甲酸酯树脂 | polyvinylidene resin | |
丙烯酸树脂 | acrylic resin | |
脲醛树脂 | urea resin | |
三聚氰胺树脂 | melamine resin | |
24.9 | 无机材料 | |
陶瓷 | ceramics | |
陶器 | pottery | |
瓷器 | porcelain | |
陶瓷合金 | cermets | |
抗渗碳 | impervious carbon | |
玻璃 | glass | |
石棉 | asbestos | |
岩棉 | rock wool | |
硅藻土 | diatomaceous earth | |
蛭石 | vermiculite | |
非金属材料 | non-metallic materials | |
复合材料 | (1)composite material | |
(2)composite | ||
黑色金属 | ferrous metal | |
有色金属 | non-ferrous metal | |
碳钢 | carbon steel | |
合金钢 | alloy steel | |
二五 | 分析 | |
25.1 | 分析一般 | |
化学分析 | chemical analysis | |
分析化学 | analytical chemistry | |
定性分析 | qualitative analysis | |
定量分析 | quantitative analysis | |
仪器分析 | instrumental analysis | |
自动分析 | automatic analysis | |
简易分析 | abbreviated analysis | |
快速分析 | rapid analysis | |
工业分析 | technical analysis | |
测定 | measurement | |
检测 | detection | |
测定 | determination | |
检定 | verification | |
鉴定 | identification | |
含量 | content | |
痕量 | trace | |
滴定 | titration | |
分析曲线 | (1)analytical curve | |
(2)calibration curve | ||
分析误差 | (1)analytical error | |
(2)analysis error | ||
精度 | precision | |
复验性 | repeatability | |
再现性 | reproducibility | |
洗涤 | washing | |
洗液 | washings | |
洗瓶 | washing bottle | |
静置 | standing | |
过滤 | filtration | |
滤液 | filtrate | |
沉淀剂 | precipitant | |
透析 | dialysis | |
蒸煮 | digestion | |
浓缩 | concentration | |
稀释 | dilution | |
稀释剂 | diluent | |
溶解 | dissolution | |
盐析 | salting out | |
萃取 | extraction | |
蒸馏 | distillation | |
沸腾 | boiling | |
加热 | heating | |
加热减量 | (1)loss on heating | |
(2) heating loss | ||
加热干燥 | drying by heating | |
恒重 | constant weight | |
焚烧 | incineration | |
破碎 | crushing | |
编样 | sample reduction | |
脱水剂 | dehydrating agent | |
干燥剂 | (1)desiccating agent | |
(2)drying agent | ||
(3)siccative | ||
冷冻剂 | freezing mixture | |
试剂 | reagent | |
标准试剂 | primary standard substance | |
指示剂 | indicator | |
标准液 | (1)standard | |
(2)standard solution | ||
标定 | standardization | |
当量浓度 | normality | |
当量溶度 | normal solution | |
基准物质 | primary standard | |
25.2 | 分析器具 | |
天平 | balance | |
液体比重计 | (1)hydrometer | |
(2)areometer | ||
试管 | test tube | |
烧杯 | beaker | |
烧瓶 | flask | |
(容)量瓶 | volumeteric flask | |
滴定管 | (1)buret | |
(2)burette | ||
量筒 | measuring cylinder | |
移液管 | (1)pipet | |
(2)pipette | ||
吸耳球 | pipettor | |
玻璃漏斗 | glass funnel | |
分液漏斗 | (1)parating funnel | |
(2)paratory funnel | ||
烧结玻璃过滤坩锅 | (1)sintered glass filter crucible | |
(2)funnel with fritted glass filter | ||
瓷漏斗 | (1)buchner funnel | |
(2)nutshe funnel | ||
吸气器 | aspirator | |
冷凝器 | condenr | |
试剂瓶 | reagent bottle | |
干燥剂 | desiccator | |
洗气瓶 | (1)scrubbing bottle | |
(2)gas washing bottle | ||
气体量管 | gas buret | |
燃烧舟皿 | combustion boat | |
研钵 | mortar | |
蒸发皿 | evaporating dish | |
坩埚 | crucible | |
坩埚钳 | crucible tongs | |
浴器 | bath | |
粘度计 | viscosimeter | |
25.3 | 气体分析 | |
气体分析 | gas analysis | |
吸收法 | absorption method | |
燃烧法 | combustion method | |
检知管法 | (1)detector tube method | |
(2)indicator tube method | ||
25.4 | 电气分析 | |
电化学分析法 | electroanalysis | |
电导分析法 | conductometry | |
