摘要 (2)
1.引言 (2)
2.过度反应与反应不足:概述 (6)
3. 反应过度以及反应不足的行为模型 (12)
4.从长期收益得到的推论 (18)
4.1 不良模型的问题 (20)
4.2收益度量 (23)
4.2.1收益度量:理论问题 (24)
4.2.2.收益度量:统计问题 (26)
4.2.3 收益度量:流通市值加权VS等权市值加权 (28)
5. 各类研究的可靠性 (30)
5.1 首次公开募股(IPOs)和供股(SEOs) (30)
5.2兼并 (37)
5.3股票分拆 (38)
rtf英语辅导报答案5.4 自我标购和股票回购 (39)
5.5 证券上市 (41)
5.6. 股票股利初次发放与停发 (43)
5.7 分拆上市 (43)
5.8. 委托书争夺 (44)
6. 结论 (47)
Market efficiency survives the challenge from the literature on long-term return anomalies. Consistent with the market efficiency hypothesis that the anomalies are chance results, apparent overreaction to information is about as common as underreaction, and post-event continuation of pre-event abnormal returns is about as frequent as post-event reversal. Most important, consistent w
ith the market efficiency prediction that apparent anomalies can be due to methodology, most long-term return anomalies tend to disappear with reasonable changes in technique.
1. Introduction
Event studies, introduced by Fama et al. (1969), produce uful evidence on how stock prices respond to information. Many studies focus on returns in a short window (a few days) around a cleanly dated event. An advantage of this approach is that becau daily expected returns are clo to zero, the model for expected returns does not have a big effect on inferences about abnormal returns.
pineneFama et al. (1969) 所引入的事件研究法提供了有效证据说明股价是如何对信息做出反应的。很多研究
The assumption in studies that focus on short return windows is that any lag in the respon of prices to an event is short-lived. There is a developing literature that challenges this assumption, arguing instead that stock prices adjust slowly to
information, so one must examine returns over long horizons to get a full view of market inefficiency.
If one accepts their stated conclusions, many of the recent studies on long-term returns suggest market inefficiency, specifically, long-term underreaction or overreaction to information. It is time, however, to ask whether this literature, viewed as a whole, suggests that efficiency should be discarded. My answer is a solid no, for two reasons.
First, an efficient market generates categories of events that individually suggest that prices over-react to information. But in an efficient market, apparent underreaction will be about as frequent as overreaction. If anomalies split randomly between underreaction and overreaction, they are consistent with market efficiency. We shall e that a roughly even split between apparent overreaction and underreaction is a good description of the menu of existing anomalies.
Second, and more important, if the long-term return anomalies are so large they cannot be attributed to chance, then an even split between over- and underreaction is a pyrrhic victory for market efficiency. We shall find, however, that the long-term return anomalies are nsitive to methodology. They tend to become marginal or disappear when expod to different models for expected (normal)
returns or when different statistical approaches are ud to measure them. Thus, even viewed one-by-one, most long-term return anomalies can reasonably be attributed to chance.
A problem in developing an overall perspective on long-term return studies is that they rarely test a specific alternative to market efficiency. Instead, the alternative hypothesis is vague, market inefficiency. This is unacceptable. Like all models, market efficiency (the hypothesis that prices fully reflect available information) is a faulty description of price formation. Following the standard scientific rule, however, market efficiency can only be replaced by a better specific model of price formation, itlf potentially rejectable by empirical tests.
乍得人Any alternative model has a daunting task. It must specify bias in information processing that cau the same investors to under-react to some types of events and over-react to others. The alternative must also explain the range of obrved results better than the simple market efficiency story; that is, the expected value of abnormal returns is zero, but chance generates deviations from zero (anomalies) in both directions.
比伯承认结婚Since the anomalies literature has not ttled on a specific alternative to market efficiency, to get the ball rolling, I assume reasonable alternatives must choo between overreaction or underreaction. Using this perspective, Section 2reviews existing studies, without questioning their inferences. My conclusion is that, viewed as a whole, the long-term return literature does not identify overreaction or underreaction as the