社会主义新农村的英语是:Socialist New Countryside
To address the increasingly conspicuous imbalance in the country's economic landscape, the fourth generation leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has gone to great lengths to correct the urban-rural divide. "Socialist New Countryside" is to date the most comprehensive solution it has prescribed.
The concept first appeared in early 2005 in a major policy paper on rural development. The CPC-propod a blueprint for the country's 11th Five-Year Plan ( It portrays the "new countryside" as featuring "advanced production, a well-to-do life, civilized folkways, a neat look, and democratic management". As part of the campaign, the central authorities are reorienting public finance to support rural development programs.
1.社会主义新农村 new rural communities
2.社会主义新农村建设 new rural communities construction
a short journey>乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲
3.⽣产发展, ⽣活宽裕, 乡风⽂明, 村容整洁, 治理民主Developed production, well-off life, civilized local
customs, clean village appearance, democratic administration
4. “送暖和、献爱⼼”活动“Offer help and encouragement, prent the loving heart” activity
济南美甲>游乐场英文2011考研政治真题5.和谐社会 a harmonic society
洛丽塔是什么意思6. 国际社会international community
7. 新"三农"政策The New "Three Fs" Policy课程思维导图
我们似可把“三农”英译为rural economy, rural development and rural demographynac
英标读音表9.医疗保险 medical insurance