
更新时间:2023-06-16 07:29:30 阅读: 评论:0

A high degree of light-fastness 高质量不褪色
A highly compresd special particle board 具有高密度的特殊粒子层的镶板Abrasion 机械磨蚀
Abrasion hardness 磨损硬度
Abrasive band 砂带
Abrasive grain 磨粒
Abrasive paper 砂纸
Absolute humidity 绝对温度
Absolute viscosity 绝对粘度
Accelerating aging 加速老化
Accomplishment 业绩
Achievement 完成
Air circulation 空气循环
Air-dried condition 气干条件
Airless spraying 无气喷涂
All-in cost 总费用
Allowance for finishing精加工留量,裕度
Amazingly true-to-nature wood decors 具有惊人的逼真效果的木材装饰
An aver age of … units of chairs per annum 每年平均生产。。。套座椅Angle bar 平底鱼尾板,角钢
Angle bridle joint 直角啮接
Angle of hook 锯齿角,齿钩角
Annual outlet 年度生产
Annual output 年产量
Anvil 铁砧
Area of bearing 支撑面积
Armrest 带扶手
Artificial grain 人造花纹
Artisan industry 手工业
Asmbly line 装配线
Automation 自动化
Back bevel angle 后斜角
Back boxing 里衬,内衬
Back of tooth 齿背
Ball bearing 滚珠轴承
Banded core 封边板心
Beautifully finished 加工完美
Bed linens (亚麻)床上用品
腈纶英文Bent work 弯曲加工
Bevel 斜面,制成斜面
Beveled tenon 斜榫
Billet-sawn 分段锯切
Binging 粘合,夹锯
Blade straining device 带锯拉紧装置Blank 毛坯,细缝
Bleach 漂白
Blister 气泡
Bond stress 胶接应力
Bottom-board 底板,抽屉底
Bovine leather 牛皮
Bow door 弓形门
Box-lock 套接
Braced miter joint 联结斜接
Brake drum 制动轮
Brake ratchet wheel 棘轮制动器Break-even point 等值点
Brush 毛刷,漆刷
Buckling strength 扭压强度
Buckling stress 扭曲应力
天津新东方英语培训Built-up area 建筑面积
Butt 截头,切方
Butt and butt 两头对接
Butt tenon对头接榫
Butt joint 对接,平接
Cabinet maker's blank 细木工坯料Cabinet work 细木工
Cabriole leg 弯脚
Cantilever ba 伸臂底座
Capable of producing… 能生产。。。Carborundum 金刚砂,炭化硅Cardboard 硬纸板
Carpentry 大木工,大木活
Carriage 送料车
Centipois 厘泊(粘度单位)Chamfer 倒棱,槽
Chamfered joint 斜削接
Check valve 止回阀,单向阀
Check 夹板
Chrome finish 镀铬
Circular 圆型
Clearance angle 齿背角
Coar texture 粗结构
Cogged joint 凸榫接
Cold gluing 冷胶合
Collar 圆锯夹盘,垫圈
Coloration 染色,着色
Coluring matter 色素,染色物质
Combination backing 复合背衬
Compartment 周期干燥窑
Composite joint 组合联结
Comprehensive utilization 综合利用
Computer aided design 计算机辅助设计
Concave joint 凹(圆)接缝
Conceal-screw joint 暗螺钉拼接
Concealed dovetail 暗(鸠尾)榫
Conditioning of timber 木材调温调湿处理Constant rate of drying 恒速干燥
Continuous formation 连续成型
Continuous gluing连续胶合
Contour map 等高线图
Cooking 蒸煮处理(木材)
Corner butt joint 直角对接
Cost of repair and maintenance 维修费
Counter-sunk head 埋头
Covered with fine furniture films 用于高档家具表面Cracking 裂化
Craftsman 工匠
Craftsmanship 工艺
Cross cut off横切
Cross slat 横向条
Cross tie 枕木
Cuba cloth pillow 古巴布靠垫
Curtain coating 淋涂
Cutting angle 切削角
Cutting area 采伐面积
Cutting trajectory 切削轨迹
Cutting with high-energy jet 高压水力切削
Cutting with the lar 激光切割
Cutting work 切削加工2012美国大选
Damage control 破坏性控制
Dapple 圆斑点
Decline 老化,劣化
Decorative fabrics 装饰布
Decorative throw pillow and rug 各种靠垫
Delamination 分层,剥离
Design to conform to the international standards 设计符合国际标准Developer (土地,住宅等的)开发,开业者
Diagonal grain 对角纹
Dielectric heating 介质加热
Discoloration 变色,褪色
Discoloration effect 退色效应,变色效应
Double sliding door 双滑门
Double tenon 双榫
Dovetail 鸠尾榫
Dovetail joint 鸠尾接合
Dovetail jointer 鸠尾插楔
Dovetailed angle鸠尾角接
Dowel hole 榫钉孔
Dowelling joint 销钉接合
Down cut 顺切,下切
Dressing 表面修光,刨光
Dry-manufactureing -process 干法制板(纤维板)
Dry polishing 干拭擦,打光
Dry run 干燥过程
Dry strength 常态胶合力
Drying diffusion coefficient 干燥扩散系数
Drying mechanism 干燥机
Drying schedule 干燥基准表
Dust hood 集尘罩
Dustproof brush 防尘毛刷
Duvets 纺织装饰品
Edge treatment 封过
Effective cutting width 有效刨削宽度
Effective depth of cut 有效切削浓度
Electro-static coating 静电喷涂
Ellips tenon 椭圆榫
Embosd work 浮雕如何学好英语的方法
Embossing 浮雕工艺
En joint 浮雕凸饰
Engler viscosimeter 对接,平接
Wquipped with.. 恩格勒粘度计
Excellent quality 设有
Expert 专家
Eye-leverl 视觉水平
Face cord 面(积)考(得)
Face milling 面铣
custFading 退色
Family owned business 家庭自营企业Fanning treatment 通风处理
fatigue limit 疲劳极限
Feed roll 进料辊
Filer 锉锯工人
Filling stand 锉锯台
Flinger joint 指接,齿形拼
Finish stone 细磨石
Finishing 表面加工,表面修饰
Fissure 裂缝
Fixed louver 固定百叶容窗
竹地板bamboo floor
材色bamboo colour
色差colour variation
虫孔worm holes
波纹cutted and chatter mark
针孔pin holes
漏漆expod undercoat
树脂囊resin pocket
蛀孔bore hole
髓斑pith fleck
干、湿花frosting and water mark
污斑spots, dirt and similar
surface defects
光泽不均gloss difference

本文发布于:2023-06-16 07:29:30,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:表面   家具   木材   切削   处理   效应
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