
更新时间:2023-06-16 05:34:39 阅读: 评论:0

Ca1: She Has Three Hands
In the following scenario,a Chine doctor, a patient and a physiotherapistinteract.
A female neurologistfrom Beijing was working on a rearch project in a Toronto hospital. She shared asmall office with a young Canadianmale from a large family, who loved peanut butter. He was so fond of peanutbutter that he kept ajar in the office. One day he cameinto the office and exclaimed,Whotook my peanutbutter?But the Chine woman immediately felt accud.After all, there wereonly two of them in the office.
She was deeply distresd,but true to her learned cultural behavior of never showinganger in public, shesaid nothing. Later that day she was working in a room where the physiotherapist was treating a patient who suffered paralysis of his legs and arms from a motorcycle accident.The physiotherapist moved oneof the patient'slegs in a way that caud him pain.
Ouch! he cried.
OhI, didn'dto that,said the physiotherapist.Iwt as that doctor over there,and he pointed to the Chinewoman.
Howcould she havedone it since she'电话会议英文osn the other side ofthe room?the patient pointed out.
Ah,she hasthree hands. thephysiotherapistreplied.
At thewords the Chine doctor becameeven moreupt.She was so disturbedthat shebehavedin a way uncharacteristicof her culture. She waited until the patient had gone,and then said to the physiotherapist, google字典I 'vmery uptby what you said.The physiotherapistwas taken aback. Whaht ad I said?”“ Yousaid I had threehands,the Chinedoctor finally choked. Youthink I took the peanutbutter.
Answer the following questions:
1.How do you understandthephratohavethreehands”?(3
2. What caudtheir communication conflicts?7 分)
This ca canreflect the different communication styles between Chineand Canadians.In westerncultures, communication is the means of transmitting ideas.Western peopleusually communicate directly with eachother. That is why the Canadianin this casays what is in his mind directly in front of the Chinewoman without hiding anything. While Chineculture stressharmony andemphasizesthe relationships betweenthecommunicators.Chinepeople view communication as a processwhere all parties are archingto develop and maintain a social relationship. So the Chinewoman in this catries not to argue with the Canadianface to face to keep theharmonious relationship口号英语>sour的反义词between them.
Ca 2: Left in the Cold
Katherine cameto Beijing in 1998 andfound ajob as anEnglish teacherin a foreign languageinstitute. Soon after her classbegan she found that her students showedno interestin her teaching style. Quite a few of them avoided attendingher class.She was feelrising
ing quite upt and discouragedso she decidedto ask the Director, Prof. Wang for help. Prof. Wang reviewed his timetable and suggestedthey meet at ten o' clockon Thursday morning. When Thursday came,Katherine arrived at Prof. Wang'soffice at the exactly ten o'clockfinding him talking with another teacherin Chine. Seeingthat she hadcome, Prof. Wang smiled and gestured herto sit down. Katherine sat down and the professor excud himlf and continuedto talk with the other teacher.After five minutes, he finished his conversation, andapologized to Katherine, andbegan to focus his attention on her situation. Prof. Wang showed greatconcern and askedher what the problem was. Just as shewas discussingher problem, another Chineteacherinterrupted, with a form that required the Director's广州化妆造型signature.The Director smiled, apologizedto Katherine again, and turned to talk with the Chineteacherin Chine. Katherinebecame impatient, and wonderedwhy their discussion shouldbe interrupted since shehad made anappointment. Also, shewas uptandfrustrated that they continued to speak Chinein front of her. Although their talk continued, shewas apparently unhappy about what had happened.
Answer the following questions:
1. How would you explain the Director'sbehavior toward Kathrine?
5 分)
2. How would you make the Director understand whyKatherine felt frustrated and angry? 5 分)
This is a typical cultural clash betweenChine andWesterners.
老友记英文字幕版There is a great differencein the concept of appointment and its behavior pattern in different cultures. To Americans, an appointmentis a confirmation to meetat a preci time. If an appointment is scheduled, both parties should respectthe appointment time. For example, if a professor makes an appointment witha studentat a certain time, it should notbe interrupted by other things or people.In addition, Westernersare good timek
eepers;they adherestrictly to schedules. However,Chine view appointmentsin a more flexible manner. They aremore casual about commitments. This difference in attitudes toward appointmentwas the root of Katherine'sunhappiness.Since the Director madean ten a'clockappointment,he should havetried to avoid any interruption. However, when Katherine arrived on time, the Director was still talking with anotherteacher.When their meeting finally began, it wasinterrupted again. Thereis no wonder Katherine becamefrustrated and angry.
cppccCa 3: Personal Space
Mark had recently moved from Denmark to Sydneyto work asa salespersonfor a large Australian company. After threeweeks, he was invited to join a local club. During the first few weeksat the club, Mark would either stand in the corner talking with someoneor sit on a sofa listening to other peopletalk and chat. As time went by, he cameto know most of the club membersand emedto enjoy talking with them. One day, at an evening party one of thefemale members approachedhim. Mark immediately showed hisinterest by talki
ng about theatmosphereof the party. At first, the conversation betweenthem emedto go quite smoothly, but as it progresdthe lady emedto step further and further away from Mark as he had beengradually moving clor to her. The lady obviously emeduncomfortable. As Mark was about to ask her questions regarding Australiansocial customs,another man standing nearby directed a glance towardthe lady. Sheexcudherlf and went to talk with that man, leaving Mark standing aloneandwondering why their conversationhad come to such a suddenstop.

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