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Marketing  What Is Marketing?  什么是市场营销  The Marketing Concept 市场营销观念  The Marketing Mix (The 4P’s) 市场营销组合  The Product Life Cycle 产品生命周期  Understanding Buyer Behavior 理解消费者行为  Marketing Rearch  市场营销调研  Market Segmentation  市场细分    What Is Marketing?    the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and    distribution of goods, rvices and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual    and organizational objectives.  市场营销是通过计划和执行关于商品、服务和点子的定价、促销和分销,从而创造交换,以实现个人的组织计划目标的过程。  Deciding what products to offer  Setting prices  Developing sales promotions and advertising campaigns  Making products readily available to customers  Three Concepts  The Production Concept      生产观念  The Selling Concept        推销观念  The Marketing Concept      市场营销观念  The Production Concept 生产观念  Prevailed from the time of the industrial revolution until the early 1920’  The idea that a firm should focus on tho products that it could produce most efficiently    and that the low-cost products would create the demand for tho products.  The Selling Concept  推销观念  Recognized that personal lling
and advertising were important lling methods.  Placed emphasis on advertising products, expecting salespeople to contact customers and    take their orders.  The Marketing Concept  The Marketing Concept is the philosophy that firms should analyze the needs of their    customers and then make decisions to satisfy tho needs,better than the competition.  Focus on customer needs before developing the product  Aligning all functions of the company to focus on tho needs  Realizing a profit by successfully satisfying customer needs over the long-term.  Difference Between Selling and Marketing   Selling Marketing  Emphasis is on the product. Emphasis is on customers’s wants.    Company first determines customers’ wants  Company first makes the product and then  figures out how to ll it. and then figures out how to make and deliver    a product to satisfy tho wants.
treat her like a lady  Management is sales-volume-oriented. Management is profit-oriented. macklemore Planning is short-run, in termmtbes of today’s Planning is long term, in the n of new   products, tomorrow’s market, and future  products and markets.   growth. Stress needs of svoa 美国之音
eller. Stress wants of buyers.   The Marketing Mix 市场营销组合   The 4P’s of Marketing  Marketing {  Product  Price  Place  Promotion  }  1.Product    产品  A good is a physical object that can be purchad.            e.g. a radio, a hou, a car  A rvice is an action or activity done for others for a fee.          e.g.  Lawyers, taxi drivers perform rvices.  Product refers to both goods and rvices.  Consumer products are produced for and purchad by houholds for their u.  Industrial products are sold primarily for u in producing other products.  2.  Price  Price refers to the value or worth of a product that attracts the buyer to exchange money or  something of value for the product.          a. cover any overheads (企业经常性费用)          b. compete with rival companies          c. charge a price customers are willing to buy  Loss Leader Pricing (亏本出售商品)involves lowering prices on a number of key    products in order to attract a customer to purcha the products.    Penetration Pricing (渗透定价法)is a pricing strategy where the organization ts a    low price to increa sales and market share.                  “introductory”  Price Skimming(撇脂定价法) means the charging of relatively high prices that take adv
antage of early customers’ strong need for the new product, and then decreasing    it slowly as sales begin to decline.  Differential Pricing(区别定价法)involves allowing the same product to be priced    differently.  3.  Place    分销  Place / Distribution refers to how you will ll your products to your customers.  For a producer, the method of distribution is extremely important as it could affect    how their product is received and how it lls.  The forms of Place / Distribution  1)Direct supply / sale lling direct to your customer 2)Direct to retailer  4. Promotion  促销  To make your customers aware that your products exist, you may u:
1. Personal lling(人员销售): personal communication of information to persuade a    prospective customer to buy something      2. Advertising:  television, magazine, Internet, radio, video, posters, cinema, catalogue,    direct mail and so on. (赠券)(价格折扣)(赠radical3. Sales promotion(销售促销):coupons, rebates, premiums品)(加量不加价)(降价销售), bonus packs,money-off-promotions 4. Publicity(宣传):public relations        The Product Life Cycle 产品生命周期  Produ
hard是什么意思ct always go through what is known as a life cycle.   Introduction Pha  引入期   Growth Pha          成长期   Maturity Pha        成熟期    Decline Pha          衰退期  Introduction Pha  引入期  The primary goal is to establish a market and build primary demand for the product class.   Product: one or few products, relatively    undifferentiated.   Price:            a. skim pricing strategy for a high profit margin as the early adopters buy the  product and the firm eks to recoup development costs quickly.          b. In some cas a penetration pricing strategy is ud and prices are t low to  gain market share rapidly. if是什么意思  出国留学中心Distribution:            Distribution is lective and scattered as the firm commences implementation of  the distribution plan.   Promotion:          Promotion is aimed at building brand awareness and getting potential rellers to  carry the product.  Growth Pha  成长期 A period of rapid revenue growth. During the growth pha, the goal is to gain consumers’  preference and increa sales.   目的地英语Product:            New product features and packaging options; improvement of product quality.   Price:        Maintaining at a high level if demand is high, or reducing to capture additional  customers.   Distrib
ution:        Distribution becomes more intensive. Trade discounts are minimal if the rellers  show a strong interest in the products.   Promotion          Increasing advertising to build brand preference.  Maturity Pha    成熟期  The maturity pha is the most profitable. Sales continue to increa. Brand awareness is  strong.          If product is one of the competing products, sales promotions may be offered to

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标签:计划   定价   观念   市场营销   商品
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