电导滴定法 | conductometric titration | |
电位差滴定 | potentionmtric titration | |
PH玻璃电极 | glass electrode PH meter | |
离子浓度计 | ion meter | |
电流滴定法 | amperometric titration | |
库仑滴定法 | coulometric titration | |
高频滴定法 | high-frequency titration | |
电解分析 | electrolytic analysis | |
极谱分析 | polarographic analysis | |
示波极谱法 | oscillographic polarography | |
导数(微分)极谱 | derivative polarograph | |
交流极谱法 | alternating current polarograph | |
矩形波极谱 | square wave polarograph | |
25.5 | 光度分析 | |
光度分析 | photometric analysis | |
吸光光度分析 | absorptiometric analysis | |
光电光度计 | (1)photoelectric photometer | |
(2)photoelectric colorimeter | ||
光电分光光度计 | photoelectric spectrophotometer | |
光度滴定 | photometer titration | |
红外分光分析 | infrared spectrochemical analysis | |
红外气体分析计 | infrared gas analysis | |
喇曼分光分析 | Raman spectrochemical analysis | |
荧光分析 | fluorometer analysis | |
荧光计 | (1)fluorophotometer | |
(2)fluorometer | ||
荧光分光光度计 | (1)fluorospectrophotometer | |
(2)spectrophotofluorometer | ||
发射分光分析 | emission spectrochemical analysis | |
原子吸光(分光)分析 | atomic absorption (spectrochemical) analysis | |
火焰光谱法 | flame photometry | |
火焰光度计 | flame photometer | |
火焰分光光度计 | flame spectrophotometer | |
化学发光分析 | chemiluminescence analysis | |
浊度分析 | (1)nephelometric analysis | |
(2)nephelometry tyndallimetry | ||
光散射光度计 | light-scattering photometer | |
浊度计 | turbidimetry | |
旋光分析 | polarimetric analysis | |
旋光色散分析 | optical rotary dispersion analysis | |
25.6 | 分离分析 | |
分离分析 | paration analysis | |
气相色谱(法) | gas chromatography | |
气相色谱仪 | gas chromatograph | |
检测器 | detector | |
液相色谱法 | liquid chromatography | |
液相色谱仪 | liquid chromatorgraphy | |
柱色谱 | column chromatography | |
纸色谱 | paper chromatography | |
薄层色谱 | thin-layer chromatography | |
凝胶渗透色谱 | gel permeation chromatography | |
电泳分析 | electrophoresis analysis | |
25.7 | 电磁分析 | |
X射线荧光分析 | X-ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis | |
X射线衍射分析 | X-ray diffractometry | |
X射线显微分析 | X-ray microanalyzer | |
质谱分析 | mass spectrometric analysis | |
核磁共振 | nuclear magnetic resonance | |
电子自旋共振 | electron spin resonance | |
25.8 | 热分析 | |
热分析 | thermal analysis | |
差热分析 | differential thermal analysis | |
差热分析仪 | differential thermal analyzer | |
差焓分析 | differential enthalpic analysis | |
差式扫描量热法 | differential scanning calorimeter | |
热解重量分析法 | thermogravimetric analysis | |
热天平 | thermobalance | |
25.9 | 其它分析 | |
放射化学分析 | radiochemical analysis | |
放射化分析 | radioactivation analysis | |
放射滴定 | radiometric titration | |
放射吸收分析 | radiation absorption analysis | |
同位素稀释分析 | isotope dilution analysis | |
同位素稀释法 | isotope dilution method | |
B 射线反散射法 | B-ray back scattering method | |
总有机碳量 | total organic carbon | |
总氧要求量 | total oxygen demand | |
二六 | 计算机机系统 | |
26.1 | 情报处理 | |
自动化设计 | automated design | |
计算机辅助设计 | computer aided design | |
数据处理 | data processing (dp) | |
电子数据处理 | electronic data processing | |
远距离通信处理 | teleprocessing | |
在线系统 | on-line system | |
时间共享系统 | time-sharing system(TSS) | |
数据输入系统 | data entry system | |
远距离作业输入 | remote job entry | |
