1.⼀⾸诗(a poem)往往包含有若⼲诗节(stanza或strophe),每节⼜分为若⼲⾏(line
⾳步的排列⽅式构成英诗的格律(meter 或 measure)。
a)抑扬格(Iambus; the Iambic Foot):⼀个⾳步由⼀个⾮重读⾳节加上⼀个重读⾳节构成。
b)扬抑格(Trochee; the Trochaic Foot):⼀个⾳步由⼀个重读⾳节加上⼀个⾮重读⾳节构成。
d)抑抑扬格(Anapaest; the Anapaestic Foot):⼀个⾳步由两个⾮重读⾳节加上⼀个重读⾳节构成。
e)抑扬抑格(Amphibrach; the Amphibrachy
www boysky com⼀⾳步(monometer)
monometer),扬抑格⼀⾳步(trochaic monometer),抑抑扬格三⾳步(anapaestic
trimeter),扬抑格四⾳步(trochaic tetrameter),抑扬格五⾳步(iambic
初三英语单词pentameter),扬抑格六⾳步(trochaic hexameter)等。
从⾳步数⽬上看,三⾳步、四⾳步和五⾳步最为常见,尤其是抑扬格五抑,如⼗四⾏诗体(sonnet)、英雄双⾏体(heroic couplet)、素体诗或⽆韵诗(blank ver)等均以抑扬格五⾳步的诗⾏写成。
Basic Elements for Poetic Appreciation
I. Prosodic system of poetry诗歌的⾳律系统density
1. Meter / Rhythm
1). Meter / Rhythm is a regular pattern of stresd and unstresd syllables in a line of ver.
2). Foot (⾳步): the smallest unit of rhythm in a line of poem containing one stresd syllable and one or more unstresd syllables.
3). The following are veral frequent metrical feet:
*Iambus(抑扬格): a metrical foot of two syllables, one short (or unstresd) and one long (or stresd).
*Trochee (扬抑格): a metrical foot of two syllables, one long (or stresd) and one short (or unstresd).
*Dactyl (扬抑抑格): a metrical foot of three syllables, one long (or stresd) followed by two short (or unstresd).
*Anapest (抑抑扬格): a metrical foot of three syllables, two short (or unstresd) followed by one long (or stresd)
4). Types of meters
*Monometer(单⾳步诗) a line of poetry that has one metrical feet.
*Diameter (双⾳步诗) a line of poetry that has two metrical feet.
*Trimeter(三⾳步诗) a line of poetry that has three metrical feet.
*Tetrameter(四⾳步诗): a line of poetry that has four metrical feet.
*Pentameter(五⾳步诗): a line of poetry that has five metrical feet.
*Hexameter(六⾳步诗): a line of poetry that has six metrical feet.
*Heptameter(七⾳步诗): a line of poetry that has ven metrical feet.
*Octameter(⼋⾳步诗) a line of poetry that has eight metrical feet.
2. Rhyme
1). Rhyme is the repetition of sounds in two or more words that appear clo to each other in a poem.
2). There are two types of rhyme:
a. Internal rhyme (⾏间韵): is rhyme that occurs within a line.
*Alliteration (头韵) is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in two or more words in a line.
*Assonance (腹韵) is the repetition of vowel sounds in a line ending with different consonant sound as in
* Consonance (假韵) is the repetition of similar consonant sounds, especially at the ends of words, a
s in lost and past or confess and dismiss.
b. End rhyme (尾韵): is rhyme that occurs at the ends of lines.
*Perfect rhyme (完全韵) is rhyme in which the final vowels (and consonant sounds) are identical, but with different initial consonant sounds, such as stay / play , fate / late.
*Imperfect rhyme (不完全韵) is rhyme in which only the final consonant sounds are identical, the rhymed vowels and even the consonants might be similar but not identical, e.g. groaned and ground.
* Eye rhyme (视韵)is rhyme in which words are spelled alike but not pronounced alike, such as wind/kind.
