Ⅰ. Choo the best words to complete the ntences.
1. revolt A. rebellion B. amour C. memory
D. recollection
2. nostalgic A. nsational
B. romantic C. homesick
D. fashionable
3. stature A. status B. statue
C. station D. stuff
4. provincial A. gigantic
B. narrow
免费翻译 C. novel D. moral
5. mores A.customs B. drugs
C. adventurousness D. rgeants
6. orgysuarez
A. bombast B. binary
C. compatible D. digitized
7. transitory A. curious B. idealistic
C. tremendous
D. short-lived
8. contingent A. corps B. distinction
C. notion D. morality
9. obsolescent A. unabated B. smug
C. outmoded D. sodden
10. strife A. struggle
B. patriotism C. recession
英语作文 旅游
D. factor
11. obliquely A. xually
B. reluctantly C. internationally
D. indirectly
12. harass A. plead B. worry
C. fan D. flout
13. fad A. feature B. imitator C. craze D. pulpit
14. hectic
A. affluent B. acute C. exciting
D. naughty
15. intellectual A. flapper B. sheik C. citizen D. intellect
16. crook A. cook B. cheat
C. cowboy
D. writer
17. curb A. control
B. shock C. escape
D. drift
18. sterile如何提高阅读速度
A. cynical B. B. nsitive
C. unproductive D. sophisticated
19. illicit A. legal B. illegal C. resistible D. irresistible
20. aftermath A. arch
B. investigation
C. experiment D. conquence
Ⅱ. Spell out the words according to the meaning and the first letter of the word is given.
1) This dia caus physical and mental deterioration. d 2) This shop ud to be a place for going to buy and drink alcohol illegally in the 1920s and 1930s.
3) Do you think of him as a man suppod to be irresistibly attractive to romantic young women ? s
4) This bank has both individual and company customers. c
5) I enjoy the hustle and busy activity of life in a big city. b
6) This thing called love was a total mystery to me, but the strange act and idea of passion and
despair that accompanied each devotion kept my life in high drama. v 7) Find your ideal online UK jobsite or employing agency by name, location or industry.
8) He made great attempts to stop her. s
9) The warlike nations refud to have peace talks b 10) Bridgman does not e this scheme as contradicting the custom thesis. c
11) The breeze dispelled the fog d
12) The two sides reached a deadlock in their negotiations. S
13) Tell us what you think of this speech attack. d
14) Though now we talk about lots of smaller wars, what's to prevent a really big fire? c
15) Patriotism can turn into chauvinistic patriotism and intolerance very quickly. j
16) Very few early Byzantine icons survived the icon-destroying period I
17) The newspapers verely criticid him. f
18) His office is in town, but his dwelling place is in the suburbs. r
19) A tendency to eat sand is a strange act of appetite. p
20) My weariness was great after looking unsuccessfully for a job all day. f
Ⅲ. Fill in the blank with the following phras and make changes if necessary.a common denominator, a catalytic agent, avid for, bear no / some relationship to, confine to, Gopher Prairie, keep up with the Jones, more than enough, precipitate 。 into, e。 in perspective, sober up, susceptible to, to a man, whip up, write off as,
2. She would gladly have been converted to Vida's satisfaction in 3. Farm folk em to place less emphasis than city folk on spending upon
4. The border incident
5. The speaker soon______the crowd______ until they were ready to march.
6. He _____things_______their right______迈克尔杰克逊歌曲
7. I hope this coffee may_______him ______
8. A bad cold_______him_______his bed
9. Patient expectations are realistically different between studies in ways that_______ the
experience of active psychotherapy patients. 10. What this means is_____ is added to the lacquer to make it dry into a more durable
11. Every child here is_____ attention. 12. National Cancer Institute rearchers found that some women may be more genetically
_____cancer from “condhand" tobacco smoke