计算机网络 | computer network | |
主计算机 | host computer | |
智能终端 | intelligent terminal | |
人机通信 | man-machine communication | |
交互系统 | interactive system | |
会话系统 | conversational system | |
模拟 | simulation | |
命令语言 | command language | |
图象处理 | image treatment | |
硬件 | hardware | |
关键字 | keyword | |
双精度 | double precision | |
记录 | record | |
域 | field | |
文件 | file | |
数据集 | data sheet | |
主文件 | master file | |
文件管理 | file management | |
列 | colum | |
溢出 | overflow | |
26.2 | 计算机语言 | |
机器语言 | machine language | |
汇编语言 | asmble language | |
编译 | compilation | |
源语言 | source language | |
问题指向语言 | problem-oriented language | |
COBOL | common business-oriented language | |
FORTRAN | formula translating system | |
PL/1 | programming language | |
程序库 | progrm library | |
子程序 | subroutine | |
文件终止符 | end-of-file | |
异常终止码 | abnormal end code | |
后台处理 | background processing | |
前台处理 | foreground processing | |
在线实时处理 | on-line real time preocessing | |
数据库 | data ba | |
数据库管理系统 | data ba managemant system | |
数据库管理员 | datas ba administrator | |
数据独立 | data independence | |
数据保密 | data curity | |
主语言 | host language | |
数据操作语言 | data manipulation language | |
数据描述语言 | datda description language | |
终端用户语言 | end ur language | |
26.3 | 计算机处理 | |
口令 | password | |
树结构 | tree structure | |
网络结构 | network structure | |
卡片读入机 | card reader | |
绘图机 | plotter | |
行打印机 | line printer | |
CRT显示装置 | cathode-ray tube display unit | |
文学文字识别 | optical character recognition | |
字符显示 | character display | |
大规模集成电路 | large- scale integrated circuit | |
芯片 | chip | |
氧化铁半导体 | metal oxide miconductor | |
总线 | bus | |
自动扫描仪 | auto-scanner | |
光标 | cursor | |
数字化仪 | digitizer | |
光笔 | light pen | |
单板机 | micro computer | |
只读存储器 | read-only memory | |
随机存储器 | random access memory (ram) | |
微处理器 | microprocessor | |
微程序 | microprogram | |
接口 | interface | |
处理性能化 | throughput | |
追历时间 | turnaround time | |
响应时间 | repon time | |
断点,检测点 | check point | |
检测 | debug | |
转储 | dump | |
硬拷备 | hard copy | |
要求 | request | |
登录 | log on | |
故障安全系统 | fail-safe | |
存取方式 | access method | |
顺序存取 | quential access | |
随时存取 | random access | |
批处理 | batch processing | |
多道处理 | multiprocessing | |
多道程序处理 | multiprogromming | |
位 | bit | |
字节 | byte | |
字符 | character | |
字 | word | |
实用程序 | utility routine | |
算法 | algorithm | |
框图 | block diagram | |
流程图 | flow chart | |
高效编程技术 | improved programming technologies | |
操作系统 | operating system | |
作业 | job | |
作业控制语言 | job control language | |
编类程序 | cataloged procedure | |
编类数据集 | cataloged data t | |
连接编辑器 | linkage editor | |
装载摸块 | load module | |
目标摸块 | object module | |
区域 | region | |
资源分配 | resource allocation | |
图解 | schema | |
中央处理器 | central proccessing unit(CPU) | |
外围设备 | peripheral equipment | |
终端设备 | terminal equipment | |
操作台 | console | |
输入输出设备 | input/output unit | |
通道 | channel | |
主存储器 | main memory | |
集成电路内存 | IC memory | |
磁盘存储器 | disk storage | |
磁带机 | magnetic tape unit | |
卡片穿孔机 | card punch | |
———重排于东洋公司 2003/1/3 | ||
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