Pre-reading Questions for Lesson Three
紫色配什么色好看1. Why did the writer go to the Aral Sea?
2. What did he e there?
3. Why did he say that the prospects of a good catch looked bleak?
4. Why is the Aral shrinking and disappearing?
5. Why is the irrigation scheme to grow cotton in the dert ill-concidered?
6. Do you think the beginning ntence of Para 2 important? Why or why not? What does it mean?大学英语四级考试流程
7. What does that “hole in the sky” mean? And why could Gore e the sun at midnight?
8. What do you think of the working conditions for the scientists in the Antarctic Region?
9. How could the scientist move his finger in time while we can only move our fingers in space?
10. What do you think “the two continents” between Washington D.C. and Antarctica refer to?
11. Can the change in the amount of pollution or in the world’s temperature be measured in the Antarctic Region, the remotest and least accessible place on earth?
12. What’s the root cau of the global warming?
13. What caud the thinning of the polar ice cap?
14. What do you think are the most disturbing images of environmental destruction found at the
equator in Brazil?
15.What could be the conquences of deforestation (the disappearance of the Amazon r
japne x x6916.How will the destruction of the Amazon rain for est affect the earth’s ecological balance?
17.What is the “ghostly image” in the sky on some nights? And what does it signal to us?日语口语
18.Can we e the noctilucent clouds here in Wuhan? Why or why not?
19.Why should noctilucent clouds appear more often now than before?
20.How are they formed?
21.What should our attitude be toward the noctilucent clouds in the sky?
22.How much do you know about greenhou gas?
23.Why did the writer think that our respon to the surprising signals of ecological dertru
ction is
puzzling? What do you think he expected people to do?
24.What are the surprising experiences that signal the damage from our assault on the
others什么意思environment mentioned in the paragraph?
25.Can you mention some of the images that startle us into immediate attention and some other
image s that produce in us “a kind of paralysis, focusing our attention on some some convenient, less painful distraction”?
26.How can the military way to classify different conflicts help with our understanding of
envrionmental problems or threats?
27.What threats derve our immediate attention? Why?
28.Why are the threats of global warming and increa in the amount of chlorine considered
29.Why should we get rid of the idea that “nothing we did or could do would have any lasting
effect on the global envrionmen t”?
2012年英语四级真题30.Do you agree with Gore that “human civilization is now the dominant cau of change in the
global envrionment”? Why or why not?
31.If this is true, why should people refu to accept this truth?
奥斯卡最佳影片奖32.What do you think is our responsibility to save our natural system or envrionment?
33.Why are the surge in population and acceleration of scientific and technological revolution
key factors in the change of the relationship between human civilization and the earth?
34.Do you agree that, with the newly obtained power in man’s hands, the conquces of
unrestrained exploitation of the earth could be as unimaginable as the conquences of unrestrained nuclear war?
35.What do you think is the most important of our challenge or task to save the earth?
36.Do all the rious symptoms of envrionmental destruction, such as ozone depletion and
deforestation, have a common cau? If yes, what is it?
37.What are the two aspects to this challenge?
38.What fal hopes do some people have?
39.Thinking about the new relationship between human civilizati on and the earth’s natural
balance, would you accept Gore’s idea that “the problem is not our effect on the envrionment so much as our relationship with the envrionment”?
40.What is the real solution to the environmental destruction according to the author?