【摘 要】Abstract•AlM:To investigate the changes of electroretinogram in mice with the growth and development of retina.•METHODS:The ERG of 50 mice (50 eyes) of KUNMlNG at the ages of postnatal 14d (P14), P21, P28, P35 and P56 were measured respectively. The implicit times and amplitudes of b wave of Rod-ERG, a and b waves of Max-ERG, a and b waves of Cone-ERG and O1 and O2 waves of OPs at different ages, as well as amplitude of Flick-ERG, were compared.•RESULTS: The Max-ERG a-waves ( the 95%CI were 15. 00~18. 60, 12. 00 ~15. 00, 13. 20 ~14. 40, 13. 20 ~15. 00, 13. 20 ~ 15. 00, respectively), OPs O1 ( the 95%CI were 15. 00~19. 80, 13. 80 ~18. 00, 13. 20 ~14. 40, 13. 80 ~15. 60, 13. 80 ~ 15. 60, respectively ) waves shared the implicit times at the different stages, and the Flick-ERG ( the 95%CI were 0. 97~3. 28, 0. 85~2. 32, 0. 91~3. 49, 0. 94 ~2. 68, 0. 98 ~3. 69μV, respectively) shared the amplitudes also. There was no significant difference among the weeks ( P>0.05). The implicit times of the Cone-ERG a-waves (the 95
%CI were 25. 20~55. 20, 27. 00~40. 20, 27. 00~38. 40, 25. 20~43. 80, 23. 40 ~37. 80, respectively) between P14 and P28 were distinct with statistical difference (P<0. 05). The implicit times of Cone-ERG b-waves ( the 95%CI were 70. 80~88. 20, 56. 40 ~78. 60, 60. 00 ~75. 60, 60. 60 ~87. 00, 62. 40 ~ 81. 60ms, respectively) at P14 were statistically different from tho at P21 and at P28. The implicit times and amplitudes of Rod-ERG b-waves ( the 95%CI were 87. 00 ~114. 00, 53. 40 ~73. 80, 52. 2 ~63. 6, 55. 20 ~71. 40, 57. 60~67. 80ms, and 64. 21~195. 07, 133. 79~355. 71, 130. 62 ~ 355. 96, 190. 92 ~ 448. 97, 239. 26 ~ 462. 40μV, respectively), Max-ERG b-waves (the 95%CI were 67. 20~107. 40, 32. 40~54. 60, 31. 20~36. 60, 31. 80~42. 00, 34. 20~41. 40ms, and 160. 64 ~344. 48, 281. 74 ~590. 09, 284. 91 ~716. 80, 358. 64~737. 55, 406. 98~810. 55μV, respectively), and OPs O2 waves ( the 95%CI were 49. 8 ~69. 6, 29. 40 ~42. 60, 28. 80~33. 60, 28. 80 ~37. 80, 31. 20 ~37. 20ms, and 5. 43 ~ 24. 84, 54. 38 ~ 147. 52, 65. 55 ~ 201. 60, 46. 33 ~164. 79, 49. 07 ~ 148. 32μV, respectively ) at P14 were different from tho at other stages, and the amplitudes of OPs O1 ( the 95%CI were 11. 60 ~21. 36, 6. 77 ~53. 71, 32. 96 ~ 76. 42, 34. 06 ~ 70. 37, 35. 58 ~ 63. 35μV, respectively) and Cone-E
RG b-waves ( the 95%CI were 5. 10~15. 85, 9. 61 ~24. 88, 14. 96 ~40. 73, 14. 87 ~28. 54, 13. 83~51. 98μV, respectively) were from tho at other stages also, and there were significant differences. The O1 wave of OPs had been prent at P14, but the cond cluster of OPs of one mou (1/10) had not been obvious at the same time.• CONCLUSlON: The experiment confirms that the different waves come from different cells in retina in mice at certain degree. Due to the change of the ERG in the development of mice, so it should be considered that the different development stages will affect the results when measuring the ERG of mice.%目的:研究小鼠视网膜电图随生长发育的变化特点。方法:我们分别测量50只50眼昆明种小鼠在出生后第14、21、28、35和56 d视网膜电图,分析比较各时间点Rod-ERG b波、Max-ERG a 及 b 波、Cone-ERG 的 a 及 b 波、OPs O1及O2波幅值及峰潜时、Flick-ERG幅值。结果:Max-ERG a波峰潜时(各时间点95%可信区间依次为15.00~18.60、12.00~15.00、13.20~14.40、13.20~15.00、13.20~15.00 ms )、OPs O1波峰潜时(各时间点95%可信区间依次为15.00~19.80、13.80~18.00、13.20~14.40、13.80~15.60、13.80~15.60 ms )和Flick-ERG幅值(各时间点95%可信区间依次为0.97~3.28、0.85~2.32、0.91~3.49、0.94~2.68、