3). Rhyme scheme (韵式)
a. Rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhymes in a poem.
b. There are three basic rhyme schemes:
*Running rhyming scheme (连续韵): Two neighboring lines are rhymed. (aabb)
*Alternate rhyming scheme (交叉韵): Poems are rhymed every other line. (abab)
*Inclosing rhyming scheme (⾸尾韵): The first and the fourth lines are rhymed. (abba)
II. Semantic system of poetry 诗歌的意义系统
1. Image –the soul of the meaning of a poem
The best way to appreciate a poem is to understand the meaning that the images convey in the poem.
1). Image refers to the words that trigger our imagination to recall or to recombine memory of mental pictures.faint
2). Types of images
a. According to our ns, images can be divided into the following types:
*visual image视觉意象
*auditory image听觉意象
*olfactory image嗅觉意象
*tactile image触觉意象
*gustatory image味觉意象
b. In terms of relationship between ns and objects, image can also be classified into two basic types:
*literary image字⾯意象
*figurative image⽐喻意象
3). The purpo of employing images
a. to stimulate the reader’s ns.
b. to activate the reader’s nsory or emotional experience.
c. to involve the reader in the creation of the poem with his personal and emotional experience.
d. To strike the chord of the reader.引起读者共鸣
2. The means of expressing meaning—figures of speech
1). Comparison
*metaphor 暗喻
2). Personification拟⼈
3). Symbolism 象征
4). Hyperbole 夸张continue的意思
5). Allusion 典故ineed
6). Pun 双关
7). Metonymy (借代): the u of the striking characteristic of a person or object to reprent the whole person or the thing.
8). Apostrophe呼语: the direct address of an abnt or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction
zoo是什么意思9). Synaesthesia (通感): the transformation of one n to another n.
III. Divisions of poetry
1. Stanza: Two or more lines of poetry that together form one of the divisions of a poem. The stanzas of a poem are usually of the same length and follow the same pattern of meter and rhyme.
1). Couplet: a pair of lines that are the same length and usually rhyme and form a complete thought.
*Heroic couplet: A stanza compod of two rhymed lines in iambic pentameter.
2) Tercet: A stanza of three lines of ver. The three lines may or may not have the same end rhyme.
*Triplet: A tercet in which all three lines rhyme.
* Terza rima: A type of poetry consisting of 10- or 11-syllable lines arranged in three-line "tercets" with the rhyme scheme aba bcb cdc, etc.
3). Quatrain: A stanza or poem of four lines which can be written in any rhyme scheme.
*Ballad stanza: A type of four-line stanza in which the cond and fourth lines rhyme. The first and third lines have four stresd words or syllables; the cond and fourth lines have three stress. Ballad meter is usually iambic.
4). Sestet: A stanza containing six lines, especially the last six lines of a Petrarchan sonnet.
5). Octave: a ver form consisting of eight lines of iambic pentameter, especially the first eight lines of a Petrarchan sonnet
6). Spenrian stanza: A stanza consisting of eight lines of iambic pentameter and a final alexandrine (a line of poetry that has 12 syllables), rhymed ababbcbcc, first ud by Edmund Spenr in The Faerie Queene.
2. Canto: One of the main divisions of a long poem.
IV.Types of Poetry
1. Narrative poems are poems that telling a story, such as epics, ballads etc.
1). Epic Poems are long narrative poems usually about gods, heroes, and legendary events; celebrates the history, culture, and character of a people.
2). Ballad Poems are poems that tell a story similar to a folk tale or legend and are often meant to be sung.
2. Lyric poems are poems that express the thoughts and feelings of the poet, such as sonnets or odes etc.
1). Sonnet is a lyric poem of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, restricted to a definite rhyme scheme. There are two prominent types: Italian (or Petrarchan) sonnet and English (or Shakespearean) sonnet.
*Italian (or Petrarchan) sonnets are divided into a eight-line octave and a six-line "stet," with the rhyme scheme abba abba cdecde (or cdcdcd).
*English (or Shakespearean) sonnets are compod of three quatrains and a final couplet, with a rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg.
2). Odes are complex and often lengthy lyric poems, written in a dignified formal style on some lofty
or rious subject.
3). An Elegy is a sad and thoughtful poem lamenting the death of a person. An example of this type of poem is Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard."
3. Blank Ver is poetry that is written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.
4. Free Ver is poetry compod of either rhymed or unrhymed lines that have no t meter.