California: Formaldehyde Emission Requirements to be Lowered for Composite Wood Products
The Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) to control formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products drafted by California Air Resource Board (CARB) was approved on April 18, 2008 by the Office of Administrative law. The first emission standards will be effective on January 1, 2009.
NO. 060/08 SEPTEMBER 2008
The airborne toxic control measure establishes new standards to reduce formaldehyde (HCHO) emissions from composite wood products, and finished goods that contain composite wood products th
at are sold, offered for sale, supplied, ud or manufactured for sale in California 1. This regulation applies to manufacturers,
distributors, importers, fabricators and retailers. The composite wood products covered are hardwood plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard. The standard requirements will be implemented in a 2-pha system. Pha 1 will be effective on January 1, 2009 and Pha 2 will be 2010 – 2012 (Table 1).
Table 1. P1 and P2 formaldehyde Emission Standards for HWPW, PB and MDF Pha 1 and Pha 2 Formaldehyde Emission Standards for Hardwood Plywood
Particleboard (PB), and Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Pha (P)
HWPW-VC (ppm) HWPW-CC (ppm) PB (ppm)
MDF (ppm)
Thin MDP (ppm) Effective Date
Primary ASTM E1333-96 (2002)
or Second ary ASTM D6007-002
Jan 1, 2009
July 1, 2009 2 0.05
Jan 1, 2010
日文学习Jan 1, 2011
Jan 1, 2012
July 1, 2012 1.‘
Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products’, § 93120-93120.12, Title 17, California Code of Regulations; www.v/toxics/compwood/compwood.htm and references therein
Ultra-Low Emitting Formaldehyde (ULEF) Resin Emission Target and Cap Values
(ppm) for Particleboard (PB) and Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) 2
PB (ppm) MDF (ppm) Thin MDF (ppm)
ULEF-Target 0.05 0.06 0.08 ULEF-cap
There are provisions for manufacturers of HWPW, PB and MDF with ultra-low emitting formaldehyde (ULEF) resins. For HWPW to qualify for approval to test less frequently, formaldehyde emissions must be no higher than the Pha 2 standards (Table 1) subject to certain conditions. For PB and MDF, all data must be no higher than the ULEF-cap values (Table 2), again under certain conditions.
Sell-through provisions and dates are provided for Manufacturers, Distributors, Importers, Fabricators and Retailers not meeting the formaldehyde emission standards in P1 or P2. For US retailers of HWPW, PB and MDF, the ll through provision allows up to 12 months to clear inventory without penalty. For US retailers of finished goods containing HWPW-VC, HWPW-CC, PB, MDF or thin MDF, the ll through provision allows up to 18
months to clear inventory. Throughout our global network of laboratories, we are able to provide a range of rvices, including analytical testing and consultancy for the emission of formaldehyde. Our laboratories in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shanghai have applied for certification as a the third party certification laboratory for the ATCM ³. Plea do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Products meeting the above emission limits must be certified by a CARB approved third party certification program unless they are approved Ultra Low Emission Formaldehyde (ULEF) or No Added Formaldehyde (NAF) products. There are specific exemptions allowed from ATCM. Some of the key exemptions include,
• products sold outside California,,
• products ud in manufactured homes that are subject to Federal HUD requirements,
• goods purchad outside California and moved to California as part of houhold move,
• specific product exemption for finger joint lumber, certain hardwood and plywood items meeting applicable ANSI and ASTM standards, •
windows containing less than 5% composites.
Table 2. ULEF value resin emission targets and cap values for PB and MDF
Hardwood Plywood – Veneer Core HWPW-CC
Hardwood Plywood – Composite Core PB Particleboard
MDF Medium Density Board
Thin MDF Thin Medium Density Board with a maximum thickness of 8 mm ULEF Resins
Ultra-Low-Emitting Formaldehyde Resins are resins formulated such that average formaldehyde emissions are consistently below the Pha 2 emission standards
Concentrations must be bad on correlations with the primary or condary test method ³ www.v/toxics/compwood/tpc.pdf
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What rvices will SGS provide to their clients?
• Expert advice regarding CARB TPC (third party certification) rvices,
• Evaluation as to how the regulation can effect them,
• Having their overas or domestic materials suppliers certified,
• Having their product tested as a final check before distribution.
What products and materials are covered by CARB?
All products that contain the following materials to be sold in the state of California:
• Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) products, examples include • Furniture
• Houhold products
• Toys and juvenile furniture
• Construction products
• Plywood
bigman• Particleboard
It is important to note that only the materials (i.e., MDF board) are tested and certified. The finished
product (i.e., table or chair) are not evaluated. A finished product may be compod of veral materials that require CARB certification. It will be important for retailers/fabricators to check carefully to ensure that all listed materials are in compliance.
What is involved in certification?fpga培训
• Testing
• Large Chamber (ASTM E1333)
• Small chamber (ASTM D6007)
• Field Services
• Audit
• Inspection for mill testing
• Record Keeping
• Labeling
The testing, performed initially in large chambers, is designed to record the formaldehyde emissions of the manufactured material. Once the material has pasd, testing must be repeated quarterly to keep the certification current. This will allow the manufacturer to label the product as meeting the current CARB emission requirements for formaldehyde. The third part certification agency (TPC) will be required to audit the manufacturers QA records and to assist the manufacturer with record keeping of all CARB related QA activities.
How will I know that a product/ material is certified?
• Labels
• Record Keeping
All listed and certified materials should be labeled as such; however, the best way to ensure compliance will be through checking records that are nt with each shipment of materials to the fabricator. CARB requires that a chain of custody be maintained through final sale of the product containing listed materials. What if there is a question concerning certification of a finished product?
This is a grey area that will be worked out over time. CARB does not have a current procedure to te
st a finished product to check for compliance. The current thinking is that there will be a method for stripping and testing the product in total as oppod to disasmbling the product and testing the individual components. We will keep all of our clients informed as to the progress of this procedure.
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