作者:陈亮 唐成伟
bridegroom>well是什么意思 中图分类号:F13.39 文献标识码:A
A Survey on Foreign Retailer′s Private Labels
修改病句的方法 CHEN Liang, TANG Cheng-wei就职演说
cattle (Business School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
许多英语 Abstract: This paper is a survey of the recent literatures devoted to the economics of private labels on the basis of industrial organization theory. We focus on some key topics, such as the retailer′s motivation for developing private labels, certain factors that influence emergency and development of private labels, and price effects of private labels. We find there exists significant diversification on some questions on both theoretical and empirical rearch area. The main reason for such phenomenon is that many rearchers ignored some factors which can impact the results in their analysis, such as the constraints of retail resource. 我是一个外科医生用英语怎么说