提出翻译0.98~3.69μV )在各周龄间无统计学差异( P>0.05);Cone-ERG a波峰潜时(各时间点95%可信区间依次为25.20~55.20、27.00~40.20、27.00~38.40、25.20~43.80、23.40~37.80ms)在出生后14d和28d间存在统计学差异(P<0.05)、出生后14d与出生后21 d、28 d间Cone-ERG b波峰潜时(各时间点95%可信区间依次为70.80~88.20、56.40~78.60、60.00~75.60、60.60~87.00、62.40~81.60ms)均有统计学差异;同时出生后第14 d与其他时间点间Rod-ERG b波峰潜时(各时间点95%可信区间依次为87.00~114.00、53.40~73.80、52.2~63.6、55.20~71.40、57.60~67.80ms)及幅值(各时间点95%可信区间依次为64.21~195.07、133.79~355.71、130.62~355.96、190.92~448.97、239.26~462.40μV )、Max-ERG b 波峰潜时(各时间点95%可信区间依次为67.20~107.40、32.40~54.60、31.20~36.60、31.80~42.00、34.20~41.40 ms )及幅值(各时间点95%可信区间依次为160.64~344.48、281.74~590.09、284.91~716.80、358.64~737.55、406.98~810.55μV)、OPs O2波峰潜时(各时间点95%可信区间依次为49.8~69.6、29.40~42.60、28.80~33.60、28.80~37.80、31.20~37.20ms)和波幅值(各时间点95%可信区间依次为5.43~24.84、54.38~147.52、65.55~201.60、46.33~164.79、49.07~148.32μV )以及OPs O1(各时间点95%可信区间依次为11.60~21.36、6.77~53.71、马车英文
秘社第二季32.96~76.42、34.06~70.37、35.58~63.35μV)和Cone-ERG b波幅值(各时间点95%可信区间依次为5.10~15.85、9.61~24.88、14.96~40.73、14.87~28.54、13.83~51.98μV )均存在统计学差异。 OPs O1波在P14时即已存在,而有一只小鼠(1/10)OPs第二波群在第2wk时波形不明显。结论:本实验结果在一定程度上证实了小鼠ERG中各波形的起源。由于小鼠ERG在发育过程中的变化,在测量小鼠ERG时应当考虑到小鼠发育阶段对结果的影响。
【年(卷),期】northwestern university2015(000)011
【作 者】梁厚成;马挺;龙潭;张红兵
【作者单位】710002 中国陕西省西安市第一医院眼科 西安市眼科医院;710002 中国陕西省西安市第一医院眼科 西安市眼科医院;710002 中国陕西省西安市第一医院眼科 西安市眼科医院;710002 中国陕西省西安市第一医院眼科 西安市眼科医院
【正文语种】中 文unwritten
1.1 材料昆明种二级小鼠(购自第四军医大学动物中心),共50只(50眼),按观察的周龄分为5组,每组各10只10眼。所有小鼠在自然光线下饲养,不限食水。
1.2 方法[2]
1.2.1 实验仪器使用国特GT-2000NV(重庆国特医疗设备有限公司)记录ERG。刺激器为Ganzfeld全野刺激器。记录电极为自制Ag-AgCl环状角膜电极,参考电极和接地电极分别为不锈钢自制针状电极,各电极自身阻抗均小于10Ω。
1.2.2 实验方案及观察指标所有小鼠睁眼时间均在出生后12~13d。记录ERG的时间点为出生后14d (Postnatal 14 days,P14)、21d(Postnatal 21 days,P21)、28d (Postnatal 28 days,P28)、35d(Postnatal 35 days,P35)、56d (Postnatal 56 days,P56)记录ERG[2]。其中P56小鼠记录ERG作为成年小鼠的数据。2h暗适应后,使用速眠新(0.5~0.8mL/kg)进行腹腔注射麻醉,同时复方托品酰胺点检查眼4次,进行散瞳。在暗红光条件下放置电极。其中记录电极贴于角膜表面,并滴加生理盐水减少阻抗干扰,于左侧颊部皮下置入参考电极,同时接地电极置于尾部。电极安放好后,测试干扰在适当范围后,继续关灯暗适应5min,依次进行杆体ERG(Rod-ERG)、最大混合反应ERG(Max-ERG)、振荡电位(OPs)的记录。记录条件设置为:均为单次白色闪光刺激,1min间隔。其后在20cd/m2背景光下进行10min明适应,依次记录明适应ERG(Cone-ERG)、30-Hz闪烁ERG(Flick-ERG)。Cone-ERG为连续白光闪光刺激,共叠加10次,刺激频率为2Hz;Flick-ERG刺激光亦为白光,频率为30Hz,叠加约100次,直至波形平滑为止。Rod-ERG的刺激光强度为1.54×10-2(cd·s)/m2;其他ERG刺激光强度均为2.
本末倒置是什么意思什么是id统计学分析:所有数据的处理使用SPSS 10.0软件包进行单因素方差分析,并对两两间比较使用Dunnett T3分析。数据以95%可信区间表示,P≤0.05为差异有统计学意义。
在各周龄间Max-ERG a波、OPs O1波峰潜时及Flick-ERG幅值均无统计学差异;除P14和P28间Cone-ERG a波峰潜存在统计学差异外,其他各时间点无统计学差异;P14与P21、P28的Cone-ERG b波峰潜时分别存在统计学差异;而P14与其他各时间点间的Cone-ERG b波幅值、OPs O1、OPs O2波峰潜时和波幅值、Rod-ERG b波、Max-ERG b波均存在统计学差异(表1)。P14时,其中9只小鼠OPs的峰潜时较成年小鼠明显延长,而1只小鼠的OPs表现为只有1个波。P21时,OPs形成5~6个波。在生长期间,OPs各波峰潜时逐渐缩短,测量O2波数据作为OPs的值(图1)。在出生后各时间点之间Flick-ERG波幅值无统计学差异,但波形略有不同(图1)。