后缀 -ly的形容词
一. 在friend, brother, woman这类名词的词尾加上后缀-ly所构成的单词,一般是形容词,不是副词,其意义为“具有那种本性或本质的”。属于这一类的形容词主要有:beastly, cowardly, earthly, fatherly, gentlemanly, heavenly, leisurely, manly, masterly, motherly, princely, queenly, kingly, scholarly, sisterly等。例如:
Mrs Wang is a motherly old teacher.(王老师是位慈母般的老教师。)
Slave owners were beastly people.(奴隶主是非常残忍的人。)
假若要表示上述形容词的副词意义,如“友好地,悠闲地”,可以使用像“in a friendly way/manner”或“in a leisurely fashion”这类短语。例如:
The villagers treated us in a friendly way.(村民们对我们很友好。)
二. 在hour, day等表示时间的名词词尾加上后缀-ly构成的单词,含有“每…”的意思,它们既可用作形容词,也可用作副词。这一类单词主要有:hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, biweekly, bimonthly等。例如:
The public show great interest in the president ' s weekly(形容词)radio talk.(公众对总统每周一次的广播讲话表现出极大的兴趣。)
Are you paid weekly or monthly(副词)?(你是按周还是按月领工资?)
I read this poem in a quarterly(形容词)magazine.(我在一本季刊上看到过这首诗。)
This magazine is published monthly(副词)。(这种杂志每月出版一期。)
三. 含后缀-ly的deadly, likely及costly很容易被误用。
Aids is a deadly dia.(爱滋病是一种致命的疾病。)
He couldn ' t forgive his deadly enemy.(他不能宽恕他的仇敌。)
Rain is likely in all parts of the country today.(今天全国各地都可能下雨。)
We explored the likely regions for the discovery of coal.(我们勘探了有希望发现煤的地区。)
Hong Kong is one of the costliest cities in the world.(香港是全球生活费用最高的城市之一。)
有无“ ly ”意不同
某些形容词有两种副词形式,一种和形容词同形,另一种以 -ly 结尾。这两种副词有一部分意义和用法都相同,但其中多数意义用法以不尽相同。所以把这类词在意义和用法上的差别搞清楚是很重要的。
(一) late/lately
late 意为“迟,晚”,置于句末或动词后。
He goes to bed late and gets up late.
lately 意为“近来,最近”,相当于 recently ,可置于句首也可置于句末。
Lately I've collected a lot of foreign stamps.
(二) pretty/prettily
pretty 与 rather, very 相近,意为“相当,十分”。
It's pretty cold outdoors today.
prettily 意为“漂亮地,有礼貌地”。
She was prettily dresd at the party.
ice cube
(三) hard/hardly
hard 意为“努力地,猛烈地”。
trishIt is raining hard.
hardly 意为“几乎不,简直不”,常置于行为动词前或情态动词、助动词、系动词之后。
I was so tired that I could hardly walk.
(四) new/newly
改善英文new 作副词一般用在某些合成词中,常与过去分词构成合成形容词,两个词之间有连字符。
a new-born baby
a new-laid egg
newly 意为“新近地”,一般用于修饰过去分词,中间无连字符。
They are a newly married couple.
Don't sit on the newly painted chair.
(五) easy/easily
easy 作副词意义和 easily 相同,但它仅用于某些惯用语中。
如: Take it easy. 别着急。
Easy come, easy go. 来得容易,去得快。
Easier said than done. 说来容易做来难。
Stand easy! 稍息!
Easily 意为“容易地,轻松地,随便地”。
He lots his temper easily. 他很容易发火。
(六) firm/firmly
firm 与 firmly 意义相同,它仅用于与某些动词的习惯搭配中。如: hole firm , stand firm 。
反对铺张浪费Whatever they may say, I'll stand firm by you. 无论他们说什么,我都会坚定地站在你身边。
2016感动中国firmly 意为“牢牢地,坚定地”,可放在动词前,也可放在动词后。
I firmly believe in his leadership.
“We won't give in,” he said firmly.
(七) deep/deeply
deep 意为“深深地”时主要表示具体可感的深度,一般不放在实义动词前。
He went deep into the water.
They dug deep for the treasure.
deeply “深深地,深入地”常用于表示抽象的概念,用于引申义,动词之后或过去分词之前。
He was deeply moved by their story.
(八) direct/directly
direct 意为“直接地,一直地”,它多用来表示时间或路程,不能置于动词前。 tsi是什么意思
He flew direct to New York.
directly 可表示“直接地,直率地,直截了当地,马上”等意。
He drove directly to school.
He answered me directly.