Title: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
女人humanandanimalObjective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to sing and perform actions to the nurry rhyme "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and understand basic vocabulary related to stars and space.
Level: Preschool
attach是什么意思Time: 30 minutes
jsmMaterials: Pictures of stars and space, flashcards of vocabulary words, CD or online video of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Introduction (5 minutes):leaveout
1. Greet the students and ask if they know any songs about stars or the sky.
2. Show students pictures of stars and space.
auntie3. Introduce the nurry rhyme "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" by singing the first line and asking students to repeat.
Prentation (15 minutes):
1. Play the CD or online video of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and sing along with the students.
2. Show flashcards of vocabulary words related to stars and space, such as "moon," "sun," "comet," and "rocket."
3. Ask students to repeat each vocabulary word and point to the corresponding picture.
Practice (10 minutes):
1. Sing the nurry rhyme together again, but this time encourage students to perform actions to the song, such as making twinkling hand movements or pretending to fly a rocket ship.
2. Play a game of "Simon Says" using the space-related vocabulary words, such as "Simon says touch your no like a rocket ship."
Closure (5 minutes):
usu1. Review the vocabulary words and actions from the lesson.
2. Sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" together one last time and encourage students to perform their actions one more time.
3. Say goodbye to the students and thank them for participating in the lesson.
resultfromObrvations of students' participation and ability to repeat vocabulary words and perform actions to the nurry rhyme.