Urban Life or Rural Life
Urban life or rural life, which one is better, it’s really hard to say. Different people can make different choice, for both of them have their own advantages and shortcomings. Many families and individuals find themlves, at least at some point, questioning the advantages of rural versus urban life. Quality of life is one of the central issues to consider in any comparison between rural versus urban living. While a ca can be made for either location as being the best place to live, it is worthwhile to consider how the two options, rural versus urban, are similar and different. So some people like living in the city becau city life has many advantages. They think there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country, and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy. But some people prefer to live in the countryside. They say life in the countryside is clor to nature and better for their health, life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people. Important factors such as the capacity to make general choices, diversity, health, and employment concerns all influence both sides of the comparison and although each both rural and urban living offer g
在线背单词reat benefits, they both have a emingly equal number of drawbacks. Rural and urban areas are generally similar in terms of human interaction but differ most widely when diversity and choice are issues.
inkjetNowadays, cities are becoming larger and larger. The pace of modern urban life is becoming faster and faster. It’s no doubt that urban life has many advantages. There are a number of positive as well as negative factors that contribute the overall quality of life in urban centers and if there is any general statement to be made about urban living, it is that there is a great deal of diversity and choice. In urban areas, there are many more choices people can make about a number of aspects of their daily lives. There are so many goods to satisfy people’s material needs. In the city many supermarkets in which large numbers of merchandis are arranged can be shopped, and, for business profits in such competitive circumstance, merchandirs of the supermarkets invariably u their skill and put discount policies to attract consumer's attention. For instance, in urban areas, one is more likely to be able to find many different types of food and this could lead to overall greater health since there could be a greater diversity in diet. Cities provid
e a great deal of conveniences to citizen. So, more and more people have been attracted into cities, crowded in the limited space and area, which resulted in traffic jam, polluted air, and furious competitions. You must pay large sums of money for your clothes, food, housing, children’s education, entertainment and etc. In addition, tho in urban areas enjoy the opportunity to take in any number of cultural or social events as they have a large list to choo from. There are abundant entertainment’s places to answer people’s spiritual needs. There are a lot of theaters, cinemas, parks, pop bars, and KTV in recently years, is popular with young people. As a result they have the opportunity to be more cultured and are more likely to encounter tho from other class, cultural, and ethnic groups. Parents have a number of choices available for the education of their children and can often lect from a long list of both public and private school districts, which leads to the potential for better education. Apart from that, There are better school for children to study in, better hospital with advanced equipment and professional doctors, convenient shopping centers to buy goods, various kinds of entertainment to relax, effective transportation and traffic system, access to abundant information to know wha欧美oldmanyoungwords
the topt’s going on in domestic or overas. Especially for young people, they can have more opportunities to fulfill their dreams, earn more money and experience the colorful life in the city. It is also worth noting that urban areas offer residents the possibility to choo from a range of employment options at any number of companies or organizations. Aside from this, urbanites have better access to choices in healthcare as well and if they suffer from dias they have a number of specialists to choo from in their area. According to one study conducted in Canada, “rural populations show poorer health than their urban counterparts, both in terms of general health indicators (i.e. standardized mortality, life expectancy at birth, infant mortality) and in terms of factors such as motor vehicle accidents and being overweight”. Urban life brings advantages, also brings the high pressure by the same time. Under the high pressure, people are in an unhealthy condition .They become indifferent to other’s feelings, anxious and nervous about job, insomnia at night, having no interest in everything. This could be the result of less reliance on vehicles in urban areas as well as greater emphasis on walking. Despite the conclusions from this study, however, there are a number of drawbacks to urban living as
well. Although the life expectancy in cities may be higher, pollution (noi and atmospheric) is an issue that could impact the overall quality of life. In addition to this, overpopulation concerns can also contribute to a decrea in the standard of living. In a word, in the city, we can full feel the modern lifestyle that is most people pursued.资治通鉴翻译
Compared with the urban life, country life is quieter, slow and peaceful, which is different from the city’s noi and crowd. There are blue sky, white clouds, green trees, babbling brook, singing birds. Wandering through the farmland or lying on the meadow, with enjoying the fresh air, it’s easy to calm down and think about the esnce of the life. Living in the country, the desire of creature comfort will reduce. The country dwellers always spend more time to company their family and friends, chat with their neighbors. They lead low-carbon life, eating fresh vegetable and fruit which plant by themlves, walking to the place if it’s not too far, doing the farm and houwork by hand. They are more satisfied with the life and easier to feel happy. However, rural life can’t be that perfect as we wish. People living in the country lack cultural and entertainment activities, fail to make a fortune, have less choice. Of cour, there’s no cinema, no coffee bar, no s
hopping mall, no airport and many other places and things. Still, despite this lack of choice, there are a number of positive sides to rural living in terms of quality of life. For instance, living in a rural area allows residents to enjoy the natural world more easily instead of having to go to parks. In addition, people do not have to fight with the daily stress of urban life such as being stuck in traffic, dealing with higher rates of crime, and in many cas, paying higher taxes. The abnces of stressors can have a great effect on the overall quality of life and as one rearcher notes, “People living in rural and sparly populated areas are less likely to have mental health problems than tho living in urban areas and may also be less likely to relap into depression or mental illness once they have recovered from the in more denly populated areas”. The lack of daily stress found in cities from external factors (traffic, long lines, feeling caged, etc) has much to do with this. While there may not be a large number of stores and restaurants to choo from, tho in rural areas have the benefit of land upon which to grow their own food, which is much healthier. Although urban populations have large numbers of social networks and networking opportunities, rural communities offer residents the ability to ha
ve long-lasting and more personal relationships since they encounter the same people more frequently. While there are not as many schools to choo from and sometimes rural schools are not funded as well as some others, children can grow up knowing their classmates and experience the benefits of smaller classrooms. One of the drawbacks to living in a rural area, however, is that unlike urban areas, residents do not have the best opportunity to choo from a range of employment options. While they can commute to larger towns, this gets expensive and is not as convenient as working clo to their residence. In general, if there is any statement to be made about the quality of life of rural living, it is that there is a greater ability to connect with people and the landscape. The quality of life in urban areas is similar to that in rural areas in that both involve a high degree of socialization, even if on a cursory level. Where they differ most noticeably is in the availability of choices and diversity, especially when vital factors (healthcare, education, and employment options) are concerned. Above all, the country can provides us a easy living. In the country , we can escape from the realistic living stress which we can not avoid in the metropolitan cities。In the next place, we no longer harasd by the
city’s noi in the country and we can enjoy the beautiful sceneries of nature, breath the fresh air. So the country’s life is always praid by poets.
In my opinions, I like the city, at the same time, like the country. I live in the city, so I have ud to the city’s life way. While, I am fond of the nature, so living in the country, I feel well too. But, if must choo one kind life, I think I prefer living in the city, becau I can not reject the novelty’s temptation and I ud to be busied everyday. However, everything has all two sides. Neither the city nor the country is prefect. People lived in the city always are plunged into rapid living steps and never posss of the ea that people lived in city hold. Nevertheless, People lived in the county invariably envy the man who is living in the big city becau they can touch with so many novel things and can be busied every day. As we know, when we choo some it is doom to lo some. With urban and rural construction and development, the gap between cities and countries is filling up. City dwellers can go to the country to relax and country dwellers can also career in the city. So, there is no need to dispute which is better, living in the city or living in the country. You can change your mind at any time.